Loki's Family

By Irish_Wolves

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By: darkoraclegirl Published with permission Five year old Harry is running from his cousin and friends when... More

New friends and new problems
The trials p1
Trial of Albus Dumbledore
Thr Calm before the storm
The grand Asgardian ball p1
The Grand Asgardian Ball p2
A heart is a heart, regardless of colour
On the way to Hoggywarts
A look into things on Asgard
First day and a song
Problems in Asgard are a family matter
Personal history problems for teacher
History and stuff that matters
Asgard the realm of strife
Nundu in the garden
Musical Hoggy Warts
A smashing ball part one
Stormfront brewing
A smashing ball part 2
Trials and Quirrelmort
Coronation and banishment
Coronation and banishment p2
The road to redemption
New faces and planning
Family and chaos

Surprise, you have family!

935 35 3
By Irish_Wolves


~3 Days after the first meeting with Magni; Current Location Los Angeles~

Pulling up to a stop, Harry was smiling as Darcy groaned, "Alright Hare Bear, it's been three hours, I'm begging you, can I please change the song?" Darcy begged.

Harry grinned, "Nope!" he replied, "Remember, you all lost the bet," he added, "It's my turn to pick a song, for five hours, and it's only been three," he continued, "And right now I want to listen to Uncle Kracker's Follow Me," he finished.

"Boy, if you don't change the song I will-" Magni began only to be cut off as Harry glared at him.

"You'll what?!" Harry countered, "Huh pig boy?" Harry asked, referring to the fact that Godiva had made Magni grow a pig tail during their trip to L.A., not to mention matching ears, using a spell that Loki had taught them for pranks. "Yeah, that's what I though bacon boy," Harry said when Magni failed to reply. The two had been fighting on and off since they had left Puente Antiguo, needless to say, it seemed like Magni was just looking for reasons to argue with Harry.

Magni went silent, and glared at Harry, he really wanted to teach this brat a lesson, but he couldn't since he technically needed their help.

Runa, on the other hand, sighed heavily, "Please Harry, I know you like this song from Darcy's collection, but can we please change the song?" she asked hopefully, putting on her best puppy dog eyes look that Darcy had taught her to perform.

Before Harry could reply to her look that rapidly drained his will to refuse, Magni spoke up, "I still don't see why we cannot simply call for Heimdall and have him return me to Asgard!" he sighed in annoyance.

Harry sighed, as did Runa, Ari, Jarl and Godiva, "Because," Harry began, "Right now, Magni Son of Thor,none of us trust you, not alone, and not outside our line of sight," Harry added. Before Harry could continue, Runa spoke up too.

"As for your question, more directly, it's not your Asgard, as you admitted yours was destroyed, and you wouldn't know who to trust there, just as you don't here, then again, you can trust us, despite your thoughts to the contrary," she said, like it should be obvious, "After all, we know the semi-current political battle field of Asgard, we know who has power and who doesn't, you, on the other hand, are as powerless, politically speaking," she added when he started to glare and shake at her, "As say, Sif for example," she finished.

"Also, Grampy is currently King while Great Grampy is napping. And I have high doubt you would be a good little princeling and follow his rule given the history you have with the one in your dimension," Harry pointed out. "So once again, it's a big fat 'no!' to you going to Asgard. Now stop whining about it and get over it!"

"Also, let us not forget, that Magni has no real proof as to who he is. He does not exist in this dimension, so his claims to be the son of Thor would only be met with mistrust and suspicion," Godiva added, "Some of those who are like minded with Sif might even see Magni as a trick of prince Loki, and thus try to do harm to him!"

Magni looked down at that, he hadn't thought of those scenarios, as such he went quiet with thought. Godiva was correct in that he had no proof of who he is aside from the hammer at his side, and there was no way for anyone outside of certain people to prove it is real. Even were he to go to Asgard, he'd be no closer to going home and who knew what might happen with him with the realms in their current state. He could most likely be made to stay in one room of the palace, where he would slowly go mad from the lack of anything to do.

Ari smirked, "Anyway, we have seen the museums, and we saw the historical sights, what's next?" he asked cheekily and also sounding a tad bored.

Harry was about to fire off a snappy response at Ari when Jane spoke up. "Well, we're in L.A. right?" she asked, getting a nod from Harry when Darcy suddenly had a light in her eyes, obviously picking up on what Jane wanted to say.

"Moving on from one hero to the next already Jane?" Darcy asked cheekily.

Jane glared at her for that. "While some people have a revolving door for their bedroom, I was actually thinking of trying to speak to this person purely for the scientific benefit and the fact that he might be interested in funding us."

Darcy blinked for a moment, "Was I just one upped?" she asked confusedly.

Harry let out a laugh. "Damn! Jane got you with that one Aunty Darth."

Magni, who'd tuned back into what was going on frowned. "A revolving door? I don't understand."

"Neither do I," Thor commented, equally confused as his other dimensional son before Runa explained what a revolving door is and what made the comeback so amusing.

While everyone was distracted, Godiva took out the Uncle Kracker CD, and put in the one they had picked up at a Farmers Market on their way into Los Angeles, and put it in the stereo. It was the Castle in the Sky soundtrack.

~Song Start: Tenkuuno Shiro Laputa by Joe Hisaishi~

Harry smiled, "That is actually pretty good," he said. Then, turning to Jane he asked, "So, you were saying before we wandered off on come backs and modern sayings, Jane?"

"Right," Jane straightened up a little, giving herself a mental pat on the back for the quick comeback that had stunned Darcy, or at least took her by surprize. "Well I was looking around for things we could do or see while in L.A., and to my surprise a big name in the tech industry happens to be visiting the city. I thought that maybe we could make a short side trip to see if we can catch the attention of Tony Stark, and maybe get some funding for our research. After all, now that we have proof in the form of yourself, Thor, and everything else, we should be able to at least raise some interest in our research," Jane explained, leaving out the fact that this was a very big if they could even get him to hear them out at the very least.

Harry smiled, "Tony Stark?" Harry repeated, "You mean that weapon manufacturer?" he asked, taking them all by surprize at his knowledge of Tony Stark, "What?" he asked, "I did use to live here on Earth before I moved to Asgard and Stark wasn't exactly known for staying out of the news," he said in a haughty manner.

"Former weapons manufacturer, Hare Bear. Now a days he's flying around in that awesome suit of his like some comic book character," Darcy corrected.

"Jane I don't know, Stark is a hard man to get a hold of, and really, what chance do we have when all we have is our word about any of this!" Erik pointed out.

"I want to at least try," Jane told him before looking back to Harry, "Did anyone else hear him say he used to live on Earth? Why is this only just now coming up?"

"Wow, and I thought Ari couldn't keep on one track most days," Runa joked.

"Yeah, that time of my life is one I don't really like to spend much time thinking about," Harry explained. "I'm sure Darcy can fill you in on the basic details."

"Basically, he lived with his mother's adopted family for a few years of his life after his parents were murdered, and his mother's family were assholes who treated him like shit," Darcy summed up.

Jane looked down sadly, "I am sorry to hear that Harry," she said, "To be honest, I use to be a nurse before I got into science," she admitted, taking Darcy by surprize and making Erik smile fondly at obvious memories, "So, I should probably ask, has anyone talked with you about how you were treated by your 'relatives', before you ended up in Asgard?" she asked in concern.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, mostly Great Grandma, she's a great listener. Though I also talked a little about it with Lady Eir, she's in charge of the Healing Chambers. And of course Grampy also spoke with me about what happened, mainly because he wanted to be sure he countered everything my 'relatives' had drilled into my head while I had lived with them," Harry answered.

Runa smiled and patted Harry on the back softly, thinking about that one time he had invited her along for emotional support, "Yeah, she is a great listener Harry, and she knows how best to deal with emotional and mental abuse," she said, "I still remember when she had you express yourself to a training dummy transfigured to look like your Uncle from your memories," she said, shivering, "And I thought I had heard some bad stuff from the drunks of Asgard's lower class," she sighed. Her words, however, took Ari, Jarl, and Godiva by surprize, they had not been aware that she had been let into Harry's 'shell', so to speak, like this.

"Hey!" Ari said, "Why are we being told only now you got to unleash on your 'Uncle' Vernon, in a manner of speaking?"

Godiva smirked, seeing a bit of what was going on between Harry and Runa and smiled as she said, "Because, if you remember, she was the one who comforted him when he found out about his frost giant blood, stupid!" she said.

Jarl looked between Harry and Runa and back again a few times before seemingly deciding something, "I approve," he said simply and unexplainably.

Both Runa and Harry looked between themselves and Jarl. "Do you know what he's talking about?" Harry asked her. "No clue, but I'm betting it's not important right now," Runa answered.

Darcy, finding the whole thing cute, just smiled and decide to change the topic, "Alright, it's off to Tony Stark's L.A. home, ok guys?" she said before heading for the driver's seat, only to be stopped by Erik, causing her to pout.

"What did we say Darcy?" Erik asked her pointedly.

"No driving for Darcy..." Darcy replied sadly, then she rebounded as she said, "Hey, at least I never hit anyone!" she reminded everyone.

Jane blushed at that. "Technically the one driving is still at fault. After all, you could've hit the brakes when I tried to take the wheel," Jane tried to defend.

"Hey, what's this now?" Ari asked from the back as he held up a small box in his hand. Before he could try to open it Darcy ran over and plucked it from his hand, stuffing it into her bra.

"No touchie! No touchie!" Darcy said as she wagged a finger at him pointedly.

"Why? What's in the box?" Ari questioned curiously.

Darcy gave him a sly grin. "Oh just a...Lady thing."

Ari looked at Darcy before looking at his hands, "Where's the soap? I need to disinfect my hands!" He called as he ran to the bathroom ignoring Darcy's cackling.

"Bet you anything it's not what he thinks it is..." Runa whispered to Godiva who nodded in agreement.

"So whose driving?" Harry asked.

"I guess I am," Erik said with a smile at the scene he just saw, before heading for the front of the expanded camper and getting into the Driver's seat.

~Song End~


~20 Minutes later, outside Tony's Stark's place~

"Aright, were at his place...now what?" Runa questioned as the group piled out of the RV and stood outside the gate to Tony Stark's L.A. house.

Jane sighed, "Well," she said heavily, "It would be wise to ring the doorbell." she said like it should be obvious, before doing so herself.

There was silence for a few moments before a very posh male voice spoke from a speaker,. "Yes, hello, my name is Jarvis, how may I help you?" the voice asked politely.

Jane coughed a bit, then said, "Hello, Jarvis, my name is Jane Foster, I am here with my friend, Erik Selvig, we would like to talk with Tony Stark, if he is free at the moment that is," she replied.

"To what is the nature of this meeting with sir?" Jarvis inquired.

"Is it just me or does that not sound like a real person?" Runa questioned.

"Stark is said to have an AI butler type thing built into his home that does almost everything for him. It's super insane and I'm mega jealous about how easy that would make everything," Darcy explained. "Though I didn't expect it to have that sexy Brit accent," she admitted with a blush.

Jane just shook her head, "Forgive my friend Darcy Jarvis, she has a thing for all things British," to this, Darcy shot Jane a glare, "Anyway, with me are some guests and friends who would probably be of interest to Mr. Stark," Jane continued, "So, is Mr. Stark free to see us?" she asked hopefully.

Darcy sighed at Jane's explanation as to why they are there. "Ok here's the story. We got some aliens here that prove her wormhole theory stuff, and now we're here to see if Starky would be interested in showering us with some of that green he's got shit loads of so that these two nerds can do all the sciency things they want while continuing their research." When she noticed the annoyed look Jane was giving her, Darcy raised her hands. "What? You weren't giving him any real info other than vagueness. Someone had to actually tell him the juicy bits to get him interested," Darcy defended with a shrug of her shoulders.

Harry sighed, "Yeah I'm with aunty Darth here on this. No one would've given you the time of day with your explanation Jane."

"I thought it was good," Thor commented.

"Yeah well, you aren't some big time genius millionaire who Jane's trying to impress enough to get in the front door," Darcy waved off as she patted Thor on the shoulder patronisingly, causing Thor to glare at her.

There was silence again as Jarvis obviously relayed the information, before there was a loud click and the gate started to open. "Sir will see you now," the voice said, before apparently making a sigh sound as it added, "He is also most interested in meeting the sarcastic member of your party," he said amusedly.

Darcy fist pumped. "Oh yeah! Stark's more interested in me then you two science fuddies! Knew the guy had good taste!" Darcy cheered before strutting through the gate.

"Talk about being humble," Ari rolled his eyes as the group followed Darcy through the gate and up to the house. Erik hopped back into the camper and drove it in to the drive way as the gate closed behind them.

"Humble or not, she's right to be proud. She is the main reason we're getting in," Godiva pointed out.

Jarl just harrumphed, "She needs ego check," he said simply.

Godiva smiled as they reached the door and were greeted by a Red Head who was eyeing them curiously, mostly Magni who was still in his armor and had his hammer with him.

"Hello," the red head said, "I'm Pepper Potts," she spoke pleasantly.

"Hi, I'm Jane, that's Erik, Darcy, Thor, Harry, Ari, Runa, Godiva, Jarl, and Magni. We were told by Jarvis that Mr. Stark would see us about mine and Erik's research," Jane said, pointing to each person as she said their name.

Pepper smiled, "So, which ones are the 'aliens'," she asked curiously, she was doubtful of any of them being aliens, especially the one named Magni, given those LARP people she had heard about.

"Well that depends on what kind of alien you are looking for," Harry joked as he smiled at Darcy.

"Please, you are way more alien then me Space Boy," Darcy chuckled while elbowing her nephew in the side lightly.

"Sorry about them," Jane sighed, "Well to be honest, and as far as I know Erik and I are the only ones that are completely human, I think," Jane looked to Harry. "Are you human?"

"Part human. Though how much exactly I am of any one race, I'm not completely sure," Harry answered.

"Alright. Well," Jane began, turning back to Pepper, "From my understanding, Thor here is from Asgard, as are Ari, Runa, Godiva, and Jarl, Magni here is from Asgard as well but a different dimension. Darcy's father is from Asgard. And as for Harry, well the most I know about him is that his grandfather is from Asgard and he's Thor's great nephew. Anything beyond that I'm not a hundred percent sure on," Jane double checked in her head that she had all of that right.

Pepper raised an eyebrow at that, but, simply noted it on her tablet, before opening the door. "Well, as Tony would want me to say, 'Welcome to Chateau Stark'," she said with a sigh, allowing them all to enter the house.

"Swanky!" Darcy said with a smirk, "You know, I read that Tony Stark is a bit of a playboy-" she commented only to be smacked upside the head by Jane, who she glared at for the smack.

"Don't be rude!" Jane whispered seriously.

"What?! He can splatter his parade of bed buddies across magazine covers and on the news but I can't mention it?" Darcy asked in confusion.

Pepper sighed, "It's fine, really. I'm used to it by now," She waved off. "Anyway, if you will all please take a seat, I will go get Tony for you. Please don't leave this room," Pepper told them before walking off.

As they waited, Ari asked the big question that was in the back of his and his friends minds. "So..." he began, "You don't think Tony is going to dissect us, right?"

Runa face palmed, "They only do that in movies and on dead bodies you oaf!" she countered.

"Not to mention Stark is into tech, not biology," Darcy added. "The most he might want from you lot is some tech from the home planet," Darcy joked.

"Besides," a new suave voice said as a man in his thirties or forties, with black hair, a black goatee, and brown eyes, and a glowing circle showing through his shirt, entered the room, "Dissections are messy, and I don't really do messes," he said, only to get a cough from pepper who walked in behind him. "Ok, so I don't do biological messes, there, happy?" he said looking at her.

Runa looked between the man and Harry with a raised brow. "Messy dark hair, likes to make certain kinds of messes, unruly, sarcastic, and hard to get a hold of most days..." She then turned to Harry, "Are we sure he's not related to you?" She asked seriously.

Harry let out a laugh at that, "If so then my grampy has more trouble on his hands with this family then he knows."

The man smiled, "While you do look like you could be one of mine, I am happy to say I have had no children..." he paused, then looked down, "That I know of..." he said, "I do however have the tech needed to be sure," he admitted, "So we could run a genetic test I guess..."

Godiva smiled, "Alright, so, you're Tony Stark, I assume of course, seeing as you haven't introduced yourself yet, but you are talking like how I assume he would," she said. "Anyway, my name is Godiva of Asgard, at your service," she said giving a mock bow, "Now, can we move on please?"

Ari smiled, "I think I found my idol!" Ari said, looking at Tony Stark with stars in his eyes, only for Runa to face palm and whisper, 'Good lord there's two of them now'.

Jane cleared her throat a little before giving Tony a nervous smile. "Right! Um, Myself and Erik wanted to present our research as well as proof of it and see if maybe you might be interested in funding us," Jane said while trying not to fidget.

"You gonna have to explain in detail for her?" Harry asked Darcy.

"Nah! I'm thinking let the geeks talk shop and see how it goes for now. Though I do kind of want to go skinny dipping in that sweet ass pool out there," Darcy said as she pointed out the patio doors at the large pool.

"Yeah, no. You are so not taking off your clothes here like you do in the RV," Jane said before frowning as she gave Darcy a second look. "Do you still have that box in your bra?"

Darcy glanced down at her chest before reaching in and pulling out the box. "Well I'll be damned," She said before stuffing it back in there. "Might as well leave it for now," She grinned.

Tony eyed the two women before smiling, "Well, as amusing as watching you two interact is, show me the data, then we can run the genetic similarity test," he said with obvious amusement in his voice, "Who knows, depending on your data, I might be able to offer you a place at Stark Industries," he finished.

Harry, meanwhile, was looking at Tony and giving the idea that they were related some more serious thought. The eye colour was wrong, but he was tall, he had the hair, he had the attitude, he even had the smarts, but he couldn't be sure. Sure, he could cast a spell like the one Loki used so long ago on him, but, he would need Tony's permission for that, after all it would only be proper manners.

After Jane pulled out her laptop, Tony pulled out his tablet, "May I go over the data please?" Tony asked Jane politely.

"Um, sure, of course," Jane said shyly, making Thor frown a bit, yet he could not detect why, however, Godiva saw his frown and giggled.

While everyone else was distracted, Magni slipped away to explore a little. This was the home of one of the people who had stood up against his father in his own dimension and thus Magni was a little interested in just what kind of man Tony Stark was. Perhaps he could get a look at the famous armor that Tony was known to use during his life. However as he was about to head through the doorway that Tony had entered through a thin metal sheet dropped down in the way, cutting him off.

"Hey kid, no exploring without my okay. Now, get back to the couch," Tony called, not having taken his eyes off the laptop.

"Magni, what are you doing? We were told to stay in this room," Erik scolded.

Magni sent the man a glare. "I only wished to see the famous Ironman's armor as he was long since dead before I was born," Magni snapped.

"Yeah, don't know what drugs you're on kid, and truthfully I don't care. Butt on couch now or you can wait in the RV," Tony warned.

"Magni please, just sit down and try to relax," Jane begged, not wanting him to ruin her chance at getting someone like Tony Stark on board with her work.

Magni grumbled, one the one hand, he did have the strength to put up a decent fight against Tony Stark, but on the other, the only people he knew in this world and that knew of him, would severely be angry at hm. "Fine!" he said as he went over to the couch, and carelessly dropped his Mjolnir on the ground, not expecting it to dent the floor and make the wood creek audibly from its impact.

Tony looked up from the laptop at the noise and stared at the hammer, now slightly sunk into his floor, with a raised brow before looking up at Magni. "Well, guess I know who doesn't skip arm day," Tony commented. "Kid, while I can easily afford to fix just about everything in this place, I know Pepper does get really mad about everything that gets broken, and trust me when I say, she more than lives up to the name Pepper!"

"Magni this isn't the halls of Asgard. Be more careful with your Mjolnir!" Harry scolded angrily.

Magni glared at Harry. "And why should I listen to a spawn of Loki?"

Thor stood and grabbed Magni's arm. "If you will not listen to him, then perhaps you will listen to me. We are guests in this man's home and this is how you treat his home? Tell me Magni, is this how you treat other people's things in the world you come from? Do you care so little for mortals? Because if so, then I will gladly take you back to the mobile home and wait there with you," Thor warned. This was horrid behavior for someone who claims to be a son of his, and even more so someone who claims to have been trying to protect mortals back in his dimension.

Magni sighed, "I am going to go for a flight..." he said as he got up, picked up his Mjolnir and prepared to leave, only to be stopped when Harry got in front of him.

"We're supposed to be keeping a low profile Magni!" Harry said loudly, "Flying around by the force of your hammer isn't 'low profile'," he finished.

"Out of my way Grandson of Loki!" Magni said dangerously, only to stop when he heard a strange sound from behind him and saw Tony wearing one of his more recent prototype gauntlets, ready to fire.

"Keep threatening people Hammer Boy and I'll be testing this on you," Tony said, "Now sit your ass down!"

Magni grunted but sat down, this time, with Mjolnir on his lap.

Tony then turned to Jane, "I finished reading your research, not to mention Jarvis has been analysing and scanning the kid's hammer and armor," he said, "Jarvis, is there evidence to confirm they are aliens?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Jarvis replied, "The hammer is made of extremely dense unknown materials, as for the armor, its metals and compositions don't fall within known parameters or metals."

Pepper, who had just entered the room once more, heard what Jarvis said and stared, "So they really are aliens?" she asked.

"While a proper DNA test is highly advisable, I believe my scans have gathered enough data to safely assume that their claim is correct," Jarvis answered.

"Huh, and here I was expecting more Star Wars based aliens," Tony commented to himself. "Well, you've got some very interesting research and you've actually got a gang of aliens with you. All that, on top of party girl here, I gotta say I'm glad I let you all in," he finished with a happy smile.

Pepper let out a small sigh, "Tony, I never thought I would actually have to say this, but please do not do anything to offend the aliens, and most of all no probe jokes."

Tony pouted. "Well there goes a good chunk of fun right there."

Jarvis spoke up, "Sir, it is advisable to do the genetic similarity test now," he reminded Tony,

"Oh right," Tony replied, "Alright kid, time to stick you full of needles!" he smiled evilly.

"TONY!" Pepper shouted angrily.

"Hey, I was JOKING!" Tony defended, "I wouldn't really stick a kid with needles, I'm not my father after all," he said seriously.

"So then, what are you plotting for us?" Harry questioned. He wasn't going to subject his friends to anything painful. Magni maybe, but his friends and his aunt were going to be off limits to Tony if it turns out to be something that hurts, even if it's just one needle.

Tony smiled, "Let me just bring up some scanning equipment from my lab down below, then we should be good to go," Tony rhymed with a smile.

Pepper face palmed at his comment and just pointed, "Just go get the equipment Shakespeare!" she ordered.

Tony actually was surprized by Pepper cracking a joke, but did as she asked. It took about ten minutes to gather the needed equipment, but when he came back up, it was seeing Pepper laugh at something Harry said.

"Did I miss something?" Tony asked with an arched eyebrow.

Harry gave Tony an innocent smile. "Oh nothing much. Just talking about monkeys, missing screws, and their overall cluelessness," Harry told him, making all but Magni, Thor, and Jane either crack up laughing or chuckle.

Tony just looked at them in confusion before shrugging his shoulders and setting up the equipment, "Alright, Jarvis will operate the scanner, and me and the Green Wonder here, will be the ones scanned," Tony said as he stood on his scanner pad, referring to Harry when he said Green Wonder.

Harry looked at the scanner for a moment before shrugging and walking over to Tony. "Alright then. Let's do this," He said, wanting to get this over with. While Harry does want to support Jane with her work, since she's been so nice to him, Harry had to admit he was getting a little bored and wanted to move on to something more interesting.

Thor was watching the scanner carefully. While he was sure Jane, Erik, and Darcy wouldn't lead them someplace that would hurt Harry, he still felt he had to be on alert for anything that might cause harm to him.

As the scanner began to scan both Harry and Tony, Jarvis began to hmm, in curiosity, something that surprized Tony. When the scanning finished after about five minutes, Jarvis made his conclusion. "According to the scans sir, you are, indeed, related, though very distantly," Jarvis began, "The genetic marker that corresponds with sir's is more recent in the genetic code of Harry then sir's for example," Jarvis continued, "In the case of sir's, the genetic ancestor is a distant one, probably around the fourteen to fifteen hundreds," Jarvis concluded.

Tony, Harry, and Thor froze at that news for a moment. Tony in confusion as to how the hell Harry could be closely related to one of his ancestors from around the fourteen hundreds, Thor was in shock at how many family members Loki seems to have hidden away on Midgard, and Harry in wonderment as to how much his grampy has gotten around in the past.

Darcy, after some thought was the first to recover. "So wait, then, does this mean that we got a Stark connection? Cause that would be pretty sweet if we do!"

Harry let out a laugh at that. "Oh I cannot wait to ask grampy about this. I can see it now, 'So grampy what were you doing on Midgard around the fourteen hundreds, cause I just ran into a man who's got way more greats to his title in our family then I would've ever thought possible'. Oh please let me be the one to tell him!" Harry cackled.

"Wow, and here I thought Thor would be the one to have trouble keeping it in his pants," Runa mused amusedly.

"Fourteen hundreds!? Jarvis are you completely sure about that?" Pepper asked in shock as she looked between Tony and Harry, only now seeing some family resemblance between the two.

Harry meanwhile smiled, "So, 'a whole bunch of greats' nephew," Harry began, "Want to hear some stories, you know, since we're family?" he asked with obvious amusement.

Tony, his brain finally catching up now that he'd had time to process the results, ran a hand though his hair as he shut his eyes, "Yep, I need a drink." He sighed before going over to his bar. While he did need the drink to deal with the shock, he was also trying to stall for time to figure out what the hell he was supposed to do now. He had thought about what he might do if he ever had a test result come back that he did have a kid out there, but this was a million times different from anything like that. He wasn't the father of some kid. No, he was the, however fucking many greats it was, nephew of the kid in his house right now. How the fuck is anyone supposed to respond to that!?

Pepper walked quickly over to Tony, looking just at a lost for what to do as he was. "What happens now?" She asked him as she watched him down his drink before making another.

"No idea. I highly doubt there's a play book for this," Tony answered, "I'm part alien and I have an uncle who's not even hit puberty yet. Thanks a ton dad."

Harry chuckled as he heard what Tony said, "If it makes it better, Darcy is my aunt, she is a direct daughter of Loki after all. I'm just his grandson," he said cheekily. "Oh and Thor's my uncle and grampy's brother," He added, just to see what chaos that might bring.

Tony's head hit the bar top at that. "He's brought part of the family with him. Pepper help me! I'm surrounded!" Tony groaned, having only really had bad experiences with his family in the past and not wanting any of that now.

Harry decided to be patronising by patting Tony on the shoulder and saying, "There, there Nephew, we all have been bitten by Loki's chaos bug at one time or another," he smiled.

Darcy, meanwhile, was ecstatic, "I have another nephew!" she smiled, "And he is older than me, if that isn't funny, I don't know what is!" she laughed, only for Jane to face palm, she wasn't sure what to make of her friends crazy family dynamic.

"I really need to sit my brother down and carefully go over just what he gets up to when I'm not around," Thor commented. "Does he have any more children here that I am unaware of? Is he even aware of them?" Thor questioned no one in particular.

"If not, it's going to be so funny to see his reaction," Ari smirked, "Oh and let's not forget Odin! Wait until he hears this news!"

Harry stopped and tried to picture his great grampy's face upon learning of this branch of Loki's family that had remained unknown to him for all these years. A very evil grin of amusement appeared on Harry's face at the thought. "Oh I have a feeling there'll be another round of Odinsleep for great grampy once he finds out!" Harry chuckled.

Magni was not amused by this turn of events. "He is a spawn of Loki's as well?" He asked in shock, wondering if the Tony Stark of his dimension was also a descendant of Loki's as well.

Tony just groaned as he realised just how BIG his family had gotten in a matter of moments.


~Back in Asgard~

Loki sighed as he met with the representative of Laufey of Jotunheim, they were making demands, but, Loki was going to put a stop to it soon.

"Enough," Loki commanded, "I had you summoned because I wish to discuss a trade, the return of the Cask, and the princess of Jotunheim in exchange for peace!"

The representative was taken aback, "The princess lives?" he asked in shock, personally, he had thought, like many of the Jotunns, that she had been lost in the failed raid to get back the Casket of Ancient Winters.

"She is currently sitting, unharmed, in the cells, and I am prepared to return her safely to your king, along with the Casket if he is willing to agree to restoring the peace between our realms. Those are the terms I am setting," Loki answered.

The representative thought about it for a moment, this was certainty not what he was authorised to discuss with Loki King of Asgard, so, that being in mind, he said, "I will have to return to Jotunheim and discuss this with my king," the rep said, "Once that is done, and he has weighed your offer, I will return with his thoughts. Will this suffice?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes, that is fine," Loki nodded, "I will await his answer." Loki then saw the Jotunn made it safely back to his realm before he let out a heavy sigh. "Would be far easier just dealing with Laufey instead of that fool, but I can hardly expect him to trust me at this point in time..." Loki said before turning, only just to jump a foot in the air as Freya was standing behind him. "Will you not do that!?" He snapped at her.

Freya smirked, "It is too much fun taking you by surprize my apprentice," she said, making reference to that series of movies on Midgard, even though she knew Loki would not get the reference, "Now, the Nobles have been busy, I have been trying to keep track of them, but it's difficult keeping an eye on all of them, as such, it's only a question of when Sif is freed, not if," she said seriously.

Loki sighed in annoyance, "Perhaps, if they make any stupid moves between now and Odin's return to the throne, I can get him to actually do something to show them that that kind of behavior will not be allowed. As it stands now I cannot even have Sif properly tried and then executed for acts of treason." While Loki might technically be king of Asgard, his power as ruler is more that of a regent then a true king, meaning that anything more than imprisonment as a punishment would have to await either Odin's return or Odin's death. Whichever comes first really.

"Indeed," Freya said, "Anyway, it would seem Hogun has been keeping a secret from you, one I discovered!" she said with a smirk.

Loki raised a brow at that. "While he and I do not speak often, I am surprised to hear he is actually hiding something from me of all people. Whatever could he be hiding that would have to do with me?" Other than the very laughably tiny chance Hogun might be a secret Sif supporter, which again is so small it's beyond crazy to think possible, Loki really couldn't think of a single thing that Hogun could be hiding that would affect him.

"Weeell," Freya began stretching out the e in well, "It seems he's fallen for a certain mortal woman's sarcastic side," she grinned, seeing Loki's eyes widen, "Hmm, seems you know something my apprentice," she said with a shit eating grin.

Loki opened and closed his mouth a few times as his mind went over just what he was being told. "He...you…are sure about this?" He finally managed to ask, a small part of him wanting to storm over to where ever Hogun might be and wring his neck at the very least.

Freya's smirked, "I tailed him one time, you know, cause I was booored..." she said, sending him a glare, "Anyway, I caught him kissing a brown haired green eyed beauty that had a sharp tongue," she said, "And while I did discovered this months ago, I have been trying to confirm who she was, imagine my surprize when I discover that she's your daughter!" she finished with amusement.

"I'm going to kill him!" Loki said to himself, "Of all the women on Midgard he could've picked he just had to choose my daughter! To the void with the laws, I am going to kill him in the slowest and most painful way I know for going near my daughter!"

Freya, on the other hand, smirked, "Now, now, Loki," she began, "Let's not be hasty, I highly doubt he knows she's your flesh and blood," she said pointedly, "Imagine the fun you can have with him till he finds out, or the torment you can have by telling him!" she said pointedly.

"You speak as if it would matter to him that he is seeing my daughter. You forget he is one of the ones that is on my side!" Loki snapped before taking a few deep breaths. "Though, I guess in terms of lovers, he is one of her better ones. And at least she didn't not cross past with one of Volstaggs horde," he paused as he shivered at that thought, then continued, "The thought of one day having that many children connected to me is enough to keep me up at night and make me glad I have been careful in my passions."

"Careful Loki," Freya warned, "Don't tempt fate, you know how she and the Norns love to toy with your life!" she reminded him warningly.

"What more could they do to me then they have already done in my life time?" Loki said dismissively. "Now then, I had best get back to the throne room and tend to my duties while I await Laufey's answer to my offer." Loki then stepped around Freya and headed for the throne room.

Freya smirked sadly, "They could do so much still my apprentice..." she said sadly, "Especially if Sif was involved."


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