Last Straw

By _sofiasogoood

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Off the Track Series Book 3 An unexpected twist of fate finds Charlotte spending a late night turned early m... More

Will She Or Won't She
On The Menu
Little Night Breeze
If Only It Were That Easy
Talk To Me
Pure Chaos
Let Lose
Line In The Sand
Dèjà Vu
No Coincidence
Oh Yeah, That
Something To Say
Hot Lap
Itch I Can't Scratch
Last Straw
Drowning In Tempation
Good Girl
Crossing A Line
Through The Grapevine
Bad Luck
Won't Be Denied
Then I'm Yours
Ding Ding Ding
Best Behavior
That Makes Two Of Us
Heartbreakingly Fast
Foot On The Brake
A Real Pickle
Out Of Your Head
A Very Leclerc-Ferrari Affair
X Marks The Spot
Cheese Toastie
Piping Hot Tea
The Right Girl
Cross Roads
A Girl Can Hope
Blood, Sweat and Tears

Rules I'll Follow

630 7 23
By _sofiasogoood

"Morning sunshine," A spanish voice awakens me as memories of the night come slamming back like a wave against the cliffs.

I slept in the same bed with Fernando.

"Coffee? All women want sugar so I gave you a scoop but throw it out if that's not right, doesn't matter to me." He is fully dressed, extending me a cup of coffee.

Wafts of amazing smelling breakfast hug my nostrils and I remember half the party is here for brunch.

Max and Charles' breakfast.

Hell yes, nothing like a good breakfast to soak up a hangover. Taking the coffee from his hand I rub my eye with my other hand "Aren't you the gentleman." If he picks up on my tone, he doesn't mention it.

"Do you need like, something else to wear?" He notices for the first time I'm still in last nights clothes.

I do, but who has extra clothes? Might as well just wear this. "I didn't exactly plan to stay here."

He chuckles like a man who is always prepared. "You can wear one of my tshirt if you like?" Holding up and old black and white Beatles tee that is bound to fit me like a dress.


"I love the Beatles." I take his shirt, slipping it on over my tank and sliding out from under my skirt all under the covers and away from his watchful eye.

He shuffles towards the door, and I follow. "Drive My Car is my favorite." Says the race dar driver, making me heave with laughter as we descend the stairs.

"Of course you'd say that." He chuckles at my sass, and eyes are on us the second we come into view, half the grid is blinking in hungover confusion at the two of us sharing a room.

Amelia looks like she's seen a ghost.

Elsa has the smile of a cheshire cat.

I can't even bear to look at Max.

Pulling more biscuits out of the oven, Charles turns to see us and literally chokes mid motion. "Morning!" He tries to act neutral and fails, voice cracking.

"Calm down mate," Fernando laughs the whole thing off, slapping Charles' shoulder as he brushes past me for the table. "Nothing but two friends who shared a bed because you told us the same room. Not that I wouldn't fuck you darling."

He tosses the last comment back in my direction, and I step for the table unable to look in the kitchen at a particular red bull driver. "In your dreams."

"Actually, I can see it." Pierre motions his fork between us, sitting back with a smirk.

Daniel nudges his friend next to him, "Your still drunk dumbass." And the whole room erupts in laughter again, the attention back of us again. The pressure being off doesn't mean I can't feel those blue eyes still on me, piercing into me.

I can't get out of here and back to my hotel quick enough.

A week, a new country, and another race later I'm walking into Daniel's party when Chad calls. This is a call I'd never dare miss and it's becoming rarer than a full moon in my life lately, "Ciao!"

Oh damn, Amelia really is wearing off on me.

"Evening. Quick question," His voice hard to hear between pounding club music and laughter behind him. "Can I have a hall pass?"

Alright, what the fuck?

"Can you come see me in Azerbaijan next week? I really to talk to you. In person."

"Where the hell is that? No way. Can you take a few days to come to the city?" Rich coming from the one without a job, to the one required to be in a new country every week. He's making so difficult at this point I may have to, but my pride is stopping me from asking for the time off because I can't make myself admit why to my dad.

"I can't. What about Monaco?"

"What about the hall pass?" He redirects. I don't give a damn about the hall pass at this point, our relationship is barely hanging onto a thread and I've got the scissors poised ready to go.

"Can I have one too?"

"Deal. I gotta run." He's got what he wanted, and now he's ready to go. Not a moment more to spare for me. Over the years I've issued him a few hall passes, but this is the first time I asked for one myself.

Not that he noticed.

The phone beeps that he's hung up, not waiting for a response.

Fucking hell.

I want to stomp my feet, frustration bubbling inside of me but there's a whole party happening ahead and far too many eyes to lose it here.

Daniel's birthday means we party in style again tonight, meeting with nearly half of the paddock to celebrate him at a beachside bar. A tent keeps the dance floor from being too hot and the second I walk in, I join Amelia and Elsa on the floor.

Dancing the evening away is the perfect distraction, there really isn't anything like laughing the evening away with your girls. It's got fucking healing powers I swear.

When we finally tire out we head for a refill only to bump into a conversation with only our favorite people in the world. George and Carmen are chatting away with Elsa and the birthday boy, all of them waving us over ad if we'd go anywhere else.

"I've got to tell you something," I squeal to the girls, tugging them to the side for a quick second.

"Give me some tea bitch!" Elsa's eyes grow wide, excited for some tea.

"Chad gave me a hall pass." I break the news and Amelia nearly screams, so many eyes in the room turning to us we nearly fall over in a fit of giggles.

"Is the dutchman here yet?" Amelia asks with a smile the size of Texas.

"You think I'd use it on him?" Feigning shock.

If only he'll have me.

Carmen chips in, "One, we know you want to and two, a hall pass? I thought a breakup was coming."

A fair point, "It is, next I see him. Do you really think he'd want to...?"

"I think he's dying too." Elsa promises. A girl can only dream.

"No love for the birthday boy?" Daniel teases us, pulling us out of our huddle.

"Do it!" Amelia tugs my elbow as we head to the birthday boy.

"Look who finally showed up!" George teases somehow behind us, scooting to the side to allow the newcomers to our group. I'm mid crossing the group to hug the birthday boy but I turn my head to clock Max is my hindsight.

Max is here with another girl.


The second I realize it, I nearly stumble in my step but mercifully freeze instead.

The lighting is dim but I swear I can physically see him notice my presence without even a look. His shoulders tense, head shifting in my direction as the air changes.

I breathe deep through my nose and pretend it's fine. Pretend I don't care his hand is on resting her hip. 

She rises to her tip toes, tugging on his neck to whisper in his ear and it's the nail in my coffin.

Okay, fuck this.

Without a word to anyone I just walk away. Heading straight for the beach, anywhere he isn't with her in my line of sight.

The sun is so low now the sky is barely orange, and the one lone figure out on the beach is masked by the evening dark but there's no covering the smell wafting my way.


Fuck knows I could use one.

When I march closer, the figure takes shape and I realize it's the none other than Alonso. What the hell? I thought all these drivers were far too healthy for cigarettes.

"Spare one for me?" I ask, visibly startling him by the way he stiffens at the tone of my voice. He turns his head slowly until he realizes it's me, then all at once.

"I don't smoke." But he doesn't bother waiting for my answer before he starts shuffling, passing me a cigarette from an old school silver case that he smoothly slips back into his pocket.

"I see nothing, just a stranger having a smoke." He leans towards me slowly, slipping the cig into my mouth smoothly as if he'd done it a thousand times before.

I get the feeling he's quite skilled at a lot of things. From head to toe in black, he looks fucking dashing with his tan and white teeth shining. His confidence is sexy and what's more is that he knows it. "Smart girl." He bends down to light me up, keeping eye contact the whole time. When the flame lights like always, I swear my heart skips a beat just looking at him.

"What's your name, stranger?" I half tease as a blush rises to my cheeks. His eye contact is insane, almost too intense.

"Bad man Fernando." He says with a devilish wink.

"Ah, bad man? Should I be scared?"

"Should I? You've got a bad girl in you too." There's a sexual tone to his voice I can't miss.

"You think I'm a bad girl?" Tone dipping with innuendo.

"I think you're so bad you only want me because you know we shouldn't." I stare at him, his eyes flitting back and forth between mine, my eyes traveling over his face as a flirty smile tugs across my lips.

Damn, he calls it like it is. "What makes you think I want you?"

"Your giving me bedroom eyes. And when we kissed, I felt it."

"What was the word you said after we kissed?"

"Damn," He whispers, closing in so close I'm sure he can hear my heart racing. "I said damn, because you're such a good kisser."

I'm not the only one giving bedroom eyes now, and I do happen to have a hall pass in my back pocket tonight. Not how I'd planned to cash in but the man is oozing so much sex appeal with just his words I'm already wet.

Well, well, well this is certainly proving to be quite the distraction from the party.

"Sounds like I'm not the only one wanting." My words both a confession and a challenge to him. If he wants me, he only needs show it.

"You are a bad girl," He chuckles, blowing smoke away. "I goggled you, you know. How would your boyfriend feel about you talking to me like this?" He asks, his tone suggesting he's wondering where I'm going with this.

Rolling my eyes at the mere mention of Chad, "He'll think nothing. I have a hall pass."

"A hall pass means you don't fuck each other often."

We don't, and there's no use lying to him. "Not in months."

He nods as if he already knew it, "I can tell. You're the kind of girl who needs to be fucked hard and often."

"Are you applying for the job?" A dare in my eyes.

"Meet me at the red Ferrari in five minutes." He isn't asking, he's telling. Something about his confidence lights a fire in my belly that I'm dying to put out. He's so sure I'll be there he doesn't even hesitate to walk away for his head start on the five minutes. 

He knows I'll be there, and there I am.

Slipping into his vintage Ferrari, he immediately high tails it out of the parking lot. No more lurking eyes on the road he glances over at me and slips his thumb over my lips to wet it, dragging it down my body and the exposed ports of my torso so slow it's torture.

"This can't happen, you know." His accent only making his words even sexier.

"This isn't happening." I promise, eyes on the road to steady my breathing as his hand slides further and further down my leg. His warm palm makes is way completely under my dress and I'm dying for him to touch me.

This anticipation, this fresh torture is something I've never experienced in intimately before. As if he can sense my wishes he dips pinky finger over my wet pussy gliding through my desire. I gasp, my chest filling with unexpected hope that he'll dip farther, but before I can even consider the ramifications, he drags his fingers back up.His touch is so light, barely even there, but still my entire body's reacting, causing a cool sweat to start to take hold over me.

His thumb moves up and down, up and down, barely missing where I want him to caress me, creating this inferno so deep in my bones that I'm aching.

Ache for his touch.For his hand.For him to move it farther south. My pelvis lifts in response to my building desire, "I knew you weren't a good girl. Would a good girl let me touch her like this in the car?"

"No. I'm-" I say, breathless.

"Hmm?" he asks, moving his hand back down so the tips of his fingers slip past my panties.Yes, God, yes.Go farther.Touch me, please.

I shouldn't want this. I shouldn't need this. I shouldn't want to get lost at this moment. This is the alcohol, right? I'm feeling lonely.I'm confused.That's all.I don't . . . All of all the drivers, this is categorically worst case scenario for Ashton Martin. 

But then his fingers drag along the skin right above my pubic bone, and my body shifts, twisting an inch to my back. It's subtle, but it forces his fingers to fall even closer. Throbbing. Burning. Hoping. I want more. And right when I think he's going to guide his hand between my legs, he removes it. "

Before I can protest, he clicks his seat belt "We're here." A valet approaches and I force my hands to fumble with the seatbelt, unaware of our surroundings I'd be so lost in his touch.

My heels click on the pavement and I keep my head low, walking behind him without a word through the lobby and into the elevator. We aren't alone even on the lift but I take the chance to be in charge again, pressing the floor to my room instead of his. Briefly he meets my eyes in question, answered by the smirk playing over my lips.

It feels exhilarating being secretive with him.

Anticipating what's coming in a the bedroom, because he had me dying for him even in the car with his more than capable hands. He was right the kiss we shared sparked something between us neither of us saw coming. The second my key clicks the door open he's on me, pushing me up against the wall in one swift motion that surprises and stimulates the shit out of me.

I never had passion like this before. Maybe Spanish men are the best lovers.

Yet it was still there, hanging in the air like smoke we needed to clear out of the room, drawing us towards one another like a comet destined to crash.

Were you going to say something?" he whispers, his lips so close to my ear that I might combust hands roaming my body as he presses me against the wall.

"I... don't remember," I answer leaning toward for a kiss he denies me.

"I think you do remember. You just don't want to say it." His fingers dance up my stomach to my rib cage toying with my zipper. "You were saying I'm..."I wet my lips and I strain for his touch, but he doesn't give in. He keeps the hold on where his hands hold me, always maintaining control. "Just tell me, naughty girl" he says, his lips dragging over my ear, causing chills to break over my skin.

"I'm really turned on by you," I say on a heavy breath. "I've been imagining how skilled your hands would be since you first touched me."

"I've been thinking about touching you too, because you're so goddamn sexy," he says just as the tip of his thumb slides against my breast. "Fucking hell Charlotte." he whispers just as his pelvis presses against me, and my eyes pop open in pleasure from the feel of his erection against me. He's just as turned on as me.

He's not touching me where I want him to touch me, but at this moment, I'm more turned on than Chad has ever made me.I want it. Badly.I want this.I want release.And I'm so worried that if I say something or move, this burning desire will dissipate. And I don't want it to because I'm feeling something, like . . .like I'm starting to come alive from a deep, dark sleep, one that I've been in for over a year. Years maybe.

Taking some control back I push against him, needing to give him more access and twisting so I'm almost all the way on my back.The squirming causes his grip to grow tighter, and as his hand moves back up door the hem of my dress I wait. Nearly praying that he'll touch me more.That he'll fully touch me this time. "Why are you squirming baby girl?"

"I want more of you." Confession on my lips.

Eyes shut, I hold my breath, my legs trembling as he inches closer and closer to, and then tugging my zipper down fully all at once. I'm standing totally naked in front of him, pressed against the wall and he takes the moment to take back the power, "If you want it, go get in the shower." He isn't asking, he's telling. Dictating the rules of this engagement.

Rules I'll follow to the letter.

So I do, shedding my inhibitions and going to stand in the shower, cracking up the heat while I wait. Not that I'm waiting long, in he walks in and naked he is a sight to behold, looking every inch the spanish statue of a man. "Turn around." He commands and I obey, pressing against the shower wall.

Stepping under the water with me, he slides his hand right under my tits, and his thumb drags across my nipple."Please, touch me." I beg, my back arching against him to show him I want more. So much more.

Fernando's hands fall to my hips again as he presses his warm body against mine.His mouth caresses my neck while his hands tease me to the edge. He seems to really like my breasts, which is definitely boosting my residual insecurities of the last few months being unwanted.

Stop thinking about him Cat. Not now.

"Spread your legs."

As I do, I hear him switching something on. A vibrator?

Yes, it is. He rubs it against me, and I can't keep in the moan.

Now this is something new entirely.

He presses me harder, giving me sensation right where I need it as if he can read my mind. I nearly fly out off of the wall from the buzzing inside me and the clit stimulator on the outside."Bloody hell," I say as water sloshes over me, my legs clamping tight. 

"Let me see you," he says while pumping it in and out of me. I take the chance to glance up to see his serious expression, hungry, greedy. Face full of desire as he's getting me off without me so much as touching him.

 "Don't stop," I whisper as I tease my nipple with my own hand using the other to let the vibrator do the work.

Without a warning he stops, leaving me shivering from the lack of sensation. "What are you doing?" I gasp.

"Controlling the situation." He says as he slips on a condom, back on me in a second then he lifts me onto the wall, pushing inside me himself."Oh my fuck," I moan. He doesn't stop with the vibrator, resting it against my clit as he takes me. It's like nothing I have ever experienced before, and I'm loving every second of it. 

Soaking it in, letting myself let go of all of my thoughts and concerns, focusing on how everything feels and the man in front of me, with the water rushing down his toned chest. 

"So fucking incredible."His voice feels like a drug, seeping into my veins and governing my every movement. "You going to come for me tonight, bad girl?"

My chest fills with air as my head feels dizzy, the dildo now vibrating at a frantic pace that causes my stomach to bottom out."Yes daddy . . . oh fuck," I yell as my body seizes. The vibrator rubs my clit in just the right spot, causing my body to break out in a sweat.An undeniable pressure builds and builds at the base of my stomach, letting my pleasure climb until it's sitting right there, ready to fall over. 

"Are you there?"

"Yes," I grind out, and then in a flash, the vibrator is turned off. My eyes shoot open, and I grab onto him harder, pushing for that same high.

"Don't be selfish or I'll have to spank you. Wait for me." He maintains control and it's all I can do to push the reminder of those words leaving Max's lips from my mind.

Fine, not selfish. Reaching down to nibble on his ear I just spur him on even more, and as my orgasm climbs closer and closer, my body going numb, my vision fading. 

All I can think about is my coming orgasm and getting him there. Needing the release. "Now." This time not a command, it's permission. He clicks the vibrator back on and immediately I can't hold on to my orgasm any longer, I moan loudly against his chest as my whole body spasms.

Fernando kisses my forehead before he releases me. "Fucking hell... Food, cigarettes and we're doing that again."

A hall pass only lasts one night, and tonight we're going to put that one night to use.

Maybe I never had chemistry with Chad after all.

Maybe Max was right.

A smart person tests a conclusion a few times to make sure they get the same outcomes after all.

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