𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐏 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇 | [ïŋ―...

By -Mionesgranger

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𝘓𝘌𝘈𝘗 𝘖𝘍 𝘍𝘈𝘐𝘛𝘏 ── áīŽ áĩ‡áĩ‰ËĄâąáĩ‰áķ  áĩ’Ęģ áĩ—Ęģáĩ˜ËĒáĩ— ⁹âŋ ËĒáĩ’áĩáĩ‰áĩ—ʰ⁹âŋáĩ ⁹âŋáĩ—áĩƒâŋáĩâąáĩ‡ËĄáĩ‰ áĩ’Ęģ ⁹âŋáķœáĩƒáĩ–áĩƒáĩ‡ËĄáĩ‰ áĩ’áķ  áĩ‡áĩ‰âąâŋáĩ áĩ–Ęģáĩ’áĩ›áĩ‰áĩˆ. ⎊ ð™ąð™ūð™ūïŋ―... More

━ 𝗔𝗖𝗧 ð—Ēð—Ąð—˜
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━ 𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗧𝗊ð—Ē
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been a while ðŸĪŠ

- ͙ۊۊĖĨ˚ 𝟭ðŸŊ┊❛ ð—Ĩð—ķð—ąð—ķð—ŧð—ī 𝗧𝗞 𝗠ð—Ū𝘆'𝘀 ❜┊˚ ͙ۊۊĖĨ◌

1.9K 120 4
By -Mionesgranger

✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *.✧.* :✦. ─── ✧

"He broke this?" After fleeing Alchemax, ( Y/N ) told them she knew a place where they could make another key. The group got back on the bus with Peter and ( Y/N ) in the back and Miles and Gwen up front. Peter was lying down, taking up most of the seat, but ( Y/N ) didn't mind.

She was just listening to Dog Days Are Over with her feet up the back of the seat. Plus, they were just in a wood-chase sequence, so she got it.

Miles shrugged. "Yeah, he's actually kinda embarrassed about it. So... let's keep it between us, okay?"

"Well, ( Y/N ) knows where we can make a new one," Gwen informed him. "And we won't let him break it this time."

The smile Miles had on his features turned into a frown. "I'm sorry about your friend."

"Thanks, Miles," Gwen sighed, glancing behind where ( Y/N ) was sitting. "I know how hard this is. To have to figure this stuff out on your own, it's kinda nice not being to only Spider-person around."

"Yeah," Miles chuckled, looking back at ( Y/N ). "If you ever decide to do friends again, ( Y/N ) and I can open up a slot."

"I'll keep you posted."

✧ ─── ・ 。゚✦ *.✧.* :✦. ─── ✧

Since they still had a little longer before getting to May's, they all decided to switch seats. Miles and ( Y/N ) we're now in the back while Gwen in Peter were somewhere up in the middle. The bus had a little more pedestals than last time, but no one that actually cared.

Meanwhile, Miles couldn't stop staring to the seat besides him. He wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn't get the words out.

With some stoic determination filling up inside of him, he reached his arm out and tapped on ( Y/N )'s shoulder. Not in the s'more way Uncle Aaron showed him, but in a more stiff and— awkward way. ( Y/N ) pulled out her earbuds and gave a light smiles. "Uh, hey."


Miles turned straight around, glancing back at her and quickly looking back in front of him. "Um.. I'm sorry you got dragged into all of this."

( Y/N ) snapped her head back in his direction, a little surprised, but also relieved that the awkward silence was over. "I mean, I've been dragged into this all my life, but... thanks."

"You know, all I ever wanted was to be good at something and to be around people who also liked that something," ( Y/N ) spoke up. "It's kinda nice not being the only weirdo anymore with all these spider-people."

A smile formed on Miles's features. "Who says being a weirdo's a bad thing?"

"Principal Weever, Mr. Wilson, my mom, everyone,"

"They just didn't give a second thought to know you" Miles continued. "And I'm lucky I got to know you, Wise Girl."

( Y/N ) gasped, turning around and leaning forward on her seat with a bright smile. "You read it!"

Miles's eyes widened as he looked around, trying to avoid eye contact at all cost. "What- no. I mean... I could've looked it up?"

"How'd you know she had a nickname?" ( Y/N ) smirked.

"Touché, Chase," Miles replied, not knowing that Peter was now smiling to himself, listening in on everything.

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