She's Trouble | Stray Kids AU...

By iluvu4ever143

32.4K 815 489

Cho Su Na or better known as Yeongi for her well know smoking habits is nothing but 'bad news' at school. Whe... More

Cho Su Na (Yeongi)
1 / First Day
2 / Confrontation
3 / Partners
4 / Home
5 / Follow
6 / Lunch
7 / Apology
8 / Acquaintances
9 / Closer
10 / Alone
11 / Nighttime
12 / Trouble
13 / Principal
14 / Hangout
15 / Sister
16 / Sleepover
18 / End

17 / Realization

1.4K 38 29
By iluvu4ever143

He woke up and saw her laying peacefully on his bed. He couldn't help but smile at the beautiful girl. Quickly, he grabbed his uniform and left the room to go change. He walked back in to grab his bag, taking one more look at Yeongi and lightly kissing the top of her head again. He started the day off, happier than his happy self.

"Wonderful morning." He smiled as he met us with Jeongin, and Seungmin.

"It's cloudy." Seungmin replied.

"I just love cloudy days."

"Okay what happened?" Seungmin laughed.

"Yeongi stayed at my house last night." He smiled.

"What?!" Jeongin exclaimed.

"Yeah. Chija didn't have any room at her house because of family and I didn't want her to go to her house so she stayed with me." He replied with a bright smile.

"You love her, dont you." Seungmin looked at him straight in the eyes. Felix's face dropped for a second, "If she hurts you she's done." He spoke.

"Chija said she thinks Yeongi likes you too." Jeongin smiled, "I think you should talk to her."

"What? Seriously? I can't do that. What if she doesn't like me?" He spoke.

"What if who doesn't like you?" Jisung came up behind them.

"He thinks Yeongi doesn't like him." Seungmin stated.

"And guess what. She stayed at his house last night." Jeongin added.

"What? Seriously? And you think she doesn't like you man." Jisung laughed, "What exactly happened last night?"

"Hey guys." Chija and Hyunjin joined in.

"Morning." Hyunjin said as they walked.

"Good morning." Felix smiled.

"So what happened man?" Jisung nudged him.

"With what?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeongi stayed at his house last night." Seungmin smirked.

"She texted me that last night. She said you thought she would be more safe at your house than hers. It was sweet of you Felix." Chija smiled at him.

"What happened! Spill I need to know." Jisung urged him.

"She cried." He said softly.

"What-" Chija stopped, "She what?"

"She cried."

"Felix." Chija spoke harshly, "Did you make her cry?"

"No no no I didn't!" He put his hands up, "She asked if she could hug me and then-"

"Are we talking about the same girl?" Chija asked.

"Yes. I know it's crazy. She hugged me and then started crying and said she hadn't cried in years." He spoke.

"Yeongi doesn't cry or hug people she doesn't love Felix. Take that as you will. I'm the only person she hugs besides her brother and she rarely hugs me. I've seen her cry maybe 4 times. She trusts you Felix. She doesn't just do that. She trusts you enough to be vulnerable around you." She gave him a light smile, "She loves you." Each boy shared the same expression. They were all in awe.

"She... Loves me?" He asked.

"Yes. She does. She probably won't flat out say it. She'd probably never confess to it but she does. If you want something with her you'll have to be the one to initiate it." Chija spoke.

Have a nice day at school. I'll meet you guys at the gate after school today.

"She said she'd meet us after school today." Felix spoke as he put his phone away, "Now i'm so nervous I don't know what to do. How do I confess to someone?" He ranted.

"You tell her how you feel." Minho laughed.

"But that's so scary and what if she-"

"Stop overthinking it." Hyunjin spoke, "You'll be okay Felix." The entire day he sat nervous tapping his foot or pencil or finger. He was planning out how he was going to do this. He didn't talk much at all, just sat in deep thought.


He took a deep breath before standing up and walking out with his friends. As soon as they left the school doors he saw a familiar girl standing at the gate waiting, "Yeongi!" Chija yelled as she ran to her.

"Hi Chija." Yeongi smiled at her, "Hi everyone." She gave a small wave to the group. Felix stared at her, he prayed to god that she would be his. He wanted nothing more than to be able to hug her and hold her like that again.

"How's your break going?" Minho laughed as they started to walk together.

"Fantastic I love sleeping in." She laughed.

"We hear you slept in quite a comfortable bed last night." Jisung giggled, "Isn't it Felix?"

"I'm guessing you guys know?" She laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeongi come here." Chija ordered.

"Huh?" She gave her a confused look.

"Girl talk."

"Since when have we-"

"You're a girl so come talk." Chija grabbed her arm and pulled her off to the side, "You like him."

"Chija I don't do relationships."

"But you let him see you cry? And you let him hug you? And you fell asleep in his arms? Yeongi look, I know you think that you'd never be able to be loved, but look at that boy and tell me he doesn't look at you with the kindest, sweetest, heart eyes in the world. I know we thought it would just be us forever, but I think Felix can help you in ways I can't. You love him, whether you know it or not. I can see it from a million miles away. You trust that boy and you find comfort in him. The love you have for him is different than the love you have for me. It's romantic."

"Why are you saying all this?" She asked.

"I knew you'd never figure it out yourself. So I had to tell you." She grabbed her arm and dragged her back to the group.

"Wait but-"

"No buts girl talk is over."

"Chija I-"

"I'm right Yeongi. I know I am." She gave her a reassuring look and then glanced over to Felix, signaling for her to walk with him.

"Is it hard to give her up?" Jisung asked Chija after Yeongi walked up to Felix and Seungmin.

"He'll help her in ways I can't. He'll be good for her, but i'll miss it being just her and I." Chija laughed a little.

A/N: I lowkey like Chija more than Yeongi

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