Helping Gwen 10

AnimeEagleScout द्वारा

193K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... अधिक

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Time slipping

1.3K 45 39
AnimeEagleScout द्वारा

Ok I need to do a question for how I address Azmuth's.

1. Keep it Azmuth Prime and Lesser Azmuth.

2. Azmuth-A and Azmuth-B

Ben and Gwen are officially 17 and 16.

Ben, Charmcaster and Hex(?) Explains what happened in the past.

Rustbucket 2.5

Max had sent a few recordings of Ledgerdomain to Patelliday and said "Officer Tennyson was planning on beginning an excursion here without significant backup."

Patelliday had went fish eyed at the sight "Well your gonna be telling Proctor about this. Thank you for lookin' out for my guppies Maxxie."

The computer went quiet then Ben's badge range and the image was pulled up on the same monitor.

"Do you know how long you've been missing?" Patelliday asked.

"75 hours, 50 minutes." Ben said.

"And what exactly was the reason for this excursion?" Patelliday asked.

"Stopping a monster." Ben said.

The recordings from Max's Badge and Ben's Back up had been enough for both Patelliday and Proctor [guys I need help with a name for Max's higher up. I could use Servantis but he's the Null Void sector.]

"Uh Benny, you were standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the Forever Knights who was willingly doing so?" Patelliday asked.

"Yes. In my timeline they had been responsible for a purge of any Extraterrestrials they could find." Ben said "But near the end of the summer we had faced an extra dimensional creature known as Dagon and the knights had either died swinging or bent the knee to their king."

"I see." Patelliday said "Patelliday signing out."

"Officer Tennyson signing off." Ben said.

"Happy birthday." Patelliday said before the call ended.

"KITT voice mail." Ben said.

"2 messages from Azmuth. 1 message from Grey. 1 message from Luhley. 1 message from Sugar Tail."

Max raised an eyebrow.

"XLR8 keeps changing the destination." Ben said.


"Ben, call when you get this."

"Merry Christmas dad."

"Ben you glorious bastard! a custom M8 receiver?!"

"Hey Ben it's Helen-" "and Alan-" "and Manny-" "and Pierce." "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" The Plumbers kids shouted.

"You got Luhley a Plasma shotgun receiver?" Max asked "Secret Santa was 100 dollars."

"Looma gets bored with being not allowed to train so she's been focusing in her metal work." Ben said "I told her I wanted to make something for my older sister and we got to work.'

"When did you-" Max started.

"Grampa, Khoros is 2 minutes away for me." Ben said "Solara and Looma aren't exactly hard to hang out with when I have a few hours. Did you know every Tetramand is required to learn at least 3 instruments and 2 trades?"

"Really?" Max asked.

"Yeah Looma is a total grease monkey and loves to sew. And Solara...that girl can COOK! Loves carving too." Ben said "I grew her a tree with swampfire and she squealed at the chance to work with it."

"Glad your keeping on contact with your wife and Bride to be." Max said.

"I haven't talked to Cleo since after the tournament. Probably should call." Ben said.

"Slow down Romeo." Max said "It's one in the morning and rest should be priority."

Ben collected himself and got comfortable in the driver seat.

Max was going to take a shower while Ben pulled up Cleo's number.

No answer.

Ben called Azmuth. The screen was on voice mode.

"Speak." Azmuth said.

"Azmuth you good?" Ben asked.

"Hands full on something." Azmuth said "What's up?"

"Just answering voice mail." Ben said "Ledgerdomain doesn't have a relay so my badge couldn't get any calls."

"Yes you definitely get into some roaming areas." Azmuth said "So how was Ledgerdomain?"

"You know once the threat of a demented turtle swearing my death and a Witch not trying to kill me I gotta say it is actually a relaxing place for me." Ben said "Might get a me house there even."

"Glad to hear. Hey swing by if you can there's something for you here." Azmuth said.

"Ben hasn't slept in a week." Trixie said.

"Should probably sleep then." Azmuth said simply "So you two are back together?"

"Not like it was before but..." Trixie started.

"That would require a deeper explanation." Ben said.

"Would be glad to hear it." Azmuth said "And tell Gwen my other self would like for her to come to Galvan Prime. Hopefully within the next 48 hours."

"Got it."

"Happy birthday."


"So want to explain to me why I look like this?" Charmcaster asked her uncle.

[Short hair or long hair?]

"It's how you were born Charmcaster." Spellbinder said getting a nod from Hex.

"It's how you were till you I had to block your memories." Hex said.

"Why would you block her memories?!" Gwen said.

"Because we aren't like the ones in your world." Spellbinder said "Not for a long time."

"Oh uh girls meet my father, Spellbinder the Incomprehensible." Charmcaster said.

"Hello/Nice to meet you." Albeta and Gwen said.

"So back to why you had to wipe Charmcaster's memories." Sugalite said.

"Because she couldn't handle it." Hex said bowing his head "I remember a 6 year old being handed to me by my brothers shouts of sealing Ledgerdomain behind her. I tried to grant her a semblance of a childhood before..."

"Gwen...I knew Ben." Charmcaster said "Before I even saw him here, I was a little kid and...he a park I think."

"Calm yourself, Charmcaster. Explain from the beginning, you have nothing that requires your time." Sir George said.

Charmcaster took a deep breath and said "We went back in time."

"That parts obvious." Gwen said.

"Well you see I was born October 15, 1991 and originally I was sent to earth in 1997." Charmcaster said "Well I kinda...asked mom to...spring me 2001."

"Please don't tell me you caused 9/11." Gwen said.

"The fuck is that?" Charmcaster asked.

"You know what just put a pin in that." Gwen said.

"Anyway Ben told me something about you two not really seeing each other for nearly 5 years before you two's summer trip." Charmcaster said "So when Ledgerdomain was opening the Door to Anywhere...I asked to...adjust the dates of leaving."

"Ok so are you and Ben the same age now?" Albeta asked.

"No..." Hex said "Not anymore. Keep in mind I didn't want to deal with a crying brat due to my quest for the Charms at the time. So when a 6 year old boy was crying for companionship and my Niece alone..."

Hex waved his hand and a smoke cloud showed him dropping Charmcaster at a park and seeing a boy moping.

The two hit it off, Ben thinking her blue skin interesting unlike the other calling her a freak.

"5 years that boy had given Charmcaster companionship." Hex said "When the news of his death got to her she just collapsed back to how she was before it all."

"That doesn't explain how Charmcaster is 20 something now." Albeta said.

"I used a few demon contracts and some....less them savory methods to send her back to the day she arrived like this timeline and moved as far as I could away from Bellwood. Never could get her to forget him completely so I had to block the whole 5 years and sent her back to 1997 with a few memories to myself."

"And the contract is showing." Spellbinder said "What did you pay brother?"

"10 to 1. 10 years of my lifespan for every year sent back."

"That seems excessive." Albeta said.

"I took the toll for her." Hex said looking down at his hands "I've been too long away from home."

"Then you may rest, Brother," Spellbinder said hugging him "It's good to see you again."

"So why was he banished?" Sugalite asked.

"Necromancy and Soul Magic." Hex said.

"So since Charmcaster has her dad back and your aloud here-" Gwen started "-are you gonna stop with the world domination goals?"

"Nope." Hex said smiling "But I'll agree Ledgerdomain is a neutral zone. You are spared for now Gwen Tennyson."

"Yeah about that." Ben said walking up to them.

"Where's Max?" Xylene asked.

"Sleeping in the Rustbucket." Ben said "Wanted the dogs to know he's ok. You wanna go be with him?"

"Yes I'd like to sleep somewhere normal." Xylene said.

Ben opened the door and Xylene walked towards it.

Ben walked over to Charmcaster and said "So what's-"

"Come on hero-" Charmcaster said putting one hand on the Alpha Rune and the other grabbing Ben's hand.

The castle reconstructed with a noticeable green tint and a few statues altered to display the ones who helped stop Addwaitya.

"-We're getting some shut eye." Charmcaster said.

"Hold up." Spellbinder said.

Trixie had the weapon wheel ready while Ultra was just waiting for Ben to hit the button.

"The 12." Spellbinder said.

Charmcaster pulled the 12 bound souls of the Stone Guardians out of her and 12 orbs floated between the two.

As the two time travelers walked into the castle, Spellbinder started working on the floating orbs. Hex helped with a chant before the orbs burst out spreading across the realm.

"What were those?" Gwen asked.

"The 12 Guardians." Spellbinder said "Each holds domain of fragment of order in the chaos of Ledgerdomain. Needed to keep Addwaitya from absorbing them."

The realm started swirling and flowing as if being stirred.

"So you hid them from his grasp." George said nodding "Good thinking."

"George?!" Spellbinder looked shock "You look so young!"

"Yes, immortality does that to you." Sir George said "Merlin good your still breathing."

"As in Merlin Sylvestrus?" Gwen asked.

"Yes I was born here in 525 and left earth a few decades before the spell rot could kick in." Spellbinder said "But...yes I was Merlin."

"I'm getting the feeling Earth children's books are just a front to hide immortals." Albeta said "How old are you?!" Pointing at Hex.

"I'm 40." Hex said.

"He's the baby." Spellbinder said.

"Aren't you 500?" Gwen asked.

Albeta nodded.

"Really?" George said.

"Yes, Galvan's have an...interesting development cycle compared to the galaxy." Albeta said.

"Galvan?" Spellbinder and George asked.

"You've met Azmuth, Sir George." Omni said causing Spellbinder to reel back.

"Another?!" Spellbinder said looking at Omni's projection.

"Hi." Omni waved "She...was originally Azmuth's Apprentice."

Albeta turned the dial and when the hologram popped up Hex had shouted "Bazels Beard there's 3 of them?!"

The flash of red faded into a 5 inch tall being.

"At least this form is normal." Albeta said looking at her chest then behind her.

"So this is your true form?" Spellbinder said kneeling down.

"Not exactly." Albeta said "My transformations are all me but I'm set to human as my default form."

"Ben put that in" Gwen said.

"His or hers?" Hex asked looking at it.

"Both." Albeta said turning back "I appear to function better as a woman. And my intelligence does not drop in this human form."

"So your monster watch is a fully functional one?" Hex asked looking at it.

"Other then I appear to be growing an absurd amount of breast tissue on whatever form I take." Albeta said.

"But it does work?" Hex asked.

"Don't even try it bub," Omni said "Gwen and Ben have the remote shut off to it."

Gwen yawned and asked "Is there anywhere we can sleep?"

The two were brought to an unused barracks saying they'd have a room for both of them set in the castle.

Albeta looked at herself and said "Is it possible Ben did this intentionally?"

"I mean he is a teenage guy." Gwen said.

"I could check if it's a settings thing?" Omni said.

Albeta held out her arm as the Betatrix glowed the same color as Gwen's.

Omni stuck her tongue out as she was going through it. "There is literally nothing different then Gwen's. All your settings are at peak balance. Nothing here is out of the ordinary."

"That..." Albeta was confused about how it was possible "Let me see the settings."

Omni showed Gwen and Albeta was on the same settings.

"Maybe we could lower something and-" Gwen started.

Albeta had Instinctively pulled her arm back.

"I...please don't mess with those settings." Albeta said "I actually like this form. I just...I'd rather keep this form knowing it works then risk altering for an esthetic choice."

"Are you sure?" Gwen asked.

Albeta nodded "I've never been this happy in my life before I became Albeta Crimson."

"I'm glad you feel that way." Gwen said "time to get some shut eye."

They both got into their own cot and slept.

Master bedroom

Ben had started taking off his shirt. "You know you should be wearing a jacket." Charmcaster said.

"Are you gonna give me that one back?" Ben asked.

"Can you give me my virginity back?" Hope asked.

"No." Ben said.

"There's the answer." She says "By the way I totally rock this."

"Yeah." Ben said "Plus I'm not really shivering since I stopped having a cool down."

"So since I have the front door keys to this place...ain't really an excuse for..." Ben trailed off "I mean I know we kinda started off with chaos and-"

"Just kiss damn it!" Trixie shouted.

Charmcaster grabbed his face and pulled him in.

"So is this a yes?" Ben asked.

Charmcaster took off his sunglasses and said "Hey your the kinda crazy I want in my life."

Next chapter birthday

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