Back to the start line - Mins...

By IreneStay

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Five times Minho is there to save Jisung; Everytime is Lee Minho there to catch him and pull him back to dry... More

1.1 Not the first time
1.2 Be my first
1.3 Each other's first
2.1 Everyone deserves a second chance
2.2 The second attempt
2.3 The second universe
3.1 The third wheel
3.2 What comes third?
3.3 Number three is always fortunate
4.1 The fourth season
4.2 Four you
4.3 Four feet up
5.2 The fifth sense
5.3 Counting with five fingers
6.1 I got six letters
6.2 Six feet in the ground
6.3 The sixth, the last
Alternative ending
Author's note

5.1 Five by five -rule

139 11 21
By IreneStay

Take my mind and take my pain,
like an empty bottle takes the rain,
and heal~

Take my past and take my sins,
like an empty sail takes the wind,
and heal~

And tell me some things last.


Jisung's eyes flutter open to the scenery of a brightly lit bedroom by the golden rays of the sun shining through the closed blinds.

He rubs his eyes and groans, feeling too comfortable and warm under the several blankets which he's currently cocooned in.

He moves his head just slightly to see the clock on the wall, it saying 10.45am. It's a sunday and Jisung likes to sleep in whenever he has a chance, which is rather rarely.

He has received a few days vacation from work and he has finished all of his school work on time, luckily and finally.

As his eyes open and he gets a hold of the reality around him, he smiles softly to himself. He's in Minho's bed- or more like their bed. Jisung has his own room, it being the guest room Minho hasn't had use for. However, both of them sleep better with each other, especially Jisung now that he has someone who he can snuggle up to. He knows Minho secretly likes it. He always complains and tells the younger to go away meanwhile tightening his arms around his smaller form.

The other side of the bed is emtpy and Jisung guesses where his boyfriend is. Minho likes to go for a jog early in the morning, even if it's still dim outside. He likes to keep in shape, and it's not like Jisung minds. He himself isn't an active type of a person though.

To illustrate, the first snow surprised them yesterday and it gave Jisung a brilliant excuse to stay inside all day and cuddle. He did just that.

Except he's somehow still tired but content nonetheless. It would be perfect if Minho was there with him.

He yawns and sighs. He contemplates whether tonget up or not; He has practically nothing to do that need to be done, so could easily use this sunday for being lazy.

He turns to his side and his own arm catches his attention. The red, healed scars are out there on the milky skin. He traces them with his fingers gently, thinking to himself.

He hasn't cut in days, maybe weeks even. He knows he should feel proud, happy. However, he can't help but feel a little strange, not knowing if it's a negative or positive feeling. He still gets the impulsion, the urge, but as he's been with Minho, they kind of fall into oblivion. Partly, at least. In a way that the addictive thoughts doesn't bother him that much anymore.

They are and will always be there, in the back of his mind.

However, Minho has this kind of a special effect on him. He doesn't want to hurt himself, knowing Minho will be hurt in the process as well.

He has also started wearing short sleeved shirts ever since he moved in with Minho. Minho wouldn't mind if he walked around bare naked in the house, so Jisung isn't worried about the older seeing his scars, his past.

Well, he can't say they're just past now because they're still here, in the present. They are a part of his current self and they will always be. He's certain of it.

Minho doesn't point them out and most of the time Jisung lives like they aren't there, on display on his skin. Jisung still remembers how he ugly cried when Minho offered buying him scar cream that could help them fade away. He cried, not because Minho is disgusted by his scars and doesn't want to see them, but because he cares. Truly.

He has been using that cream well.

The boy shifts again, into a more comfortable position and closes his eyes. He rubs his head against the pillow, feeling tiredness creeping up to him again, making his eyelids heavy and his heart warm with the content feeling.

He could wake up like this forever, knowing Minho will take care of him, even if his stubborn ass sometimes wants to shove the older boy away and lock himself into the bathroom and cry. He trusts Minho with all his heart and he's happy his mom gave them her blessing, trusting Minho as well.

Jisung lets himself fall into a slumber.


Jisung is being woken up by someone softly shaking him by the shoulder. He whines and tries to press himself against the mattress harder.

He hears soft giggles and his name being called softly. However, he whines again and tries to block out the noise disturbing him.

Suddenly, he realizes that it must be terribly late but calms down realizing it's his day off. Plus, he gets excited as he sees Minho in front of him.

His hair is damp and he has just sweatpants on. He must have just taken a shower. Jisung blushes as he catches himself staring.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" Minho says and laughs airily, brushing Jisung's hair out of his face and plants a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Morning, hyung" he gets as a respone, the younger's voice low and muffled by the pillow.

"Are you hungry?" Munho asks and before Jisung can answer verbally, his belly rumbles, answering for him. Minho laughs again. "I'll make something for you, wait for me" he says, ruffles the younger's hair and leaves.

Jisung takes his time to sit and stretch. The clock on the wall shows him proud 1.43pm. He really slept in.

He shifts so his back leans against the headboard, against the pillows there and unplugs his phone from the charger.

He goes through messages and notifications, absentmindedly scrolling.

Soon, Minho is back. In his hands he has a tray where there's a porcelain bowl and a steaming cup as well as a banana. He smiles and pleces the tray on the bedside table, sitting on the bed with him.

They spend the sun day chatting and lazing around, because... well, why not?

Jisung thinks that maybe this is what he has been wishing for all along. Because this is nice.

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