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By iiamsimp

4.6K 133 11

During high school, you would always get a love interest. You'll want them to love you back, want them to sho... More

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156 5 0
By iiamsimp


   𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 night at the LaRusso's, Sam and Tiffany somehow managed to get Daniel's mother and Amanda to get along.

   The two girls heard the front door open. "Daniel owe us a lot." Tiffany says as the two girls got up from Sam's bed, walking out the room.

   Tiffany and Sam walked inside the kitchen, seeing Daniel and Robby. "Owe us big time." Sam tells Daniel.

   Tiffany walked over to Robby giving him a hug. "I didn't know you was coming over." Tiffany says. "I didn't know neither." He replied with a small smile.

   Tiffany gave him a quick peck on the lips before walking away, she grabbed another chair putting it on one side.

   "Hey Robby, wanna stay for dinner?" Daniel asks the boy, Robby glances over to Tiffany before looking back at Daniel. "Uh, sure. Yeah, thanks." He nodded his head.

   Everyone sat around the table outside near the pool, while Amanda and Daniel's mother set up the table full of food. "This smells amazing."

   "Yes it do, I'm starving." Daniel said chuckling. Everyone made their plates, while Tiffany was bickering with Anthony. "You little devil, you kicked my knee." Tiffany hissed.

   "No I didn't, you don't have proof." Anthony says smirking. Tiffany scoffed, picking up her fork. "You have enough meat on your body, I'm hungry for some ribs." Tiffany threaten.

   Anthony eyes widen as he shook his head no. "Mom!" Anthony yelled, Amanda glared at Tiffany while she dropped the fork smiling innocently at Mrs.LaRusso.

   Sooner or later, the table was filled with laughter. "You've must've fell more than once." Sam says with a smile. The topic was now how Daniel was teaching Robby something new, Tiffany could've been there but she didn't wanna intervene and stayed with Sam.

   "Look, I slipped once, but I caught myself and climbed back up, so it doesn't count." Robby says defending himself, wrapping an arm around Tiffany's shoulder.

   "Oh please, Sam felled like so many times she temporarily banned me tagging along when she did that." Tiffany laughed holding onto her stomach.

   "The topic continued, with the three going back and forth playfully laughing. Tiffany went to go take a bite of her food, looking up seeing someone behind the bushes.

   She titled her head furrowing her eyebrows, before shrugging her shoulders. "Tiffany you gotta back me up." Sam says giggling.

   "Oh yeah, everything counts as falling when you're not on the tree anymore." Tiffany says backing up Sam. Robby dramatically gasped, putting a hand over his chest.

   "And I'm supposed to be your boyfriend?" He says in disbelief, Tiffany playfully shoved him rolling his eyes. "Sam been my girlfriend since day one." Tiffany joked.

   One thing the two girls didn't know about, was Miguel coming over to meet Sam's parents. The one thing he seen made his heart drop, not only did his girlfriend had another guy over but he was all over his friend.. Best friend.

   He hung his head low, sighing as he walked off with anger and jealousy going through him. Not sure himself what he was upset about. Samantha with another guy, or Tiffany.

   "Robby I'm scared." Tiffany tells him, Robby held onto her waist. "Calm down, it's not that hard to skate board." Robby assured her.

   Robby continued to instruct Tiffany how to do the basics on how to skate, Robby then let go of Tiffany as he watched her roll away.

   "Robby, I'm doing it.." She mumbled as her heart begin to beat faster. She then took one of her feet off the board, putting it against the ground putting force to continue to push the skateboard and herself.

   Tiffany was cheesing hard until she fell off the skateboard, the skateboard continued to roll as Tiffany landed onto her back.

   She hissed in pain, slowly sitting up rubbing her back. "This is supposed to be a good Saturday afternoon, and look at me! I'm about to be all scratch up." Tiffany whined sitting up, Robby came to her side with a small smile. "At least you got somewhere." Robby shrugged his shoulders.

   Tiffany pouted as Robby helped her up. "Here, I'll make sure you don't have scratches." He tells her, holding onto her hand spinning her around.

   "Your uh, body looks good. Probably shouldn't have wore shorts." He informs her, Tiffany rolled her eyes before playfully pushing him. "Shut up, next time I wouldn't."

   lAnyways show me some of your moves you've been trying to practice." Tiffany smiled walking towards Robby's skateboard, she picked up the skateboard walking back to Robby.

   "I still don't know how to do it, I've been practicing though." He stated as Tiffany handed him his own skateboard. "That's okay with me, I'll watch you and I'll be there when you get it." She smiled at him.

   "Seriously?" He asks, Tiffany nodded her head. She sat down on the hot pavement, while Robby sat down his skateboard before getting on.

   Robby begin to practice his trick, that Tiffany don't even know the name of if it does. Robby took a few falls, but Tiffany was there to support him along the way.

   Tiffany looked away until she heard the skateboard scrape the ground, she turned her head to see Robby holding onto the rim with his legs and one hand in the air, while the other one was holding him up.

   "Holy shit, Robby." Tiffany stood up, walking towards Robby. "What do I do?" Tiffany asks. "I don't know—" He fell onto the side grunting.

   "At least you did something." Tiffany joked walking towards him. He laid flat on the ground as he looked at the sky, Tiffany cheekily smiled at him. "That's what you was supposed to do?"

   The Cobra Kai kids surrounded the area, sitting down talking or practicing. Currently, Miguel and the rest was sitting with Hawk behind them practicing.

   Miguel sat on the bench between Aisha and Demetri, while October sat on the arm of the bench. Miguel began to complain on what he seen from last night at the LaRusso's household.

   "It was just weird, that the boy said word for word 'and I'm supposed to be your boyfriend'." Miguel complained to his friends. "I thought we were talking about Sam, not Tiffany?" Demetri asked his friend.

   Miguel glared at him slouching down onto the bench. "Tiffany is like my friend, best friend at least. She don't deserve a boy like him who's hitting on a girl that's his 'girlfriends' best friend."

   October raised a brow crossing her arms. "Shouldn't you be more worried about Sam?" October questions titling her head.

   "I am! It just that, how that boy started to flirt with Sam while his own girlfriend sat right there." Miguel said trying to defend himself.

   Tiffany was now walking towards her group of friends after spending time with both her now boyfriend Robby Keene.

   Hey guys!" She yelled out waving her hands. All four teens looked up at the girl, watching her as she walked towards them.

   "What y'all doing?" She asks stopping in front of them. "We're going to the canyon later throwing a party." Aisha says proudly with a smirk.

   "Isn't Yasmine supposed to have her party there later?" Tiffany questions raising a brow. "Yeah, but she commented something negative about me. So we're striking first."

   "Oh well hell, I haven't been to a party in a while. Let's get this show on the road!" Tiffany smirked making the teens celebrate except Demetri.

   "But I did want to hang out at the park a little, I came too late didn't I?" Tiffany says rubbing her chin. Miguel nodded his head making Tiffany whine.

   The teens found theirselves at the small store that was next to the dojo, buying snacks, and now at least trying to buy alcohol.

   "Okay, make sure you stock up good. Tiff is inviting everyone." Aisha announces, while Tiffany was on her phone inviting everyone she knew she had on social media.

   "I still don't understand how we're gonna buy alcohol," Demetri whispered. Hawk scoffed at him.

"Oh, please. Never underestimate the power of the Hawk." Hawk opened a fridge and took out a few packs of beer. Hawk had a fake i.d. He pulled Tiffany with him, making her groan as she clumsily caught her phone before it fell out her hands fully.

   "Eli, why are you pulling me?" She whispered to him as they stopped in front of the counter. "You'll see." Hawk smirked.

   "Sup, did you catch the game last night? See Puig with the walk-off?" Hawk asks the cashier, putting the box of beers on the counter.

   "No man, but I heard he flipped the bat to the moon." The man replied smiling. "Yeah, I was at the bar last night with my buddies from work. Whole place went wild." Hawk informed him.

   "I wanted to go, but my girlfriend dragged me to some lame-ass play." The man said disappointingly. "Bitches will be bitches, my wife right here isn't one." Hawk said smiling wrapping an arm around Tiffany's shoulder.

   "So, how much is it gonna cost?" Hawk asked, pulling Tiffany closer to him. "Gotta check your I.D first." The man replied.

   Hawk chuckled before saying "I'm flattered."

   The man gave him an unexpressed face. "Do you really think I'm underage?" Hawk asked. "That's my frickin' kid right there." Hawk added pointing towards Bert.

   "And this is the girl that had him." He said with a grin. Tiffany raised a brow, eyeing the boy next to her. "Yeah, but I still need to check. It's required by the law." The man replied sighing.

   "Oh yeah, for sure. Just upholding the law. It's all good." Hawk used his free hand taking out his wallet, pulling out his fake I.D then handing it to the man.

   The man looked from the I.D back at Hawk, he did it a few times before putting the I.D on the counter. "Whatever." The man said getting the plastic bags.

   Tiffany and Hawk turned around, Tiffany smiled putting up a thumbs up. While Hawk stuck out his tongue making the rock and roll symbol with his hands, before they both turned around.

   "Oh and, how about eight bottles of that vodka right there?" Hawk asked glancing down at the vodka. "Yeah." The man responded bending back over to grab the vodka and some more bags.

   Tiffany found herself sitting on the sand near the lake, with a red plastic cup in her hand that was filled with vodka.

   She put the cup to her lips titling it as she started to drink it. She pulled the cup away frowning up her face before standing up, stood up from the sand before dusting herself off.

   She turned around to see an all too familiar jeep. She quickly walked over to see Kyler, Brucks, Yasmine and Moon coming out the car.

   "Welcome to the party!" Tiffany yelled over the music towards the four with open arms. Yasmine scoffed softly rolling her eyes glaring at Tiffany.

   "I'm not really feeling this." Brucks says turning around walking back to the car, with Kyler following behind them. "Y'all are a bunch of pussies." Yasmine said in disbelief.

   Moon begin to walk down the small hill. "Welcome to the party Moon, hope you enjoy your time." Tiffany smiled.

   "Moon, what the hell are you doing?" Yasmine yelled turning around to face Moon. "I'm just getting a beer." Moon tells her.

   "We have beers!" Yasmine whined, turning to face the car then back at Moon. "Last chance." Kyler says before getting back inside the car closing the door.

   Tiffany shrugged her shoulders, turning around to follow Moon. Tiffany took out her phone from her back pocket, after hearing a ding.

   Robby sent her a text saying Sam was grounded and he'll figure out away to get out of the house, Tiffany only liked his message before walking towards the cooler.

   "Calm down Miguel, the beer isn't going anywhere." She joked, opening the cooler taking out a beer. "Easy for you to say." Miguel grumbled.

   Tiffany eyed one of her best friends before opening the beer, she took a sip before scrunching up her face. "This is something Johnny would get." She says gagging.

   "I thought you drink?" Aisha questions. "I do, but not this crap." Tiffany complained, shrugging her shoulders chugging down the beer.

   The teens continued to dance and drink, the music blasting with more teens coming in. Tiffany was damn near drunk, she could still handle herself but knowing damn well she can't drive herself anywhere soon.

   Miguel himself was already drunk after a few beers, and clearly couldn't handle himself. It didn't stop him from checking his phone every second to see if Sam responded.

   Tiffany forgot to tell him that Sam's phone got taken, she got distracted by beer honestly and just having fun with friends.

   Currently she stood with Moon, Hawk, and Aisha talking about anything.

   "You think it's funny crashing my party?" Yasmine asks stomping towards the four. "It's not really your party cause we were here first."

   "Yeah, I know you and your little karate gang think you're cool, along with Tiffany probably thinking if you hung out with her would make y'all cooler. But we all remember who you really are. You're just a fugly bitch, and your friends are all freaks."

   "Yasmine—" Aisha put a hand in front of Tiffany before she can even go anywhere. "Come on Moon." Yasmine glared at Aisha one last time.

   "No, I'm staying." Moon tells Yasmine. "I apologized to Aisha for what we did, and you should too." Moon adds.

   "Whatever, you deserve them Moon." Yasmine shook her head, shoving Aisha along the way. "Hey Yasmine!" Aisha yelled. "Huh? What?" Yasmine says turning around, walking towards Aisha.

   "Let me help you to your car." Aisha replied, grabbing ahold of Yasmine's underwear giving her a front wedgie. Yasmine screamed as her feet begin to hit the sand under her. "No mercy bitch!" Aisha said throwing Yasmine onto the sand.

   Tiffany was surprised, with her hand covering her mouth. Laughter began to erupt from whoever was watching or recording.

   "High-five." Tiffany said raising up her hand, Aisha high five the girl. Yasmine looked around embarrassed, before getting up running away from the scene.

   Tiffany clapped her hands before laughing. "That's the highlight of my night." She said between laughs.

   Tiffany walked away, going to get another beer. Until she seen Robby and Sam sprinting down the hill hand in hand. She didn't think much of it, because she knew the two rarely talked.

   Tiffany walked over to the two with wide smiles. "Hey guys, thought you two would never come." She greeted them. "Hey Tiff." Sam greeted with a smile.

"Hey, beautiful." Robby teased letting go of Sam, using his free hand to wrap around Tiffany's waist pulling her closer. "That's new." Tiffany chuckled, before giving Robby a peck on the lips.

   The three being unaware that they had eyes on them, Tiffany begin to give pecks all over his face leaving her red lipstick on him.

Robby chuckled trying to pull away from Tiffany, trying to act like he didn't like it when he clearly did.

   Miguel stumbled towards them, his nostrils flaring. "Hey, hey." He greeted angrily, trying not to pay attention to Robby's arm around Tiffany. He was mad at Sam, not at his own friend. "Who's this guy?" Miguel slurred, stopping in front of Robby.

   "Wait is this your boyfriend? And your friend?" Robby asked the two girls, pointing to Miguel. "Miguel, relax. This is Robby, he works with my dad." Sam replied noticing Miguel's anger, which was becoming more and more evident. "Ok, he works with your dad ok. That makes a lot of sense." Miguel spat.

   "Miguel, chill." Tiffany warned him, she knew where he was going with this and to make the situation worse is that he's drunk. "What's that supposed to mean? Wait have you been drinking?" Sam asked, her voice full of hurt and worry. "No, no, no, you don't get to throw this on me. I texted and called you all day and you couldn't answer me back once."

   "Miguel, she was grounded. I forgot to tell you that." Tiffany informs him, Miguel could only look over to the girl before turning his attention back to Sam.

   "Tiffany's not wrong, my mom literally—"


   "Took my phone—"

   "Oh, that's so convenient."

   Robby let go of Tiffany and walked towards Miguel. "Hey man-" Robby started. "You get out of here," Miguel shouted shoving him backward. "Miguel, what's the hell is wrong with you?" Tiffany yelled at him.

   Robby pushed himself up and walked towards Miguel. " Hey man, you wanna try that again?" Robby challenged. "Try it again, huh?" Miguel growled. Sam jumped in between them trying to push them apart. Miguel brought his arm to punch Robby, only to hit Sam instead.

   "Miguel what the hell is wrong with you?!"Tiffany exclaimed. This seemed to sober Miguel up as he realized what he did. "Sam, look, I'm sorry." He said trying to help her up. "God, you asshole! What the hell was that? My dad was right about Cobra Kai. Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there." Sam declared her eyes full of tears.

   She stormed off towards her car with Robby running after her. Miguel looked towards Tiffany who looked at him disappointingly, she shook her head.

   "Tiffany, I didn't mean to—" He started, walking closer to Tiffany. Tiffany held up her hand in front of his face, shaking her head once again. "Talk to me when you're sober, okay?"

   Tiffany ran her hands through her hair, walking towards October asking if she can drive her home.

   Miguel couldn't help but feel guilty, he hit his own girlfriend and now a boy is driving her back home. Then his best friend, is dating that boy and now not talking to him until he's sober.

   October seen the whole thing, still surprised that Tiffany didn't run off with her boyfriend and best friend. She grabbed onto Tiffany's hand, helping her up the hill to get to her car.

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