The Cheated Good Son (Depress...

By LittleClayishIce

241K 4.8K 2.7K

Arata Atsuko, a 18 year old 2nd year highschool student was living a normal happy life, having a loving famil... More

Chapter 1: The Horrid Truth
Chapter 2: New Friend
Chapter 3: The Three's Worries
Chapter 4: The Break-Up
Chapter 5: Regret? Maybe
Chapter 6: Absolute Teasing And Too Much Teasing
Chapter 7: Motivations
Chapter 8: A Body's Natural Reaction
Chapter 9: Letting Anger Out
Chapter 10: The Nostalgic Past
Chapter 11: Anger Limits
Chapter 12: LET THE RAGE OUT!!!
Chapter 13: 2 Fights, 2 Knockouts
Chapter 14: I Hate You
Chapter 15: Advances
Chapter 16: Kidnapping
Chapter 17: Training
Chapter 18: Training Pt2
Chapter 19: The Crazy Flasher
Chapter 20: All Out War
Chapter 21: All Out War (2)
Chapter 23: Back to Normal...and to School
Chapter 24: School Drama
Chapter 25: Problems In School
Chapter 26: Back To School Problems
Chapter 27: Back To School Problems Pt.2

Chapter 22: Winning Team

3.8K 95 14
By LittleClayishIce

" ":Talking
' 'Thoughts
Arata's pov:

Arata:"This is more like it!" I shouted at Yosuke.

Me and him were now in an all out brawl. Our punches hitting each other's faces as my fist with my hand made brass knuckles made from rebar, was smashed at the left side of his temple.

Yosuke:"Hahahaha! Now this is fun!" He responded happily.

I continued on and slammed him onto the ground. I got on top of him and began to pummel his face in with my newly made rebar brass knuckles.

His face was now filled with bruises and was bloodied to the point that his face was now filled with red blood, but even then, he had enough strength to dodge one of my fists.

After that, he manages to back hand me with his fist towards the right as it pushes me back and manages to get me off of him.

Yosuke:"You really are something, Ara-chan! For the first time, I'm feeling pain!" He said happily.

He then stood up in from the ground from he was on. He then rushes towards me and throws a punch at my face, but at the same time, I also threw mine as we both hit each other's face, but mine was enhanced thanks to the rebar.

Arata&Yosuke:"Gah!" We both let out a painful gah.

Both of us were now all dizzy as my my body began to stumble from the fight, but to my surprise, Yosuke was still up as he rushes at me again, ready to throw a punch.

Yosuke:"Take this assh-Huh!?" He stopped in shock as his punch missed.

Even I was shocked, I was just standing there and was clear and still to be hit by anything, but he just missed. I look at his face and saw that the blood from his now bleeding forehead had gotten into his left eye, blinding him.

Yosuke:"My eyes!" He said as the blood finally caused some discomfort in his pupils.

Arata:'This is my chance! I'll finish it now!' I said in my head.

My body was all in pain, my arm and legs are shaking, if I want to win, I have to do it now. So, in desperation, the euphoria feeling I felt was replaced with a serious one.

In desperation to end this fight, I throw a kick towards Yosuke. He managed to see this and blocked the left side his face, but as it got closer, the kick's trajectory changed and it landed on his body, where his liver was.

No matter how much resistant you are to pain, unless you're extremely conditioned, a blow to the liver can knock someone out cold, but to my surprise, he was still standing and even goes in for another punch.

Yosuke:"I'll see this fight to the end!" He shouted as he threw his punch.

With my left over strength, I leaned down and dodged his straight right punch. Using the lean, I push my body up and used the momentum to throw a devastating uppercut to his chin.

This finally knocked him down. Usually, boxers often get knocked out by either a cross or an uppercut to the chin and this also worked as he falls down with his eyes, rolling up, and hus body hitting the ground.


Thugs:"....Get him! His tired!" They all shouted.

They were right. I couldn't even let out a scream of victory. So, I just let myself go as I close my eyes.

Arata:'Sorry Sachiko. Look's like Jake's gonna have to save you instead of me.' I apologized to her in my head.


Jerry's pov:

I was now mowing through the many thugs recruited by The Warriors. Their weapons all we swung at my location, but it was all futile, since I'm used to this pain when I was still a child, I was born in these streets in poverty after all.

I mowed through all of the enemies, but as I got deeper into the streets, I see a few thugs running away from the scene and pass by me, but as I got deeper, I finally saw why. It was because of one man with a chain wrapped around his fists.

Jerry:"...Quite the number you did in those thugs, kid." I said to him which caught his attention.

Without any warning, he goes in for a punch to my face, but I took his attack head on. Even with the added damage from the chains, his attacks were still a weak.

Toru:"I remember're that old man." He said.

Jerry:"Exactly. Now, let's calm down and put the weapon. We're allies...for now." I reassured him.

And he did as I told him. Every thug that was present were already out of the way thanks to this kid. To think that rapist I beat up had this much potential.

Jerry:" should go. I'm sure you have somewhere to go to that's more important." I suggested.

Toru:"...You're right...I'll pay you back for that knee that day." He said before he runs away from the scene.

Everything was a complete disaster. But this was part of the plan. The thugs were idiotic enough to leave their banners here. Making The Warriors a prime suspect of what happened here, it should keep them quiet for a while.

Jerry:"Well, nothing left to do that go home." I said as I began to walk back towards my men.

Everything was going smoothly. Look's like I didn't need to lift a finger whatsoever. Now that my job was done, I began to think about Arata and Jake.

Jerry:"I wonder how things are going?" I asked myself.


Jake's pov:

Me and Ryu were now in an all out fist-fight. The two of us were seemingly equal in terms of everything as we both landed a punch on each other's faces.

Jake&Ryu?:"Gah!" We both let out as we both backed up.

Jake:"...This isn't you, Ryu. Just why are you fighting for them? Her?" I asked him.

Ryu?:"Shut up! You wouldn't understand!" He shouted back.

With his movements showing desperation, he rushes towards me and throws a chop towards my, but I dodged it and countered him with a kick to the chin.

But despite the kick to the chin, he continued his assault as his starts off with a barrage of fist towards me. I was overwhelmed as I was forced to block all of them.

He was overwhelming me by a substantial amount. He wasn't fighting without a reason. His clearly fighting to obtain something he holds dear...or someone.

Jake:"...It's her, isn't it!" I shouted.

This manages to catch him off-guard as I push him away with a straight punch to the stomach, that knocked him back a considerable distance.

Jake:"...You're mother, isn't it? You're fighting for her." I deduced.

He kept quiet. Look's like I hit right on the mark. I knew it was his mother, but I had to make sure. After all, I know about his situation the most, because we were friends.

Jake:"You know their lying to you, Ryu. They won't provide you the funds for the surgery." I warned him.

Ryu:"You don't know that! None of you do! I'll do beat you all" He shouted with determination.

Ryu, now filled with desperation and determination, charges at me in a blind rage. He goes in and throws a punch towards me, but I grabbed his wrist, twist it and flung him into the air, resembling a Aikido move.

His body was flung and fell onto concrete. His bones and body are probably in alot of pain as he stood up again and took a fighting stance.

Ryu:"I'm...not...done yet." He said as he gasped for air.

Seeing my former partner in crime in this state, made me distraught. I was about to let out tears, but I held them back. So, to stop him from going further, I took a new stance. One that I developed with the help and teachings of Jerry.

Ryu was confused and surprised about the stance that I just took. But what he didn't know is that...I was already the victor when I let this out. The technique that Mr Mamuro created when he was alive, the technique that Jerry made his own.

Military Style Close Quarters Combat. A combat style used in the military or the police force. They use this when they are forced into a fight in a tight spot, but this technique...wasn't in the original CQC

The legendary Atsuko Mamuro, created this technique with the help of his experience in the police force and implemented it in his main fighting style, which is CQC. A one attack that uses up all of you're strength in either a barrage of small but lethal attacks, or one big lethal attack.

And so, without knowing what it was, Ryu charges at me in rage. In a split second, I lean in towards him and also charged at him in blinding speeds.

Between the two of us, I got to him first and In a span of 0.0001 second. A barrage of attacks hit him all over his body as I got behind him with mt arms, still in place, indicating I had used the technique.

The barrage knocked him out in a matter of seconds as he falls down unconscious on the floor. Now his eyes closed for probably the first time in his life to be knocked out.

I stared at his now sleeping face for a few seconds. Until, I had enough and got back upstairs to fetch Arata's little sister.

Jake:"...Come back when everything is all over." I said to the now unconscious Ryu.

I arrived back at the top floor as I immediately saw the little girl I was looking for. She wrapped herself around Ryu's backup jacket as she shivered in fear.

Sachiko:"Wh-who are you!? Where's Mr. Meanie!?" She asked, referring to Ryu as Mr. Meanie.

Jake:"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." I reassured her.


Jake:"I'm with you're brother, Arata. I'm here to pick you up."


Arata's pov:

Everything was dark. I couldn't seem anything anymore. After all, I just went down after a fight with someone who isn't even in the top 10.

After a while, a brief light suddenly hit my eyes. I slowly but surely open them to reveal a white roof with a lit up light bulb.

I was on a hospital bed again as I sit up and saw my room. I was hooked up to some antibiotics and there, st the couch that was in the room, I saw...Hiromi, sleeping with bags over her eyes.

Arata:"Is it...over?" I asked myself.

Just then, the door to the bathroom opens and outcomes someone I wanted to see after that one week we were seperated. Sachiko.

Sachiko:"Hmmm~ Hu-Onii-chan!" She called for me as she ran towards my bed.

Arata:"Sachiko!" I shouted back.

She came close to me as I pulled her up on top of my bed as we both hug each other tightly. My sister was in danger, and seeing her here with me now made me at ease. Safe to say, I didn't want to let go.

I didn't want to let go whatsoever, but Sachiko let's go as I grabbed her by the shoulder.

Arata:"Are you hurt!? Did they hurt you!? Did you eat well!?" I asked her in a worried tone.

Sachiko:"Don't worry Onii-chan! Sachiko is fine, but...what about you, Onii-chan? You got hurt because of me." She asked about me.

Arata:"It doesn't matter what happens to me right now. What matters is that you're and sound." I said as I hug her back.

Everything was now back to the way it should be. I got my sister back. But now that people are after me. I have to protect her with all of my might. I have to, she's the only family I have left now.

As I held onto the Sachiko, tears began to fall onto her shirt as she get's worried.

Sachiko:"Onii-chan, you're crying! What's wrong!?" She asked in a worried.

She tried to pull herself away from me to see my problem, but I pull her back onto my arms and held her tightly into a hug.

Arata:"Nothing...I'm just glad that you're're finally back...thank god you're back." I pleaded with happines.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for chapter 23.


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