You Are The Cause Of My Eupho...

By JK97RaelynFaith

201 28 1

Book 1 "There's no way he has feelings for me, Faith. It's impossible." I wrapped my arms around myself tight... More

Surprise Visitors
Heading To Seoul, South Korea!
Rich And Famous
First Day On The Job
Hotter IRL
Public School? Hell No
Can't Help But Wish It Was Real
The Ellen Show
Special Moments
Mountain Getaway Pt.1
Mountain Getaway Pt.2
Mountain Getaway Pt. 3
Saying Goodbye
I'm Fine
Perhaps There's No Such Thing As Moving On
Things Change
Losing You
Confessions & Questions
You Are The Cause Of My Euphoria
Author's Note
Sneak Peak

Missing You

3 1 0
By JK97RaelynFaith

I hope to live one day less than you so I never have to live without you.


Jungkook's pov

Sitting at a table with the rest of the guys and a few other recruits, shoveling food down our throats because we only had a limited amount of time before we had to be finished eating. A few minutes later, our drill sergeant stood up, finished eating, meaning that everybody had to be done. We all stood up and filed into a single file line to the trash cans. Once we threw away our food, we waited for our next instructions.

"Recruit Jeon Jungkook! Report to Sergeant Hwang in the main building!" a man in a cameo uniform like us shouted.

Did I do something wrong? I questioned myself as I walked out of the building towards the large main building. Grabbing the door handle and pulling the door open, I walked through the silent hallway, the sound was my boots echoing with each step I took. Taking a right at the end of the hallway, I came to my sergeant's office. Taking a deep breath before knocking, "Who is it?!" he boomed, making me jump.

"It's me, recruit Jeon Jungkook."

"Oh, well come in." he opened the door and I faced our tall, broad shouldered sergeant who had a stern look on his face. Gulping, I stepped in, "You sent for me, sir?" I managed to get out, afraid I had done something wrong.

He turned around and picked something up off the desk; turning back to me, he handed me a white envelope. Giving him a curious look, I looked at the front and recognized Grace's hand writing. Heart leaping, I managed to maintain proper composure while bowing to him. "Don't open it until you return to your barracks." he said gruffly before ushering me out of the room and slamming the door.

Barely able to contain my excitement, I almost started running to my barracks that I shared with the guys. Walking briskly, I opened the door and then ran to my bed. Climbing up onto the top bunk, I crossed my legs and stared out her hand writing for a moment, tracing it with my finger before carefully opening the envelope, making sure not to tear it. I planned on keeping all of the letters she sent me, and I don't want anything to happen to these.

Carefully extracting the paper that was neatly folded, I opened it up and couldn't help but smile at the sight of her handwriting that I knew she really tried to make perfect. A bunch of stamps fell out and I guessed she sent them so I could write back to her. I laughed as I read the first line, but also felt the sting of homesickness. An image of her sitting at her desk, writing carefully with her cute smile on her face appeared in my brain


Dear Jungkook,

I know it's not even been a month since you left, but I already miss you terribly. It's not the same without you guys here; we performed a cover for Blackpink's DDU-DU DDU-DU. I'm rapping Jennie's second part, and I was extremely nervous. But I went through the exercises you taught me and it truly helped. Nevermind about me, how is it in bootcamp? Have you had to have your room messed up because one of your roommates didn't have everything just right? My dad said they did that when he was in Marine boot camp. He said that if even a corner of your bed sheet wasn't tucked in right, everything would be ripped off, your stuff thrown out of dressers and shelves. I don't know if it's the same there though.

I most definitely have had to have my stuff messed up; it was rather overwhelming at first, the stress of our sergeant screaming at us to get to work in our room, telling us that it must be neater. God, that was a wake up call. I can't wait to watch all of her performances and I know she will deal with the pressure very well.

Is it hot there? I hope not, I wouldn't want you or any of the members to get some kind of heat injury. Is the conditioning hard? Are there ANY girls there? Sorry about so many questions, but I want to know from someone who is inside and experiencing this stuff. Please go to bed at a decent time and don't stay up. You must stay healthy; I can imagine you saying I sound like your mom lol. I'll be your mom if you don't listen; don't think I won't figure out some way to break in and smack you silly. Are the obstacle courses fun? I wish I was there with you. Maybe I could pack myself in a box and mail myself to you, then I could be with you. That will never happen, sadly.

Chuckling at Grace sounding just like my mom, "You most definitely do, Grace." I laughed really hard when she said she was thinking about mailing herself here.

Our performance went very well and was super exciting. Whenever you come back, you'll have a lot of performances and award shows to catch up on lol. You'll be very entertained for a while. We have a Run BTS episode coming up and school starts soon. Ugh, I hope Yeri isn't in my class. She is such a bully. Sorry for that, I needed to vent for a moment. Please let me know when you start training for shooting. I really want to know what kinds of guns you're using. Make sure you blow up some stuff; my dad said he had an automatic grenade gun and he was only supposed to shoot one at a time at an old World War II Russian tank, but instead when his drill sergeant wasn't looking, my dad held the trigger down and it went, boom boom boom! Then in the distance the tank exploded in a big ball of flames and smoke. It sounded pretty epic. Let me know how well your target practice is ;).

I miss you guys so much! It's so quiet in the mornings now that y'all are gone. I don't know how I'll survive two years; I can barely survive three weeks! I'm sending you a bunch of stamps in this envelope so you can write back. Just let me know when you're about to run out so I can send you some more. I love and miss you all so much! Stay safe and we'll talk to you soon!




Smiling to myself as I reread the letter several more times, rubbing my thumb over the black letters tenderly. Carefully folding the letter back up and stashing it in the very back of my tiny dresser, careful not to bend the envelope. Walking out of our barracks, I went to the tiny Army post office and got some paper and envelopes, along with a pen. Filled with excitement to write back to her, I hurried back to the barracks, the sun going down in the distance. Recruits and soldiers were walking back and forth over the dirt road, going to barracks or reporting to places for duty.

Opening the door, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi were already there, looking worn out as they lay sprawled on their beds; there were three other recruits there that I hadn't really had the chance to talk to because we have been so busy with training. Climbing back up onto my bunk that was above Jin's, I used a book that I had brought to write. Picking up the book, a picture fell out. Recognizing it as a photo of Grace driving Taehyung's car, her ebony black hair flowing in the wind. Rubbing my thumb on it, a few tears fell from my eyes onto my lap. Her joy was evident in her smile and how I wish I could see it one more time, in person. Picking up the pen, I started writing.


Dear Grace,

I miss you guys so much; send me a picture of you performing please. I know you did amazing, especially on your rap part. I'm very glad my exercises helped you, but you don't need them, you're already so confident, more confident than me jamae. Yes, I have had our barracks messed up by our drill sergeant, God I almost busted an eardrum. I never knew a guy could scream so loud!

Yes, it is hot most days and it is almost always sunny here, without a cloud in the sky. Beautiful, yes, but torturous. Never a break from the sun; but at least I know it is making me stronger and I know I'm serving my country. The conditioning is hard, especially in the heat but they do make sure we're healthy and don't get sick. Yes, there are female recruits but they are on the other side of base. I haven't had the chance to even go over there yet, but I have seen some women running and they are SCARY. All of us guys were like, "Women like this exist?". I swear, most of the women looked ready to kill someone. You don't want to mess with them.

Yes, I will go to bed at a decent time, I'm exhausted every day anyways. You most definitely sound like my mom lol; I promise to stay healthy, I'd rather not have you come here and break in just to smack me silly. The days here are long and hard. Wake up at 6 AM, morning run and report to our drill sergeant. Eat breakfast before we have our conditioning and training. Then we eat lunch before going to the obstacle course and have training on a makeshift battlefield. We only have until our drill instructor is done eating for all of us to be finished eating as well.

Lol, yes I will blow up some stuff. Gun training is probably the only thing I look forward to. It is NOT quiet here in the mornings. From drill instructors and sergeants screaming at us and the morning alarm ringing through the camp, it feels like we're in the middle of a battlefield. I miss you all more than all the words in the world. I could write an entire book filled with all the things I miss back home. I can't wait to watch your first Run BTS episode! Good luck on it and I hope there are many more. I will be binge watching them whenever I get home. I'm exhausted, so I have to finish this letter, even though I don't want to. I love you, jamae.

Missing you,



Folding up the piece of paper, I slid it into the envelope before writing down our address and Grace's. Licking the edges, I sealed the envelope securely before putting a stamp on the right corner. Sighing, I placed the letter inside my dresser, along with the paper, envelopes and stamps. Laying back down on my very uncomfortable bed, staring up at the ceiling, I imagined what Grace and the girls would be doing right now.

Probably eating dinner together in one of their apartments, chattering gaily as they passed the food around. A few jokes would be said, producing hysterical laughter and a few of them almost choking. Once they finished, they would all help each other clean up before heading back to their rooms. Some of them would probably be watching kdramas or Youtube. Minji probably would be going straight to bed, making Grace or Abby tease her and call her Grandma.

Grace probably would sit on the balcony and read as the sun sets. She loves to watch the sunrise and sunset; she told me one time that she likes to appreciate creation. She told me that so many people pass these opportunities by without so much as a glance at the beauty above them. Grace would usually sit out there until the moon came out.

I carefully climbed down my bunk and walked to the doorway. Peeking through, not seeing anybody, I squeezed myself through the doorway and looked up at the moonlit sky, knowing that Grace would be looking at it too. God, if you listen to me, let Grace know I miss her please. Let her know that somewhere, somehow, a man is looking up at the same moon she is. Sticking my hands in my pockets, I walked back to our barracks and quietly slipped in. Crawling up onto the bunk, grimacing as the wood creaked, I got underneath my flimsy sheet and blanket and fell asleep.


Grace's pov

"Hey, daesang." Yeonjun said as I answered the phone while I was walking to Yeonjun and I's usual meeting spot, which was a small cafe.

"Yes, Yeonjunnie?" I replied with a smile.

"Are you coming or not?"

"I'm literally just a couple blocks away, take a chill pill." rolling my eyes at Yeonjun. He has been supporting me ever since the guys left, helping me with my loneliness and depression. We started meeting here at the cafe after the guys left, every morning this summer like clockwork. We won't be able to do this as much when school starts, but it's nice to do this now.

"Do you know when you'll be here?"

Pinching the bridge of my nose, "Give me like five minutes oppa, okay?"

"Okay." he hung up and I sighed, shaking my head. Turning the corner, the sign for the cafe came into view in the distance. Picking up my pace because I didn't want a lecture on punctuality from Yeonjun again. God, he can sound like my dad sometimes. Finally reaching the cafe, I peered through the glass windows and saw Yeonjun sitting at our usual window seat, looking at his phone. Smiling, I grasped the door handle and pulled the door open, making a bell ring.

"Welcome, Grace. Usual?" Chae-Won asked with a smile. Stepping up to the cash register, "Um, I'll just have some coffee and fruit instead of a muffin please."

She frowned, "Are you sure?"

Nodding with a smile, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright, you can take a seat and I'll bring it out to you."

"Thanks." I turned and walked to Yeonjun who had been watching me.

"Are you okay, Grace?" he had a slight frown on his face as he searched my eyes.

Rolling my eyes, "You're the second person to ask me that. Oppa, I'm fine. Arraso?"

He leaned back in his seat, still not convinced, "You need to eat more food." he wove his fingers together as he said this, crossing his leg.

"I know how to take care of myself, Yeonjun. Please don't worry about me."

He opened his mouth to say something but the waiter came with our food. Yeonjun looked up with a smile, "Gamsaminda."

The waiter bowed and walked away. Yeonjun handed me my coffee and a bowl of fruit before taking his plate and coffee. Wrapping my hands around my coffee, I sat back and crossed my legs elegantly, looking out the window as I sipped carefully. "Delicious, as always." I remarked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"You better eat a lot for lunch, daesang." Yeonjun narrowed his eyes.

"Of course I will." I shrugged him off nonchalantly.

Directing my attention elsewhere so I didn't have to look at Yeonjun's concerned face, I watched as the gorgeous Chae-Won took orders and helped prepare them, always having a pretty smile on her face. She was pretty enough to be a kpop idol or model; I wish I was that pretty. Her perfect white teeth formed an even more perfect smile as she greeted the customers.

Yeonjun took a bite of his omelet, I guess he decided to try some American type food today. Glancing up at me, "What have you been planning for your next comeback?"

Thinking for a moment as I picked up my fork and stuck it in a strawberry before putting it in my mouth. Mmm, this is a sweet one. Swallowing, I replied, "Manager-nim said that he was thinking of having us do English versions of some of their songs like Euphoria and Let Go."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "That sounds interesting. Help reach more audiences."

"Yep, all about business. Making more money. I personally don't care, I just want to use my talents for something greater."

"Me too. As long as I have enough money to put food on my table and live comfortably, I'm good. Take all the money you want." Yeonjun took a sip of his coffee.

Making sweater paws with my long sleeve top, causing Yeonjun to look me up and down, "Why are you wearing a long sleeve top? It's only like 68 degrees right now."

"Bruh, in Texas right now it's like 90 degrees. 65 degrees for me is like late fall weather in Texas. I walked out this morning and was like 'Nope'."

He chuckled as he took another bite, "You always manage to make laugh, Grace."

Shrugging with a smile, "What can I say? It's a gift." laughing with him, I took a couple more bites of my fruit.

Shaking his head, "You're one of a kind Grace, I swear."

"I know that for sure, but thanks." I lifted up my mug slightly before sipping carefully. I finished my fruit before Yeonjun finished his food and I just leaned back in my seat drinking my coffee before it became cold.

When Yeonjun finished, I stood up to go pay, but he put a hand on my back, "I'll pay."

"No, no. It's fine. I can pay for my food." I protested.

Yeonjun shook his head and smiled, "I'll pay, it's really nothing. And you don't have to pay me back."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure. You can wait outside. We should take a walk in the park before heading to work." he gestured and I looked over my shoulder at the neighborhood park with it's quaint playground in the middle.

"Alright." saying goodbye to Chae-Won before pushing the door open and walking out into the slightly chilly morning breeze. Wrapping my arms around myself trying to bring warmth into my bones. "Jesus, this isn't Texas." Hearing the bell jingle, I looked back to see Yeonjun walk out with his hands in his pockets, he then leaned against the wall.

Noticing my arms wrapped around me, "Are you cold?" he asked as he looked me up and down.

Nodding, "Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get used to this weather."

He pushed himself off the wall and took off his jacket, placing it on my shoulders, "Here you go." he smiled.

"Oh, thanks." I said, wrapping the folds of his jacket around me tightly. He placed a hand on the small of back, guiding me to the crosswalk. Pushing the button, he looked both ways before crossing with me. Looking up at him, he just looked straight ahead with confidence. I wish I was that confident still. Ever since the guys left, it kind of just left me. I told my mom and asked her to pray for me. 'I'm always praying for you, love. Not a day goes by that I don't.' her precious words still rang in my head, comforting for a moment. Looking down at my necklace she gave me for my 16th birthday. It was a pure silver chain with two silver rings with fake diamonds in it, one ring was a little bit larger than the other but both rings were together, symbolizing the unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter. I never take it off except when I am going swimming, taking a shower, or sleeping.

Once we entered the park, Yeonjun asked, "How bout' we go on the swing?" there was a childlike countenance on his face that made me smile.

"Race ya!" I darted off towards the playground.

"Oh, it's on!" glancing back for a moment, I saw Yeonjun take off after me. Giggling, I pumped my legs faster; leaping over the small barrier to the playground, causing wood chips to go flying when I landed. Yeonjun and I made it to the swing set at the exact same time. Bending over, I rested my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. Straightening myself and taking a seat on one of the swings, letting out a huff. Yeonjun came up behind me and grabbed the swings chains, leaning over my shoulder.

"Want me to push you?" he asked.

"Sure." grasping the chains so I didn't fall, Yeonjun grabbed the seat, lifting me up high in the air before giving me a big push. My stomach fluttered as my hair flew in the wind. "Woo!" I laughed and let my head fall back, black hair spilling downwards. After I started slowing down, Yeonjun gave me another big push before taking a seat on the swing beside me. Starting to swing as well, we both laughed.

Sighing in happiness, "This is nice. I can't remember being able to do something like this forever."

"Me too. I've been so busy lately I haven't had the time to truly rest. Even on my days off, I still can't really rest." Yeonjun swung slightly, looking at me.

"I love the hard work discipline required for this job, but it's nice to have days like this, right?" I looked at him with my head tilted.

"I agree." We swung for a few more moments, chattering about mundane things before I jumped off the swing in mid air, sticking it, saluting.

Yeonjun laughed and gave me a tight hug, "Thanks for coming with me."

"Y-you're welcome." slightly shocked at this sudden show of affection. He'd hugged me before, but it wasn't random. He held me at arms length and looked me in the eyes, "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Only a phone call or text away. I see all of you as the siblings I never had, and siblings help one another."

Nodding with a small smile, "Thanks Yeonjun. I will." I would take him up on that offer at some point, but right now, what I was going through was very vulnerable and fragile to me and I don't know if I can trust anybody at this moment with it.


Tysm for reading! Sarangminda! Remember to vote, comment, and give this book a shout out!

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