Twenty-one Questions: A Zelin...

By Anonymous_user_333

22.8K 265 225

Princess Zelda has recently turned eighteen and is finally old enough to marry her childhood sweetheart, but... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one

Chapter fourteen

1K 12 8
By Anonymous_user_333

"Where the hell have you been?!" Lisa slammed herself into a chair opposite me in the library the next morning.

I had left Link at home, (Hesitantly), after he had promised me that he would be fine on his own. 

"Does it matter?" I scorned.

"Yes. Everyone's saying that Link's dad died. Is it true?" 

"Lisa, that's shallow of you." 

Was she always this invasive?

"Well?" She prodded.

I scoffed. "Yes, alright? It is. Now stop asking. It's not respectful."

"Oh, come on, Zelda. Were you always such a buzzkill?" She rolled her eyes. "Now tell me everything."

"What do you want me to say?" I sighed.

"Why did you take the day off? Were you with him the whole day?"

I decided to cave and tell her the truth; "Yes, I was. Is that all?"

Lisa gasped for joy and leaned in closer. "So?"

"So what?"

Lisa shrugged. "Did you sleep with him?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head vigorously, even at the thought. "God, no! Why would you ask such a thing? That's so unprofessional!"

"Aw, Damn, Zelda! I thought we were making progress." She laughed.

I was utterly disgusted. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what she was saying. "Are you serious?"

She stopped laughing, the smile still settled on her face. "Hm?"

"Are you really making a joke out of Link's misery?"

Lisa groaned dramatically. "Ugh, Zelda, come on!" She nudged my elbow. "You are desperate to get the Prince in bed and I don't even blame you."

I let my mouth hang open as a mark of my plain disbelief. "Do you know something, Lisa?" 

I closed my book, picking it up and standing to leave. "You are a childish, immature bitch and I wish I'd seen it sooner."

I walked out of the library, hearing Lisa's disbelief trail behind me and fade into silence.

Who was she to make such insensitive jokes? Did she not know how painful it was to grieve somebody?

And she wasn't nearly correct. My intentions with Link were utterly pure, whether she liked it or not. I was just trying to be a good person, and if that meant losing a friend, then so be it.

"Princess!" I heard a voice call out from behind me as I was walking towards the east wing library.

I turned to see Kyle once more. "Kyle? What's wrong?"

He quickly took a knee before explaining. "Big news on Apollo. They found his bag!"

"What?!" A grin spread its way across my face as I began to follow him down the hall.

Kyle lead me into the South wing meeting hall, where on the table sat a worn-down bag, unopened as of late.

Surrounding the table were a few more knights who were involved with the search mission, all of which took a knee at the arrival my prescence.

"How do you know it's his?" I asked.

"Take a look." Kyle said, as I hesitantly approached it. I opened it up, and inside were some clothes, some water and a folded up piece of paper. 

I took this out of the bag and Kyle began explaining. 

"We think this was a letter that Apollo was going to leave with you. To our knowledge, he left on the belief that the rumours were true and so far, still thinks that."

I opened the letter which was now a little rough around the edges and began reading.

"My dearest Zelda,

What the fuck? I mean really, what the fuck. I know we've had our ups and downs but I never expected you to do something like this. Was it something I'd said? Was it something I'd done to you? What made you do this?

I know you'll want to search for me; naturally. But I need some space to figure some things out. To be honest with you, I always saw this coming. I knew you two took the phrase "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" a little too literally for my liking. But what I can't get behind is the betrayal.

I wish you would've just told me. I know I'm not perfect, but I would've been understanding. 

I'll see you soon.


In an instant, I was reminded of the day the rumours began circling.

I had stopped believing it was Link a little while ago, but whoever did this was a real piece of work, and my anger for them resurfaced completely whilst reading the letter.

"I know it must be annoying, Princess." Kyle comforted. "To read something like this knowing that none of it's true."

"That it is." I sighed before shaking my head quickly. "But we musn't get hung up about it. This means that he's closer, yes?" 

I folded the paper and put it back in the bag. 

"Indeed it does." One of the soldiers spoke, his voice confident with success. "In fact, our men believe that they have his exact location pinpointed."

My relieved smile returned. "That's wonderful news, really. Thank you."

"Link?" I called as I approached the bedroom at evening time. I couldn't see him from far away, but upon inspection, I could see that he was asleep and submerged in the duvet.

I got changed in the bathroom into my favourite nightdress and went out onto the balcony for some fresh air.

I began to ponder the whereabouts of Apollo.

What had he meant by "See you soon"? Did 'soon' mean a month or a year? How long until I could see him again?

And on top of that, another probelm now lay on my hands.

Ever since the night where Link had finally opened up to me, I had developed a sort of...Affection for him.

Not attraction, persay, but compassion, if nothing else.

However, I felt this growing stronger as the days went on.

Were we even enemies anymore?

Why was I not mad about that?

Did he feel the same way about me?

Was I going crazy?

I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Link standing at the doorway of the balcony.

"Link. You're awake." I smiled.

It was the first time I had seen him without a shirt, and I'd be lying if I said it was easy to look away.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Okay." He nodded, walking towards me until he was beside me.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes. I'm okay."

"Good. It's important to eat when you're grieving."

Link closed his eyes for a moment. "How was yours?"

"My day?" I exhaled. It hadn't been the best, but it was alright, really. "It was fine, I guess."

"That's good."

The breeze swept my hair out of my face. "Doesn't it feel strange?" 

Link took a second to answer. "What does?"

"Us. We've never been so...Peaceful to each-other."

"Hm." I heard Link say. "I guess you're right."

I racked my brain for something to do. "Twenty-one questions?" I suggested.

"I don't think we've ever gotten to twenty-one."

"No, we haven't." I said. "What did you want to be when you grew up?"

"Uhh, Knight. Mainly."

"Right, of course."

"What's your favourite season?"

"Hmm. Winter."

"Really? Mine's summer."

"What's your...Biggest fear?"

"Dying alone. Dying at all, actually."

I turned to look at him. "Really?"


"Oh. You shouldn't be afraid. It's not scary."

Link chuckled. "Oh, and how would you know?"

"I don't. I just think it's a natural thing that we all have to go through."

"Okay. What's your biggest regret?" Link asked.

"Probably meeting you." I prodded.

"Oh, wow." Link laughed half-heartedly. I could tell he was drained, but I appreciated that he was smiling for me.

"What's the most unconvincing lie you've ever told?" 

"Probably..." Link breathed in deep as he thought about this. I know the real answer now, of course. "Telling my mum that the dog drank the alcohol."

I began laughing at the stupidity of it. "Really? You really tried that?"

"Worth a shot." He grinned. "What is something you've always wanted to do?"

We began advancing indside, carrying on the conversation as we walked. 

"Tell my father to shut up." I said.


"Who's your biggest inspiration?" I clicked the balcony doors closed and sat down at the dresser to deal with my hair.

"My dad." He responded. "Who pisses you off the most?"

We both paused and looked at each other before laughing. "That's inevitable. Uhh, What's the worst advice you've ever recieved?"

"I was once told that if I got something wrong, I should give up."

"That's mature of you. I thought you were going to tell me about a time someone convinced you to be nice to me."

"That would've been funnier, actually." Link sat down on the bed, as he usually did. "If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?"

I looked at myself in the mirror. "I would chop this stupid hair off."


"Yep. Problem is, my dad doesn't want me to. Says it's the only remnent of my mother left, which is complete nonsense, of course. This was back in the days where we actually talked." 

"Oh. I see."

"We've reached ten now." I sat down beside him. "What's a question you'd really hate to answer?"

"Oh. Um, any question that involves my appearance."

"Why's that?"

Link shrugged. "Don't really like it."

I was stunned. Why was he, of all people, insecure? "What? Why's that?" 

"I don't know. What, do you want an essay?"

"No." I retalliated. "But, like, every single girl in this castle is head over heels about you."

Link smirked a little, raising his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Really." I turned the lights off and lay down, Link joining me. "What's five words you'd use to describe me?"

"Hmm." Link thought. "That's a really hard one."

"Uh oh, here we go."

He held up his hand to visibly count with his fingers. "Uhh, annoying," We both began laughing audibly. "bitchy, loser, stuck up, priss."

"Um, stuck up is two words, thank you." I pointed out.

"What about me?" Link asked.

"Hmm. Big, fat, bigheaded dunce."

"So what's the fifth word?"

"Just dunce again." 

We both burst into laughter at the same time as I covered my face with my hands. "Why do we do this?"

"I have no idea."

"Okay, fine. What did you think of me when we first met?" I asked.

"Annoying, bitchy, stuck up, loser, priss." 

"Right. What about now?"

Link paused. "Less of an annoying-bitchy-stuck-up-loser-priss?"

"Oh." I grinned. "That's nice of you."

Link turned on his side, as did I. 

"Okay." He began. "What's your favourite thing about me?"

It took me a good deal to think of this one. "I like how you never change. You're the only consistent thing in my life."



I began to notice how close we were to each other and propped myself up on my elbows so that I was looking down at him. "What do you like about me?" 

"I like how you always listen." Link said.


Oh, shit.

I was falling for him, wasn't I?

What was I doing?

I was just digging myself a bigger grave! 

But at this point, there was no turning back. I was too deep. I was too far down.

Link interrupted my train of thought as I forgot all of my worries. "Who do you like most in the world?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uhm, I don't know, actually."

There was momentary a silence between us as we both gazed into one another's eyes.

Link looked up at me, his pupils shimmering in the moonlight. "Do you like me?"


Did I tell him the truth?

How could I do that? 

I completely fumbled my next few words. "Uhh, maybe?" 

My heart was racing so incredibly fast. I found myself completely lovestruck. 

Link reached a hand to the back of my head and pulled me closer.

I couldn't believe this. Was I dreaming? I must've been dreaming...Right?

I could feel hot tingles run across my skin as Link delicately etched closer and closer until he finally kissed me.

Oh my word, That's all I remember thinking.

Here I was, kissing my arch-nemesis. My most hated.

But of course, I didn't think about any of that in the moment. I was so ecstatic. I never wanted this to end.

I ran a hand down his chest and wrapped my arms round his neck as his arms surrounded me tightly.

I kissed him again and again, running a hand through his hair as I did so.

Link broke the kiss just then, murmuring, "I just realised something."


He grinned at me. "We finally reached twenty-one."

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