Timing is Everything (Harry S...

By yeahiknowmystyles

538 35 0

Supposed bad boy Harry Styles is keen set on getting with Niall's girlfriends roommate after being pushed int... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12 (the end)

Chapter 1

117 6 0
By yeahiknowmystyles

Partying, drinking, smoking it was the usual Friday night at the house with all of my friends, friends of friends and people I didn't even know. Most I didn't the time of day to, some I knew faces from other parties but didn't know names and didn't really care. I had one person on my mind that night and I had no idea if he was going to show up, or if he would even notice I existed.

His name? Harry Styles. One of the most beautiful boys I have ever laid eyes on. He stood about 6'1 long torso, perfect abs and a v-line that would any girl scream with excitement. His hair was perfectly curly, dark brown that led straight to his emerald green eyes. Those eyes made me melt; every time he even made eye contact with me by mistake I felt like I had to turn and look to see who he was ACTUALLY looking at. Did I mention the tattoos? Fucking flawless. This boy was beyond perfect for words.

I met him once at a party a few months ago that my best friend Ali had for her 21st birthday. She was friends with Niall Horan who was Harry's best friend. They always came in a group of 5, Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn. Harry and Niall were the only single ones but Ali was hoping after tonight her and Niall would talk and finally just be together, I mean they fuck every day that ends with "Y" so why the hell should they not be together? Their chemistry was almost sickening haha.


Its 5pm and I had just gotten out of work, I rushed home before everyone started to show up. I showered quickly and went through my closet to find something to wear. I still didn't understand why I even had a closet because I never care what I’m wearing because I was not a material girl what so ever. I was happy in a t-shirt and jean shorts which is exactly what I put on. I had on my dark wash jean shorts with a plain white V-neck my hair straitened with very little make up. My golden brown hair fell just below the V-neck part of my shirt. I'm a petite girl about 5'4 130lbs so it wasn't hard for me to get buzzed let alone drunk just after a few drinks. I looked in the mirror, was very satisfied, noticed my tan was starting threw my black flip flops on and went downstairs. I was ready for the night to begin and drown myself in alcohol to start my weekend after my shitty week.

I've seen Harry here and there around town and at local bars but I was always either too drunk to notice fully or he was surrounded by girls. Let me re-phrase that ....whores. Every single girl in this god-for-saken town wanted to fuck Harry Styles. Unfortunately I was included in this group but I wanted something more with him. I wanted to get to know him, not just be a causal fuck and "see you never again" girl after the morning. There was a certain mystery behind the eyes and I wanted to know what it was.

I would have never even thought of him in this way if it wasn't for Ali and Niall. Hanging out with them all Niall did was talk about Harry. He even tried getting Harry to come hang out a few times but he was always "busy" aka I say he was getting fucked up and getting what he wanted from any girl who walked past him. So the disappointment slowly sunk in and I was kicked back into reality when Niall walked into the house alone with Ali. Again, no Harry.

"Hey Hey Kendall" Niall came over giving me a big hug and poking my side

"Hey, asshole" I said sarcastically and crinkled my face at him like a child

"So you look....the same as you always do” Ali said in a bitchy yet funny tone

"Thanksssssss bitch always knew I could count on you to keep my self-esteem up. Why does it matter anyways? I'm comfortable and I think I look just fine as a matter of fact" checking myself out in the mirror in the hallway as I walked towards the living room to put the stereo on.

"Yeahhhhh, she looks cute, she never changes herself for anyone who wouldn't like that?" Niall said laughing.

"Ugh fuck yourself Horan"

"Don't have to, pointing to Ali, she fucks me just the way I like it" laughing hysterically

"Jesus Kendall take a shot and lighten up a bit, don't be a bitch tonight Harry is coming" "And fuck you Niall you’re not getting shit tonight if you keep saying stupid shit like that" Ali said as I was walking away

Niall looked disappointed, cocked his eyebrow put a smile on and grabbed her hand and started kissing her neck and collarbone. Lightening her mood quite a bit.

"Yeah what fucking ever, that kid never wants to come by and if he does guarantee hell have a whole group of sluts on his shoulders worshipping him"

I heard the door open as I said that and I turned around slowly to see him, Harry..... By himself wearing a Rolling stones black t-shirt that fell perfectly on his torso and black skinny jeans with white converse. He looked perfect. He shook his hair to the side and looked at me and I stopped dead in my tracks. He walked right past me to go say Hi to Niall and Ali.. They said a few words to each other, and then he turned around and looked at me, almost through me with those god damn green eyes. He was locked on to me and nodded his head to follow him. I had a confused look on my face....but I did follow, and I don't know why.

Ali and Niall both cursed under their breath and walked outside in the backyard and let us be alone. I tried to give them a look to stop them but I knew I dug myself into this and had to try and get out and fast.

"So that's what you think of me huh? Angrily. "I didn't think we knew each other that well to start assuming things" with a smile that went from ear to ear and dimples that were do defined. Almost like he was playing a fucking game with me."Kendall" are you even listening to me?

"Oh fuck I said under my breath.... WOW, didn't even think you knew my name....Harry was it?" Can't blame me every time I see you, you have girls attached to you and you do have a reputation Mr. Styles" I tried playing right back into his game with an attitude.

"Oh do I, a reputation? Want to go into details about this reputation that proceeds me" he said walking slowly towards me forcing me to back up until I hit the wall not even realizing how close he is getting to me.

He face is within inches of mine, arm was next to my face, palm flat against the wall causing his bicep to flex just enough. I can smell his minty breath and he hasn't lost eye contact with me yet. I tried looking away to get a fucking grip to be able to speak without making myself look a total idiot.

"Um, well you know, you have fucked a-a lot of girls an-and you really don't like -or want any of them..... I don't fucking know, (pushing his arm away) this is the shit I've heard, kill me for fucking believe the shit I hear"

He stepped sideways and put both of his arms back up so I couldn't move again, it was like he wanted to see how angry I was going to get and testing my patience of being so close to him.

"Listen" looking directly at me..."yes I have been with girls, but not as many as you think. I haven't found a girl that I actually want to be with for more than a few hours. Did you ever think of that? I'm actually starting to think coming here tonight to see you was a bad idea. You have no fucking clue what I do, or who I do it with"

Wai--wait what? See me? Why? You've spoken to me once why do you give a shit"

"Yeah, well" he was pacing back and forth at this moment not rally looking at me...."Niall and Ali have been trying to get me to come out, but I always had work or last minute things to do. It had nothing to do with you, how could it? You’re fucking gorgeous. Not that you don't know that."

I was in a state of shock...I’m gorgeous? Harry just said I’m Gorgeous, I wanted to pinch myself to see if this was actually happening or if I’m going to wake up with a fucking hang over and this was all just a dream. He can't win; I’ll put up a fight.

Harrys POV

I was actually happy to come out on a Friday night to see friends and finally get to formally meet this infamous "Kendall" Niall and Ali talk 24/7 about to me. "How perfect we would be for each other, how funny she is, how she's not high maintenance , she loves having fun and not afraid of anything" blah blah blah. Now I get here and what? The first thing I hear out of her mouth is How many girls I've supposedly fucked and making assumptions of my lifestyle without even knowing anything about who I really am. All I know is I better get fucked up tonight and just have fun, I needed it. My dad died a few months ago and I haven't really had a life outside of work and family. I doubt she knew much past my dad’s death (if she even knew) or how he died and what I really do whenever she sees me out at the bars. Little does she know I actually do notice her every time I see her in town, the way her nose moves when she laughs, how she puts her hair up only when she starts drinking, how she doesn't have a care in the world and lives in the moment. I want that, but she's going to be a challenge, Ali and Niall warned me about that. But I'm up for it. I just hope it’s worth the trouble.


"Fuck off styles; I don't believe a god damn word that comes out of your mouth. Trying to get out from under his arms. He stood tall over me coming in closer then he already was. He looked at me and brought his lips to my ear and whispered "You don't know me babe, why don't you stop pretending you don't want me and let’s get this over it" He sent shock waves through my body, goose bumps like I’ve never had before. Just his voice alone was so deep and so hot. He moved his face back in front of my eyes; he gently put his forehead on mine and had that damn smile plastered on his face again.

"Keep dreaming asshole, I want nothing to do with you now" that was probably the biggest lie I have ever said in my life, and I couldn't even say it without a smile on my face. He knew I was lying. He moved in closer like he was going to kiss me, I held my breath and all of sudden there was a knock on the door.

It was Niall "Get the fuck out of zaaaa room you izzzziots" slurring his speech with his Irish accent, clearly he was drunk. We both looked at the door let out a laugh and harry leaned in and said "This isn't over yet". ....I replied with a smile and said "oh I know, this is just the beginning babe" I looked back winked because mocking him was too much fun; I strutted off knowing he was watching every inch of my body.

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