Total drama island 2023

By karateunicornalc

6.5K 93 417

Alex has had his chance in the spotlight, now it's Gina's turn! Gina's been watching and cheering for her lit... More

OC Character description
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day thirteen ( ✨ F i n a l e ✨ )

Day 5

374 7 17
By karateunicornalc

Gina's POV 

We were in the mess hall. We had been given baked beans. I was starving, but I have STUPID ALLERGIES, WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE BAKED BEANS ARE ACTUAL FOOD! 

"Aren't you eating?" MK asked me, looking slightly concerned. 

"I'm allergic to white beans. Aka, the ones used in baked beans." I explained. 

"I'll take yours." Emma said. I handed her my bowl. 

"At least you guys are eating. Unlike some people." I said, pointing at Julia who was taking a picture of her food. 

"Ok. Baked beans. Be grateful for every meal. Hashtag give thanks." she said, not showing any interest in eating her baked beans. 

I mimed choking myself, earning laughs from MK and Emma. 


Gina: It's awesome that MK and Em are getting along. It sucks when your friends are toxic to each other. 


"Hey Julia, you're looking good today." Wayne complimented her. 


Gina: *Mimicking someone* Veronica, you're looking good tonight! *Stops* Get with Martha Veronica... 


"Yeah, the outfit she's wearing really brings out the curves she doesn't have..." MK muttered. Emma choked on her baked beans. 

"Attention campers! Meet me on the beach on the far side of the island for today's epic challenge." Chris said over the loudspeaker. 


"Morning campers!" Chris said to us after we all gathered on the beach "I hope you enjoyed your... breakfast." 

Why's he saying it like that? 

"Today's challenge is a simple race from one side of the island to the other side." 

Hello from the other siiiiiiiiiide. 

I am sorry. 

"The first team with all members standing on the dock wins! And as always, the losing team will be sending someone home." 

Damien and Priya started whispering. 

"Ahem!" Chris glared "Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" 

"No!" Priya denied. 

"Blah blah blah, we know there's a catch, just... tell us how we're gonna die." MK demanded. 

I'm with her. 

"Just because there's never not been a catch MK, doesn't mean there's never not going to be a catch." Chris glared. 

"Awesome! So there's no catch!" Ripper smiled. 

"You have the IQ of a donkey. And the good looks of one." I said flatly. 

"And of course there's a catch!" Chris grinned. 

Damien started freaking out. 


Eh. He's done it before. 

Top ten most unfair eliminations on this show. 

Chef walked over to Chris. 

"Woah woah woah! Chris! We specifically said, no landmines!" he exclaimed. 

Kind of a specific thing to forbid, but ok. 

"Relaaaaaaaaax. There are not landmines. In this challenge." Chris smirked. 

How in the hell does he stay out of jail? 

"So what's the catch?" Millie asked. 

"Let's just say you'll want to do this as silently as possible." Chris smirked. 

"If this is a remake of the pasta, lion, snake, bear thingy last season, I'm going to throw up from the unoriginality." I scoffed. 

Priya farted. 


"Priya? Did you just toot?" Damien asked. 

"U-um, e-e-excuse me..." she said, incredibly embarrassed. 

Then everyone else started farting but me. 

Guess it's the raffinose in the baked beans. 

Thank you allergies! 

"You guys are disgust-" Emma started before farting for a good five seconds. 

"That's why today's breakfast was baked beans. You really think they'd give us actual food out of the kindness in their shriveled up black little hearts?" I said, putting my hand on my hip "Baked beans contain high levels of raffinose, a carbohydrate that collects inside a person's large intestine-" 

"NEEEEEEEEEEEERD!" Ripper said, before tapping his chin "Heyyyyy, I wonder if that's what's causing the farting?" 

"Yes. That is exactly what Gina just explained." Damien told him. 

"Thank you." I thanked. 

Everyone started farting again, Emma's once again the loudest and longest. 

"Hey, you've got some real power there Emma." Ripper said to her "More than just a pretty face..." 

"EW! Are you flirting with me about my farts!?" Emma exclaimed in disgust. 

"Yes. Yes I am." Ripper smirked. 


Gina: Ripper strikes me as the kind of guy who would walk up to a girl and say 'Nice shirt, but I bet it'd look better on the floor.' *Sighs.* Guys like him put the men in disappoint-men-t. Huh. I should write that down. 


"Yes, the all bean breakfast was part of the plan." Chris confessed "Now shush your butts and get moving. Before you get eaten by one of the raptors." 

"THE BASKETBALL TEAM?!" Raj exclaimed in excitement. 

"Oooh, he likes basketball. Looks like you've found your soulmate." I whispered to Bowie, nudging him. 

"Oh shut up." he responded. 

"Um, maybe you missed this news, but, dinosaurs are now extinct." Millie informed Chris. 

"Are they?" Chris smirked. 

"Yes. Well, unless you count certain animals like crocodiles and platypuses since technically they were around during the time period when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, but aren't technically classified as-" I began, before a loud roar came out of the forest. 

"Gah! Wh- wha- what was that!?" Damien exclaimed. 

"Probably just some prerecorded sound effect." I said, trying to convince myself of that fact along with convincing the others. 

"Gee, I might be wrong but I'd say it sounded a whole lot more like a raptor." Chris smirked. 

"Ok, huddle up Frogs." I said to my teammates, who complied. 

"Chris said himself he could be wrong. And since dinosaurs are extinct and he has been proven on numerous occasions not to be the sharpest knife in the kitchen, I'm going to lean heavily towards the he's wrong side of the spectrum." I said, keeping myself calm and collected. 

"Besides, if there were really 'raptors' here, Chris would not be standing here with us." Bowie added. 

"Let the challenge begin!" Chris yelled. 

We all looked at him. He was leaving on a Jetski. 

"That doesn't prove anything." I said. 

"Gahhhhhhhh! Come back!" Chef yelled in horror, jumping into the water behind him. 

"No I won't come back because I can't hear you!" Chris called back to Chef as he swam after him. 

That's when literal raptors jumped out around us. 

We screamed and ran away. 


Gina: Doing this show was a horrible idea. That's all I came in hear to say. *Growling from outside the confessional* On second thoughts, I might as well say this. Eric, Cassie never loved you and we made out like, six times while you two were dating. I regret *Bleep* nothing except not telling her to grab a mint. 


"We need to split up!" MK yelled as our team ran. 

"Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?!" Julia yelled. 

"Haven't you ever seen a zombie movie? If we scatter, there'll be a lower chance of us being eaten!" I responded. 

"She's got a point. Let's move!" Wayne yelled, before he and Raj ran off with Julia. 

"G, let's go!" Bowie said, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him and Emma. 


Gina: Ugh... Ok, Bowie's my bestie and I love him him, but damn it I wanted to spend more time with MK before I get eaten by a dinosaur! Ok, definitely deleting this confessional. 


"We'll be fine if the three of us stick together!" Bowie said to Emma and I. 

"Agreed!" Emma said, before Bowie tripped, fell into me and we both fell to the ground, and she just left. 

"Thanks friend." I said directed at her as she ran. 

"Um, G?" Bowie said. 

"What?" I snapped. 

"KEEP RUNNING!" he yelled. 

I looked behind us and saw the raptor again. 

We screamed and kept running. 

"We can't run forever!" I exclaimed. 

"SO HIDE!" he yelled, before we dove into a bush. 

A few minutes later, Emma jumped in. 

"ow!" i said. 

We all stood up. 

"I thought i'd lost you two." she said. 

"Yeah, you seemed real concerned when you ran away from us." I said sarcastically. 

"I thought you were right behind me." she said. 

We had a group hug. Then the raptor ran towards us so that it was about fifty or sixty meters away from us. 

"Everything will be fine if we just stay silent." Bowie whispered. 

Emma farted again. 

The raptor roared at us. 

We screamed and ran away, Emma once again running away from us. 

"Are you kidding me?" I scoffed. 

"Hide again!?" Bowie exclaimed. 

"Yeah!" I agreed. We both jumped into a bush underneath a tree. 

Julia walked past and stepped on a twig. 

"Oh crud." she whispered. 

The raptor ran up to her and growled, before roaring, the force of it actually making her hair fly back and stay like that. 

I took a picture on my phone both to show at her funeral, and if I ever needed a laugh. 

"MOUTHWASH!" Julia screamed "Ever heard of it? Seriously, they should change your name to halitosis-saurus. Your breath reeks of caveman girl! And get some whitening strips and a liner for your teeth already! Your grill looks like a fence made of mud!" 

"Ouch. Shots fired." I whispered. 

"I can't even talk about your dry scaly skin, because I will literally barf in my own mouth!" Julia continued. 

"Damn." Bowie whispered. 

"You have bags under your eyes!" 

Relatable to be honest. 

"You have tiny little chicken wing arms." 


"And your toenails? Big yikes! It's actually no wonder you went extinct, because no one would want to get with that!" Julia finished her rant. 

The raptor started crying and scampered away. 


Gina: Poor thing. I know it tried to eat me and my teammates, but still. 

Bowie: Ooh! Julia just read that raptor!


We both stood up in the bush. 

"You were rough on that dinosaur." Bowie said to her. 

"Huh? You... heard all that?" she said nervously. 

"Ding ding ding. And now we know that your true colours are vicious and brutal. Not gonna lie babes, you're embodying the all influencers are *bleep*ches stereotype." I said. 

"If you tell anyone-" Julia began. 

"Don't worry, I'm painfully single and snitches don't get *Bleep*ches." I smirked. 

"Just don't ever dissect me like that. I'm an ugly crier." Bowie said. 

"he is. You should have seen him when Ali died in Squid Game." I said. 

"Deal! Now let's go!" Julia said, before we started running towards the finish line. 

We got there, and MK quickly crossed after. 

"Gina, Bowie, Julia, MK." Chris listed as we crossed the finish line. 

"So glad you're ok." I said to MK. 

"feeling's mutual." she responded. 

"You are the last to arrive for your team, which means the Frogs Of Death win!" Chris announced. 

My team cheered, high fived, and took selfies (Julia.) 

"And a close second place loser finish for Team Trout." Chris said as Ripper, damien, Millie and Priya arrived. 

"Hahahahaaa! See you at the elimination ceremony!" Chris smirked. 


I was walking along the beach, I got pulled into a bush. 

"MK?" I asked her "Have you been... waiting in this bush for me to walk past?" 

"That's not important!" MK said "I watched the confessionals today, and there's stuff I need to tell you!" 


Gina: I am sitting in bushes many many time here, and none of the times were for the reasons I thought I'd get pulled into a bush at a summer camp. Georgia, if you're watching this, don't ask River what I mean. He will explain it in incredible detail. 


"So, here's the four-one-one. Millie lied to Priya about who she voted for last elimination and is writing a thesis paper that throws everyone here under the bus! And Princess Julia is not the positive yoga, sunshine rainbow she pretends to be, and she calls us all butt knuckles!" MK exclaimed, seeming really excited. 

"And she yelled at a dinosaur." I added. 

"Yeah- wait, you saw that?" she asked. 

"yep. Bowie and I were hiding from the raptors in a bush under a tree and saw it." I explained. 

"I got it all on video!" MK exclaimed, holding up the phone. 

"Woah! Nice job MK!" I congratulated. 

"Let's upload the lowdown to her Myself-igram account and see what her followers think! Hashtag the real Julia!" MK smirked, typing on the phone. 

"Ok, you're kinda an evil genius, and I kinda love it." I said. 

"Oh. Thanks." MK said, before looking slightly worried "I hope that raptor's ok..." 

"Same..." I agreed. 

"Crap, shut up. Someone's coming." she whispered. 

We looked through the gaps in the bush and saw Raj. 

"Ok, just talk to him..." he said to himself, before walking over to the rocks where Bowie was sitting and sitting down on one. 

"Hey, um, glad you're ok." he said nervously. 

"Ehhh, look again. I am much better than ok." Bowie smirked confidently. 

Oooh, the swagger. 

"O-oh! Yeah! Hahaha! yeah!" Raj said, blushing madly. 

"Yeesh. Glad I don't act that awkward around my crush..." MK muttered. 

"same." I agreed, before realizing that I just admitted to having a crush. 


*MK and Gina's confessionals side by side.* 

Both: *Facepalms* Why did I say that!? 


"Um..." I said, trying to think of something to cover up what i just said. 

We heard someone screaming. 

"Oooooooooooh, guess Julia's already found out about the vid." MK smirked. 

"Words cannot express how much I want to watch her freak out." I smiled. 

"hey, we can watch it when this season's over and we can rewatch." MK smiled. 

"True. Now, I'm going to finish my walk. Thanks for the information on the others." I thanked, standing back up. 

"No problem. Enjoy your walk." she said. 

I walked off, softly humming In A Heartbeat from High School Musical, The Musical, The Series. 

Author's note. 


The main reasons it was so short, is because Bowie and Emma and MK get barely any time this episode, and I had to pick one, so I picked Bowie because he has somewhat more, but it's still barely any, so now we have this short ass, boring ass chapter. 


Fave lines 

Princess Julia is not the positive yoga, sunshine rainbow she pretends to be- MK

we know there's a catch, just tell us how we're gonna die- MK (She has the best lines.) 

Raptors can't open doors. They have the brains of nine year olds.
When did you learn to open a door?- Ripper and Damien 

Awww, it's a happy ending! I don't care for those.- Chris 

Woah woah woah! Chris! We specifically said, no landmines!- Damien and Chef 

No I won't come back because I can't hear you!- Chef 

Look again. I am much better than ok.- Bowie (The confidence is just *Chefs kiss*) 

I'll try and make the next chapter longer! 

Word count: 2457 (Told you it was short) 

-Chinchilla ✨

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