The Silent Princess

Galing kay AnotherPinkGhost

4.8K 12 7

(A retelling of Breath of the wild) Chosen to be Zelda's knight, Link travels from his home village to the m... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

152 0 2
Galing kay AnotherPinkGhost

"Gods it must be so nice to have short hair," Zelda grumbled, wiping the sweat off her forehead before taking a seat by Link in the shade.

They had been traveling the whole day and finally made it to the Gerudo Canyon stable, and she was about ready to just give up and lie down on the side of the road.

"I could cut it for you." Link mumbled, smiling at her weakly.

"Are you alright? You look like you're going to pass out!" Zelda took one look at her companion and immediately noticed how terrible he looked. He was covered in sweat, eyes barely open, and face and neck red.

"Yeah, I just... im just not good with sudden transitions in weather or extreme temperatures." Link whispered, trying to conserve his energy.

"We'll wait until it's cooler to travel then." Zelda decided, walking over to the innkeeper and purchasing a room for the afternoon so Link could rest.

"Your friend there... is he well?" The innkeeper asked, peering over at the half-cooked Hylian resting in the shade.

"Oh, um, yes. He doesn't travel well in heat, so..." Zelda gave the innkeeper a quick smile before returning to Link, kneeling down so she was at his eye level.

"Hey, Link come on. I'm taking you to bed." Zelda pulled one of his arms, forcing him to stand.

"How is it that even though you're the princess, I always end up being the damsel in distress." Link muttered in Zelda's ear, making her chuckle.

"Let me know if you ever need a knight when you go back to Kakariko. I might get bored in the castle." Zelda whispered back, helping Link to lie down.

"Now, sleep. I will wake you when it's getting closer to nighttime." Zelda instructed.

"But-" Link protested, trying to sit up.

"No. I told you what we're doing. Now sleep." Zelda commanded, putting her foot down.

"Alright, fine." Link mumbled, lying back down and closing his eyes.

Zelda made sure he was alright before running out quickly and grabbing their bags, not trusting a single person at the inn.

Returning, she slid their things under the bed and sat down in a chair in the corner of the small room she had rented, watching Link sleep.

hopefully, he'll be alright in Gerudo. Otherwise, this might be hell for him.

A little while later, the sun was finally going down, dropping the temperature down a considerable amount. Link was awake and looking well rested, and Zelda made sure all of their things were collected and together.

"Ready to go?" Link asked, walking the horses over to the princess.

"I believe so. Off to Gerudo town then?" Zelda replied, mounting Storm.

"Off to see the 'dragon queen'." Link stated, smiling.

They started out again, taking up a nice trot as they wound their way through Gerudo Canyon and out into the valley.

Zelda took it all in as they stepped onto the path, keeping their horses at a nice pace.

Sand was everywhere, as far as the eye could see. In between the massive dunes, ruins, and small towns sat, somehow surviving the beating sun and freezing cold of their home.

They walked through the Kara Kara bazaar, admiring the beautiful weapons, fresh fruit, and delicate clothing made of fine silken material, perfect for life in the desert.

Gerudo people waved and called to the other travelers wandering the stalls, encouraging them to purchase their wares or play a game of chance, and music could be heard from across the bazaar where dancers moved like fire, leaping and swirling with ease and grace.

Zelda was enchanted, having missed watching the beautiful dances held in the Gerudo court.

Link nodded to her and moved along, encouraging her to do the same so they'd make it to the town before it got too much darker.

"Sav'saaba!" A call came from the shadows of the town gates as Link and Zelda appeared.

Zelda looked around, unsure of where it had come from, before noticing movements from the corners of the walls.

All at once, four guards stepped out from the darkness, golden armor shining in the light of the moon. They made no threatening moves, but their presence and gleaming weapons were enough to make the two Hylians stop in their tracks, unsure of what to do.

"What business do you have in Gerudo?" The guard in the front asked, not moving from her position in front of the entrance.

"We have come to see the chief of Gerudo town," Zelda stated, trying to sound as queenly as possible while her heart raced like a hare.

"Why? What does the chief want with you?" The guard asked again, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I am her goddaughter. I have come to visit her for a little while, as I promised." Zelda replied, getting a little nervous. Why was this taking so long? Why couldn't I just enter? Link stood silently behind her, trying to keep Epona from getting jumpy.

"If what you say is true, then you are welcome here. Vasaaq." The guard in front stepped to the side, and as Link and Zelda rode through, each of the guards whispered "Vasaaq." And bowed slightly, showing respect and hospitality to their guests.

As they passed under the torches outside of the walls, Zelda squinted at the sudden light, used to looking at a bluish-black darkness that had settled over everything as they traveled.

"Halt!" One of the guards suddenly called, stepping behind Zelda.

What on earth is going on? Did someone try to- Link! 

The guards were lined up in front of the door, weapons leveled with Link as he just sat there on his horse, unable to move.

"Excuse me, he's with me. Please allow him to enter." Zelda said, hoping that would be enough to let him through. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

"You have tried to sneak a Voe into our town. That is forbidden." One of the guards said, not moving.

"But I've been here before! The chief let me and my father in to do research!" Link protested, throwing up his hands.

"If that is so, we will ask the chief to prove this herself, yes?" One of the guards asked, nodding to her fellow guard to go and fetch the chief.

"Yes! That's a wonderful idea! Then she'll tell you we're right!" Zelda huffed, knowing her annoyance wouldn't help anyone, but still letting it show anyway.

A few moments later, Urbosa came striding through the gate, ready to see what the issue was.

"Chief," the head guard stepped forward, bowing as she did so. "This girl who claims to have ties to you tried to smuggle this voe in."

"I see. And that is why he is stopped here? Almost inside the gate, and not from a mile away like always?" Urbosa asked, looking down at her guard.

"I must admit, I did not recognize he was a voe until he was directly next to the torchlight." The guard bowed again, apologetic.

"Hmmm... let them in." Urbosa decided, becoming Link to follow her and Zelda through the gate.

" I can't believe they did that! Even after I said I've been here before with my father! With permission from you!" Link threw up his hands again, annoyed.

"But look on the bright side, little Hylian," Urbosa said, looking down at him with a sly smile.

"And what bright side is that?" Link asked, crossing his arms.

"You are a very pretty man," Urbosa said while laughing heartily, leading them through the inner gates and into the heart of Gerudo town, opening her arms wide in a welcoming gesture. "Welcome, my vehvis, to Gerudo town, the jewel of the desert sands."

The gateways opened up to a magnificent central market, with the smell of spices and forest fruits and meats cooking pulling Zelda in every direction, wishing she could try everything there immediately.

Singers and dancers swished and swayed to the beats of the music being played from a corner of the market, small tasseled coins around their waists and ankles clinking together in time to the drums.

Beautiful women wrapped in silks and veils smiled and waved as Zelda and Link walked by, offering their fineries.

Some children ran through the streets, chasing each other and laughing into the night, while others watched from their family's stall, curious about the new people in town.

As Zelda walked up to the palace, she saw people whispering behind their hands, pointing and nodding in their direction. Everyone loves to gossip. Zelda thought, shaking her head as she ascended the stairs to the beautiful palace her friend lived in.

"You'll be staying here like always, my dear." Urbosa gestured with a smile to a large room at the top of the stairs. "You will stay in a room across the hall, little Hylian."

"Oh, just like I remember it!" Zelda sighed with happiness, walking into the room she always had when she would stay with the Gerudo Chieftess.

Dropping her bags in the corner, she plopped herself onto her bed, looking up at the beautiful tile work on the ceiling through the light, gauzy drapings that hung over the bed frame.

"Im glad it's still to your liking little bird." Urbosa leaned against the doorway, watching her god-daughter examine the bookshelves and small fountain in the corner.

"It's like a home away from home." Zelda smiled, walking over to the balcony that overlooked the main square.

"It is beautiful." Link agreed, having silently entered the room without Zelda noticing like always.

"Yes, well. Let me bring you to your room young man." Urbosa said with a slight frown, leading the way to a much smaller room down the hall from Zelda's.

As Link was placing his bags down and walking around the new space they would be staying in for the next two weeks, Zelda hung back with her godmother, both women watching him.

"You don't like him very much, do you?" Zelda asked quietly, looking up at Urbosa.

"No, I just don't trust him. Or any man for that matter." the chieftess replied, studying Link as if he were a battle map she needed to know how to conquer. "I do remember him and his father, though. They were both very nice. Quite charming." Urbosa smiled at the memory. "I thought a few of my girls would leave me and go back with his father when they were done here."

"Really? How funny." Zelda said with a small smile.

"I suppose. now," Urbosa stepped into the room and looked around once before addressing the both of them.  "I know there are things the both of you may want to do while you're here, but since you have just arrived and are most likely tired from your trip, it's time for a little rest and relaxation.'' Urbosa gave a sly grin and clapped her hands together, the noise reminding Zelda of thunder. "We're going to the spa!"

"All of us?" Link asked, looking up from the bag he was unpacking.

"Oh, yes little Hylian. All of us. You deserve as much relaxation as any woman does, and here in Gerudo, we do relaxation the right way. Now, follow me!"

With that, the chieftess turned on her heel and walked out of the room, red hair swishing like a column of flame.

"Soooo... does that mean we're going right now?" Link asked, looking a little put out that he had to stop unpacking.

"Yes, Link. Come on." Zelda laughed, grabbing his arm and taking him with her.


About five minutes later, Link found himself in a small room, placing his clothes in a bin on a large shelf, and putting on what he could only assume were girls' clothes. I mean, it makes sense. He grumbled to himself, pulling on the light silken pants. It's an entire town full of women. That's all they would have for clothes.

After changing, he exited the small room and was led to an even bigger area by someone working at the spa.

"Wait here, little vai." the Gerudo purred, looking at a small wax tablet she had in her hands with symbols drawn into it. "Someone will come and get you when your whole party is ready. If you need anything else, just let me know." she smiled down at him and swished away, heels clicking on the cool stone floor of the spa.

Realizing he might be here a while before Zelda and Urbosa were finished changing and getting ready, Link leaned against one wall, making sure he was out of the way.

The sound of quiet laughter and chatter came from the other side of the wall he was on, and as he watched, attendants at the spa walked back and forth with towels, hot water, oils, or exotic drinks, chatting and greeting each other as they passed by.

"There you are, young man." he heard Urbosa say behind him. He jumped a little, not even noticing her walk up behind him. He wondered why, since she, like all of the occupants of Gerudo, wore delicate golden-heeled slippers, but then looked down and realized she had no shoes on.

"Alright, I think I'm all ready. Is Link there, Urbosa?" a voice called from another side room, and out stepped Zelda, hair up in an almost identical hairstyle as Urbosa's, and wearing a beautiful top and sirwal set in white and green.

"I-yeah. I'm here." Link managed to force out, wondering why he could no longer think properly all of a sudden.

"Oh! Link, you look... so, uh, pretty!" Zelda commented, stifling a laugh.

"The lady at the front told me this was all they had." Link grumbled, looking down at the red and black sirwal and top set he had on.

"Oh, that's actually a lie," Urbosa said, grinning mischievously.

"Wait, so why didn't they give me other clothes?" Link replied, frustrated.

"Well, one, they probably thought you were a girl," Urbosa replied, waving over another girl with a wax tablet in her hand. "Two, they're made by a Gerudo who would like to remain private, so I'm the only one who knows where they are." there was a twinkle in her eye as she grinned down at Link before talking to the attendant in front of them, and all link could do was look down, feeling a little embarrassed standing there, dressed like a girl.

"Don't worry Link. you do actually look very nice in that outfit." Zelda said, turning to him while they waited for the two Gerudo women to tell them where they were going next.

"Come, this way everyone." the attendant called, beckoning them to follow her.

"Besides," Zelda whispered as she walked away. "It shows what a lovely figure you hide every day."

Link just stood there, shaken by what he heard come out of the princess's mouth.

"Come, little Hylian," Urbosa said, walking back over to where Link was still standing, seemingly unable to move. "Now is not the time to be staring like that at my goddaughter, unless you would like to be stuffed with grass and tied to a stick for tomorrow morning's weapon training."

"Ri-right. Of course." Link choked out, following the chieftess into the large room.

As soon as Link walked into the largest area, all of the chatter and laughter suddenly became loud and clear, filling the space. Surprisingly though, the noise didn't overwhelm Link as it normally did, but that could be because he was still trying to process the princess's comment from moments before.

Taking in a deep breath, he smelled incense and oils mixing together in the steam of the room. With the sound of women talking amongst themselves, the smells, and the overall feel of the heavy steam in the air, Link felt like he had just climbed under a heavy blanket at a gathering, and it was lovely.

"Here is your bed, little vai." the woman they were following said, pointing at a low-laying table with a thin mattress over it. It didn't look very comfortable, but Link shrugged and got on, lying on his stomach, head resting in his arms.

"Oh, I'm so excited about this massage, you have no idea how sore I've been while traveling." Zelda sighed, stretching out on her bed across from Link.

"Well, your in luck then, because the women here have been perfecting this technique and handing it down to their children for generations," Urbosa said, lying down on her bed as well. A few minutes later, three women came over carrying small trays with what looked like oil jars on them. They placed them on a small table next to the beds and got to work, starting with the feet and working up to the back in slow, circular motions.

Link relaxed and listened to the women around him talk, picking up bits and pieces of each conversation.

"Did you hear? Some voe was caught trying to break into Gerudo town."

"Really? I bet Malune was happy about that. You know she hates it when it gets too quiet here."

"... five melons! Down her shirt!"

"Sa'oten! What was she planning on doing with them?"

"You know kids..."

"...Ran away with the cobbler! I don't know what she was thinking."

"I know! All he did was fix her shoe once. He didn't even speak!"


Link chuckled a little to himself as he took it all in, enjoying learning about these people's lives. He always loved watching or listening to people in their natural state, they were so interesting.

"Are you comfortable, little vai?" his masseuse asked, pressing her thumbs carefully into his shoulders.

"Mm-hmm." Link nodded, very much enjoying the feeling of tension leaving his shoulders.

"So anyway, you know what she did next?" the girl asked, applying more oil to her hands.

"I- wha-" Link mumbled, confused. Did I doze off while she asked me something? 

"What?" the girl who was massaging Zelda asked. Oh. she wasn't talking to me.

"She sent him a letter detailing everything that he did wrong!"

"Ya 'liai, really? What did he say?!" Zelda's masseuse asked excitedly.

"Sebos, let me tell you something. Men are dumb. They don't understand the meaning of the word "no", and they cannot read. You know how I know this?" Links masseuse replied, heels clicking quietly on the floor as she walked around him. "Because when she sent him that letter, he responded with: I'm so sorry you feel that way, but that's just how it is. Why would I change for you when I'm just fine?"

"This is why I'm never marrying." the girl named Sebos said, shaking her head.

"Good on you darling." Urbosa chimed in with a smile. "Too many men have thought my heart and my love were mere trinkets to be tossed aside. I have loved once, have a daughter, and am fine now by myself."

"Yes, but what if one day you do find a man that you love?" Zelda chimed in, lifting her head from the pillow she was lying on.

"Well, then I suppose whatever happens happens." Urbosa shrugged. "All I'm saying is, don't spend all of your energy looking for a husband. You may fall into a deadly trap instead."

"Too true." Sebos agreed, nodding along with the chieftess's wisdom. "We should tell that to Tevot!"

Link's masseuse sighed. "You know if we did that she would follow her usual three steps of crying over the sand pile of a man she just left, agreeing with us and cursing all men who look at her and saying she's 'changed', and then turn around and flirt with every cute guy she see's while at the next market!"

"Esura, I know your right, but sa'oten, must you be so blunt about it?" Sebos exclaimed, placing a hot towel on Zelda's back.

"I'm just telling the truth love. Nothing wrong with that." Links masseuse, Esura, shrugged and brushed back a long strand of red hair that had fallen over her shoulder, looking down at Link.

"How does that feel darling? Would you like me to massage you more or do you want to just rest now?"

"Um, just rest, thanks," Link replied quickly, suddenly feeling very awkward about the fact that a very tall woman was standing over him after massaging him for almost an hour, all the while thinking he was a girl.

"Alright love, let me know if you need anything." Esura smiled, placing her oils back on her tray and walking away, stopping to chat on the way out with one of the other attendants who said hi.

"I think I am done as well, dear," Urbosa said to her attendant, who nodded and began cleaning up her things.

"So... what do we do now?" Link asked, turning to face Urbosa.

"Now, little Hylian, we get to my favorite part. We nap for a whole hour." Urbosa sighed, closing her eyes.

Link shrugged and laid his head back down, glad for the rest. Listening once again to the constant quiet chatter in the background, Link closed his eyes and felt the heaviness he had been fighting to wash over him, dragging him down to the deep dark depths of sleep.


Zelda came down to breakfast the next morning feeling the most relaxed she had ever been in her life. That crick in her neck that had been bothering her was gone, her shoulders were no longer tense, and she couldn't even feel that dull throbbing in the back of her head that plagued her every day, but she suspected the last one was thanks to the absence of her father.

Urbosa was already seated in the main gathering area snacking on a bowl of fruit when Zelda entered, looking over some papers laid out in front of her.

"Good morning!" Zelda greeted cheerfully, sitting down cross-legged across from her godmother.

"Good morning, little bird. Sleep well?" She asked, looking up from her papers and smiling.

"The best I've slept in years," Zelda replied, taking a bite of some volt fruit. She smiled as the tangy flavor hit her taste buds. delicious. "What are those papers?" She asked, pointing her spoon at the stack Urbosa was pouring over.

"Oh, just some reports from my guards around the deserts. I like to make sure I know what's happening in my lands at all times, so I have them report back to me weekly."

"You know, I might just steal that technique when I get back home." Zelda smiled.

"Feel free, my dear. Anything to keep your lands safer. Gods knows we could use it." URbosa let out a sigh and put down her papers, clapping her hands together. "So, about today."

"Oh?" Zelda asked, looking up from her fruit bowl.

"I have some ruins scoped out that I think you would absolutely love to explore."

"New ruins? How?"

"Sands shift all the time here, revealing new things for us to find. I would love for you to see it before you leave since it could very well get buried once again in the next sand storm that hits that part of the desert." Urbosa picked up her papers and got up from the table, handing them to one of the women standing by to attend to her. The girl bowed quickly and took the papers up the stairs, most likely to Urbosa's room for safekeeping.

"So, we're going exploring then?" Zelda asked excitedly.

"Yes. Now, you won't need any fancy clothes or anything like that, since Gerudo clothing is not only light but also incredibly durable, but you will need a pair of close-toed boots, just to be safe. I had one of my ladies send a pair up to your room." Urbosa said, heading towards the stairs. "I suggest you go and find your knight, get the both of you dressed, and meet me here in half an hour. That will be the safest time to explore."

"Alright, sounds good!" Zelda agreed, finishing up her fruit quickly.

Running up the stairs, she first headed to Link's room, knocking quietly on the door.

"Link, are you awake? You need to get up so we can get ready to go soon, we're exploring ruins!" A mumble came from through the door.

"What? I can't hear you." Zelda replied, hearing a shuffling across the floor.

The door opened, and there stood Link, in his tunic and plain pants, hair all messy around his face. Zelda couldn't help but smile.

"I said, I'll be there in a minute." Link mumbled, rubbing his eye.

"Alright, well, Urbosa said to meet us in the main hall in around 30 minutes, so you have a little time," Zelda said, still trying not to laugh at how adorable he looked right now.

"Mmmmk. I'll be there." Link replied, closing the door again.

Zelda listened a few seconds more as he shuffled around again, mumbling something she couldn't hear, and left, heading for her own room.

30 minutes later, everyone was in the main hall. Zelda had her journal, a fresh set of charcoals, and a sharpener so she could document everything she found, Link had the bag that he carried everywhere, as well as his sword, and Urbosa had on an outfit Zelda had never seen her in before.

She was wearing a plain dark blue sirwal, but then her pants were a sandy color and covered in pockets.

"What are you wearing?" Zelda asked as she came down the stairs.

"Isn't it amazing?" Urbosa smiled, giving her a quick spin around. " I decided I wanted something both comfortable and practical for my surveys in the desert, so I invented these! I call them cargo pants since you have a lot of pockets to hold anything you need or find, like cargo."

Zelda smiled, feeling like she was seeing a new side to her friend. "I adore them. You have to get one of the seamstresses here to make me a pair."

"Let me know your measurements and I'll have it done," Urbosa said, beckoning them to follow her out the door. "So, since you two don't have sand seals, we're going to rent two for you to use today. Mine is already out by the side entrance we're going to, so that's all set."

Urbosa walked up to the counter of the women at the sand seal rental spot.

"Sav'otta, Kohm! How's Frelly doing?"

"Sav'otta, chief! She's doing just fine, if not a little headstrong." The woman shrugged, smiling.

"Children are often our greatest blessing, but also our greatest struggle, are they not." Urbosa agreed. "So, can I rent two sand seals for the day?"

"Certainly, chief! Just for the day? We can have them out longer if you'd like."

"No, just the day will be fine Kohm, thanks." Urbosa gave the woman at the counter the money, and lead out the two sand seals, beckoning Zelda and Link to follow her.

"Now, riding a sand seal isn't necessarily tricky, but it includes a great deal of trust, understand?" Urbosa said, looking back and forth between the two of them.

Link and Zelda nodded, waiting for what came next.

"You'll also have to balance on a shield." Urbosa pointed out.

"Ok, sounds good," Link replied, walking forward to pet his sand seal.

"Wait, balance on a shield? Like, those small shields you have in your hand right there?" Zelda asked, feeling a little nervous. She had never done this before, and while she thought herself graceful enough, she wasn't sure how easy it was going to be balancing on a shield.

"If you get a bigger shield you can ride with me." Link offered, looking up from feeding an apple to his sand seal.

"I-um..." Zelda blushed, unsure of how to respond to that.

"I just meant that if you were unsure of riding the sand seal or you were feeling nervous, this would be an easier way. I've seen it done before, so I know it won't be a problem. In fact, nomadic people of the desert travel with all of their tents and possessions like that." Link stated, completely ignoring why Zelda hesitated.

"I think that would be a wonderful idea. Thank you, Link." Urbosa nodded, walking back to get a larger shield. Link looked up, surprised. Understandable, he had probably gotten used to Urbosa calling him everything but his actual name. I guess he finally proved himself to her. 

"Here, this will work wonderfully," Urbosa said, returning with the larger shield.

Rigging it up, Link stepped back and gestured for Zelda to get on, saying it would be easier if she was in the front so he wouldn't worry about her falling off.

Zelda nodded, still feeling nervous. Stepping up to the shield, she put one foot on it, testing the weight. She hesitated as it wobbled a little, but carefully rested her weight on the one foot in the shield.

Stepping up, she felt something catch her free hand. Looking down, she saw it was Link's, giving her something to steady herself with.

Looking up at him, she was unsure of what to say, but Link just smiled reassuringly, helping her make sure she was fully secured and balanced.

Once they were all ready, Urbosa hopped on her shield and turned to them, an adventurous grin on her face.

"Whose ready to find some ruins?"

~authors note~

So here we are, we made it to Gerudo town!

Writing the spa scenes were so much fun, and getting to describe Gerudo was wonderful! It's one of my favorite places in Hyrule, so it was really lovely getting to go back here but in writing.

And now, all of the fun facts I have for you for this chapter:

1. While almost all of the words the Gurudo use are actually Gerudo, this word, "Ya 'liai", is a word I pulled from the Arabic word "ya 'iilahi", which just means oh my God. Since a lot of Gerudo design and culture seems to be pulled from different Arabic and Persian cultures, I felt it would be appropriate.

2. Yes, I did make a reference to the princess and the cobbler, because why not. I almost threw an Aladdin reference in there too, but figured one "poor boy falls in love with the princess" conversation was enough for the poor boy falls in love with the princess story I currently happen to be writing.

3. While not 100% confirmed by the creators of botw(I don't think), Urbosa most likely did have a daughter, since Riju is a direct decent of Urbosa.

also, other Gerudo words I used in this chapter:

- Sav'saaba (good evening)

- vasaaq (good morning)

- sa'oten! (good heavens/oh my!)

- vehvi[s](child[ren]/infant)

- sav'otta(good morning)

the wonderful website I used to find the translation for all of these words is:

and is called Sav'aaq: a linguist's take on the Gerudo Language by Caitlin Stratford. it's beautifully done and very comprehensive, so go check it out for a full breakdown of their spoken and written language!

Anyway, that's all for now, and I will see all of you next week!


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