The Surrogate - A Dramione Fa...

By Anniartist39

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While on her way home from work, Hermione finds herself running into the new Mrs. Malfoy, formally known as A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4 - IVF Conceiving
Chapter 5 - Week 4 (part 1)
Chapter 6 -Week 4 (part 2)
Chapter 7 - Week 6
Chapter 9 - Week 8
Chapter 10 - Week 9
Chapter 11 - Week 10
Chapter 12 - Week 11
Chapter 13 - Week 12
Chapter 14 - Week 13

Chapter 8 - Week 7

81 4 3
By Anniartist39

*knock knock knock*

The door opened to reveal the Malfoy couple waiting outside

"Draco! Astoria!" Hermione cheered "Come on in. I just gotta finish getting this little guy ready, then we should be good to go"

"Uh-huh. Aren't you forgetting something though?" Astoria asked with a playful smirk

Hermione's smile fell in confusion to see- ... she was still in her sweats/pajamas

Draco tried to hide his laugh (yet failed) as her entire face and neck turned red from embarrassment. Serves her right for laughing when he fell last week, he teasingly thought

"R-right, well... I uh, may be a little longer than I thought" Hermione smiled sheepishly

Astoria playfully shook her head "What am I going to do with you? Here. Hand me James" she stated as she took the child from his godmother's arms "I'll go ahead and dress him while you go and get ready yourself"

"A-are you sure?" Hermione asked as Astoria gently pushed her towards where she knew the Potter's guest room was

"Positive" she stated before giving her a final push then turning back to head toward James' room.


*knock knock knock*

"Mione, we have abou- Mione? What's wrong?" Astoria rushed into the room, immediately pulling the other woman sitting on the bed into her arms

"A-A-Astori... I-I have nothing to do wear... n-nothing... nothing looks pretty on me" Hermione cried uncontrollably "I-I'm a cow... I'm a cow with... n-no fashion sense... I-I'm so... s-so ugly... wh-wh-why w-would you l-let m-me... c-c-c-carry your b-baby?"

Astoria tried really hard to hold her smile back... but she couldn't "Oh Mione, that's not true at all" she cupped her best friend's face gently to be able to look in her eyes "Mione, you are so beautiful and gorgeous, both inside and out. you are giving us a small part of you just to make us happy... not a lot of people can say that... Hermione, any child born with both yours and Draco's genes will blow any muggle supermodel out of the water. Hermione look at me... you're beautiful. Heck, back when I was a child at Hogwarts, when I was still trying to figure myself out, I would look up to you and have my very breath stolen from me at the mere sight of you... I used to lie awake at night and wonder what your lips would feel like, what you would smell like, how soft your hands were, if your wild hair would feel matted or feel like fluff... I, Astoria Greengrass, at thirteen years of age, had a HUGE crush on one Hermione Jean Granger. And that was before anyone was generous enough to finally tell you about our magical hair products"


"Yes Mione, really" she gently kissed the other woman's forehead "but of course, I regret to inform you that you're far too late. You see I am now so dearly and madly in love with my husband that not even a promised seven nights alone with you, covered in chocolate from head to toe, in Paris, could cause me to ever consider betraying him" she teased with a smirk

"Good, because as hot as you are... I don't swing that way"

The two women laughed together.

Astoria smiled as she caressed Hermione's cheek "I may not have a crush on you or be in actual love with you... but I do love you, Hermione. You're like a sister to me. I know I can rely on you, heck, you're sacrificing so much just to help me and my husband reach an impossible dream... no one has ever cared for either one of us like that before... we love you, Hermione. We consider you our family... and I hope that... you can consider us yours as well"

Hermione looked shocked "Wha- b-but we're not related, or-"

Astoria's hold on her face stiffened... as did her face "Ronald Weasley is a liar. Now you listen, and you listen good... you don't have to be related by blood, you don't even have to share the same last name to be considered family. You and I... we share a closeness that I've never had with Daphne... in all honesty, I see you as more of my sister than I do her. Blood is thicker than water... that's all complete utter bullocks. What about adopted families? Or mixed families? Which man do you think a child would consider as their family... the father who shares their blood but has been assaulting them and molesting them their whole life for being different, claiming that he was going to make her a woman one way of the other, and the mother who turns a blind eye... or the kind old neighbor and his wife who always keeps their door open, extra clothes, a guest room, and a kind word who willingly helps her with homework?"

"Th-that's... oddly specific"

Astoria refused to look Hermione in the eye...

Hermione was shocked "Are you kidding me?"

Astoria still kept quiet, trying to keep hiding the single tear that wanted so desperately to fall

Hermione pulled her into a hug "I'll kill them. I'll kill them if they ever think they can get close to you again"

Astoria sniffed "They disowned me once I married... they were finally rid of the disappointment child... heh, at least they can't hurt me anymore... Draco quickly put up wards against the entire Greengrass line the moment we married and moved into the manor"

"I do" Hermione stated as she pulled back to look at her best friend "I do consider you my family... Merlin, Astoria, you're like a sister! I can't tell you how much I love you... how much I care about you and your happiness... how much you mean to me..."

Astoria pulled her back into the hug "Me too Mione... you're my sister too... no matter what anyone says... you ARE my family"


Astoria held the camera as the two women held back their giggles, trying to sneak through the hallway to catch a glimpse of the two boys that had been left together. They both peeked around the corner

"Alright little Potter, now here's the thing" Draco started out as the toddler sat on his knee, looking up at him with his little determined face

"So cute" Astoria whispered as she watched through the camera... it didn't take a genius to figure out why Ginny had left it in Hermione's room (plus, she kinda told Astoria about it the last time they had tea)

"so you know how your mommy is having a baby, right?"

The toddler nodded

"well your Auntie Mione, she's also going to be having a baby... a baby for me and Auntie Tori."

"So Auntie Mione is going to get big wike mommy?" James asked

Draco nodded "That's right. But because this baby is for me and Auntie Tori, they're going to live with us. Auntie Tori and me will be their mommy and daddy. Then later on, your Auntie Mione and Uncle Weasley will give you a cousin. Do you understand?"

James quirked his head "So da baby is goma wiv wiff you?"

"That's right."

Hermione and Astoria both swooned at the interaction between Draco and the little four-year-old 

"That means that this baby will be a Malfoy, so mini Potter, never forget"

The two women's eyes widened as they both anxiously anticipated Draco's next words... ready to intervene if necessary

"You're a big boy now, four years old. I'm sure you've already agreed to help take care of your brother when he's born?"

The toddler nodded

"then... would you also promise to watch after our baby as well, little Potter? Your father... he saved my life. He saved all of our lives. I'm counting on you to grow up to be like him... hardheaded, stubborn, loyal, and overprotective of those he loves... James Severus Potter... will you protect our baby like you do your baby brother?"

The women stared in shock as the little boy stood up tall, and very (ADORABLELY) seriously nodded

"I pwomise"

Hermione gazed in with pride as Astoria began snapping secret pictures, watching as Draco picked the little boy up and began tickling him into a loud fit of giggles. She smiled as she placed a hand on her slightly swollen womb, looked over to her best friend and whispered "he'll be a great father"


"My, my, and who do we have here?" asked Dr. Cruise

"This is James" Astoria answered as she bounced the child on her knee, making him giggle at the motion

"Potter's kid" Draco added

Dr. Cruise blinked in surprise

"he's my godson... I'm babysitting" Hermione stated sheepishly

Dr. Cruise smiled as she shook her head before she turned to a side drawer and pulled out a shiny and sparkly sticker, handing it to the boy, who immediately took it with complete awe. She smiled as she turned back to the three waiting adults "Now, shall we?" she asked as Hermione laid back on the bed, lifting her shirt to rest just under her bra. Dr. Cruise said the enchantment and they all watched as the spell produced a gentle glowing orb that lifted above her slightly bloated stomach, James forgot about his sticker as watched the orb become an outward replica of the one currently in Hermione's womb

"Is dat da baby?"

Dr. Cruise smiled as Draco took the child and walked slowly towards the magic hologram "Yes James, that is the baby" she answered "they're about as big as a Sweethearts candy... do you know what that is?"

James nodded "I wike dose a wot" James seemed to be thinking seriously before he looked at Draco "Can I touch it?"

Draco smirked. The kid obviously didn't know his hand would go right through the projection, but... he walked closer, allowing the boy to sit on the bed beside Hermione, who had scooted over slightly... but everyone was shocked when he didn't reach up to the baby at all

"Hi baby. I wuv you" he stated as he laid his little hand on Hermione's stomach, then leaned in to kiss it.

Hermione's eyes filled with tears as she smiled down at her godson. She knew where he got that from... she'd seen Harry do it quite enough with Ginny. Her heart felt like it was getting ready to burst

"Everything looks good" Dr. Cruise stated as she looked over the charts "you're coming along quite nicely Hermione. Baby Malfoy looks to be growing right on track. Their little bones are forming well, and their fingers and toes are making good progress"


"Be sure to keep a good diet, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and control your emotions as well as you can"

"Thank you Dr Cruise" Draco stated as he put the boy on his hip while the girls began getting ready to leave

"Dank oo docker cooz" James added, causing all the adults to swoon at the total cuteness. The Dr smiled before handing James another shiny sticker and a lollipop "STICKER!!!"

"I'll expect to see you both next week"

"Wouldn't miss it" Hermione added with a bright smile as Draco switched the boy from his hip to riding on his shoulders, causing the toddler to squeal in delight.

"Oh, um, Dr. Cruise, can I speak with you for a moment?" Astoria asked before turning to her friend and husband "you two go on ahead, I won't be long, I just... have a few questions to ask Dr. Cruise real quick"

"O...kay" Hermione responded, quite confused at the sudden request "We'll wait for you in the lobby then"

"Very well, I won't be long" Astoria stated with a smile as she watched the two other adults and child walk out, closing the door behind them... her smile fell... she sighed as she turned back around to face the witch doctor "Dr. Cruise, I'm not very familiar with muggle doctors, diagnosis' or practices, and I've already spoken with Saint Mungo's, but they're clueless on what to do, so... I was wondering if you'd have any recommendations..."


"Hey... everything okay?" Hermione asked as she noticed Astoria coming out to meet them

"Yes, just a couple of questions I couldn't find answers to through plain research" Astoria answered with a smile


The two women turned to see Draco holding the toddler upside down by his ankles, swaying him back and forth while the littles arms were spread out wide. They couldn't help but smile widely and pull out their camera's as the child seemed to be giggling up a storm while Draco pretended to be a monster preparing to put him in an invisible cauldron of soup... out in public... let's just say... the two women were not the ONLY ones pulling out their cameras

"Common you two" Astoria interrupted the little playtime "time to get some lunch"

"YAY!!!" James wiggled to be put down, then ran over to Astoria, reaching his arms up to be held

Astoria smiled wide as she picked him up and held him in her hip, before switching him to her back. James cheered as Astoria then took off (aka, speed-walked) out to the waiting car

"She's gonna be a wonderful mother" Hermione stated as she and Draco watched her spin around while James held his arms out like an airplane

"Thank you, Hermione... for both" Draco stated, never taking his eyes off his wife and the child

"Thank you for letting me help you... I can't wait to see you two holding this baby"


"DAYKO! DAYKO! WOOK OBER DERE!!!" James shouted as he sat on Draco's shoulders, pointing to the enclosed sleeping Hippogriff and her playful foal

Hermione and Astoria watched the sight with awe

"You know, I never knew that there was a magical creatures zoo right beside the London Zoo" Astoria commented

"That's because it's new. Luna, Rolf and Hagrid all pulled together to set it up... it was Rolf's idea. He said it may be better than having them all locked up in his grandfather's suitcase all the time. Plus, what better way for children to learn about all of these creatures than to have them safely enclosed where they can be treated well in their own habitats? It was Hagrid's idea to name it after the Scamander family, as a way to show respect for Ralf's grandfather... Newt Scamander. And it was Luna's idea to put the entrance in a fortune-reading booth just outside the main Zoo... Rolf's sister was only too happy to help by playing the role of the fortune teller, and she's training her daughter to do the same in the future" Hermione responded.

"Well, I can definitely agree with such an idea... James seems to love it here"

"And I'm sure your little one will love it too" Hermione smiled as she reached over and placed Astoria's hand over her slightly swollen womb.

Astoria had to fight back her tears "I'm sure they will" she whispered

"ATORIA ATORIA!!!" the two women looked up to see James running over to them, carrying a chocolate ice cream cone with said ice cream already all over his face.

Astoria smiled as she knelt down and wiped his face with a clean cloth from her purse

"Figured you ladies may also want one" Draco stated as he handed both women their own ice cream cone, vanilla pistachio for Astoria, and mint chocolate chip for Hermione... how did he know?

"Thank you love" Astoria said as she leaned up to kiss Draco on the cheek

"EWWW!!!!" shouted James as he hid behind Hermione's legs. The adults all laughed at the littles reaction before they decided to continue and made their way towards the niffler enclosure.


It was close to closing time and poor little James had already fallen asleep in Hermione's arms as she and the Malfoys had begun making their way back through the exit to take the tike home and put him to bed. She was gently admiring her sleeping godson when she noticed that Draco had stopped

"Draco?" Astoria asked as he marched around the fortune-teller's stand with a scowl.

He seemed to be looking around for something, but not finding it, he came back over. Seeming a bit worried, he asked "Hermione... where did you say Weasley was?"

Shocked by the question, her face scrunched up in confusion "he's at the joke shop with George... why?"

Draco looked hesitant... before he sighed "Look, as far as I know, the Weasley family is the only wizarding family, or even among muggles, with such red hair... Granger, I could have sworn I saw Weasley being pulled around the corner"

Her jaw dropped as she shook her head "that's impossible... the joke shop is in Diagon Alley, and we're basically in the middle of Muggle London"

The two Malfoys looked at each other with worry... why were they worried? I mean, Draco's not wrong, perse, about the Weasley's red hair, but... they were basically on the other side of the city... what reason would Ron have for being all the way over here?

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