cod x reader oneshots

By kovieky

167K 3.6K 1K

collection of one-shots mainly of taskforce 141, but maybe other call of duty characters? depends on how i fe... More

before you begin
you make me nervous - ghost
a promise - soap
sketches - soap
christmas surprise - gaz
bah humbug - price
bad gut feeling - soap
happy new year - price
hummingbird - ghost
mohawk - soap
spider - ghost
don't tell them anything - gaz
surprise - price
mi amor - alejandro
a machine - ghost
kiss me better - price
eyes up here soldier - soap
stars in her eyes - rudy
bad hair day - ghost
not lost - ghost
fate - price
just breathe - soap
i can't do this alone - soap
what the fuck? - ghost
your obedient servant - ghost
not dead - ghost

below the surface - soap

3.4K 91 17
By kovieky

I love fnaf songs. Hope this holds you over until I'm able to write more. I typically write while I'm on trains or on planes as I travel but it's still pretty difficult. I also HATE writing on my phone but it's the best I can do. Sorry for the slow pace.

—- —- —-

I should have known. I really should have. A part of me thinks that maybe I did know, but didn't want to believe it. There was always something about Graves that seemed shady, just a little off. I figured it was be a he was a Shadow. Apart of a group of ruthless soldiers. The 141 was just as ruthless and well trained, but we had morals. We were able to think for ourselves. The Shadows were just that. Shadows. Always following their owners. They followed orders with no questions.

I never would have thought he was capable of this. Though I kept him at arm's length, I thought we were somewhat friends.

The first time we met him was in Las Almas. We were given orders and there wasn't any time for introductions except for simple call signs. Same with Los Vaqueros. It wasn't until after the quick mission did we properly meet.

I took a quick liking to Alejandro, Rudy, and the rest of Los Vaqueros, but the Shadows were closed off. There was something in Graves' eyes that made me uneasy. He was always moving. Circling us like a shark ready to attack. But everyone had their quirks, right? Especially in this line of work.

Despite Gaz and Soap quickly warming up to everyone, I could tell Ghost also had some hesitation. His eyes were trained on Graves and followed his every move.

Time made our guard fall. Pretty much every waking moment spent with someone will eventually lead to some bit of trust. Plus, he had our back on missions. Even saved some of our asses every once in a while.

He was more observant than I initially thought. He quickly caught onto my crush on Soap. I didn't like that he knew. I didn't think he would tell anyone, but there was something about people knowing your weaknesses that I didn't like. Especially someone like Graves who wouldn't hesitate to do something that would send any normal person spiraling.

Then everything went to shit in Las Almas. He and the Shadows had turned. And the orders were given by Shepherd. The pit in my stomach grew and I shared a glance with Ghost. This wasn't going to end well.

Shepherd was the one that made us. He helped Price put us, the 141, together. But he also made the Shadows. We were supposed to save people, not destroy everything.

The first shot sounded and everything turned into chaos. I gunned down a couple Shadows here and there but there were so many. I saw Soap get shot in the shoulder and my attention was pulled from saving myself to wanting to help him.

Ghost was shooting the Shadows around himself and Soap. I heard him shout my name before someone grabbed me from behind.

They had me in a tight hold as I thrashed around trying to free myself.

"Let go! Get off me!" I screamed as I continued to struggle. "Johnny!" I screamed as I was being dragged away.

I caught a glimpse of worry in his eyes. He made a move to try and help me but there was no point.

A stray bullet had found its way into my thigh and the pain started to make me dizzy.

There were too many Shadows and I managed to see Ghost and Soap slip away into the woods. At least they got away. They'd find me.

—- —- —-

I didn't know how long it had been. Days I assumed. Maybe a week or two? I couldn't tell. I knew we were in some underground base. My leg seemed to get worse as time passed. It hurt to move, but for the most part I was kept in a cell or in the chair.

That was until the alarms started. Then the whole place delved into chaos. Like a circus.  The lights went out. The power was down, which meant a guard would be coming to manually watch over me. I prepared and when the man entered the cell I managed to take him down. Grabbing his gun I gave a quick shot to the head. Taking his walkie talkie and stealing his pistol gave me the out. I checked each hall as I made my escape. My heart pounded in my chest due to nerves and I could feel the throbbing in my leg where my wound was.

"(Y/n)." Graves voice sounded through the radio. "I know you're out of your cell. And we both know you're too hurt to get very far. Come back and I can help you."

Liar. I've had enough of his deception.

"I just want to help you."

I didn't answer. I wouldn't answer. He was right though. Adrenaline would only get me so far. And with the injuries I had I wouldn't get very far. I took deep breathes and found my way into an empty room. Being underground was making it feel like there wasn't enough air.

What was the point? What was our purpose if Shepherd lied to us. Were we just pawns in his game?

We were ignorant. We ignored obvious signs that something was off. But did we deserve this? We are soldiers. We follow orders. We serve.

Tears pricked at my eyes and I only wanted my friends. My team. Would I ever see them again? There was so much I didn't say to them.

I tried my best to calm down but it was so difficult. Price was always there to calm me down in these situations. I tried to think about what he would do. They had to be trying to save me. Why else would the place be in chaos. Gaz probably cut the power and they were probably searching the base.

"Price, please." I begged to myself. "You guys gotta get me out of here." My body felt cold. Shock. I needed a doctor. Needed the machines to help me. My head throbbed and I was having trouble focusing.

I reached a hand up to feel the raw spots on my temple. The flashing of red lights and the alarms was making me think of what they've done. I could still feel my body tense up with the controlled electric shocks that they put me through.

There were likely going to be scars on my temples and the sound would continue to ring through my head like a consistent nightmare.

I couldn't stay here much longer. I had to move or I would be found eventually. I could hear Shadows scrambling outside of the room I was in. I had to move and I had to do it now. Only thing was I couldn't leave this room.

I looked around, maybe there was some other way. There seemed to be no escape other than the large vent. I could fit in that.

I hauled myself up from where I had been sitting against the wall. My wound had reopened and blood stained my pants. It was difficult but I managed to crawl into the vent and make my way out of the room. I couldn't find a place to exit, but I figured as long as I stayed here then there was a greater possibility I wouldn't be found compared to just running around the halls.

It was difficult to drag myself through the metal box but I did it. I wouldn't die here. I wouldn't let them win. My team would get me. Johnny would save me.

I had to stop every now and then to rest. I found another vent opening and I took a moment to rest and assess what was going on. My heart sank when I realized I was in some sort of control room. I could hear shouting and some gunshots.

Graves was here. I tried to stay composed. I held my breath as he creeped closer and when he was right under where I was my whole body tensed. I begged and begged that he didn't look up. That he didn't realize I was there.

As much as I wanted to keep the walkie talkie, I had decided to abandon it. I didn't wanna risk having it go off and giving away my location.

I watched Graves put his walkie up to his mouth. "Come on (y/n). There's no use in hiding. You'll never make it out on your own and there's no one left to find you."

Fuck. Had they really taken out the 141? There's no way. We were too good.

Johnny. Was he okay? Did they kill him?

The heat of anger built in my stomach. Hatred flowed through my veins like a drug. That was my team. My family. My Johnny.

Usually I'm able to stay composed. I know how to stay calm, but every once in a while I will slip up. Something takes over me and I'm a whole different person. Anger takes its place inside me and I become someone who isn't me.

Graves moved on and when the coast was clear I pushed open the vent and managed myself down and onto the ground. The handgun was fully loaded but I also collected a couple other things around the room. I ripped part of my shirt and tied it tightly around my leg as a sort of tourniquet.

Sweat made my clothes stick uncomfortably to my skin but I didn't care. I was in a blinding rage. There was a high likelihood I didn't get out of here alive, but I couldn't give a shit. If the Shadows really had taken down the 141 I wouldn't let that go without getting revenge. I managed to find a knife and kept it on me.

I stared at the control panel in front of me. The cameras were down and the red lights lit the entire base. I hit the control panel. Smashed it in a fit of rage that buttons began to fly off. The red lights started to flash and multiple alarms began to sound throughout the base.

I laughed a bit before pulling the little microphone towards my face.

I pressed the button that allowed me to speak. A bit of static sounded throughout the entire base. We were well below six feet under the surface. Graves was already in his grave. The 141 may have been created under lies and not have a true purpose, but I knew what I had to do now. I had a purpose.

"Graves. This has been fun." I spoke calmly. I didn't deserve this. I'm not here to serve. But he does deserve this. My jaw tightened. "You've had your fun. But now it's my turn."

When Graves was working with the 141 he knew how competitive I could get. A perfectionist he called me. Borderline ocd. I didn't like losing. I had to be first. Anything but first would get you killed.

"Let's play a game, huh?" I asked. "Except, you know I'll win. I'll be first and you'll be last." I smiled before breaking the mic.

I left the control room and started my hunt. 10 rounds. That was going to have to be enough.

One and two went to the partners that showed up when I first turned the corner. They were Shadows, they were good, but they weren't 141 good. And when you're trained like I've been, been put in and survived situations I've gone through, you get better. The two cracks of the gun going off melted into the blaring alarms like it was some sort of melody.

The song played on as I sent two more in three and four.

Poor five was on his own. For a moment I wondered if he was new to all this. How did he end up here? Did he not know you stick with your partner during situations like these. Maybe he was the one abandoned. Either way it didn't matter. He was an obstacle and right now it was me or them.

Six, presumably five's partner was with seven and eight. Despite the larger group they went down quickly. I debated leaving nine and ten to walk away. If I had been in better conditions I could've snuck past them and they'd never know, but I was struggling as it was. I took them out and continued down the hall where I knew Graves was thanks to discussion over the radios.

I dropped the now useless handgun and replaced it with the knife. A large one. Reminded of the kind of knife Price used when he took me fishing once and I'd sure gut Graves like a fish given the chance. I gripped it tightly as if it might fade away from my grasp. The room was starting to spin. I was loosing too much blood too fast.

Beads of sweat fell down my face as I steadied myself against the wall. If I had been give food today it likely would have found its way up by now. Instead, I stood dry heaving and trying not to cry.

I bit into the skin of my free hand to try and bring myself back to reality, and to keep myself from screaming. The alarms had stopped. Graves must have figured that I was too hurt to be running around the base silently. Making everything silent would result in me being found faster.

My labored breaths filled the hallway I was in. With a bite of my cheek I took a deep breath and pushed on. Tears fell down my cheeks with each hobbled step. I could hear Graves in the next room over shouting over the radio for his Shadows to check in.

I pulled the flare from where it had been tucked in my pants band. Igniting it, I quickly tossed it into the room and effectively hid myself in the smoke. When I deemed right, and when I built up enough courage, I struck, sending Graves' gun into the abyss of red and smoke.

Graves hissed in pain due to the impact and the cut that I had left on his thigh.

"That wasn't very nice, (y/n)" He angrily chuckled.

I moved slowly so to not disturb the smoke and give away my position. He was in the middle of the room. Now I was the one circling him like a shark.

"Now why would you do that?" He growled.

I struck, lunging forward to kick in his knee. He stumbled forward and I left a cut on his bicep before disappearing into the cloud of smoke once more. "Had to even the playing field. You don't wanna be a cheater, right?" I forced myself to sound better than I actually was.

His head snapped to where my voice had sounded but I was already gone. When he moved to get up I slid in, pulling him back down and landing a good hit to his jaw before disappearing again.

Quick and small attacks became my reality for the next few minutes. It was the best I could do for the time being. But the flare was burning out, which means my advantage of cover would soon be gone.

Graves held the flare in his hand and laughed as the last bit crackled. My cloud of smoke stood still, nothing was being added so any movement would make it completely disappear.

"Uh oh. Looks like you've run out of time." Graves chuckled. "You've been a dead man walking for too long."

I gripped the knife in my hand and lunged forward. This was it. Here and now.

I managed to take him down but he disarmed me sending the knife sliding to the other side of the room. I moved on quickly throwing punch after punch. Blood covered my hands and his face. I heard a sickening crack and my lips twitched upwards at knowing I broke his nose.

I did everything I could before Graves got the upper hand and flipped us over. Blood dripped from his face onto mine as he wrapped his hands around my throat. I clawed at his hands trying to free myself. His knees dug into my thighs as he kept me pinned down. The pain burned through me like a forest fire.

Something must have caught him off guard because his grip loosened just enough so I could reach up and scratch his face. He recoiled and I tried to pull myself out but his recovery time was quick and I only managed to flip over.

Graves grabbed my hair and slammed my head down into the cement floor. A ringing sounded in my ears and the throbbing that had been so prominent in my thigh came tenfold in my head.

"No, no. Stay awake (y/n)." I could hear his grin in his tone. "Look at that." He lifted my head by my hair and I barely managed to look out of the giant window into some sort of warehouse below. I could see something moving around down there but my vision was too blurry to make out what it was.

I groaned in pain which made Graves chuckle.

"Look. They came all this way to save you. Even loverboy." Graves' voice dripped with venom and blood.

"Johnny?" I mumbled.

"Too bad he'll have to watch you die instead." Graves continued. "Or should I have him killed first?"

My heart pounded in fear. Don't hurt him, don't hurt him. I struggled against Graves but it didn't do anything and he just laughed.

"JOHNNY!" I screamed. I hoped it would tell him to get out of there. I hoped he'd be able to save himself.

"Did you really think you could kill me with this?" Graves showed me the knife I had held just minutes ago. "How pathetic."

I felt the sharp blade press gently against my jugular. It left a sting where a shallow scratch was made.

"Just get it over already." I groaned.

"Unfortunately, I might have to." He sighed. Every time he spoke a new spray of blood painted the ground in front of us.

"You were a good man Graves." I choked out.

He paused for a moment. His body stilled for a couple moments. I wondered if he had thought we were friends before all this. Did he have regrets? Any remorse?

His body was tense for just a moment but a moment was all that was needed. The door busted open with a bang and there were three loud cracks that sent Graves falling to the side.

My head slammed into the cement floor. I wasn't strong enough to lift myself up so I just watched as Graves laid on his back. Someone in heavy gear, who I later recognized as Ghost, pinned him down and started throwing punch after ruthless punch. Ghost shouted for Soap.

Graves had gone limp quickly so Ghost's continuation must have just been purely to let out his own anger.

My body felt numb and still. I couldn't move. I still managed to laugh though. It started as a giggle before growing into something maniacal.

I continued to laugh and watch Ghost beat Graves' corpse until I was flipped over by someone else.

Soap's gentle hand held the side of my face.  Gaz was assessing my injuries and Price stood over him holding a face I had only seen a handful of times. He was absolutely terrified.

"Hey darling. It's okay. Look at me." Soap said softly. Oh god. I must be in worse shape than I thought.

"You came to get me." I mumbled. "It's so cold in here."

"Of course I came to get you. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." Soap said. Tears were in his eyes and he frantically looked back at Price. "Couldn't leave my girl wondering' where I was."

"You're hurt." The words fall from my mouth lazily. The world seems so different now. My hand trails up and lightly traces the bandages that peek out from where his T-shirt sleeve ends.

"I'm okay." He brushed my concern off. "And you'll be okay. Medic is almost here and Gaz is doin' a mighty fine job patchin' you up."

I hum softly. I try and focus on staying calm and not moving too much. "They taught us how to die." I mumble. Tears prick at my eyes once again.

"You're going to be just fine." Soap says once again. People tend to lie to make themselves feel better. He's convincing himself.

"Did you know that? They taught me to die when I was going through training." I continued. "When you join the military you think that if you die it'll happen quick. It's not-"

I faltered for a second and Soap's hand squeezed mine a little tighter.

"It's not as scary if it happens quick. But it's slow. It's so slow and and it hurts and it's terrifying." I let out short gasps. "I'm so scared. I don't wanna die."

"You're not going to die, kid." Price says. "You hear me, you fuckin' muppet. You're not going to die and that's an order." 

"Yes captain." I mumble.

"Where are the medics?" Soap asked him. He looked at Price. Practically pleading for him to make them appear.

Price's jaw tightened and his mind seemed to be going a mile a minute.

"Johnny," I caught his attention. I just wanted him to talk to me. I'm so tired. "I really like you ya know."

"Fuck, darling. I'm in love with you." He chuckled through tears. "And when you get better I'm gonna take you dancing. And we'll eat so much food we can't walk. We can watch movies and go to the park. I'll do anything you want, darling. Okay? Anything you want. You choose."

"Dancing's nice." I smile as my eyes close. "Dancing's perfect."

"Hey-" Soap shakes my shoulder a bit. "Come on darling. Wake up." He panics. "Ghost- I- She- I can't live without her. Please."

Ghost could feel the pain his best friend was feeling. Ghost knew how he felt. How bad it hurt to lose someone this important.

He didn't have to think about it. The medics were taking too long and if he had been able to do the same back when Roach-

Ghost scooped the girl up and took off. He was the strongest and the fastest. She still had a chance. She had to still have a chance. She's not dead until the best doctor on base tells him she's dead.

Johnny didn't deserve that pain. And she didn't deserve this ending. He heard the rest of the 141 sprinting to try and catch up.

Ghost didn't wait for them when he got into the elevator. The doors closed just as they turned the corner and the machine began to rise.

—- —- —-

"Mother fucker." I groaned. The world was too bright and the consistent beeping was so loud I thought my ears were bleeding. Everything ached and my nose burned thanks to the sterile air of the med room I was in. I hated hospitals. When my eyes adjusted I looked around the room.


My heart rate increased in fear. I didn't know where I was. I knew it was a hospital, but who put me here? The last thing I remembered was Graves beating the shit out of me. Fuck what if the Shadows put me here.

I needed to get to my team. Needed to get to Johnny.

I pulled the IV out of my arm and sat up. My body hurt worse than it ever had in my entire life but I couldn't stay here. I wouldn't stay here without my team.

The world spun a bit thanks to the meds as I carefully got off the bed. There were crutches in the corner of the room and I could use the wall to get there.

Ripping off the monitor pads the machine started to beep and send out alarms. I hopped and hobbled as quick as I could to the crutches.

A voice sounded throughout my room and presumably the rest of the floor calling a code blue. I hadn't even made it half way across the room before nurses and doctors burst through the door. I could hear shouting in the hallway and they tried to get me back into bed.

"Get away from me! I'll kill you!" I screamed at them. They continued to try and get me to stop but also kept their distance. They knew what I was capable of.

"Let me through!" A gruff voice demanded. Price pushed through the crowd.

"Price?" I breathed out. My body relaxed and he stepped forward in time to catch me from falling. "I thought you guys were dead."

"We thought you were." He said. He helped me back into bed and the nurses and doctors started their checkups. "Gave us quite a scare. You were touch and go for a while."


"Three code blues in less than a week. You've been stable for the past 24 hours or so but when the alarm went off we thought-" He didn't finish.


"Whole team is here. Been here the whole time. Taking shifts. Can't get Soap to leave though. Gotta force him to eat. He sleeps in the chairs. We got the hospital to let him use the showers here." Price explained. "Says he can't leave."

"Can't leave? What's wrong with him?" I asked now worried about him.

"He says you don't like hospitals. Scared of doctors and needles and the whole thing so he can't leave because he has to be here when you wake up so you aren't scared. Doesn't want you to think he left you alone." Price explained. "If I'm being honest. I don't think I've ever seen a man more in love."

"Price-" I let out a small sob.

"I'll go get them." He smiled at me. He left, barely stepped out of the room before I heard the pounding of steps advancing. Soap and Gaz burst through the room and though Ghost walked in calmly after them there was something that told me he had run here as well.

I didn't get long to look at my team and I hadn't even opened my mouth to say something before Johnny's hands were holding my head and his lips were on mine.

My own hands quickly covered his and I melted into him.

"I was so worried." He said when he pulled back.

"I can tell." I chuckled.

He shot me a small glare. "I'm serious. I thought I lost you."

"Not yet." I smiled.

"Good. Because I still have to take you dancing."

"Dancing?" I asked.

"And eat until we can't walk. And watch movies. And go to the park. And I still have to do anything you want until you want nothing more." He told me.

I smiled. "Johnny, I am selfish and greedy and I will never stop wanting things."

"Then I guess you're stuck with me." He smiled back.

"I guess I am."

And we did go dancing. We ate until we couldn't walk. We went to the movies many times. We walked in the park so many times we knew every inch of it.

And Johnny still does anything I want.

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