Dirty desires -jjk series

By BookedBySunny

41.1K 1.9K 204

It's still a mystery to me that how you became my only desire? How i fell for you? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 17
chapter 18
CHP 21
CHP 22
CHP 23
CHP 24
CHP 25
CHP 26


1.7K 95 13
By BookedBySunny


Now the school ended. You were going out with Jungkook to pick james and Hanna from their class. Look how they lied Infront of the class! A girl loudly spoke behind you and Jungkook. Jungkook immediately got attentive and looked behind. What are you saying? Say again plz! Jungkook spoke with a smirk. Jungkook plz! Let's go. You tried to drag him away but he didn't listen. Just to save her from sir's insult you lied. Wow! The same girl spoke. Crossing his arms over his chest Jungkook looked at her. Where's your boyfriend? Jungkook asked her confidently. He is with his friend. She spoke. So does he knows that you kept drooling over me even when you were in relation with him? You lied several time with him on calls when you were sitting with me in cafeteria. Indirectly you are cheating on him. Jungkook spoke. Her eyes widened. Her mouth was shut up in embarrassment.

Jungkook it's enough. Leave her! You shouted from behind. You should be thankful that there is no third person here who could hear about this. Jungkook spoke and turned back giving her a death stare. You were a bit afraid to see this side of him. He is literally not afraid of anyone. He saw your facial colour fading up. Cool down. I know how to handle such stupid shit. He chuckled looking at you. You nodded. It's because of me. I'll be careful next time with school rules. You spoke looking down. Rules are meant to be broke. Don't worry I'll fight for you. Jungkook winked at you. Your eyes widened hearing this. Say this Infront of discipline staff then they gonna tell you whether your legs should be broken or the school rules. Jack came from behind and twisted Jungkook's ear.

Ahh man! I didn't lie tho! Jungkook said. You chuckled seeing them fighting cutely. Well! Our Jungkook is like this! He loves to help other friends. So don't mind it y/n. Hanna came and stood between you and Jungkook. You were pushed away by her but you didn't say anything. Woah! Jungkook is turning into a good guy! James smiled and patted Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook raised his eye brow and looked at james. Really? Jungkook asked. No I'm kidding. ---- Yes you are! James and you respectively spoke at same time. Jungkook eyes instantly diverted on you. Huh? Jungkook's eyes widened. You tucked your hair and walked towards james in nervousness. Let's go home! You said you james. Yeah Jungkook , let us go too~ Hanna spoke and held Jungkook's arm, trying to be clingy with him.

Are you going with me? Jungkook asked Hanna. She nodded. Ok then what about you and y/n also come with us? Jungkook said to James. James looked at you. you didn't say anything. We'll come there anyother day. James said. Ok its fine. Jungkook bit his lip looking at you. Then you and james walked away saying bye to hanna and Jungkook. Oh! I just remember i have to go to gym. Ops I'm getting late. Jungkook spoke as he checked the time. But you were inviting y/n and james to your home. And now- Hanna stop as Jungkook ignored her. Instead of listening to her , he kicked his bike and drove away. I can see what made your behaviour changing, Jungkook! This is all because of that y/n! Hanna said to herself in anger.

(Y/n's pov)

Maybe you are new comer and also my cousin that's why he was protecting you. James came up with coffee mugs for him and me. I think so. But everyone says he is heartless kinda person and a playboy too. I haven't seen such a playboy. I spoke with my full attention on the topic. Instead of being serious he laughed loudly. Y/n! You are really innocent. I know Jungkook is a very good person. But he is my friend for years. It's a way of him to make girls fall for him. So don't be serious about him. I know him far better than anyone else. James said and gave me mug. I stayed silent after hearing this. Probably he is right. James and Jungkook are together since a long time. Yep you are right james. I said. Can we talk about any other thing? James said cupping my cheek. His voice was suddenly polite than usual. What you wanna talk about? I asked him. It's been a month you are here at my house but we haven't spent quality time together. He tucked my hair and was looking at me with smile. What is wrong with him? He is acting differently today.

I-I'm tired. I stuttered moving away from him. Oh! Then go and take rest. He said with a sad pout. Without saying anything i stood up. In case you need anything you can come to me freely. James held my hand from behind. O-ok! I said and went straight to my room. What's going in James's mind? I have always seen him as my brother. That's disgusting if he is taking things in another way. I mumbled to myself. I sat on study table and opened my books to finish my home tasks. While taking out books my eyes landed on a bunch of flowers. I took them out. Lavender flowers again? But who has placed them in my bag this time. There was something written on them too.

Set them in your vase and don't ask stupid questions
- your handsome benchmate :)

Jungkook? Oh man why you are doing this? Then you stop me asking any questions. But I'll do anyways. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

(Author's pov)

Y/N : So I'm here with my stupid question. Why you placed flowers in my bag? 🙄
JK : So rude of you! Is this a way of starting a convo?
Y/n : I also have other things to do. That's why i came to my point without wasting time!
Jk : ohh~ then do your work and don't ask me anything ☺️
Y/n : Hey you brainless man! Why are you smiling????😾
Y/N : There's no reason for me to act nicely with you.
Jk : then according to you we act nicely only on certain reasons? 😃
Y/n : Umm- yeah....idk 🙄
Jk : Then you must be thinking I'm behaving nicely with you for a reason?
Y/n : huh! Sorry for disturbing you. It's useless to ask you anything! Bye!
Jk : listen! It will not affect your reputation if you'll be sweet with me🥺
Y/n : hey! What with these pleading eyes? Don't do this! Plz
Jk : I'm not pleading. I- just.....i like this emoji. Ah bye.
Y/n : Jungkook i was just teasing you. Umm don't mind.

(You texted him but he went offline)

Was i really rude with him? You mumbled and touch the flowers softly. You felt guilty. You tried to call him but he wasn't picking up. I'll say him sorry tomorrow. You said and continued doing your work.

Next at school:

Your lecture was going on. Half day has passed but you didn't say anything to Jungkook. He was also silent whole day. Sitting beside you, he was just writing notes from board. You looked at him from corner of your eye. He seem to be bit upset today. So students it was all for today. See you tomorrow! The professor spoke and went out of the class. Everyone also rushed out as it was break now. Only a few students were now in the class. You wrote something on paper and slide it towards Jungkook while looking on other side. Jungkook took it and read it.

Plz don't be upset. I'm sorry :(
- your stupid benchmate

You were waiting for him to say anything but he stood up and was about to leave the class. You stood up and grabbed his hand. Say something! Don't be silent! You spoke in low voice. His back was still facing you. He turned back and you found him so close to you. You stepped backwards but hit the desk and was about to fell but Jungkook holds you within a second. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You grabbed his shirt tightly in your fist. Without any expression he was staring into your eyes. I-I'm sorry! You stuttered. For how many times you'll say this? Hmm? He asked looking in your eyes. Idk! You spoke , still in same position. You are really stupid! Jungkook spoke and smacked your forehead softly. Umm yeah! You spoke looking down. He removed his arms from your body and chuckled.

So are you still gonna mad at me? You asked playing with your fingers. I wasn't mad at you. Jungkook said and went back to his seat. Then why were you behaving strange? You didn't check ny msgs , didn't pick my call, ignored my presence since morning. You know i was so worried about you. I know i was bit rude but I was just teasing you. This isn't a good way of-

Suddenly he placed his finger on my lips. No more word now! Ok? Other reason was disturbing me. Stop blaming yourself now! He spoke with a smile. You smiled back. I was just thinking too much. You chuckled looking down. Yep you were! Jungkook spoke and tucked something in your hair. You immediately looked at him. What was that? You asked with widened eyes. The same thing which i place secretly into your bag. Jungkook smiled. Can i ask why are you doing this? You spoke while blushing. Don't forget you called me brainless guy! I can't give you a proper answer for this at this moment. He spoke. Then it will make me to assume things! You said and he looked at you. what will you assume? Hmm? He asked. Placing his hand on desk he leaned closer to you. This sudden closeness made you nervous. Why are you silent now? He spoke in deep voice.

.........to be continued ✨

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Happy Bora month army

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