You Are The Cause Of My Eupho...

By JK97RaelynFaith

201 28 1

Book 1 "There's no way he has feelings for me, Faith. It's impossible." I wrapped my arms around myself tight... More

Surprise Visitors
Heading To Seoul, South Korea!
Rich And Famous
First Day On The Job
Hotter IRL
Public School? Hell No
Can't Help But Wish It Was Real
The Ellen Show
Special Moments
Mountain Getaway Pt.1
Mountain Getaway Pt.2
Mountain Getaway Pt. 3
Saying Goodbye
Missing You
I'm Fine
Perhaps There's No Such Thing As Moving On
Losing You
Confessions & Questions
You Are The Cause Of My Euphoria
Author's Note
Sneak Peak

Things Change

8 1 0
By JK97RaelynFaith

I will never forget the moment I realized I loved you.

Grace's pov

"I think you should wear your hair down tonight and this black choker will make your neck look longer and more elegant." my stylist-unnie said while she messed with my hair and makeup. I was dressed in a silk robe, waiting for my makeup and hair to be done so I could put on my dress. It was black and super sexy, and I was also going to be wearing black pantyhose underneath it. The guys were getting ready in another room, while us girls were all in here.

Hearing a ding on my phone, I picked it up and saw a text from Namjoon.




we just finished getting ready so we're gonna head out


kk 😉

see u there!




"Who are you texting?" Abby asked, glancing over at me.

Looking up from my phone, "Oh, Namjoon just said they were heading out because they were ready."

"So they just left us?" Minji asked, fixing her earrings after she put on her black dress.

Nodding, "Yep." I sighed, "We'll just surprise them at the party then."

"Ooh, Grace. I can't wait to see your dress!" Faith gushed out excitedly.

"Me too! I can't believe she kept it a secret from us. She's usually too excited to keep it from us." Yunji remarked, leaning forward in the mirror, fixing her earrings as well.

My stylist patted my shoulders, "All set girl. You can change now."

Bouncing up, I bowed and thanked her, "Thanks, unnie!" I ran off into my changed room, but not after noticing Abby's super revealing dress, I mean mine's revealing too but who cares. Abby's dress was very revealing indeed. "Ooh, Abby's gonna catch herself a mans tonight!"

"Omg girl stop." Abby shot at me just as I closed the door with a giggle.

Laying my eyes on the dress, I smiled and undressed. Putting the dress on, I zipped up the side zipper. Looking in the mirror, I put on my black choker; opening up the package of pantyhose, I slid those on quickly. Lastly I put on my black pumps before grabbing my discarded clothes and walking out of the changing room.

I met a bunch of open mouths when I walked out, "Don't I look awesome?" I turned slowly, swaying my hips slightly with a silly grin on my face.

"If that doesn't make Jungkook fall head over heels for you then I don't know what will." Yunji remarked.

"Forget Jungkook. She's gonna have hords of men falling for her tonight!" Minji exclaimed.

"She sure will." my stylist looked me up and down approvingly.

"Thank you, Boram-unnie!" I giggled and bowed.

"You're very welcome. Now, go out there girls. You don't want to be late." she chided with a smile before turning away to gather up her brushes and materials.

We all grabbed out purses and walked out to the black limousine that had pulled up to the curb. Piling inside we quickly sped away to the after party. Looking out the darkened window, an odd feeling settled in my stomach as I thought about what Jungkook would think when he saw me dressed the way I was. As I gazed out the darkened window, insecurities afflicted my thoughts. Feeling a light tap on my shoulder, I turned my head, "Grace, are you okay?" Faith inquired.

"Yeah, I just don't think I should've worn this dress." I replied.

Placing a hand on my shoulder, "Grace, there's nothing wrong with your dress." she looked me up and down, "You look hot."

Giving her a look, "I look like I'm going to the club."

Faith let out a laugh, "I mean, there will be a bunch of women dressed in more revealing clothing than you are. Chill."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am."

Rolling my eyes with a smile, I looked back out the window until we arrived at the party. The iron portcullis slowly rose up for the limousine to smoothly drive in. The driveway was a large circle with a gorgeous fountain in the middle. A man opened up my door and I slid out with a smile; his eyes widened as he looked me up and down. "Gomapsuminda." I said in a sultry tone and he gulped before he turned his attention to Faith who stepped out.

Abby came around the car and hooked her arm around mine and we both giggled, heading up the stairs to the glamorous building that looked like a castle with its turrets and towers, the lush gardens that were said to surround the castle. The only lights were scattered on the way, looking almost like lanterns.

Once we reached the steps, a man in a black tuxedo opened the door and we walked in with the rest of the girls behind us. Almost immediately I was approached by Lisa and Rose, "Oh my god, girl. I saw you as soon as you walked in the door and you looked fine as hell." Lisa complimented.

"I know, right!" Abby stated.

"She sure does." Rose smirked and elbowed me lightly. "So, does my girl have her eyes on someone, huh?"

"I'll leave you two, I see someone." Abby walked away and I nodded, saying goodbye.

Rose and Lisa linked arms with me and led me through the crowd to a spot away from the door. We all stood in a small circle as we all talked. Rose took two glasses of champagne off the tray a man offered us, handing a glass to me, "Someone told me you turned 19 (in international age). Have you had your first drink yet?" she smirked as I took it.

Looking at the sparkling golden liquid, "No, not yet."

"Go on then. Drink it." Lisa coaxed.

Sniffing the drink a little, I lifted the glass, "Here I go." Putting the glass to my lips, I took a sip, the bubbles tickling my nose. "It's okay." I said when I swallowed.

"Here, eat this." Rose handed me a strawberry.

I ate it before taking another sip, the drink tickling my stomach. Downing the rest of the drink, "Dang, that was good. I want another." It wasn't long before I started feeling relaxed and a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Rose chuckled at Lisa who had a smirk on her face as she looked at someone, "What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"Girl, do you know how many guys have stopped and gawked at you?" Rose asked with a giggle.

"Uh, why would I want to know that?"

"Because, you might get you a man tonight." Lisa winked suggestively, causing heat to fill my face.

"Yah, unnie! That's not funny."

She just giggled and shrugged, "It's true."

Lisa's phone dinged and she looked at it, "Jennie said Jungkook is here."

"Jennie just texted me saying Jungkook said he's on the east side of the castle, which is where we are." Lisa looked up from her phone. I started looking around the large crowd, hoping to spot Jungkook. I started weaving my way through the crowd as I searched with Lisa and Rose. My eyes darted around and I started feeling overwhelmed. Someone caught Rose's attention and she looked at me with a smile. I looked over my shoulder and our eyes met. Across the room full of people, our eyes met and I knew he had been looking for me as well.


Jungkook's pov

I had been at the party for sometime when I found out the girls had arrived about an hour earlier and we had yet to run into them. I started searching for Grace through the densely crowded room. My eyes scanned the west side of the castle, which was where I was. I decided to head towards the east side. Once I arrived, I made my way through the crowd until my eyes spotted Rose standing in front of another woman I didn't recognize across the room. Rose spotted me and smiled, making the woman look over her shoulder.

Grace! My heart leaped as our eyes met, something stirred within me that I've never felt before. Time stood still in that moment, and the lights and music were tuned out as I looked into her into her eyes. There was something hidden and veiled behind those crystal blue eyes. We both pushed our way through the crowd, never losing eye contact. My attention was taken away when I made it through the crowd, but bumped into someone. I apologized before turning back and saw Grace.

I froze and my mouth went dry as my gaze trailed up and down, her black dress accentuated every curve, a few strands of her blond hair rested on her bare chest, drawing my eyes to it. Gulping, I looked into her blue eyes as she continued to walk towards me. I tried to conceal these unfamiliar emotions inside of me, but when she stopped right in front of me, the sweet smell of her perfume made my heart race. She shouldn't be this close.

"Hi, Jungkook. You look very handsome tonight." she looked down with a shy smile.

Swallowing, "You look handsome as well." her head came up and she giggled. "I mean-"

"It's okay. I know what you mean." she said with a smile.

I never thought she could have this effect on me, just the nearness of her is making my heart race, "Your dress is, um-" I couldn't find the right words to say.

"New?" she suggested.

"Yes, new."

We talked and I did my best to keep my attention on her face and not her body, but every now and then I would take her in, mesmerized at how much she has changed since I've been gone. The music in the background changed to more slow, romantic music and I felt Grace put a hand on my arm. "Jungkook, would come dance with me?" her blue eyes pleaded with me and I knew I couldn't say no.

Smiling, I took her small hand in mine and guided her to the dance floor where a few other couples were dancing. Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand on her waist and entwined my hand with hers. Pulling her into me, we slowly danced to the music. I felt heat spread and centralized when her hand touched my shoulder. Her piercing blue eyes searched my own, as if she was wanting to know what I was thinking.


Grace's pov- quick pov change

Jungkook's hand was on my waist as he pulled me in; I looked into his darkened eyes, sucked into the mysteriousness of them and wanted to know his every thought. The closeness of him was a heady feeling, the scent of his cologne made my stomach flutter. We danced slowly, he would dip me, spin me, or we would just glide across the marble floors, underneath the chandelier light.

"You're a good dancer. Who taught you?" Jungkook asked, his warm voice sending chills through my body.

"My dad taught me. When I was little he would pick me up and hold me, pretending to dance with me like this. Then when I got older I would stand on his feet as he taught me. We also went to a Daddy Daughter dance together."

He smiled warmly at me and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, making me blush slightly, "I'll remember to compliment him for teaching you so well."

My eyes looked down at me feet, a sheepish smile on my face, "Thanks."

We danced and he spun me around before pulling my back into him. His hand was resting on my hip, the other holding my hand. I rested my other hand on his as we swayed together. Resting my head on his chest, I closed my eyes as I allowed the music to overtake me. The feeling of Jungkook against me was unlike anything I've very felt before. If this was anything close to heaven, I never want to leave it. I never want to leave his arms or his embrace. Looking at Jungkook for a moment, I noticed his eyes were closed as well.

"Grace." Jungkook whispered softly.

"Yes." I answered, looking out at the people dancing.

"You look simply breathtaking tonight." his warm breath fanned my neck and his lips accidentally brushed against my exposed neck. My breath hitched, "T-thank you, Jungkook." He spun my around and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. Sliding my hands up around his neck, I rested my head on his chest. Closing my eyes, I inhaled his scent, and I relaxed in his arms. My cheek was on his chest and I looked up at his handsome features, marveling at how perfect he seemed.


Jungkook's pov

I was standing with Namjoon and we were watching Grace with Minji and Yunji, but my attention was solely on Grace. The sway of her hips, the way the dress hugged her curves in just the right way, her long blond hair that fell in soft waves down her back, her shapely calves. I couldn't help but be affected as she interacted with other men. A seductive look would come into her eyes and there was a sultry tone in her voice that aroused me, as much as I tried to fight it. Get a grip, Jungkook! This is Grace. The teenager you've cared for, the one whose been by your side to comfort you when you broke up with Jieun. This is the girl you've given advice to, the girl you promised to protect. Your jamae. My thoughts swirled, until a single thought silenced all others. The thing is, what if I don't see her as my jamae anymore?

"Is anything wrong?" Namjoon inquired, tilting his head at me.

Lifting my chin at Grace, "Grace has changed. She's not the same."

He looked at her and sighed, "She's no longer a starry eyed teenager but an exotic young woman."

"Have you seen the way she affects the men, hyung?" I asked.

"It's no wonder. She's beautiful and knows it. What man wouldn't notice her?" Namjoon stated. He let out a sigh and a wistful look came into his eyes, "She is no longer a girl, Jungkook. Remember that." there was a warning in his voice but before I could ask him anything he walked away.

Grace walked up to me, "Having fun?" she asked.

"I guess." shoving my hands into my pockets, I looked down at her. "I'm gonna take a walk in the garden." I was hoping she'd join me.

"I'll come with you."

We walked outside into the garden that was dimly lit by lanterns. Strolling slowing through the small path, Grace gazed at the flowers, brushing her fingers delicately over the tips of them. The flowers were nothing compared to the woman in front of me, my attention was only on her. I plucked a rose and tapped her shoulder. She turned her head and noticed the flower, "For you." there was a romantic tone in my voice, making a laugh escape her lips.

Taking it carefully from my hands, she lifted it up to her nose and took in a breath. She then looked up at me with a smile and stood on her tiptoes. A wave of heat rushed through me when her lips pressed a kiss to my cheek. Smiling, I tried to hide how much her touch affected me.

We walked a little more before we came across some daisies. "Oh, they look so pretty, and yet so simple." there was a soft smile on her lips as she picked one of them.

"Here." I held my hand out for the daisy and she placed it in my hands.

Bending down, I tucked the daisy in her hair; I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered in surprise and a pink tint came into her cheeks. Taking her hand, I placed my other hand on her waist, pulling her slender frame to me. "Let's dance." There were fireflies fluttering around us as she gazed adoringly into my eyes as her hands rested on the back of my neck and you could hear the music from the castle softly in the distance

Tightening my arms around her waist, we swayed together. I rested my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her heavenly scent. "Jesus Christ, Grace." I let out a breath as I lifted my head up, trying to erase the heady thoughts running through my head.

"Is everything okay, Jungkook." God, even the way she says my name sounds like music.

"You've grown up so fast."

"I had to grow up at some point."

"I know, but I wish it wasn't now."

She placed her hands on my face, pressing my forehead against hers, "I will always remain a child at heart."

"Is that so?" I looked down at her with a smile.

"Yes, Jungkook." she let her hands fall to my shoulders.

As I looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but let my gaze fall to her softly parted lips. In a single, heady moment, I slowly bent down. I heard Grace's breath hitch as I leaned closer. It was as if we were the only ones in the world in that moment; we were stars in a galaxy all to ourselves. Infinitely alone and yet always together.

Jungkook, stop! You could never work. I stopped and pressed my lips to her forehead instead and I instantly regretted it. Releasing her before I did anything else I'd regret, "We should head back."

There was a look of confused hurt in her eyes, "You're right." she turned and I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face in the curve of her neck, "This was the best night of my life. And it was all because of you." I felt her relax in my arms and I inhaled her scent one last time before letting her go and walking back with her. I noticed then she was shivering, "You're cold."

"No, I fine." her teeth chattered lightly.

Taking off my jacket, I placed it on her bare shoulders, "This will keep you warm."

"Oh, thanks." she muttered out, and she pulled the folds of the jacket around her more tightly. As I gazed down at her, I couldn't help but wonder. Could we work?


Grace's pov

I paused as I hung my dress on the outside of my closet door, catching the faint scent of cologne. I blushed when I realized it was Jungkook's. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw the jacket Jungkook had given me laying on the bed. Walking over to it, I sat down on the bed and picked the jacket up. Placing the jacket out my shoulders, I lifted one of the lapels and inhaled his comforting scent. He almost kissed me tonight, I think. I only wish we could work, but there is no such thing as fate for us. The stars aren't aligned for us.


Tysm for reading! Sarangminda! Remember to vote, comment, and give this book a shout out!

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