The family he always wanted (...

By TheeHotGrl

5.8K 438 444

This is a SASUHINA novel, so if u don't like it, then DON'T read it! Thanks! ☺️ (PART TWO) -For Mature Audien... More

A Table Of Contents
7. We Gon Get A Lil Messy 🤷🏾‍♀️ *Long Af*
9. *Pretty Long*
14. *A Lil Long*
15. *A Lil Long*
18. *A Lil Long*
19. *SMUTTY*
33. *A Lil Long*
34. *A Lil Long*
35. *A Lil Long*
36. *Long Af*
37. *Long Af*


90 11 4
By TheeHotGrl

Sasuke got himself 3 dark rums on the rocks and he sulked in his suffering hardships.

Maybe he should give her a divorce. It seems like Hinata will be happier that way but from the drunken rum haze, he had a long thought.

Say he does give her this permanent separation what would this mean for him?

On a deeper level. It would mean that he's a failure that can't keep his family together.

Once again, he's let the outer forces that lie beneath the evil cracks of the underground, split him and his most cherished souls up.

Sometimes he thought that his life was meant to be shitty, truly believing that he wasn't allowed to have his very own tribe.

Probably some old Hokage cursing him for thinking he could retrieve his clan or hell, maybe this was the undeniable fact that his lineage was doomed. Only born to be wicked.

But strangely enough, every time he thought about his kid. Every-single-fucking-time, he pictured that kid's smile, proudly showing off his baby teeth.

Every-single-fucking-time he pictured that kid's face, the way his bottom lip would poke out as his mismatched eyes would slightly lower along with his little eyebrows, whenever he was upset or acting bratty.

Every-single-fucking-thing about that little guy, he noticed.

From the way his dissimilar orbs would glisten whenever he gazed at his mother.

To the way he would throw his tiny hands on his mini hips whenever he felt his foolish demands weren't being heard.

From the way, his partially chubby cheeks would slightly reddened and his little forehead would form small beads of sweat whenever he was determined at something or committed.

To the way he would be filled with bursts of energy, small brows rising, mixed eyes gaping, and tiny hands balling, grasping at nothing.

From the way both his tiny arms would be stretched out on either side as he slept.

To the way he would twirl both of his fingers whenever he would shyly hold back from asking him something.

Very much reminding him of his beautiful wife. He has all her delicate features, she's truly blessed him with all her soft traits, inside and out.

Sasuke paid attention to every little detail about his son. Every-little-fucking-thing.

The raven observed everything about his son and his wife. He had eyes on them even when he didn't attend to. It was almost as if watching them both has become his long life's mission.

Everything about them was intoxicating.
Their bliss, their hope, their waves of laughter, all of it was too fucking intoxicating to him.

How could he ever be on their frequency?
Was that possible in this day & age?

Sasuke needed to know if it was just a matter of time before his son would destroy everything he'd touched like him & Itachi.

Something in his spirit just knew that it wouldn't be long before that happiness would turn into rage before he would soon be evil.

That's why he wanted a girl!

How is the curse supposed to be broken with a boy? That is just a continuation of this hatred.

There's no way Yusuke was born pure.

Sasuke knows that his son has an abomination somewhere in there, deep down inside.

But he was sure that if he worked diligently at his son's behavior to make sure he doesn't turn out like the hateful men in his bloodline, then his son would be more than alright in this lifetime.

"I promise I won't let you turn out like me."
He spoke to the beautiful pic of his son before dropping his back on the bed before him.
Redbirds chirped outside Hinata's windows with a peaceful tune.

The sun crept through the long deep shaded gold curtains, shining on Hinata's closed orbs.
A languid sigh escaped her lips that almost imitated a delightful hum.

She slowly opened her eyes instantly gazing at her baby boy.

Both his arms were spread out on each side of her chest and his head was comfortably buried in between them.

His quiet snores were in sync with Hinata's restful breaths. Both her cheeks formed into a loving smile. The caring mother planted a tender kiss on her baby's forehead.

"Sweetheart, it's time to get up."
The little boy groaned into her chest quietly so she began planting more affectionate kisses on his forehead.

"Come on sweetie it's time to wake up."
She spoke gently again to her little love.

Finally, his eyes opened. Blinking a few times before raising his head to look at his mother.

"Good morning, Yussie-Toosh."

The little guy blinked his eyes a few times more before yawning & speaking to his mother.

Mommy your breath stinks.
A heartfelt chortle beamed through Hinata's bedroom. Even the littlest things of Yusuke could make her laugh.

A shy grin made its way to his handsome face. My breath stinks too. Let's go brush our teeth mommy. Like any other morning, he lounged off the bed and landed on his feet running straight to Hinata's bathroom.

Come on mommy!!

She rose both her arms over her head and basked in the stretch it gave her upper body.
Then she swayed both her legs out of bed and propped up on her feet. Walking into the bathroom where her son currently resided in.

After peeing, wiping herself, & flushing the toilet she washed her hands and her son stood on the footstool. Trying his best to reach for the toothpaste with his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth.

Mommy I can't get it.

"Yusuke, did you pee?"
He shook his head from side to side once.

"Pee first."

He hopped off the footstool and peed in the toilet & then he quickly flushed the toilet before standing back on the footstool & washed his hands with the hand soap.

Mommy I still can't get it.

He tried his hardest to get the toothpaste, both brows tightly furrowed and stubby cheeks turning a different shade of color.

In this situation, Hinata would usually help her son out but she's been listening to Sasuke about Yusuke needing to be more independent so she gave him a small tip instead of grabbing the toothpaste for him instead.

"Stand on your tippy toes, sweetie."
The determined little boy did just that & he finally reached it. His small hands grabbed both the toothpaste and his toothbrush.

Mommy I did it!!

He whipped his head around to look at his mother with wide eyes and a huge smile. Bouncing up and down on the footstool.

"Give me a high-five sweetheart."
Yusuke moved the toothbrush into his other hand where the toothpaste was occupied and he gave his mother a high-five before screaming Yayyy!

They brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Then she got him dressed into some loose-fitted shorts and a regular grey top shirt.

After feeding him a bowl of cereal and giving him a cup of orange juice she went over their small gratitude list for today.

"What are we grateful for today?"
She asked her hyper son as they got off the elevator. I'm thankful to have a bed to sleep in and I'm thankful to have cereal to eat.

A blush plastered on her fair face.

Can daddy pick me up from daycare today? That blush soon fell from her cheeks as they entered the building of the daycare. "I'll see if he can, okay sweetie?" Ok. He replied quietly.

"Gimme kiss." She bent over to peck her son on the lips and then she watched him run into the classroom with all the other little kids.

As she was walking out she saw her other love.
He wasted no time hopping down from his father's arm and running into hers.

Mrs. Hinata!!

She scooped the little happy boy off the ground and cradled him into her bosom.
"Hello, Boru-Bear." I missed you!

Hinata rewarded him with a bunch of sweet kisses on his whiskered cheeks. Making him exclaim in extreme happiness as she showered him with the loving attention he's been craved.

Naruto looked over at Naruko with nervous blue orbs before returning them to his son and his first love.

The tall blond could never escape this feeling boiling in his veins whenever he looked at Hinata and Boruto.

They looked like mother & son together and honestly, that didn't look half as bad...

"Will you try to be good at daycare today?"
She asked him while swaying him side to side as he blushed furiously. I'll try for you.

Once again, Hinata kissed him on both cheeks & sat him on his feet. "Boruto, don't you wanna come say bye to us?" He just waved his little hand before running into the classroom.

Looking at Naruko, Hina could tell that she wasn't too happy about the exchange between her and her love.

"How long has that been happening?"
Her head shifted from Naruto to Hinata.

"Naruto, you need to establish some boundaries between her and our son!"

Hinata crossed her arms and had a look of disbelief on her face.

She looked at Naruto to see his reaction.

"Tell her not to ever give him any more kisses, we don't know where her lips have been!"

Hinata instantly furrowed her eyes. "Excuse me?" Naruto stepped in quickly.

"She's right. I'm sorry, Hinata but your kisses and hugs are off limits."

Hinata snapped her eyes at him with an unbelievable expression.

She legit felt her heart snap into 2.

This would hurt Boruto more than her & even though she isn't his mother, she did care for him & love him like her own.

Her lips pursed and she continued looking at Naruto to see if he meant what he said.

Now, Naruto wasn't a total idiot he knew that she was hurt & so was he.

After Hina looked over to the smirking blonde by his side she narrowed her eyes before walking out.

"We're doing the right thing for him."
Was all Naruko said as they both watched Hinata leave the daycare.
"Thank you for meeting me here today."
Sasori pulled out Hinata's chair like the true gentleman that he was and after scooting her chair in he sat down. "No problem."

A shy smile formed on her lips as she looked at him, awaiting for the 'important' conversation he wanted to have with her. "So... what is it that you wanna discuss with me?" She asked.

"We should order something first."
He simply told her. "Okay..."

Sasori had a hard time keeping his eyes to himself. Even though Hinata had on a modest outfit he couldn't stop staring at her breast.

He could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra by the way her nipples were poking through her purple blouse with 3 buttons.

A question that's been bugging him in his mind was how exactly she & her husband ever get separated. How could he let a woman like her get away? If it was up to him he'd keep her locked up & knock her up every chance he got.


Her soothing voice broke him out of his head. He's haven't even noticed that his drink has been served. "I... I uh, apologize."

"You're spaced?" She sweetly asked him as she brought the mug of hot tea to her lips.

He sighed softly. "Yes, I am. Forgive me."

She tilted her head to the side slightly as she smiled at him. "It's fine, Sasori. I am too, that's why I was happy to meet you today."

He took a sip of his liquor.
"Don't you have work?"

She giggled quietly.
"Yes, I'm going in a little later though."

This was harder than he expected for him because Hinata was interested in him but he was also interested in her too.

Their conversations were always beautiful whenever they talked not to mention their ability to be silly together was immaculate.

It wasn't too often that he came across many women that could joke with him and explore the deeper depths of philosophy, on a intelligent level. Without throwing themselves at him, he loved that she wasn't desperate.

Also, her beauty.

Hinata was a masterpiece.

Sasori cleared his throat and told the truth about the real reason he invited her.

"Hinata, I didn't invite you here for us to talk about our date." He informed her.

The change in his tone made her nervous and he picked up on it by paying attention to her body language.

"We can't continue seeing each other."

Hinata sat her mug down as she felt her chest caving in and her lungs losing breath.
"Excuse-Excuse me?"

He repeated himself.
"And... why is that?"
Her clear orbs screamed despair.

"Because you're married to Sasuke."
She choked back her tears.

"If I knew you were a Uchiha then I would've never chosen for us to be in any communication."

Hinata couldn't say anything.
Because she's an Uchiha?
What kind of sense does that make?

When he reached out his hand to touch hers on the table, she slid it back and got up.
Being sure to grab her purse and quietly leave.

Of course, he got up & followed after her.

"Listen, Hinata. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, believe me." He pleaded.

But she turned around and placed a hand on his fit abs. "Please leave me alone and don't follow me." She sadly replied to him.

Sasori listened to her as he shamelessly stood before watching her walk away.
Hinata has been running to the restroom to cry all day that day. 1st, she's cut off from her love. 2nd, she's cut off from the jerk that she's been in contact with for several months now.
And 3rd, not getting any fulfillment in her romantic life. She wanted to be happy again...

"Sasuke, Yusuke wanted you to pick him up. But of course, you had other things going on..." She sighed before continuing to speak.

"Just call me back tonight please, he wants you to walk him to daycare tomorrow."
She hung up & walked into the daycare.

Mrs. Hinata!!
Boruto ran straight over to her and tried to jump on her but she stopped him by stepping back. The young boy couldn't comprehend what was going on while she kept stepping back, away from him.

Are we playing tag?
His 2 whiskered cheeks beamed from ear to ear and this was breaking Hina's heart all over again. "Sweet-" She quickly stopped herself.

"Boruto, no more hugs, ok?"
The little boy still tried to jump on her.

So she got into a kneeling position and told him again. "Boruto, I... I can't give you any more hugs or kisses, understand?"

She felt her eyes tearing up.
Why not? Are you mad at me?

Her heart stopped.
She could never be mad at this sweet little soul.

"No, I'm just not allowed to give you any more hugs or kisses..."

His small lips pouted and his little posture slouched in an upset manner.
What did I do? Am I ugly?

The tears slipped through the creaks of her eyes. "No, of course not. You're handsome."

You don't like me.
His small head was lowered and both his hands were at his side. "Boruto, I love you."

When he lifted his head again, his blond brows were furrowed and his little fists were balled. Both his cheeks were red & he glared at Hinata. No you don't! You're a liar!

Naruto was watching the whole thing from a few feet away and he hated himself for it.

Boruto turned around and ran straight into his father's arms. Burying his head in his chest and weeping, while staining his shirt with tears.

Hinata quickly stood and wiped her tears and she looked at Naruto with a scowl.
Finally, Yusuke came out of the classroom and made a blank expression when he just saw his mother in the lobby. Where's daddy?

She picked him up.
"I'm sorry sweetie, he didn't answer my phone call." He made a sad face.

Can we go to his house?
They ended up in front of their old residence and Yusuke banged on the door.
Daddy!! He's been doing it for almost an hour.

That was until Hinata stopped him and explained to him that he might not be home.

But that didn't stop the little boy from trying his hardest to get in contact with his father.

Daddy can you please answer the phone?
His small voice was breaking as he sadly spoke into the speaker of the phone.

This was probably the 10th time he's called him and that frustrated the hell out of Hinata.

Where the hell was he?
And what the hell was he doing?
Sasuke grabbed the hair on both of their heads as he thrust his hips.

Both the promiscuous ladies waggled their wet tongues on his hard shaft while they kept their eyes on the sexy man above them.

He threw his head back as he continued to buck his hips. "Fuck!" He groaned deeply.

The muscles in both his jaws tensed as he clenched his teeth together. "Almost there!"

1 of the ladies brought her tanned hand up to his balls and massaged them.

His breath was heavy & he felt his orgasm coming to the forefront. "Oh shit!"

He shot loads of cum.

The girls from below him moaned as their pussies dripped with fluid. "Mmm~"

After he caught his breath he laid on his bed. "You!" He snapped his fingers at girl number 1.
"On my face." And then he pointed at the other. "You, on my dick."

The girls wasted no time obeying him.
Goodnight daddy...
The little boy handed the cell phone to his mother as he lie his head on his mother's chest.

She kissed him on the forehead before softly patting him on the back and angrily staring up at the ceiling.

He could ignore her all he wanted, hell he could even hurt her feelings but doing that to their son was unacceptable!

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