4 / Home

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Chija was going on a short family vacation for that weekend so Yeongi was left alone. Normally, when this happened she'd head to a cafe or something and just stay there for a while, but she was so exhausted that she just wanted to go home and sleep. She prayed her parents weren't home yet. She honestly had no clue what their work schedules were like, she didn't speak to them
much. She walked home with her headphones on listening to music as she kicked rocks. She looked down at her feet as she walked, which resulted in her running into someone.

"Oh sorry." The boy spoke with a smile. Yeongi just looked up at him for a second.

"Sorry." She mumbled before walking past them. She heard the boy and his friend laugh a little as she laughed, but she didn't care enough to listen to what they were saying. Until...

"Hey Felix!" The one who she ran into spoke. She whipped her head around and saw the two boys from before with her desk mate and a few more boys from their class. Felix noticed her out of the corner of his eye. He glanced at her once, and had to do a double take to make sure it was really her. Once he was looking at her she turned back around and started walking again. God. Couldn't they just like be somewhere else?

"What are you looking at?" Changbin asked him as he turned around, "Oh that girl? She ran into Channie." He laughed.

"That's Yeongi." Felix replied.

"That's Yeongi!?" Chan and Changbin yelled in unison. She heard them, but pretended she didn't.

"You're right Innie she is pretty." Chan said. Jeongin gave him a smile and was about to reply.

"Are we forgetting who this girl is?" Hyunjin stepped in, "She's not a good person." He motioned in the direction the girl was in, but she wasn't there anymore, "Huh?" He looked confused. The group all turned to see she had disappeared into thin air. In reality, she was hiding behind a fence, listening to what they had to say about her.

"Damn she's sneaky too." Minho scoffed.


She opened the door carefully to see her mom sitting on the couch. Her eight year old brother was sitting at the kitchen counter, probably doing homework. They both turned when they heard the door close.

"Suna?" Her mom said.

"Sorry." She replied.

"Noona!" Her brother got up and hugged her.

"Hi Sangyeong." She smiled as she hugged him.

"Suna why don't you head upstairs." Her mom spoke. She knew it wasn't because her mom was nice and wanted to give her alone time. No. It was because her brother needed to work on his homework and not be influenced by her bad work ethic.

"Yeah." She nodded and slowly walked up to her room. She threw her bag down on the ground and just laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She laid like that for hours with her headphones on, humming the music.

"Suna Noona." Her brother walked in and quickly closed the door behind him.

"You shouldn't be in here." She replied.

"Don't worry I finished all my homework." He jumped happily onto her bed next to her, "I never see you, you always leave so early and come back so late. I wanted to spend time with you." Maybe if she had been better it wouldn't have had to be that way.

"I'm sorry." She spoke.

"Hm? Why?" He asked.

"Cause I can't be around you."

"It's okay. Mom and Dad say you're busy." He spoke.

"I'm not though." She said, "You can't tell them i'm telling you this okay?" He nodded, "They don't want me around you."

"What?" He sounded so heartbroken, "Why?"

"Because i'm not a good kid Sangyeong. I basically fail all my classes, I don't make friends, I don't do anything with my time except talk to Chija." She said.

"Chija is nice." He smiled.

"Everyone's nice to you." She ruffled his hair. Her brother was so different from her. It was impossible to be mean to him. He was a social butterfly and could make friends in an instant, on top of him being smart and hardworking, what parent wouldn't choose him over her. Matter of fact, what person wouldn't choose him over her.

"Is she not nice to anyone else?" He asked.

"Only me. And I'm only nice to her." She replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"If I don't make friends no one can hurt me. I got Chija by my side. That's all I need."

"You have me too." He smiled.

"Sangyeong dinner!" They heard their mom call from downstairs.

"Are you not eating dinner?" He asked Suna.

"I'll eat later." She replied.

"Come on just once you never eat with us." He pleaded. She was about to say no but he practically pulled her downstairs, "Can Suna eat with us?" He asked their mom with big puppy eyes.

A/N: Tbh since i'm not posting these chapter individually I don't need to post A/Ns but I'm going to bc why not.

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