Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

Oleh alyun100719445

255K 7.8K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 119

1.2K 47 2
Oleh alyun100719445

"Why not?"

Turning his head and meeting his gaze, Shen Liang then revealed a cold smile. Since they were in a hurry to look for death, he had no reason to not grant their wish, no?


"Very well. This lord will accompany you then."

Seeing that Shen Liang had already settled his mind on going, Fu Ying's group of three couldn't help but voice their protests. In contrast, Pei Yuanxian not only didn't stop him but rather, also displayed an expression of support. The other three fell into speechlessness. It was understandable if you wouldn't help persuade him, but what are you doing adding to the chaos instead?!

"No, you cannot go. If you did, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to make a move," ignoring Fu Ying and the others' disapproval, Shen Liang simply refuted Pei Yuanxian's suggestion without hesitation. 

The latter's brows furrowed, "Then you shouldn't go either."

Without his presence, Pei Yuanxian wouldn't allow Shen Liang to take the risks and walk into the traps right before his very eyes. Who knew what sinister schemes those people had planned up in their sleeves again. In case something happened to Liangliang, who would he cry to?

"Eh.... your position is too biased," Shen Liang grumbled under his breath. However, Shen Liang decided to deal with Pei Yuanxian later. Instead, he turned to Fu Ying and the others to state, "Do you think if I refused to go, they would stop their schemes? Since they have the intentions of harming me, then no matter what I do, facing them is inevitable and only a matter of sooner or later. Rather than taking the risk of being caught unprepared, I'd rather jump into their trap now knowing full well what I'm prepared for. At least I'd still have a fighting chance. In the end, there's no say who's the predator and who's the prey."

They were not fools. They would know full well that inviting him at this time would incur Shen Liang's doubts and suspicions as well. But they still proceeded to do. Their actions couldn't be explained by anything other than two reasons. One, their hatred for Shen liang had already accumulated to an unendurable degree. They could no longer tolerate him. Two, they had enough confidence in their plans and weren't afraid of Shen Liang seeing through them at all. As long as Shen Liang went, then they held no fear of Shen Liang escaping their schemes. But never in their wildest dreams would they imagine that since the moment Shen Liang transmigrated back in time, he had been prepared for this sheme of theirs since.


Qi Yue and Qi Xuan still displayed expressions of disapproval, but Fu Ying fell into contemplation. It was only after a long while before he stated, "Very well. Liangliang, you can go, but you must bring along Lei Zhen and Yaoguang. There must be some Nether Guards assigned and arranged to protect you in the shadows as well. You must be fully prepared and ensure that nothing would happen."

"But of course. I'm not walking in as a lamb to its slaughter. Rest assured," Shen Liang couldn't help but chuckle. He also knew that Fu Ying would be amongst the first to be persuaded by him because Fu Ying was also someone formerly from a back courtyard. He was also a victim in the past.

"Then I will go as well. Liangliang, you must bring me along too," Seeing this, Qi Xuan hurriedly requested. He couldn't rest assured if Shen Liang wasn't personally under his watch. Qi Yue also wanted to accompany them, but he was well aware that he had to meet with the stewards of the different businesses Shen Liang had taken under his wing the next day. Moreover, Qi Yue had no martial foundation. Even if he went, he would only be a burden. In the end, he had no choice but to suppress his urge to request that he went along as well.

"It'll suffice to just have Lei Zhen and Yaoguang. Tomorrow, Yue Ge still has affairs to attend to. Fu Ying wouldn't be able to handle everything in the courtyard by himself as well. Xuan Ge, it's best you stay home and provide a helping hand. Rest assured, I promise that I will return safe and sound."

It wasn't that Shen Liang didn't want them to come along. It was simply that they truly had too much to attend to outside of Shen Liang. He was afraid he had no choice but to adjourn his meeting with Xiang Zhuo and the others until a later date. In addition, he still held fear from what happened in his past life and was afraid he had neglected some considerations. If he did, he might only end up harming Qi Yue and Qi Xuan again.

Qi Xuan looked at Fu Ying and Qi Yue with a difficult expression. He then turned back to face Shen Liang before finally relaying, depressed, "Alright. I'll stay home. Liangliang, why do I feel like you don't need us more and more?"

He wasn't being bitter, but rather, simply relaying his sincere thoughts. Nowadays, every time he left the manor, he would only bring along Lei Zhen and Yaoguang. His brother was fine, at least he could still help out in the courtyard and managing the stewards. But Qi Xuan was different. He couldn't do anything but practice martial arts everyday and some minor chores. Besides that, Qi Xuan simply felt useless, more like a burden than anything else. This wasn't a result he wanted to see.

"What are you saying? How is it possible that I wouldn't need any of you anymore?" But these few days, Shen Liang had indeed neglected them. Shen Liang stepped forward and placed his hands on Qi Xuan's shoulders. He looked at Qi Xuan's hesitating gaze before continuing, "Xuan Ge, I'm still waiting for the day when you'd be strong enough to protect me one day. Right now, you might indeed feel idle, but you are not useless, much less a burden. You are only accumulating strength. When the day comes that you are finally strong enough to face problems alone, then you will inevitably become one of my right hand supports."

He wasn't only trying to comfort Qi Xuan, but rather knew full well that learning martial arts wasn't something that could be accomplished within a few days. Lei Zhen had once revealed to Shen Liang that Qi Xuan had good potential. It was only that Qi Xuan was past the prime age to begin learning martial arts but as long as Qi Xuan was willing to work hard, then his skills would definitely become formidable weapon. Protecting Shen Liang wouldn't pose a problem at all. When the time comes, he'd be able to replace Yaoguang's role. As for Yaoguang, the boy was a commander of the Ironclad Guards. How was it possible that he would stay Shen Liang's bodyguard forever?

In the end, be it Qi Yue or Qi Xuan, Shen Liang held high expectations for both of them.

"Really? You're not simply saying so?" Qi Xuan peered at him with doubts in his gaze. He trusted that Liangliang wouldn't lie to him, but his skills in fooling others wasn't exaggerated either.

"What benefits do I have for myself in simply saying so?" Shen Liang couldn't help but laugh. He then couldn't help but wonder exactly what image they painted for him in their minds.

"Fine. Then I will practice well. In the future, I will be the one who protects you." The hands hanging by his sides then clenched tightly into fists as Qi Xuan's eyes finally glowed with determination.

"En. I await you," Shen Liang nodded his head before patting his shoulders with encouragement. But the moment he turned around and saw Pei Yuanxian, his smile immediately collapsed. This man was the most difficult to persuade.

"Master, the main courtyard passed the notice that Liu Shuhan has been with a child for two months now. Sun Jing suspects that the pregnancy is fabricated and sent for a physician."

Lei Zhen's figure suddenly materialized. When they heard his words, Shen Liang and the others fell into stupor. Pregnant? Liu Shuhan was already more than thirty years old, nearing forty, even. How could she be pregnant so suddenly? And at such timing, at that.

"Send someone to see which physician Sun Jing invited," after recovering, Shen Liang ordered with a calm voice. If he remembered correctly, Liu Shuhan was never pregnant at this point in time. It was very likely like her pregnancy was fabricated, but Liu Shuhan was not a fool. She would know beforehand that Sun Jing would send for a physician. When the time came, it would be quite awkward when her lies were revealed. The only possibility that remained was Liu Shuhan would be prepared for this beforehand. This pregnancy truly came at too convenient of a time for Liu Shuhan.

"Yes," Lei Zhen received the orders and left to follow through. Qi Yue and the others peered at Shen Liang hesitantly. They weren't suspecting whether Liu Shuhan's pregnancy was bona fide or not. They were only worried that Shen Liang would be upset. Shen Xiao and Shen Qiao's existence were already enough to disgust them, but now there was another one. No matter how compassionate their character and nature were, they wouldn't help but wish that child's existence wasn't true.

"Shen Ruiting hasn't had a newborn for many years now. Adding on the incident that recently happened with Shen Xiao, Shen Ruiting must be ecstatic with Liu Shuhan's pregnancy at this time. There's no say that he won't return the back authority head position back to Liu Shuhan. After all, in the end, Sun Jing's title truly isn't legitimate. This manor has already made enough of a joke of itself. Shen Ruiting has his own considerations as well. For Liu Shuhan to announce her pregnancy at this time, her absence in tomorrow's entourage to Xiangguo Temple tomorrow is inevitable. Even if something were to happen, even if she did instigate something behind the scenes, she'd be able to escape unscathed. In the end, this child's coming truly is too coincidental. Be it real or not, I suspect this child would never see the light of day. If it was real, then even if her life would be at risk, Sun Jing would see to it that this child would never be born. If it was the latter, then before the term at which pregnancy begins to show, Liu Shuhan would have to find a way for the child to be 'lost.' However, for her to make such a commotion, it's evident that Liu Shuhan has no intentions of having the news of her losing the child be just that. This child will become another scheme of hers and Sun Jing and I are the target of her schemes."

Personally, he was more prone to think the target of Liu Shuhan's plans is Sun Jing. He and Liu Shuhan had fought against each other for several rounds now and Liu Shuhan was not stupid enough to not put up a guard against him. For her to put up such an act with great difficulty, it would all fall to ruins if Shen Liang were to ruin everything again. Sun Jing was different though. Her intentions and inevitable deigns to get rid of the child would become direct evidence to convict her. It was easier for Liu Shuhan to get rid of Sun Jing than it would be to target Shen Liang. In the end, Liu Shuhan could very possibly regain Shen Ruiting's sympathy as a victim of Sun Jing's designs too. This child, truly was too convenient.

In such a short span of time, Shen Liang had already derived this much conclusion. Not only were Qi Yue and Qi Xuan surprised, but even Fu Ying and Pei Yuanxian couldn't help but be impressed. Shen Liang was not at all like an unwed Ger. Rather, he seemed like a veteran who had lived in the schemes of back courtyard affaird for many years. There wasn't anything that could escape from his gaze.

"If she's truly pregnant, fine. But if it's a lie, then shouldn't we expose her?" Just the news of her pregnancy was enough to make them discomfortable. They never expected that behind her pregnancy lied so many disgusting and sinister schemes as well. Qi Yue was worried and couldn't help but ask.

"No hurry. Let's wait for Lei Zhen's return first," Shen Liang waved his hand and decided to forget about Liu Shuhan temporarily. It was just..."

"My wise and might lord, perhaps you could help me with a favor..." sweeping away his former solemnity, Shen Liang suddenly stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Pei Yuanxian's flatteringly. Sometimes, it was necessary to feed the man some compliments and flatters at appropriate times. As for whether would go against his conscience or not, that was outside of Shen Liang's consideration.

The corners of Pei Yuanxian's lips twitched as he pulled his arm away with disdain, "Speak if you have something to say. This sudden adoration will only make this lod frightened sick."

He wasn't aversive towards Shen Liang's intimacy and proactiveness. Rather, he welcomed Shen Liang to do so. It was just this intimacy with obvious intentions, thanks but no thanks.

"Sick with what?" Shen Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pulled the man over to take a seat. 

Fu Ying and the others exchanged glances and only felt their presences there were extremely unnecessary and light, like lightbulbs. Hence, they directly excused themselves to prevent themselves from shining too brightly and blinding themselves as well as others. 

"If this lord ends up sick, don't think you're any better," As the saying goes well, a neurotic would only fall in love with a bigger neurotic. 

"Alright, alright, alright, you're the lord, whatever you say goes. Can we talk business now?" 

Shen Liang felt helpless and laughed. He didn't forget to pour a cup of tea for Pei Yuanxian, his flattering actions only evident with obvious ulterior motives. However, Pei Yuanxian was more than willing to accept this degree of flattery. He picked up the cup of tea and moistened his throat before aiming for a mile after gaining an inch, "This lord will dine here tonight. You cook."

How was it possible he would miss this opportunity since he already knew Shen Liang knew how to cook.

"Very well. I'll start making the preparations later."

"This lord likes fish."

"No problem. I'll send someone to buy some right away."

"But allow this lord to state first, if this lord isn't going, you're not allowed to either."


Reality proved that Shen Liang's patience had a limit. Not only did Pei Yuanxian's actions of insatiability earn him a "Scram!" but even the cup of tea in his hands were snatched away.

"Say, are you born in the year of the dog? How could you be so mercurial? You can't think that this lord is afraid of you?" Pei Yuanxian immediately took back the teacup that was snatched away and drank it with one gulp.

"Next time, I won't only be mercurial but can also bite, do you believe me?"

"Believe, how could I not believe you. Just take advantage of this lord's favor, won't you?" there was nothing Pei Yuanxian could do against him. What other choice did he have but to compromise?

Pei Yuanxian flexed his fingers and flicked Shen Liang's forehead with resignation and helplessness. 

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