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By -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp

133K 4.7K 2.1K

Nayliรค was a mighty warrior from the metkayina clan. She was one of the few of her tribe who fought in the fi... More

โ™คNayliรค's Rageโ™ค


4.6K 154 126
By -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp


{The scenery in this chapter is based on: Glass Pebble Beach}

● "Would you please calm down? You're already pregnant with like a whole army of kids so obviously they're attracted to you."

Rey'na was currently sitting on the floor of Ronal's marui. Her and Ronal were supposed to be helping Nayliä get ready for her date but the woman was panicking over what she should wear.

"For once, Rey'na is right, you're overthinking this way too much."

Nayliä was waddling back and forth and throwing different clothing around the marui. Nothing made her feel sexy enough for her mates.

They all agreed a night out would be good after the last few chaotic days. Nayliä knew just the place she wanted to take them.

"I haven't even started my hair! This is a disaster, they're gonna think I'm ugly." Nayliä put both hands on her face as she pretended to sob.

Ronal and Rey'na thought she was serious and looked at each other, trying to decide who would comfort her. Finally, Rey'na gave in and sighed.

"Look, your mates worship the ground you walk on so don't stress yourself out. Ronal can do your hair and I'll find an outfit for you, mkay?"

Nayliä jumped up immediately, scaring the hell out of Rey'na who fell back in shock.

Nayliä had a huge grin and giggled at Ronal's concerned look.

"I can't believe I fell for that...again!"

Rey'na had gone back to her own home to grab her trunk of clothes. On her way back to her sisters, she was stopped by a dark blue arm. It was Neytiri.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but can you help me with my hair? I know you're busy with Nayliä but I don't know anyone else well enough."

"Of course! Just let me bring this to Ronal's place and I'll meet you back at my home."

Neytiri gave her a nod of appreciation and headed to their meeting place.

Neytiri admired the marui as she walked in. It was a lot different than the one her family stayed in. The walls were covered in different decorations that matched the family's goofy but loving energy. She smiled at the toys all over the place, as it made her think about her own children.

Rey'na walked in with a purpose and smiled sheepishly at the mess around her home.

"I'm sorry for the mess, I told the girls to clean up but you know how children can be."

"Ah no need to apologize, I have little ones so I understand."

Rey'na grinned and offered for her to sit while she grabbed different things she would use for Neytiri's hair.

"So, what exactly did you have in mind?"

"I want to let my hair down and maybe add a few shells? I just want to have more of the metkayina style. I think Nayliä would like that."

Rey'na couldn't stop the snort that escaped her. She stepped behind Neytiri and started to undo her braids.

"Please, Nayliä will adore you no matter what you wear."

"That makes me feel a lot better. I want this date to take her mind off the last few days. She has been through so much with this pregnancy and it worries me."

Rey'na continued to work as she responded back with confidence, "She has always been the strongest out of all of us. I think becoming your mate and having a family has made her even stronger." She reached for a beautiful purple shell and showed Neytiri who nodded in approval.

"I am not saying you shouldn't worry about her but have faith in her own strength as it mirrors your own."

"You know, at first I never would've thought we would get along. I misjudged you."

Rey'na laughed and weaved the shell into a small braid.

"I don't blame you. At first glance I thought you and your husband were intruders. I was so shocked when she said you were all mates. Maybe I was angry that she had left me behind for so long."

Neytiri felt her heart ache and didn't know how to respond. Most of the time she forgot her wife had given up everything she knew to be with them.

Rey'na grabbed another braid and kept working as she talked.

"I couldn't understand why she had left us to be with you. What was so special about you two? But then I saw the way you both looked at her. It was so pure and unconditional that I understood. Seeing your children only proved my point. You and your family are everything to her and in return, she is everything to you."

"Thank you for understanding. The bond you two share as sisters is beautiful and I know she cherishes it greatly."

Rey'na beamed at the news but her face dropped when she made up her mind on telling Neytiri a deep secret.

"Neytiri, we are practically family now, yes?"

The woman nodded in curiosity.

Rey'na dropped her voice down to a whisper, "A great war is in the works. Eywa has sent us many signs of this. The tulkun were supposed to return two days ago but the chiefs of the villages speak of them being hunted. They have been forced to postpone their return because of these demons."

Neytiri felt her heart start to race. She knew it was only a matter of time before the sky people would damage other clans.

"Tonowari has a tight hold on all who know about it but I needed to tell you. I want you and Jake to be on your guard. I also need you to promise me something."

"What is it?"

"Ronal is like our big sister and I am the youngest out of the three but we both were very protective of Nayliä. Now we all have our own families and can not look out for each other as we used to. So please. Promise me you will protect my big sister. I just got her back and I would lose a piece of myself if anything ever happened to her. "

Neytiri hardened her expression as her eyes narrowed onto an invisible threat. "You have my word."

Unfortunately, they both would face the horrors of making a promise you can't keep.

"So do you think it's going to be a girl or boy?"

Nayliä hummed in thought.

"Tiri and Jake want another boy but I'll be happy with either as long as they are healthy."

Ronal scoffed and shook her head.

"Well I need another girl. Ao'nung and Rotxo drive me crazy."

"Huh? Rotxo isn't even your son."

"He might as well be, he's always around. I do love him as my own son though. I hope he teaches Ao'nung how to behave."

"You do realize Ao'nung takes after you right? You were just as obnoxious as him. To be honest, you were rude too."

Ronal flinched back in offense causing Nayliä to giggle.

"I was not rude, just honest and had no time for childish things. Anyways, I believe we are done here."

Nayliä stood up and turned to face her sister.

"Don't just stare, how do I look?"

Ronal raised a hand to cover her mouth as she looked at Nayliä in pride. It made her think when they were young. Nayliä used to always chase her around even after Ronal snapped at her to leave her alone. They only became close because of Nayliä's determination to befriend a closed off Ronal.

Ronal didn't realize how she began to look forward to seeing her each day. Nayliä didn't know it, but she was her only friend for a while until Rey'na joined the group.

It suddenly hit her that her sister wasn't so little anymore. Ronal couldn't believe she was looking at her little flower, her sister in everything but blood, all grown up with mates and a family.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

Nayliä rushed forward and placed a hand to her cheek in concern. Ronal gave her another one of rare smiles and nodded her head.

"You're really all grown up now."

"Ronal, I will always be your little sister."

The two shared a tight hug with their pregnant bellies touching.

It was now dark and Jake had started to make his way to his mates. Nayliä had given them both detailed directions on how to arrive at the place she wanted them to spend their time.

He knew he had made it when he saw a lit up cave. On its shore there were colorful pebbles that seemed to glow in the water. The place was completely secluded and isolated from the forest and village around them. He was about to continue on but Neytiri had stepped into the small clearing.

Neytiri couldn't believe her eyes. The place she arrived at was so beautiful and everything seemed to shine on its own. The water was a mixture of different purples, pinks and blues.

She noticed Jake was there too and made her way to him. They both took a minute to admire each other.

Neytiri had her hair down with different colored shells weaved into it. Her top consisted of a large green shell in the middle with three lines of seaweed and pearls connected to it. Her loincloth was a bright purple and green and wrapped around her waist and hips tightly.

Jake had a more simple look, the only thing that was really different was his hairstyle. His hair was out of his locs and looked more like how he used to have it before he became a father. He would never tell that he had bribed his children into helping him get ready.

Neytiri made her way to him with a soft look on her face.

"I see someone went back to his old look."

Jake smirked and grabbed her by her hips.

"Like you're one to talk. I won't complain though, I love when your hair is down...makes it easier to grip."

Neytiri groaned and moved away from him, "Can you at least wait until we find Liä before you start to think with your other head."

Jake tilted his head back with a chuckle. The two held hands as they walked along the vibrant shore.

Neytiri and Jake held in a gasp when they saw her.

Nayliä was sitting in the water on her knees. Her hair was down her back, past her waist and touching the water. There was a large, pink flower along her baby hairs. Her top left little to the imagination as it was just a string of small pearls, barely covering her nipples. Her loincloth was practically nonexistent. It was a mixture of pink and purple and had extremely thin strings wrapped around her hips. The top and bottom had shells along it. Her tattoos looked even more defined in this lighting. The water seemed to glow a bright and mystical blue from where it touched her.

Overall, she looked ethereal and as if she could be Eywa herself.

Nayliä felt at one with the water surrounding her. She had her eyes closed as she enjoyed the peace that overcame her. Quiet splashes made her ears twitch and she didn't have to open her eyes to know it was her mates. They sat on either side of her and she let a small smile grow. She opened her eyes and saw Neytiri was on her left and Jake was on her right.


Neytiri giggled at her excited but blunt greeting.

"You look...incredible."

Nayliä shyly looked down at her fingers at the compliment.

She noticed the colorful shells and pearls that laid in Neytiri's hair and gasped.

"I look incredible? No, you look breathtaking. I can't believe you're wearing....this!" She gestured to her outfit that resembled her own clan so much.

Neytiri felt her heart start to race from Nayliä noticing her attire and she was glad she chose to ask Rey'na for help.

Jake couldn't help but feel a little left out and fake coughed to gain their attention.

Nayliä giggled and placed a hand on his chest and dragged it down slowly to the top of his loincloth. Her eyes dragged down his body slowly, then paused at his lips before meeting his eyes. Jake of course noticed the action and felt pride that his wife was still heavily attracted to him.

"You look amazing as well my love," she then looked at Jake with a false look of concern. "What is that?"

Jake looked at her in confusion. He could've sworn he checked himself over before he left.

"What is what?"

Nayliä leaned in, "I don't know, it's...right there!" The woman giggled as she sent a huge splash of water to Jake's face.

Neytiri covered her mouth to hide her loud laughter. Jake wiped the water from his eyes as a mischievous expression appeared on his face.

"You have five seconds. One..." Nayliä grabbed Neytiri's hand and the two began to run as far as they could from their mate. The water around their feet splashed wildly with each step they took. They both couldn't stop the consistent giggles that left their mouths.

Jake counted down faster before he took off after them. He had a good feeling he would easily tag Nayliä because she was a little slower than Neytiri, especially while pregnant.

Nayliä had an evil idea come into her head.

"I'm so sorry!"

Neytiri was confused on what she was apologizing for before she was tripped.

"Nayliä! Why-" She didn't get to finish before Jake pounced on her.

He picked her up by her thighs and started walking to the sea in front them. Neytiri pounded her fist into his back but they both were laughing.

Nayliä watched in amusement as Jake threw her into the water. She knew sacrificing Neytiri would only buy her a few more seconds but she didn't care.

It wasn't long until Jake was right behind her. She was tired and needed a breather but she refused to give up. She turned to him with her hands raised. Maybe she could negotiate with him.

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's talk about it."

Jake tilted his head with a smirk, "Time for talking is over." He approached her once again but she shrieked.

"Wait! Wait! Wait. I just had to tell you that you look so good with your hair this way."

The man wasn't taking her bait and rushed her. He grabbed her bridal style while she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Instead of throwing her, he gently sat her down next to Neytiri who had been watching the two.

The water almost reached their chest and they took a moment to catch their breath.

Nayliä turned to both her mates with a soft smile.

"I missed this, I missed us. Thank you for the idea, it really has helped me feel better."

Neytiri wrapped her arms around her wife's hips and pulled her in until they were flat against each other.

"I can think of another way to make you feel better."

Nayliä smirked and placed one hand on Neytiri's neck and the other got tangled into her hair.


Neytiri couldn't wait anymore and smashed their lips together. She hoisted Nayliä up and her wife was more than happy to wrap her legs around her waist.

Jake watched them with lust-filled eyes and knew it was gonna be a long night. ●

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