Killer's Desire (HxH x BNHA)

By fluffytheferretlord

13.3K 480 328

This place is weak. Overly restricting laws and a corrupt government. People who call themselves "heroes" who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Quick Announcement
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

1.1K 50 35
By fluffytheferretlord

The pure serotonin I get from this video...(ノ﹏ヽ)

Credit: Eupholie on yt

I'm back! Let's do this. >:D


Killua's POV

All seemed peaceful. Dabi and I steadily cruised down the road and relished the calm silence. Until a sudden question popped in my head.

"By the way, do you have a home base?"

Dabi looked over at me from the passenger seat. He had his hands behind his head and feet crossed on the dashboard. "Depends. Do you?"

I shook my head. "I got nothin'."

"In that case, I know a place. It's beat up and a little smelly, but it's home."

"Great. Where is it?"

Dabi's look morphed into one of slight offense and confusion. "Why would I let you into my house? I barely know you don't I?"

I stared at him with the same look. "Well, first of all-"

I was cut off by a loud thup thup thup noise. I'd recognize that sound anywhere. Using En to make sure I was right, I groaned.

I can't catch a damn break lately!

"Do you hear that?" Dabi wondered aloud.

"Yes." I grumbled lowly.

"STOP THE VEHICLE OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!" A voice boomed from the helicopter outside.

Grabbing the gear shift, I cranked it to 4th. I quickly pulled on my seatbelt and buckled in. Dabi, seeing what I was doing, did the same.

"What's going on?!" Dabi shouted, clearly starting to panic a little.


"Hold onto your ass." With that, I put the car into full throttle. We sped down the road, weaving between the surprisingly few cars on the road.

Dabi immediately started screaming. "HOLY SHIT!"

"STOP!" True to their word, the helicopter started firing at us. Small dust clouds and sizeable dents were left where the bullets struck the asphalt.

I quickly glanced out the window and gritted my teeth. These people are crazy!

I literally just killed a few people and they're trying to kill me already? Nothing really out of the ordinary, but I thought these people made murder illegal.

Looks like someone's mad. (ʃƪ¬‿¬)

(A/N: He thoroughly enjoys pissing people off.)

I banked a hard left, the car's tires screeching on the road. The helicopter did the same, following us from the air.

At some point, Dabi's screams of terror turned into laughter. I looked over to find him clutching his stomach and curled up, wheezing.

The chopper was still firing at us despite the other cars on the road. We were driving at around 97 kph (60 mph) and were still building speed.

I felt a couple bullets hit the back of the car. One shattered the rear windshield. "Dabi, get up! Help me out here!"

He didn't seem to hear me over the gunfire and kept laughing. "Dabi!" No response. I gritted my teeth and a tick mark appeared on my head.

I reached over and smacked him over the head with a fist. "Ow, what the hell?!"

"THROW SOME FIRE YOU WHEEZY LITTLE FUCKASS! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" That finally got his attention and he got up, grumbling and rubbing his head.

I opened the sunroof and he poked his upper body through it. Doing my best to keep the car steady at our high speed, Dabi shot his blue fire in bursts at the chopper.

Either that helicopter was fireproof or they had a really good pilot, 'cause it still wasn't going down.



Dabi's POV

This helicopter might be fireproof. I swear I hit it about a million times, but nothing was happening. I fired a long stream of flames, but it was barely even scathed when the smoke cleared.

I tried creating another fireball in my hand, but was interrupted by a sharp pain that shot up my arm. I hissed in pain and looked down to see what the issue was.

I saw fresh burn marks on my hands, although they were barely there. I also noticed beads of blood peeking out around the staples on my wrists.


I ducked back into the car and dove feet first into the front passenger seat. I could barely get my seatbelt on when Hunter banked a right, throwing me into the door.

When we evened out, I yelled at him, "Watch it, wouldja?!"

He kept his eyes forward, but yelled back, "Well I'm sorry, but I'm trying to focus on SAVING OUR ASSES!"

I shook my head. "In any case, it's no good. I think there's some kind of fireproof plating on that thing."

Hunter, who was miraculously able to keep us from dying so far, paused for a minute. "Take the wheel."

"Wait, what?!"

He unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed into the back. I threw myself over the center console and grabbed the steering wheel.



I reached a hand back and unbuckled my seatbelt, climbing the rest of the way into the driver's seat. It was proving very difficult to avoid hitting other cars at the speed we were going.

How the hell did he do this?!

I sped through a red light, hearing cars honking and loud crashing behind me.



3rd Person POV

Killua climbed through the sunroof and balanced himself on top of the car. Keeping himself low in a three-point position, he kept himself stuck to the roof with his Nen.

He narrowed his eyes at the helicopter, which was still firing at their vehicle.

A voice sounded from the chopper again. "SURRENDER VILLAINS!"

Killua snorted. Then what? Get arrested?

"Gonna have to pass on that one."

He slowly stood up, but kept his knees bent. He activated En, patiently waiting. A bullet whizzed by his ear, but he didn't flinch.

It was only until a bullet was on a direct path to his chest that he made a move. He reinforced his fist with a good amount of Ko and turned his body to the side to catch the bullet.

He turned it around in his hand and placed it in a flicking position. He held his hand in front of him, carefully aiming for a certain someone. He paused momentarily before flicking the bullet at the chopper.

A small streak of lightning trailed behind it as it left Killua's hand. It whizzed through the air and entered the helicopter cockpit through the windshield, leaving behind a bullet hole.

The bullet was traveling with enough force that it broke through the pilot's helmet and entered their skull. Killua smirked when the bullet hit its target.

With no one controlling the helicopter, it easily lost control. Alarms blared in the aircraft as the soldiers inside screamed.

In a similar fashion to the first chopper that Killua took down, it spun towards the ground before exploding in a fiery mess. Cars that were in the way of the crash were crushed. The roads were blocked and nearby buildings were being set on fire.

Killua sat criss cross on top of the car. The albino boy smiled at the chaos he created as screams of terror rang out in the air. He crawled over to the sunroof and dropped back into the car. He climbed back into the driver's seat after dragging Dabi out of it.

Back at the wreckage, the crash was easily able to create a gas leak. The chopper was on fire, so added fuel caused a secondary explosion.

Killua and Dabi had slowed down a little now that the chase was over, so they felt the huge shockwave.

The car was boosted forward and even popped a short wheelie. The tires screeched as Killua swerved to regain control of the car. Once all the excitement was over, the drive felt like it had before.

Killua glanced over at Dabi. He found him with a tight hold on his seat and legs clenched, one of his hands with a death grip on the oh-shit bar. Dabi had wide eyes and an absolutely petrified look on his face.



"You good?" Dabi didn't respond.


"Can I come over now?" This time, he shakily nodded.

Time Skip

Dabi's POV

I had calmed down after what felt like forever and was now guiding Hunter to my house.

This kid is really something. He took down a whole helicopter by himself, and he did it effortlessly.

I think I even saw him on the news today. After what I saw this afternoon, I don't doubt it was for good reason too.

He's powerful.

I looked up. "Just down here."

Hunter turned down a side road. It wasn't long before we reached my home. Before we parked, he pulled the car a little further down a hidden road.

We got out of the car and Hunter placed his hand on the hood. He smirked at me. "Gotta make sure they can't track us."

With that, electricity sparked around his hand. He sent a huge electric shock into the car, frying it and making sure it couldn't run for good.

He pushed it into some trees and made sure it rolled down the incline on the side of the road, effectively getting rid of it. He brushed the dust off his hands before sticking them in his pockets and walking away.

That's a real neat quirk.

He looked over his shoulder. "You said your house is this way?"


Walking into my house, Hunter plopped his butt on the couch and let out a deep sigh. "Man, I'm tired." I'll bet you're tired after taking down two helicopters in a span of less than 24 hours.

I deadpanned at the kid and rolled my eyes, muttering, "Just make yourself comfortable, why don'tcha."

I took off my shoes by the door and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed some milk and cereal and poured them in a bowl I set out.

I, of course, made sure to add milk last. What kind of monster doesn't?

I turned around with my cereal in my hands to find Hunter bent over sticking his face in my fridge. I screamed, nearly spilling my meal.

I didn't even hear him!

I clutched my chest with a hand. "Dude, what the hell?!"

Ignoring my comment, he asked, "What kind of food do you have in here?"

"I don't know, just get cereal or something!"

I made my way back to the living room and plopped down, turning on the TV. What was immediately on was a newscast covering the events of this afternoon.

There was obviously no live footage of what actually happened, but the helicopter wreck was still being cleared.

"What transpired this afternoon was a tragedy. At 13:07, a pair of villains who hijacked a car shot down an attack helicopter, causing 10 deaths and dozens of other casualties. As a result of their villainy, they even caused a number of deadly car wrecks. The pros are on the case, working hard to bring these villains to justice."

I sat up in anger. What a load of bull! They shot at us first!

"One of the two has been identified as the notorious villain Dabi. Until the police find out more, that's all we have for you. More on this later."

I was just about ready to throw my bowl at the TV. Those damn heroes and their followers made my blood boil with their deceptions.

I decided to switch the channel and sat back again. Just as I finished up my cereal, Hunter walked back in the room with a delicious smelling bowl of ramen and a side of white rice.

He sat down, setting the bowls and a cup of water on the coffee table in front of him.

I just stared at him. "How did you make that so fast?"

He stared back. "Magic."

I deadpanned at him. It only took a few seconds before my eyes started drifting to the bowls of delicious goodness sitting on the table. My gaze returned to Hunter when I heard him quietly snicker.

He smirked smugly at me. "Want some?"

I irked. My pride wanted me to say no, but I couldn't deny it smelled mouthwatering. A proper meal after a long time sounded really enticing. It was like some incredibly awkward staring contest before I spoke up. "...Okay. Fine."

He rose from the couch and disappeared into the kitchen, returning a second later with a replica of the meal he had made for himself. He set it down in front of me on the coffee table and began eating.

"What're we watching?"

I glanced at what was playing on the screen. "Adventure Time."

I looked at the bowls in front of me. My stomach growled and I clutched it. My new unlikely roommate had only met me today and was already making me meals.

It kinda feels nice...

Hunter glanced at me. "What're you waiting for? Dig in."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I picked up the chopsticks and relished the mouthwatering flavors dancing in my mouth.

"It's good, right?" Hunter wiggled my eyebrows at me.

I had no reason not to nod. We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the food and watching cartoons. I let out a satisfied belch and patted my stomach after finishing my second meal.

I smiled contently before something occured to me.

"Where'd you get the ingredients for this anyway?" I didn't think I had any.

Hunter stared back at me with a somewhat menacing dark smile on his face. "Magic."


Thank you all for somehow finding my dusty little corner of the internet and actually reading my book. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

(Word Count: 2152)

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