Chapter 8 - Week 7

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*knock knock knock*

The door opened to reveal the Malfoy couple waiting outside

"Draco! Astoria!" Hermione cheered "Come on in. I just gotta finish getting this little guy ready, then we should be good to go"

"Uh-huh. Aren't you forgetting something though?" Astoria asked with a playful smirk

Hermione's smile fell in confusion to see- ... she was still in her sweats/pajamas

Draco tried to hide his laugh (yet failed) as her entire face and neck turned red from embarrassment. Serves her right for laughing when he fell last week, he teasingly thought

"R-right, well... I uh, may be a little longer than I thought" Hermione smiled sheepishly

Astoria playfully shook her head "What am I going to do with you? Here. Hand me James" she stated as she took the child from his godmother's arms "I'll go ahead and dress him while you go and get ready yourself"

"A-are you sure?" Hermione asked as Astoria gently pushed her towards where she knew the Potter's guest room was

"Positive" she stated before giving her a final push then turning back to head toward James' room.


*knock knock knock*

"Mione, we have abou- Mione? What's wrong?" Astoria rushed into the room, immediately pulling the other woman sitting on the bed into her arms

"A-A-Astori... I-I have nothing to do wear... n-nothing... nothing looks pretty on me" Hermione cried uncontrollably "I-I'm a cow... I'm a cow with... n-no fashion sense... I-I'm so... s-so ugly... wh-wh-why w-would you l-let m-me... c-c-c-carry your b-baby?"

Astoria tried really hard to hold her smile back... but she couldn't "Oh Mione, that's not true at all" she cupped her best friend's face gently to be able to look in her eyes "Mione, you are so beautiful and gorgeous, both inside and out. you are giving us a small part of you just to make us happy... not a lot of people can say that... Hermione, any child born with both yours and Draco's genes will blow any muggle supermodel out of the water. Hermione look at me... you're beautiful. Heck, back when I was a child at Hogwarts, when I was still trying to figure myself out, I would look up to you and have my very breath stolen from me at the mere sight of you... I used to lie awake at night and wonder what your lips would feel like, what you would smell like, how soft your hands were, if your wild hair would feel matted or feel like fluff... I, Astoria Greengrass, at thirteen years of age, had a HUGE crush on one Hermione Jean Granger. And that was before anyone was generous enough to finally tell you about our magical hair products"


"Yes Mione, really" she gently kissed the other woman's forehead "but of course, I regret to inform you that you're far too late. You see I am now so dearly and madly in love with my husband that not even a promised seven nights alone with you, covered in chocolate from head to toe, in Paris, could cause me to ever consider betraying him" she teased with a smirk

"Good, because as hot as you are... I don't swing that way"

The two women laughed together.

Astoria smiled as she caressed Hermione's cheek "I may not have a crush on you or be in actual love with you... but I do love you, Hermione. You're like a sister to me. I know I can rely on you, heck, you're sacrificing so much just to help me and my husband reach an impossible dream... no one has ever cared for either one of us like that before... we love you, Hermione. We consider you our family... and I hope that... you can consider us yours as well"

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