Chapter 14 - Week 13

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"So... are you excited?"

"Huh? For what?"

Ginny rolled her eyes "for this appointment, duh"

Draco looked at the redhead with confusion "I mean, of course, it's my weekly viewing of my child, but... is there a reason I should be more excited than usual?"

Astoria giggled as Hermione playfully rolled her eyes, Harry raised a brow, James giggled at the adults' reactions, and Ginny's jaw dropped "Wha- Of COURSE!!! For One Thing, This will Be OUR First Time Seeing My Nephew!"

"It could be a girl, Gin" Harry put in

"Please... do you really think Malfoy would actually father a girl when his line has only produced men for the last ten generations?"

Lucius narrowed his eyes at her "And just how do you know that, Mrs. Potter?"

Ginny folded her arms with a smirk "I've done my homework, and I stand by what I said"

"Moving on..." Draco interrupted "You said 'for one', right? So am I to presume there is a second reason as well?"

Ginny smirked "This will mark the last week of Mione's first trimester"

"Already?" Narcissa asked in shock

"She's right" Hermione answered with a smile as she looked down and gently placed a hand on her stomach "Starting next week, I'll be in my second trimester"

"How many trimesters are there?" Draco asked in shock

"Three" Harry answered "hence the term TRI-mester"

Draco blushed in embarrassment causing the group in the backseat to laugh (even Lucius). Just then, the car came to a stop and the door was opened, the driver holding the door as they each took their turn getting out of the car

"ISTILLcan'tbelieveyouactuallyrentedalimo" Ginny mumbled, to which Lucius smirked

"What's the point of being rich if you don't show it off every now and then?"

"Father, please" Draco groaned

"Besides" Narcissa started "we were all able to sit and talk with each other much easier than if one of you were driving or we had to take two cars"

"Sounds right to me" Hermione stated as Harry held the door for her

Draco's jaw dropped "You're actually okay with this?"

Hermione spun on her heels "Draco, did you NOT feel how Comfortable those Seats Were?! Seriously... it was like my butt was sitting on a Bloody CLOUD!!!"

The women all giggled at Hermione's dramatics as said woman continued through the door

"She's right" Ginny added "as a fellow pregnant woman, with a fifty-pound child weighing me down... I must admit that was the most comfortable ride of my life... thank you Loves" Ginny kissed Harry and James (who was on his hip) on their cheeks as they held the main door open

"You're Bloody Witches! Why Don't You Just Charm Your Bloody Seats- OW!" Draco held the back of his head which had just gotten uphanded

"Draco..." Lucius began "NEVER question a pregnant woman... let alone two"

Draco gulped before nodding and following his father inside, Harry (and James) taking up the end as they were the last ones to enter


"Oh- Full house today, I see" Dr. Cruise stated as she came through the door and looked up from her clipboard "Good to see you again Mrs. Potter, Mr. Potter"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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