Lovestruck (A Straubee FanFic...


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"I didn't plan to fall in love, but now I'm lovestruck." Еще

Rant and Updates book thing
I'm So Sorry...


152 9 3

Straub's POV
Bee wakes up an hour later.

"We are all going to eat if you want to come." I say.
"Yeah I'll come, just gimme a minute." She says sitting up and walking to the bathroom.

She walks out.

"Okay let's go wait for the rest of the guys downstairs." She says.

Once all the guys are by the front door we get in the ubers and head to a restaurant.


After talking, making jokes, and laughing throughout the whole meal we head home and decide to go to bed. We do have our first day of PAX tomorrow.


Bee's POV

We are walking towards the convention centre when I turn around to a familiar face.

"Jordan!" I exclaim giving him a hug.
"Hey Bee!" He says hugging back.
"You came." I say.
"Yeah well I thought it would be a good time to come and visit family while getting to see my friends." He says.
"Well come on!!" I say leading him towards the others.

Everyone hugs Jordan then the last person is Will. I hear Jordan whisper something to Will before pulling away from the hug. I don't want to be noisy so I ignore it.

We all walk into the convention and already see fans at the door.

Will's POV
When I see Jordan I start to get butterflies. He hugs everyone and then me last.

"I missed you." He says pulling away from the hug.

He smiles at me and turns back to the group.

We walk into the convention centre greeted by some fans and we sign some things.

Jordan missed me. Why would he miss me? I'm nothing special. I'm an unhappy guy who is making other unhappy people smile. That's the only good thing about me.


Straub's POV
After the long day at PAX we all head back to the house.

"Well I should go to a hotel." Jordan says.
"You can stay here." Will suggests.
"All the rooms are already full. I'll just go to a hotel." Jordan replies.
"You could share a room with Will." Bee says.
"Is that okay Will?" Jordan asks.
"Yeah it's fine." Will says.

We all walk upstairs to our rooms and get ready to sleep.

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