Total drama island 2023

By karateunicornalc

6.5K 93 417

Alex has had his chance in the spotlight, now it's Gina's turn! Gina's been watching and cheering for her lit... More

OC Character description
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day thirteen ( ✨ F i n a l e ✨ )

Day 4

432 6 24
By karateunicornalc

Third person POV

Wayne and Raj were outside the cabin talking.

"Can you believe Nichelle? She was so fierce in the movies! Was she just pretending all this time!?" Wayne asked frantically.

The screen panned out to show MK and Gina sitting on the stairs.

"Ummm, news flash, that's how TV works. None of it is real." MK said.

"But she stopped an alien invasion! Wait, does that mean they're still coming!?" Raj exclaimed.

"Also on TV, also not real." Gina said slowly.

"Wait... we're on TV! Does that mean we're not real!?" Wayne exclaimed.

Fourth wall break.

The two started having existential crises.


MK: *Chuckles.* Alright, I like messing with people's minds, but c'mon, some minds just mess with themselves.


Screen cuts to Emma, Gina and Bowie in the mess hall with bowls of what looked like porridge and maggots.

Chase walks over.

"Hey Emma." he smirked, grinning.

"Ugh. Hey." Emma forced, sounding like she wanted to do to him what JD did to Heather Chandler.

Emma and Chase looked at Gina and Bowie.

"We'll give you two some privacy." Bowie said. He and Gina picked up their bowls and walked out of frame.

The screen panned out to show them sitting a few seats away.

"Go ahead. We're not even here." Gina urged.

"I-uh, just wanted to let you know, my cabbage bruises are healing up, so you can stop worrying about me." Chase said to Emma.

"What makes you think I was worrying?" Emma demanded.

"Hey, come on, I saw you watching." Chase smirked, nudging her arm.

"Umm, yeah! BECAUSE I LIKE SEEING YOU IN PAIN!" Emma yelled "That's why I fired cabbages at you all day!"

"So you... were thinking about me all day!" Chase concluded "That's sweet babe, catch you later!" he said, before booping her nose and leaving, making her pissed.

Emma slammed her fist down in her bowl of food, making some splatter on Bowie and Gina.

"I overheard all of that." Bowie said.

"Same." Gina said "You ok girl?"

"What do I need to do to show him we're over!?" Emma exclaimed.


Gina: I would quote one of the many hot TV bookworms and say, stay friendly, then gently accidently sweep the leg, but c'mon. This is Chase. He won't get the message.


"Well, if you wanna prove you're done thinking about Chase, just spit balling here, maybe you should stop thinking about him!?" Bowie said.

"Yeah girl. Probably the best thing right now." Gina agreed.


Emma: I can do that, totally, no problem. Already forgot he's here. Who's here? I don't know. Boom. Ha. See, so easy. *Puts her hands in her lap.* I'm talking about Chase.

*Cuts to Gina outside the confessional. She facepalms.*


The screen panned over to Millie and Priya. "Not to agree with Chase, but we could use another ally." Priya said.

"An ally?" Millie asked.

"Yeah. Someone that'll vote with us instead of against us." Priya explained.

"Ok, but who? Damien only votes himself off, Ripper and Chase have a bromance thing going on, and Zee is a total wild card." Millie said.

"That just leaves..." Priya said, before the screen panned to Lauren stirring a bowl of her porridge maggot thing while lightning flashed across the sky.

"Ok then. Scary girl it is." Millie said "You go ahead, I'll stay here and scream if she tries to eat you."

"Shouldn't we both talk to her?" Priya asked.

"Nah. You're a people person." Millie said.

Lauren started giggling madly.

"Ok, sure. Heh heh. Here I go!" Priya said, walking over to her.

"Good luck." Millie said.

Priya walked over to Lauren who was stabbing at the table with her spoon.

"Um, yeah! Team trout! Whoop whoop!" Priya cheered nervously.

Lauren sniffed the air.

"You smell nervous." she said


Priya: Yep. And when I'm nervous my awkwardness goes from about forty percent to about seventy five. Thousand. Bajillion.


"So, we'd be like Puffy Pals. That's what I call my stuffed animals. I mean, not anymore. I mean, that's still their names, we're just not friends currently. I mean- we're not not friends, like it wasn't a fight or anything, just, you know, life." Priya blabbered nervously.

"Why are you still talking?" Lauren asked, stabbing the table with her spoon again.

"Um, yeah. Ha. Good question. Hahaha!" Priya said nervously "I just wanted to say, you surprised me in yesterday's challenge. You were so good."

"Oh, it surprised you that I was good because you thought I'd be bad?" Lauren said, leaning towards her and bending the spoon she was holding.

"wha- I- I- I- ju- I just- I- I- I thought that-" Priya stuttered, scared for her life.

Gina walked over.

"Woah woah woah, Lauren could you calm down? For me?" she said to Lauren.

Lauren sighed.

"For you, my goddess." she said, before skipping off.

"Woah! Thanks! You're a life saver! Like, literally! Scary Girl definitely would have killed me! Thanks! Thanks a ton!" Priya blabbered.

"No problem. Can't have her pick off the sane contestants, or I'll stop being one of said sane contestants." Gian shrugged.


Priya: Wow! Gina's sorta awesome! I mean, it's bad that I didn't get Scary Girl into an alliance, but like, at least I didn't die! That'd be bad. I mean, you already know that dying would be bad, obviously, but like-

*The confessional camera battery dies*


"Campers! It's challenge time!" Chris said over the loudspeaker.

"Good luck today Priya." Gina said, before walking off.


The screen cut to the two teams standing in the woods. There's a TV which Chris is pointing a stick at.

"Trout, Frogs, welcome to your next challenge! Capture the skulls!" Chris said.

"Eeeeeee!" Lauren squealed, jumping up and down while clapping.

"Settle down. They're not real." Chris said.

Lauren frowned sadly.

"Break out the history books, Scary Girl stopped grinning like a maniac." MK whispered to Gina, who laughed quietly.

Lauren glared at MK.

"Chef built each team a... fort." Chris said "Here, and here"

A Ferocious Trout and Frogs Of Death logo popped up on different sections of the map on the TV screen.

"In front of each team's for is a pedastul where your team's skull must remain. The first team to steal the other team's skull and bring it back to me here wins immunity."

"Does it have to be one of the skulls provided, or would you accept any skull?" Lauren asked, gesturing at MK.

"Why are you looking at me? What'd I do?" MK asked.


Lauren: You tried to steal my goddess from me!


"Scary Girl, it has to be the skull I provided." Chris said "And you should always be thiiiiiiiiiis far away from me." He pushed her away from him with his stick.

"I thought that was a smart question. Not just smart for you! Smart for anyone! Just plain smart! You are smart! Whoop whoop!" Priya said.


Priya: Someone please stop me from talking to her.


"To defend your skulls, each fort is equipped with... let's say weapons." Chris said.

"Fire hoses, stink bombs, boulders and harpoon launchers."

"Those things look pointy. How do we finish the challenge if, you know, all the blood falls out of our bodies?" Wayne asked as he eyed the harpoon launcher.

"Don't worry. These only fire toilet plungers." Chris reassured him "Watch!"

He fired a plunger out of a harpoon launcher at a dummy. It knocked the dummy's head off, before knocking over a tree.

Chef ran over.

"Hey! Did you turn up the air pressure on these?" he accused.

"What? Why would I- of course I did!" Chris smiled.

Chef grumbled and stormed off.

"For once in your life can you think of the ratings?" Chris called after him.

"Ugh. Guess Mister Safety will be making the harpoons less exciting." he grumbled "And, you'll also have cover. Each fort area has shields popping up and down at random intervals. Teams must decide who defends and who captures the other team's skull."

"As always, the losing team will be sending someone home."


The screen cuts to the frogs of Death at their fort.

"Ok team, here's the plan, pass the head bone to the open player, keep away style." Raj said.


Bowie: These hockey jocks are like puppies. Not the smartest, but adorable!


"Emma, Julia, D one to D two wheel break out!" Wayne said.

"MK on the wing gets it to the pivot while Bowie and Gina take their eyes away. No blind passes, let's get that skull!" Raj cheered "Go go goooooo!".

He and Wayne started running off.

"Ummm, did you understand any of that?" MK asked Bowie and Gina.

"Nada." Gina responded.

"Not a word. But it was kinda cute. Let's go." Bowie said, starting to leave.

"Okie dokie artichoke" Gina said, before she and MK followed.

Gina's POV

Bowie, MK and I were sorta just following Wayne and Raj.

"Everyone! Chef made a mistake, so obviously the jackhammer is... now part of the game!" Chris said over the loudspeaker.

"Jackhammer!?" I exclaimed, screeching to a halt.

Lauren came out riding on a jackhammer.

"Crap! She's gonna try and kill me!" MK exclaimed.

"We gotta run!" I yelled, grabbing her hand and starting to run with Bowie, Raj and Wayne behind us.


Wayne and Raj in the same one

Wayne: Talk about bringing the hammer down! Waddaya think Rajie?


Wayne: Ten to twenty for attempted murder!

Raj: Hahaha! Nice one! The joke I mean. Not the murder. Murder's not nice *Hands on hips.*

Wayne: *Pats his shoulder.* That was deep bro!

MK: Gina held my hand... ugh! *hits forehead* Shut up gay thoughts! I'm here to win, not date!


"Quick! Hide!" I said, before shoving my teammates into a bush and diving in after them

Scary Girl- I mean Lauren, went past on her jackhammer.

We all poked out heads out and watched her leave.

"That was close." Bowie said, before we went back behind the bush "What are we going to do now?"

"We need a decoy..." Wayne said.

"MK, fake left and draw her away from us while we grab the skull." Raj said.

"That's a horrible idea! She'll be smashed into a gooey pulp in two seconds!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, no thanks jockstrap. I'm good with living." MK agreed.

"Sorry MK, time to take one for the team." Bowie said, before shoving her out of the bush.


Scary Girl turned around.

"Oooh, time to make some MK jam." she grinned, before turning around.

"Oh *Bleep.*" I exclaimed, jumping out and grabbing her arm.

"RUN!" I yelled, and we both did.

We put some serious distance between Scary Girl and us before stopping and looking for a place to hide.

We saw the boathouse and ran inside before slamming the door.

Scary Girl went past

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in." she grinned creepily.

"Do they not screen contestants at all for this show!?" MK exclaimed.

"Probably not." I said.

We looked out the window on the door and saw Damien pop out of a bush.

He looked at us. We quickly ducked.


Damien: if I had to pick between fighting a wolf and Scary Girl on a jackhammer, I'd take that wolf. Every time! *Chuckles* I am glad she's on my team!

Gina: if Damien rats us out I swear...


"Hey Scary! I think they're gone, so maybe you should go after someone else?" Damien called to her.

She stopped the jackhammer and spun her head a hundred and eighty degrees to look at him before chasing him.

This is the girl who's weirdly obsessed with me.

Better get my affairs in order.

"NO NO NO NO NO! WE'RE ON THE SAME TEAM!" Damien screamed as he ran away.

MK noticed some screens and keyboards.

"What have we here..?" she said, walking over to it. She pressed a button and it showed the shields.

"This controls the shields? haha! Let the fun begin!" she laughed.

Then I noticed they were also showing the view from the cameras.

"yeah, we're gonna be running this game." I smirked.


I was watching one of the screens.

A boulder was rolling towards Wayne.

He tried to stop it, but it rolled over him, smooshing him onto the ground. Amazingly, he survived. Raj ran over to him.

"Is this guy trying to get killed?" MK wondered aloud.

Another boulder was rolled down, almost crushing Raj, but Bowie tackled him out of the way at the last second.

"let's see..." I said, before switching to the confessional camera.


Raj: I think that was um... I feel... huh.

Wayne: So, like, I think my buddy Raj might be gay. *Excited* And I can't wait for him to tell me!

A/n, #FriendshipGoals


"Awwww." I said.

"That was pretty sweet for this show." MK admitted "Now back to torturing the other team."

I switched back to the main cameras and saw Damien hiding in a hollow tree stump.

"Aw, Damien's trying to hide. MAN UP AND STOP HIDING!" I yelled, before pressing a button that made a shield pop out of the tree stump, making him get tossed out and onto the ground.

Scary Girl started chasing him.

"Woah! Nice one!" MK smiled.

"Thanks. I've been called a techie." i said, before switching the cameras to the ones around our fort where Chase, Millie and Priya were.

I lowered the shield Priya was hiding behind and she got hit by a stink bomb.

"Your move." I said to MK.

She grinned and lowered the shield hiding Chase. Emma blasted water at him, but he darted out of the way.

They all squished behind one and Emma started spraying water at it.

MK cackled.

"Dance puppets, dance!" she cackled, before lowering the shield.


Gina: Kay, I think there's something in my family genetics that boosts attraction to psychopaths. Ok, time to delete this *Grabs the phone from the camera and starts typing.*


Chase got hit by a plunger and then Julia blasted Millie and Priya.

I looked at the confessional camera.


Julia: their pores were gross. I did them a favor You're welcome.


"This little..." Mk muttered, before pressing a button.

A shield popped out of the ground underneath Julia, sending her flying.

Bowie and Raj went back to the fort, looking dishevlled.

Emma started running towards the other team's fort.

Ripper picked up Priya and used her as a shield as he ran.

DICK HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julia released a boulder, which somehow didn't stop him, but did hurt Priya a lot.

"Ouch. Poor Priya." I winced.

Ripper grabbed our team's skull.

I slammed my fist on the loudspeaker button.

"HEY RIPPER! THIS IS FOR PRIYA!" I yelled, before making a shield pop up. He ran into it.


Gina: Priya seems pretty cool, Ripper was acting like a *Bleep* to her. Do the math.

MK: Is Gina into Priya or something? Not that I care. *Folds arms and looks to the side.* I don't!


The skull flew out of his hands and flew through he air.

"Come onnnn, where did it land..." MK said, flicking through the cameras.

"Wait! Go back!" I said.

She went back one.

Damien and Scary girl were there with the skull.

"No no no no noooooooooooo!" I exclaimed.

Scary Girl picked up the skull, before skipping off in the opposite direction of Chris!


MK switched the cameras back to the Ferocious Trout fort where Zee had just sprayed Emma with the fire hose, making her fall right near a shield.

MK hit the loudspeaker button.

"Emma! Come closer to this tree!" she said.

"What!?" Emma exclaimed in surprise and confusion.

"Just do it Em!" I said.

She stepped closer to the tree, stepping on where the currently underground and MK hit another shield button and the shield popped up under Emma, sending her flying.

"Damn, you really love doing that to people." I noted.

Emma landed right near the skull. She picked it up, but then Zee blasted her with the fire hose, sending her flying again.


She is gonna be sore tomorrow.

The hose made her fall down a hill, slide up a half pipe looking thing, fly through the air again, and make her land exactly where wanted us to bring the skulls.

"YES!" MK and I cheered, hugging, before realizing we were hugging and stopping.

"C'mon. let's get back to the team. Scary girl should be gone." I said.

We both ran back to our teams fort where everyone else was celebrating.

"We did it!" MK cheered.

"Go team!" I added.

"We? Um, you two didn't help at all." Julia said "You totally ghosted."

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I'm pissed.

"I'm sorry, we ghosted!? You're the one who did one thing the entire game while we got chased by a psychopath, who literally has showed an interest in murdering MK and *Bleep*ing me! Raj, Wayne and Bowie are the ones that ghosted us, while you were sitting here, on your phone, updating your stupid social media where people probably only  think of you as a meme! The only ones of us who did anything useful were MK, Emma and myself, so why don't you just put us out of our misery and quit the damn show!!!" I screamed in frustration, before storming back to the cabin.


MK: *Mouth hanging open in shock.* 

Wayne: *Mouth hanging open in shock*

Raj: *Mouth hanging open in shock*

Julia: *Mouth hanging open in shock*

Bowie: *Mouth hanging open in shock*


I pushed open the door of the cabin and grabbed my pillow off my bed, shoving my face into it and screaming for a solid ten seconds before throwing it against the door.

"Stupid Julia!" I said in frustration, before grabbing my cello case and pulling it open.

I took my cello out and sat on the edge on my bed before starting to play.

I finished, feeling much calmer.

The door opened and MK walked in.

"Didn't want to interrupt you." she said "You're... really good."

"'She's really good'" I said in my best Camp Rock Mitchie voice.

"God, don't remind me of that movie." she said.

"I won't" I promised.

"Seriously though, that was awesome." she said.

"Thanks. You play anything?" I asked.

"Nah. I'm more into listening to music." she shrugged.

"That's cool. Favorite song?" I asked.

"Paint It Black by Rolling Stones." she responded.

"Nice. Are you into rock music in general, or just that song?" I asked.

"Eh. Don't care about genres, just is the actual song is good." she shrugged.

"Cool." I said "You like anything from movies or musicals or whatever?"

"Lamest Place In The World from Thirteen and Dead Mom from Beetlejuice. Or freeze your brain from Heathers." she replied.

"Nice." I said.

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"Are we always gonna have conversations after challenges now?" she asked.

"Maybe." I shrugged.

"So, what's up with you and Scary Girl?" she asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. She just randomly started calling me 'her goddess' and it's just gotten more and more weird since then." I sighed.

"You could try and convince the trout to get her booted." she suggested "I mean, she did lose the challenge for them today. Now would be the best time."

"Hmmm. You might have a point..." I admitted "Thanks for the advice."

"Hey, thanks for sticking up for me to Drool-ia." she smiled.

"That bitch deserves every insult she gets." I responded with a smirk.


I saw Scary Girl leave her teams cabin before walking over and banging on the door of the girl's side. Millie came out.

"Oh. Hey Gina." she said.

"Hey, can I ask a favor?" I asked.

"You can ask, but I can't guarantee I'll comply." she said.

"Ok then. That's fair." I said "Could you and Priya please vote for Scary Girl tonight? She's really starting to worry me with her antics."

"Trust me, she's worrying me too." Millie agreed "I'll vote her off, but Priya will probably be voting for Ripper."

"Yeah. I still can't believe he used her as a shield..." I said.

"Yeah- wait, how did you know that? You weren't there while it happened." she asked suspiciously.

If she thinks I'm giving anything away, she's mistaken.

"Oh, Bowie told me about it. He was there, so he saw." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." she said eventually.

"Yeah. Thanks so much." I said, before walking over to the boy's side and banging on their door as well.

Ripper opened it.

Ugh, fucking gag me with a spoon.

Man the eighties had some weird phrases.

"What?" he said.

"Piss off." I said, before yelling into the cabin "Hey!"

The rest of the guys looked over at me.

"Wassup brah?" Zee asked.

"Could I ask you guys a favor?" I asked.

"Sure G." Chase said.

I can really see why Emma hates him so much.

I decided to the that one go for now.

"Could you guys please vote for Scary Girl?" I requested.

"And why should we do anything you want?" Ripper asked.

"Do you want me to hurt you again? Do you have a pain kink? is that it?" I asked.

"Can she say that?" Damien asked in surprise.

"It's fine, that's what censors are for. Now will you guys please vote for Scary Girl?" I asked.

"Sure brah. If she's making you unchill then of course." Zee said.

"Thank you. Now if the rest of you could, it'd be great." I said before turning on my heel and leaving.

I went down to the dock of shame later to see who got voted off. I saw Scary Girl walk down the dock and open an umbrella for some reason.

The drone of despair picked her up by the umbrella and carried her away.

"bye! Don't forget to not write!" Chris called.

"She uh..." Chef said.

"She took the skull?" Chris asked.

"She took the skull" Chef confirmed.

"Eh. She'll give it a good home." Chris shrugged, before looking at the camera "Who's skull will be going home next? Find out next time on total! Drama! Island!"

Author's note

Hi! Not much to say about this episode, except...

MK is a psychopath, and I love it.

Fave lines,

Dance puppets, dance!!!!!!!!!!!!- MK

Does it need to be one of the skulls provided, or would you accept any skull?
Why's she looking at my head? Tell her to stop looking at my head!- Lauren and Damien

You go talk to her, I'll stay here and scream if she tries to eat you- Millie

So, like, I think my buddy Raj might be gay. *Excited* And I can't wait for him to tell me!- Wayne. (This is one of the most wholesome things ever said on this show. I want their friendship.)

Word count: 3844

Ta for now!

-Chinchilla ✨

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