Dark Tendencies: A Female Rea...

By xBeautifullyHauntedx

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Y/N was an incredibly skilled hunter. Vamps, Werewolves, Shifters, you name it. She has conquered them all. H... More

Author's Note
Author's Note
38 - Final Chapter
Final Author's Note


3.7K 93 13
By xBeautifullyHauntedx


My vivid dreams that night consisted of a full play-by-play of my first sexual encounter with Dean.

Every single part of it... being flashed across my mind in HD as if I were watching a movie, causing me to relive the euphoric physical sensations even as I slept.

It was nothing like I had pictured...nothing like I had ever experienced before. It was apparent what his kinks were, but it was also so much more in-depth than that. There was raw, unfiltered, pent-up emotion that he poured into all of his ruthless actions, and it gripped onto my very being like a vice.

Admittedly, I was frightened at first, given sex like that was uncharted territory for me. But as his needs became more clear with every touch... mine did too.

I knew a little bit about the darkness he inhabited. I knew that his time in Hell had changed who he was in several ways. I didn't really mind that about him, though. How could anyone, even a hunter as well-trained as Dean, go through something like that and not resurface with a warped mentality? It just wasn't possible... and in truth, it made me admire him even more, knowing he kept such a firm grip on himself 99% of the time, just so he could still be the fun, charismatic, lovable man we all knew.

But there was that other side of him...that sadistic side that had an unyielding need to be set free... the part of him that harbored so much rage and angst. He was able to tap into it a bit when he hunted with his brother... but he didn't really have a way to let loose that was entirely his own, and hunting was always hit or miss on whether it was satisfactory, or just downright upsetting.

However, as I realized last night... I could be his muse. I could be the one to help him feed that darkness in a healthy way, just to relieve the tension that forever built itself up inside of him. I was tough enough not to let it break me...and I admired him enough to put myself on the line just for his own benefit.

My goal was always to save as many people from monsters as I could... so why wouldn't I want to save this man I cared for from the metaphorical monsters that ate away at him? And the way I save him...was to help him satisfy his taboo cravings...to help him let the monsters out so they didn't constantly overwhelm him.

But this wasn't just about Dean's benefit. I never knew it would be... but it was also for my own.

My job was in full control of every aspect of my life. It dictated where I traveled, where I slept, how often I ate... at this point, I was basically just a machine with little time for much else. You'd think life would be easier that way... but it wasn't.

I was a woman in my mid-twenties. I also harbored tension...and loneliness...and need...and besides the thrill of the hunt, I lacked so much passion. At times, I desperately wished some outside force would come in and take the reigns from my tired hands, just for a little while... just so I could get lost in something else. Just so I could find purpose in something else.

I didn't realize it until now... but that force just so happened to be Dean Winchester.

He needed me to channel his darkness safely...I needed him to help me escape from the dreary cut and dry life I lived. He needed me to ease his pain...I needed him to ease my longing. He needed me to regain control of himself in his day-to-day life....I needed him to help me lose my control. He needed me to feed his inner sadism....I needed him to feed my inner masochism.

It was such a powerful, symbiotic thing we shared together...all wrapped up in orgasmic bliss.

He never said as much...part of me thought I was reading way too heavily into it. But his touch said otherwise. The craving he expressed as he kissed me...the hunger that seeped from him every time he pushed himself inside me... and the grateful way his tongue glided across my most vulnerable spots.

His tongue...fuck, I'll never get tired of the way it felt. It's almost like I could still feel it even now while I slept.

Oh god....I can...really...still feel it.

The sensation began to overwhelm me as I reminisced on it...I could feel the soft, wet warmth of his tongue lapping against my core, which was still incredibly sore from the torment it went through the night before. It was so soothing... so gentle... I couldn't help but let out a loud moan as my body began to melt.

As the sound escaped my lips, my eyes fluttered open, fully awakening me from my deep sleep.

My eyes began to lazily glance around at my surroundings, and I surmised that I was in my bedroom. I felt a little embarrassed by myself at first... dreaming about Dean's touch so intently that it was enough to pull me from the depths of slumber... until I felt that same, soft tongue glide up the length of my slit hungrily once more, causing goosebumps to erupt over every single inch of my skin.

This.....this isn't a dream...

I lifted myself up onto my elbows as my eyes darted downward at once, and there I was greeted with the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

A shirtless Dean laid before me, face buried between my thighs with eyes closed as he lapped at me, the muscles of his shoulders bulging out beneath his tanned skin as if he were refraining from being much more rough with me than he currently was.

"D...Dean...?" I tried to question, but my voice escaped my lips in the form of a pathetic whimper.

His eyes shot up to me at once, his beautiful green irises surrounding heavily-dilated, lustful pupils that bore into my own.

"Mornin' Princess." he exhaled against me, his voice vibrating through my body down to my very soul, pulling another moan from my throat.

"Oh my god..." I groaned, letting my eyes roll back at the feeling.

His tongue paused for a moment as he lifted his head a bit to speak.

"I hope this is okay...I figured you'd be a little sore... just thought I should help." he spoke softly and sweetly.

"God yes...p...please don't stop..." I begged, already desperate to feel his tongue again.

Without another word, his head lowered once more, and his tongue hit my center with much more intent than it had before. It dragged all the way up to my clit, where it began to swirl in soft, yet frantic circles around it.

I collapsed onto my back again as the pleasure shot through me, my tender core beyond thankful for this soothing bliss. My hips began to buck slightly against his mouth, hellbent on his touch.

His tongue continued this dance for a while, his moans escaping against me while mine began to echo through the room at an increasing volume as I felt my release already approaching.

However...it came to a screeching halt once I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door.

"Y/N? You in there?" Sam's deep voice called from the other side of the door.

Dammit, Sam!!

I didn't want to answer...I wanted to remain silent in hopes he would just leave.

Dean had another idea though.

"Answer him." he whispered in a dominant voice against me, before putting his tongue back to work eagerly.

I gritted my teeth, trying my damnedest to stifle my moans as I obeyed.

"Y-Yeah...don't come in though..I...I'm not decent." I called back as normally as I could.

"Okay..." Sam responded with a bit of confusion in his voice. "Have you seen Dean? I haven't seen him since you two left the library last night."

Dean shook his head, silently telling me what my response should be. As his head moved, I felt his tongue press harder, almost threateningly against my clit, and the soft stubble of his faint hint of facial hair tickled against my sensitivity.

I bit my lip hard, reaching behind me to grip onto the wooden headboard of the bed frame, clawing into it as a desperate last attempt to hold my composure.

"N-No..I...I haven't seen him." I responded, and I felt Dean smile against me at my obedience.

"Huh. We'll how'd that go, anyway?" he asked.

Dean's tongue dipped down, pushing itself inside my entrance and beginning to swirl around deviantly, causing my back to arch sharply off the mattress. I gripped his short hair tightly in my other hand, pulling at it as every muscle in my body tensed, my climax rapidly approaching once again.

"Fine!! It went fine!" I answered Sam, much louder and much more strained than I planned. I felt a choppy exhale escape from Dean, evident that he was silently laughing at my struggle.

"Are you sure? He seemed pretty pissed...I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Sam pressed on.

I love you, Sam, but please for the love of all that's holy, fucking leave!!!!

I screamed internally, the pleasure becoming way too much, way too fast. I fought against it as hard as I could, mostly to prevent my best friend from being scarred for life by the sound of me coming undone. But Dean....was making it practically impossible.

"Y-Yeah it's all good! We t...talked... we're o-ohhh-kay." I stumbled over my words, nearly slipping completely into a moaning mess as Dean's tongue moved faster inside me, one of his hands snaking around to rest on my lower stomach, pushing down slightly as his thumb reached to swirl rapid circles around my clit.

"I..I'm sooo good..." I hissed through gritted teeth, my body beginning to writhe against Dean as my nails scratched harder against the headboard, my thighs quaking against his face.

This was beautiful...and it was torture. This was quickly turning into one of the games we'd always played...just with a depraved twist. Could I hold off on coming undone until Sam left... even with Dean doing everything in his power to bring me to the brink of collapse? It was a challenge I'd willingly agreed to....but one I was evidently losing.

"Alright... well, if you need to talk about it, you know I'm here." Sam said, his voice indicating that he was now thoroughly suspicious...but I didn't care.

"T...Thank you!" I basically cried out, my eyes rolling back as I began to pant, Dean's attack on me increasing in speed.

"Uhm...yeah, of course... well, when you are decent, I'll be in the kitchen. I think I got a lead on a case that we'll need back-up for." he mumbled, and I finally heard the relieving sound of his heavy footsteps retreating from the door.

I didn't even wait to hear if they'd retreated far enough, I couldn't hold it anymore.

I let out a loud, orgasmic squeal as my eyes squeezed shut, my back arching once more as my hands clung for dear life onto the headboard and his hair. My chest heaved up and down as I panted, my orgasm ripping through me intensely as my released flowed from me, directly onto Dean's tongue.

His tongue slowly lapped up the length of my center once again, soothing my soaked tenderness as he helped me to ride out my high. He retracted from me once I'd finished, sitting up on his knees and letting his eyes fall on my flustered face as he licked his lips.

The sight was enough to send me to an early grave. His muscular, chiseled body looming over me...massive, broad pectorals, one of which sported a pentagram tattoo that matched mine, along with abdominal muscles that looked as if they were carved from stone, all leading down to a v-shaped line that pointed tauntingly down into the waistband of his jeans.

He was a god amongst men...and here he was...grinning from ear to ear as he licked the taste of me from his lips.

I'd never played with the thought of submitting to any man...but I'd be a damned fool if I thought resisting Dean Winchester was an option.

"Good girl." he cooed at me softly, before lowering himself down onto the bed beside me, laying on his side as his palm cupped my face and caressed it gently with his thumb.

The praise, the affectionate touch...it was so rewarding...letting me know that he acknowledged how hard my body had to fight just now to play the game he wanted to. It was more rewarding than any piss-poor form of gratitude I'd ever received as a hunter....a feeling I could definitely get used to.

"What are you doing to me...?" I breathed as my eyes gazed into his, my breathing slowly starting to regain normalcy.

"Making you mine." he nearly purred, leaning in to press his lips passionately against my own, sending a swarm of butterflies barrelling through my stomach as I tasted myself on him.

He didn't know how accurate that statement was... given, I was already completely and irrevocably his.

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