𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭...

By Cooliocookie1

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Wanda Maximoff did not become an Avenger. She was assigned to the life of being a shield agent. Unfortunately... More

TOC Seasons and Episodes
1. Welcome to SHIELD
2. Puzzle Pieces
3. Guns and Ships
4. Newsflash
5. Cal
6. Distress Calls
7. Attack on the Carrier
8. Settling
9. Joey
10. We Need Help
11. Alien Threats
12. Proof
13. The Monolith's Castle
15. A Man in Trouble
16. Stories

14. Helping

27 3 0
By Cooliocookie1

"What happened?" Coulson asked, immediately hurrying over to the two.

Wanda was on her knees, her hand on Daisy's, who was laying on the ground. She'd fallen unconscious.

"I don't know. She's alive, just, something must've happened with the Monolith to cause this." Wanda replied.

Coulson dropped down on the other side of her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Skye. Hey, Skye, are you okay?" He asked."Skye?"

Daisy twitched a little.

"It's Daisy." She mumbled.

"What?" Coulson asked.

"It's Daisy now, sir." Bobbi translated the mumble. "You're really having a hard time with this, huh?"

"Damn it. Yeah, Daisy. Hey, are you alright?" He corrected himself.

Daisy shifted slightly and she slowly pulled herself up.

"Yeah." She answered. "I'm better."

Wanda and Coulson helped her sit up, Bobbi backing up slightly so Daisy had space.

"That pulsing sound was killing me." Daisy mumbled.

"What pulsing sound?" Coulson asked.

"Are you serious?" Daisy asked back. "It was deafening."

Wanda glanced up, seeing Fitz trying to pull things back to rights, lifting up one of the wheels that had fallen down due to the shaking of the ground.

"Slow down, slow down." Mack helped him pull the wheel up.

"It holds the portal open. That flare went straight through." Fitz told him. "If we can send a hard wired probe through, we can see the other side. We can find her!"

"We'll fix the machine-" Mack nodded.

"We have to fix it."

"-Turbo but you've got to chill." Mack finished.

As Fitz walked away from Mack, Wanda heard Mack mutter, "How are we supposed to fix a machine when we don't know how it works?"

He locked eyes with Wanda as he asked and Wanda gave a slight shrug.

"We have to redesign some of the flaws to the original model." Fitz began speaking out loud.

He walked over to some of the fallen items. The room was basically trashed at this point, all of the machinery had fallen to the ground, some of it broken. Most of it was just really heavy and hard to lift.

"If we leave it the same, it'll just rattle apart again. We have to reinforce the connections." Fitz continued.

"Reinforce? Look, most of the workings are under the ground. We can't just tear the castle down." Mack replied. "And actually we're lucky the room is shaped this way, or the machine might have shaken apart on top of us."

He and Fitz bent down to lift up one of the pieces, but Fitz didn't move as Mack began to lift.

"Wait." Fitz stopped. "Wait, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the point."

Mack rolled his eyes and set his end of the piece back down.

"Quantum harmonic oscillation theory, like the professor said." Fitz said.

"I know that look." Bobbi spoke and Fitz pointed at Randolph.

"It's a strange shape for this time period because it's made to resonate, to- to create a, uh, a quantised field within the stone."

"Fitz, you're talking, but we're not totally following." Coulson said.

"The room is a speaker, the machine is an amplifier. Eh, uh, a sub-sonic frequency, to resonate with the Monolith." Fitz tried to explain in less scientific terms.

"So the shaking isn't a mistake?" Wanda asked.

"No, it's necessary." Fitz answered, flicking his fingers together as he thought.

"You're saying you figured out a way to fix the machine?" Mack asked.

"No." Fitz answered. "I'm saying I've figured out.."

"We don't have to." Daisy finished his sentence.

She stood up, Wanda standing with her. She wiped the blood off from her nose shook her arm slightly.

"I can do it." Daisy told them. "I can open the portal myself."


The group continued fixing up the machine, only this time they were doing it according to Fitz's directions. They were making it fit what Daisy needed.

"Well. It turns out we're standing in the middle of the world's largest sub-woofer." Randolph commented as he finished up his piece.

"Yeah." Mack nodded slowly, not fully understanding what Randolph was implying.

He just went back to working on his own piece instead of trying to figure it out.

Wanda grunted as she adjusted the last gear she had to untighten. She shook her hands a bit but was glad to see that it was fixed.

"How come you didn't use your powers?" Randolph asked, standing a few feet away.

"It doesn't always work. Besides, sometimes you need to get your hands dirty." Wanda replied.

Daisy straightened and began walking to the opposite side of the room, so Wanda and Coulson trailed along behind her.

"If the point of the machine was to resonate the room at a certain frequency, I can do that." Daisy stated.

"And you can replicate it?" Coulson asked.

"Kind of drilled into my brain." Daisy hummed.

"And it could kill you." Coulson reminded her.

"It won't. I'll make sure of that." Wanda stated, trying to ease his nerves.

He didn't seem to relieved.

"How long do you think you can hold it?" He asked.

"Maybe a minute." Daisy answered.

"If it's too much, you pull back. I can't lose you too." Coulson ordered.

"I got this." Daisy assured him.

Coulson glanced between the two, and he sighed slightly. Wanda could tell that he wasn't too thrilled about Daisy risking her life, and Wanda taking half the force on herself.

But he was grateful that they had a shot to bring back Simmons. That was the important part.

"Here we go." Bobbi said, re-entering the room with the droid that Fitz made her go get. "Camera and data sensors are hard-lined back to us through a cable. No signal lost that way."

She attached it to Mack's piece, which was a heavy weight hold on a rope, designed to lower things down and pull them back up. The droid device was a clear sphere with a special designed camera inside of it. Fitz made it a while ago and it would come in use now.

"If Daisy can hold it, we'll get a visual of the other side." Bobbi finished.

"That's what we're looking for." Coulson nodded to Bobbi before turning back to Daisy. "Alright, you listen to me. You take care of yourself. We lose that probe, nobody cares."

"Uh, I'm confused." Randolph said. "What exactly is she planning to do there?" He pointed down at the hole where the Monolith stood still.

No one answered him.

"Wanda, brace me." Daisy instructed.

Coulson moved out of the way, allowing the two powered individuals to show off the moves they'd practiced together over the course of the last six months.

They'd become like sisters, almost. Training and working together nearly every day. They were as close as partners could be. They'd taught themselves how to react against one another's blasts of power, how to absorb it and strike back, stronger.

So this should be a breeze, no negative thinking necessary.

Wanda put her hands against Daisy, focusing her magic. Her eyes shifted to a dark red as more red magic began to form in her palm, pressing against Daisy's hips.

"Go." Wanda instructed back.

Daisy raised her left arm, quaking the wall. She attempted to match the frequencies that were originally forming, the ones that caused her to pass out. She raised her right arm, doing the same thing.

When one of the lights in the room shattered, Daisy flinched.

"Sorry, still tuning." She said to the room.

As soon as she was sure she had it right, she took a step back, Wanda stepping back with her, and she slowly directed her quakes from the walls, into the Monolith.

Sure enough, the Monolith dropped out of it's rock form, melting into it's liquid state. It began sloshing around, and Wanda watched as Fitz grabbed the probe, preparing to lower it inside.

The room began shaking slowly, but it was much less than before with all the machines.

"Hold it open as long as you can." Fitz said.

Fitz unconnected the probe from the machine meant to lower it in, instead connecting the machine to his belt.

"Fitz- No!" Coulson shouted as he realized what was happening.

But before anyone could stop him, Fitz ran and jumped into the hole, disappearing into the Monolith before their eyes.

Wanda's hands gripped a bit tighter against Daisy, her eyes widening. She shook it off, trying to focus. Now she really couldn't let Daisy stop.

But this time, even Wanda could hear the pulsing sound. Her eyes squeezed shut as she focused her magic on absorbing the quakes that were being bounced back against Daisy.

The room had started shaking much more violently, and when Wanda reopened her eyes, she could see Bobbi and Mack holding onto the machine that was keeping Fitz attached.

The rope that was attached to his belt was beginning to run out, so Wanda shut her eyes again.

Positive thoughts. This will work.

Wanda let out a grunt in pain as she felt Daisy straining.

The pulsing sound was getting louder, and the shaking in the ground was making it hard to stand.

Wanda could feel her own nose beginning to bleed, and she couldn't imagine was Daisy was feeling. Wanda moved her hands up, releasing Daisy's side in order to grab her arms. Immediately, Wanda felt ten times the shock she was originally feeling by holding her sides.

Daisy was growing unsteady, so Wanda forced magic to come out of her hands, wrapping around Daisy's arms. She couldn't cause quakes herself, so this would be pointless if Daisy fell.

But the room was shaking too much.

And the pulsing was too loud.

"Damn it, pull it back! Get him back here!" Coulson shouted.

Mack yanked on the rope that had nearly run out as Coulson pulled a lever, causing the rope to start pulling backwards.

Wanda dug her heel into the ground, gripping Daisy's arms tightly. She wasn't going to let either of them mess up.

Daisy was shaking. The Monolith was sloshing around, almost like a wave as it brushed against the edge of the hole it was trapped inside of.

"I can't hold it!" Daisy shouted.

"Yes you can!" Wanda shouted back.

Daisy let out a shout in pain, and Wanda put in all the magic she could, trying to keep Daisy upright. The two were shaking, the room was shaking, the pulsing sound was deafening them.

Coulson was shouting something to them, neither were able to hear it over the sounds of everything else crashing around them.

"Please, please, Daisy." Wanda whispered, her voice feeling raspy as magic strung out of her.

Daisy managed to shoot out one final quake, then she fell back.

Wanda's eyes shot open as the Monolith exploded in front of them, it's pieces shooting up into the air and spreading out over the ground.

Wanda managed to catch Daisy, stumbling back.

But Daisy managed to regain herself after a moment and Wanda let go of her. Her head was rushing and she felt blood streaming down her lips from her nose, but she didn't care. She stumbled over to the edge of the hole, Daisy did the same.

The Monolith was in pieces, nothing but broken rock scattered throughout the castle room.

Wanda wasn't the only one who had quickly gone to see the what was in the hole, if Fitz had made it. If Simmons had made it back.

Inside of the hole, Wanda could see the rest of the crumbled Monolith, along with pieces of the rope that had been pulling Fitz. But nothing else.

Just silence as the group stared down at the rocks.

Then the rocks moved.

The broken pieces fell off of Fitz as he managed to sit up. Wanda gave heavy breaths, looking down. Hoping that maybe...

Fitz looked away from the people staring down at him, and ran his hand against the rocks next to him.

Simmons'face was revealed from underneath the rocks, and Fitz quickly helped her up. She coughed out, the pieces of the Monolith shooting out of her throat as she did.

She looked up at them, and Wanda felt immense relief pouring out of her.

She put an arm around Daisy, pulling her tightly against her. Daisy was barely conscious, but she could see what she needed to see.

"You did it." Wanda whispered with a sigh.


Zephyr One, the Helicarrier didn't take long to get them back on board.

Simmons had been laid in the pure white room that Joey had been put in not too long ago. Thankfully, the bed was comfy, and it was a safe place to check her vitals and check her for infections.

No infections. No diseases.

Fitz refused to leave her side, and no one tried to pull him away.

Daisy slept after she was cleaned up. Wanda was also cleaned up, but she didn't sleep.

Randolph was allowed to be free. He was happy that the Monolith was destroyed, and he agreed to be of assistance if SHIELD needed him again.

Wanda sat in her room, knowing that Simmons didn't need anyone else worrying about her and fawning over her in the lab right now. Besides, Daisy may need her.

Although Daisy was asleep and Wanda couldn't sleep, so instead she read. Although she wasn't really reading. Her eyes were just staring at the words, not actually processing them.

Her arms hurt more than she could really explain, but at the same time they were perfectly fine. Just sore. Trying to absorb the shocks from Daisy hurt her more than she could explain, and she hated thinking about that. If she took that much pain, how much did Daisy take?

Unfortunately, she wouldn't have that answer anytime soon.

Wanda sighed and stood up.

It was late, sure, but she didn't have anything better to do.

She walked out of her room. She was in dark brown pajama pants and a light grey tshirt but no one would care. She made her way down the hall, going into the main room where she figured Dr. Garner was going to be.

She didn't try to sense him, cause her magic felt faint right now. After using all of her energy to hold Daisy steady, she didn't have anything left to use. Besides, she only needed context clues to find the therapist.

Plus she could hear him talking on the phone.

But Andrew had turned off his call by the time she walked in, and he turned his head and gave a gentle smile to Wanda.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Can't." Wanda replied. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"You got me there." Andrew scoffed. "Did you need something?"

"Are you in contact with May?" Wanda asked.

Andrew paused, and that gave Wanda her answer.

"Is she coming back soon?" She asked.

"If I knew, I'd tell you." Andrew replied.

"Does she know that Simmons is safe?"

"Yes. I just told her." He replied, gesturing to his phone.

Wanda nodded.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"Daisy said that you said I was overworking myself. And that I wasn't able to cope with something, or something like that." Wanda said.

"I did say that." Andrew nodded.

"What does that even mean?" Wanda asked.

Andrew leaned back in his chair as he picked out the best words to explain.

"You don't care for yourself." He started, causing Wanda to scoff. "You use all your power to help everyone else. I mean, according to Coulson you helped save Fitz and Simmons today. You probably saved Daisy's life too. But now look at you. You're exhausted and unable to help yourself."

"Yes, but Simmons was missing for months. This was life or death, I don't think it counts." Wanda replied, crossing her arms.

"Perhaps. But this isn't the first time. A few months ago, when you went on that mission with Fitz to follow a lead?"

Wanda rolled her eyes, knowing where this story was going.

"You knocked out nearly an entire city block. And you remember what happened after that?"

"Yes, I remember very clearly actually." Wanda sighed.

"You passed out and you didn't wake up for three days. Fitz and Mack had to drag your body back to the jet. You could've died." Andrew stated.

"But I didn't. And once again, Fitz was captured and they had a knife to his throat. Mack had a gun to his head. If I didn't knock everyone out at once, they could've died." Wanda defended herself.

"The entire block." Andrew reminded her.

"Whatever." Wanda rolled her eyes. "And the coping thing?"

"You ready to talk about Pietro yet? It's been half a year."

"Good night Doctor." Wanda replied, turning away.

"Good night Wanda."

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