My Brother in Law āœ…

By TJ_khunoo

167K 7.3K 2.5K

Fourth fall in love with his step sister's husband. It was love at first sight. But he knew that it was impos... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 20

4K 178 54
By TJ_khunoo

Still Flasback

"Fourth..?" Janie asked.

"It's Gulf's birth date..4th of December.." Nine said smiling.

After that the waited in the waiting area until the nurse called Nine around 3am in the morning. The nurse informed Gulf's condition and making him terrified.

He rushed to the ICU section and after he sanitized his body and wear scrub suit, he entered the room and he instantly cried seeing his husband lying on the hospital's bed with so many equipment that connected to his body.

"Hey baby.." Nine held Gulf's hand gently. "Thank you..thank you had brought life to our son..he is beautiful..just like you,," he sobbed.

"Wake up na..we need you.." Nine cried hard.

Nine was there for about thirty minutes until the nurses asked him out. When he came out, Janie approached him and asked how his brother condition.

"Still no reaponses.." Janie hugged him and they cried together.

Around 9 o'clock, Gulf's parents arrived at the hospital. Janie hugged her mother while she cried in her shoulder. Her father hugged Nine and consoled him. They took turn visiting Gulf in the ICU.

Nine took a leave for a months from work. He never leaved Gulf. Janie and her parents took care of Fourth. Sometimes they took Fourth to the hospital to see his papa.

Days became weeks.. And weeks became months. And it was already six months Gulf still not awake. Nine had came back to work after his leave. But he never missed visiting his husband everyday.

Fourth was fond of Janie now. He would cry if Janie wasn't there. And for Janie, Fourth was the love of her life now. He had swore to dedicate her life for Fourth while her brother still in a coma.

She had forgetting her dreams for being an artist just for Fourth. She literally took care of Fourth and Nine in the house. Her parents were already back to Seoul since Fourth turning 3 months old.

Her father had a farm to take care of but her mother still come once in a months.

Nine received a call from hospital that informed Gulf had opened his eyes while he was in a meeting in his office. He left the office immediately and rushed to the hospital. He called Janie in his way to the hospital.

Janie brought Fourth with her. When they arrived, the doctor told them that Gulf had open his eyes but he still couldn't moved a fingers.

Nine went in to the ICU to see his beloved husband. When he entered, he saw Gulf still closed his eyes. He called him softly near his ear.

"Baby.. Gulf.. Do you hear me?" He said.

Slowly Gulf opened his eyes and saw the love of his life in front of him. He smiled faintly and stared at Nine deeply.

"Hey baby.. I missed you.. I missed you Gulf.." Nine was crying.

Gulf looked so weak but his beautiful face just still the same.

"Gulf.. Fourth is here.. Our baby.. Our son is here.. Do you wanna see him?" He asked his husband.

Gulf slowly nodded his head. Nine rushed outside to take Fourth inside. As the doctor permission, Janie could come inside with them. She had called her mother to informed about Gulf. And her mother said that they would come today.

"Fourth.. Baby.. Look.. He's Papa.." Nine showed Fourth to Gulf.

Gulf was crying. He looked like want to say something but he couldn't. Nine brought Fourth nearer to his papa. And instantly Fourth's hand cupped Gulf's cheek. Gulf was crying hard now. He kissed Fourth hand that rubbed his mouth.

Fourth was giggling looking at Gulf. Janie and Nine were crying.

"What do you want to say baby? Slowly na.." Nine said when he noticed that Gulf looked like want to say something.

With all the energy that left, Gulf mouthed "I love you.." And he smiled while he cried.

"I love you too baby.. Please.. Wake up na.. We need you.. Fourth need you.. I need you.. Please Gulf.." Nine caressed Gulf cheeks.

Fourth was already in Janie's embrace now.

"Oppa..." Janie called him. Gulf averted his eyes to Janie. Then mouthed again.

"Take care of them.. For me.." Then he slowly closed his eyes.

"No... No.. Gulf... Baby... Open your eyes... Open your eyes Gulf..!!" Nine screamed now.

Janie rushed outside to call the doctor. When the doctor came and examined him, the machine was already in a flat line.

"I'm sorry Sir.. We lost him.."

" Time death 13.40 pm." The nurse said.

"NO!!!! GULF!!! WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!! NOOOOO...!!GULF...COME BACK NAAA......." Nine shouted in agony. He cried hard. Janie was no different. She was in agony losing her brother.

The nurse had to take Fourth outside because he started to cry seeing his father cried.


Nine was so broken. He lost the man he love forever. When Gulf opened his eyes, it was like he want to say goodbye to them.

Gulf's parents wanted him to be buried in his homeland, in Seoul. So they brought Gulf's body to Seoul.

A week after the funeral, Nine, Janie and Fourth came back to Thailand. The news of Gulf's death is reached to Nine parents.

They came visited to say their condolences to their son for the first time after they apart.

But Nine didn't let them entered his house. His mother was crying and asked his forgiveness but Nine still didn't budge. He left them there at the gate.

Janie saw them leave from the balcony. She felt sorry to them but if she remembered their treatment for her brother, they deserved what they got right now.

Janie then fulfilled her promise to her brother, she took care of Fourth and Nine so well. She loved them.

When Fourth five years old, Nine had asked to marry her. But Janie didn't want that. She felt like she betrayed her brother if she marry Nine. Even her parents said so, she still didn't want. She felt content being Fourth's 'mom' with this status.

Fourth didn't knew that Janie wasn't his biological mother even after Janie's death in a car crash with Fourth when he was ten years old.

Then.. Two years after Janie's death, Nine met with Baifern in his friend's wedding, Arm. He married a man named Porsche that turned out to be Baifern ex-husband.

They hit it off after that and found out they have so much in common. They dated for a year. Nine told everything about his past relationship to her and so did Baifern. They decided to marry after a year of dating.

End of flashback

Nine jolted up when Baifern wake him up. He was still in the study room.

"You fell asleep here, Hun?" Baifern asked her husband lovingly.

Nine smiled at her. "I didn't realize.. What time is it now?" He asked.

"It's 11 pm.. Come on sleep in the bedroom na.." Baifern took Nine's hand but Nine held her back to stop her.

"Sit here for a moment Fern.." He said.

"What is it, Hun? Are you okay?" She looked worried. Then she looked at the photo album on the couch beside her husband. She knew that the album was all photos of Gulf and him. She stared at him. She was sure that might be something bothering him

Nine still held her hands and caressed it. "Fern..."


"Do you know what happen to our kids?" He asked.

"Who? Aye or Fourth?" She asked confuse.


Baifern thought it for a while. She didn't know what exactly the meaning of his question.

"Why about them?" Baifern saw her husband fidgeting his fingers. "What is it Hun? You make me scared.."

"What happen with Aye and Gemini? Do you know something?" Nine asked her.

"Hmm I didn't know exactly honestly but I kind of sense something... They were in a bad term Nine.. I felt it for so long actually.. I never confronted Aye about it but I can see in their gestures.. They had lost their affections since long time ago.." Baifern told him.

"Yes.. I saw it you know what make them like that?" He asked again.

"I don't know Nine..I have no clue.." She said.

Nine was silent. Baifern saw him frowning. " you miss him?" Baifern asked him.

Nine looked at her then he turned his head to the photo album.

"What make you think like that?"

"I know you..or is there something about Fourth? Something related to him?"

Nine smiled, Baifern definitely knew him so well.

" Yeah..some kind of.."

Baifern stared at him. She was contemplating whether she tell him or not about her hunch for Fourth. After a while, she decided to test the water.

"You know..I observed him Nine..for some days actually. Is he in a relationship?" Baifern was so curious about it because she felt like she know what happen to him.

Nine looked at her as if he asked what make her think like that. "Why?"

"He always nauseous every morning and when he fainted, is he....perhaps....pregnant?"

Nine widened his eyes. He never thought about it actually. And now as if his mind was open wide he realized it. All the symptoms that Fourth showed all these days, it was the same with Gulf when he was pregnant with him.

Nine sat up straight suddenly. "Fern..that a serious matter,,are you sure about that?"

"I don't know Nine..It just my assumption..but... you know..the symptoms.." Baifern said. She was so concern now.

Nine's mind was travelled to his son and Gemini. Oh my god..This is more complicated that he thought. If Fourth was indeed pregnant and now he and Gemini was in a secret relationship. It could be Gemini who impregnated him. But Gemini seemed don't know anything. Was Fourth hide it from him or didn't tell him yet? This was bad..

"Nine..hey.." Baifern tapped his thigh. "You're blank..what happen na? you really make me scared now!"

"Let's sleep now..It's really late.." Nine stood up and held her hands. Baifern was confused but she followed Nine to their bedroom.

Nine had a mental note to talk about it to Fourth first before Gemini. He wanted to know the reason why Fourth hide his pregnancy from him.


Fourth woke up feeling a little bit better than yesterday. His nausea was reduced not too often as before. He got off the bed to take a shower. When he was done showering, he stared at his belly from the mirror. He caressed it gently.

"Is there really a life in here?" He rubbed it. He was smiling so wide imagining his life with Gemini and their kids.

But his daydreaming had to end because he heard a knocking sound from outside his bedroom. He dried himself and wear his shorts but still shirtless.

He opened the door and he was surprised to see his dad in front of him.

"Dad.." Fourth greeted him.

"Can I come in?" Nine asked him. His eyes was fell on Fourth belly.

"Off course.. Let me wear my tee first na.." He took his tee from the closet.

Nine sat on the bed while waiting for Fourth.

"What is it Dad? You came here this early.?" Fourth asked him smiling.

"Can't I?"

"You can khub..."

Nine held Fourth's hand. "How are you feeling now?"

"I feel better Dad.." Fourth said. He was confused of him. His dad rarely came to his bedroom after all.

"Good then.." Nine looked at Fourth in the eyes. "Fourth.. As I said yesterday about you and Gemini.. I want to ask you something.."

Fourth nodded his head. "Ok.."

"How far is your relationship with Gemini?" Nine finally asked him.

Fourth widened his eyes. "W-what do y-you mean 'how far' Dad?" He was startled by his question.

"Son.. I want you to trust me when I said that I want you to be happy.. I want you to know no matter what happen in your life., I'll always by your side.. I won't leave you.. I won't mad at you.. I-"

"What do you want to say Dad? Just say it.." Fourth cut him. Fourth was so nervous now.

Nine's eyes fell on Fourth's belly. "Fourth.. Please be honest with me na... Are you.. Are you pregnant?"

Fourth was taken a back by the question. He didn't know that his father noticed him. He looked down and rubbed his palm on his thigh. He was sweating even though the air con was on.

"Fourth... Don't be afraid na.. I won't judge you.." Nine pleaded.

Fourth raised his head and his eyes met his father's eyes.

"Dad... I'm sorry.." Fourth said. A tear dropped from his eyes. "I'm sorry to disappoint you.."

Fourth was sobbing now. He couldn't bear his guilty to his dad. Nine hugged him. Fourth cried in his father's chest now.

"Hey.. Baby.. Don't cry na.. It breaks my heart Fourth.." Nine said soothing him.

Nine let his son cry his heart out. After sometimes, Fourth can compose himself. He pulled himself from his father and looked at him in the eyes.

"Yes Dad...I'm pregnant..I'm so sorry Dad..."

Nine smiled and caressed his son's cheek. "Thank you for being honest to me na.. And I'm not disappointed in you because you're pregnant.. I'm disappointed that you hide it from's like I'm not trustworthy enough for you..but I understand that maybe you're afraid to tell me.."

Fourth nodded his head. "It's not like that, Dad..I just feel I'm not ready to tell you're right..I'm afraid you'll be mad at me.." Tears kept rolling down his face like a river.

"Is it.... Gemini?" Nine asked. Fourth stared at him deeply.

"Y-yes..." Fourth said while sobbing. "I was sure that I'm on my birth control.. But.. But.."

"Is he your first?" Nine asked him again.

"No.. Dad..I... I.."

"Shhh.. Slowly na.. I've all day with you.."
Nine consoled him.

"I wasn't a virgin Dad..I had a boyfriend before in Seoul.. H-he was m-my first.. I was s-suggested to take b-birth control routinely.. I was afraid I could be p-pregnant back t-then.. It's not that I did it often.. But to k-keep me safe.." He paused for  a while.. "But when I was with Gemini, I don't know how that I forget to t-take it.. I'm sorry Dad.." Fourth still sobbing when he said that.

Nine hugged him again. Seeing his son this broken he couldn't held his tears anymore. They both crying together.

"Shhh.. I'm with you Fourth.. Calm down na.. Shh..." Nine rubbed his back.

"Have you tell him?" He asked.

Fourth shook his head as a no.


"It's not the right time Dad.. With all the problems.. I want him to find that proof first.. Then I would tell him." Fourth said.

"But it could take so much time Fourth.. Your baby is growing.. You'll show up soon.." Nine reason it.

"I trust him dad.. He will find it.. Don't tell him naa.."

"Ok baby.. But if things go rough please don't hesitate to tell me, and you have to think the worst scenario that could happen,..I'm not scaring you baby..but you have to be prepare..just in case..ok naa..." Nine rubbed Fourth's hand tenderly.

"I know Dad.." Fourth smiled faintly. "You know I rarely said this..but I love you Dad..and I'm sorry that I left you..I'm sorry na.."

Nine kissed Fourth forehead. "I love you too baby.. You don't have to be sorry.. I understand.."

They hugged for sometimes until Fourth pulled himself again. He felt the nausea came back again. But he held it. He didn't want his dad too worry of him.

"Hmm..who else knew about this? Jisoo knew about this?" Nine said while wiping his son's left tears from his face.

"Yes.. She was with me when I found out.."

Nine smiled faintly. "You know.. I've thought you and Jisoo were good together, she is surely a nice girl.. She's smart.."

"How could I be with her Dad? She likes girl..she had a girlfriend before too.." Fourth chuckled.

"What?? I didn't know.. But you dated her right?" He asked disbelief.

"No dad.. We're just pretending to safe our ass.." Fourth said and Nine frowned at him. "Ups sorry dad.. I mean, you know it's hard being gay in Korea right? So.. We pretended to be a couple.."

Nine smiled. He knew that so well. He had through it before with Gulf. Nine sighed, he looked at Fourth, he was so much like his papa. Nine couldn't imagine what would Fourth reaction if he knew the truth. Nine thought he would find a right time to tell him.

"Ok.. Get ready for breakfast na..I want my grandchild well nourished and his papa will be strong..Fortunately it's Saturday.. You can rest again after breakfast.." Nine ruffled Fourth's hair.

Fourth smiled but he remembered one person. "Dad... What about Mom Baifern?"

Nine looked at him and he patted Fourth shoulder. "I'll deal with her.. Don't worry na.. She is an open minded woman.. You know that right?"

"But.. She is Aye's mother.. She'll be mad at me for sure.." Fourth said sadly.

"She won't.." Nine assured him. "Get ready na.."

"In a minute.." Fourth replied him.

Nine nodded then he left Fourth's bedroom with all the mix feeling in his heart.


Gemini woke up due to the knocking sounds from his bedroom. He looked at the clock and it's still 7 am. And it's Saturday, he need his sleep more. He slept late last night because he had video called Fourth for hours.


Gemini lazily got off his bed and walked to the door and opened it. There stood the last expected person that he wanted meet this early morning.

"What?" He asked.

"Today is the schedule to my pregnancy check. Accompany me please.." Aye asked him.

Gemini rolled his eyes. "I can't! I have an appointment."

"Don't you wanna see your baby?" She asked pouting.

"Drop your act!! And I'm not interesting..ask someone else..or you can call your manager..I'm sure he want to.." Then slammed the door in front of her face.

Aye kept shouting his name but he ignored her.

"What is it Aye?? You're so excited this early morning??" Jisoo asked her with sarcastic tone.

"I'm not excited!! I'm annoyed!" She said and left Jisoo dumbfounded there. 

Jisoo just rolled her eyes and when she was about to get inside her room, Fourth came out from his room.

"Where have you been Ji?" Fourth asked her.

"Jogging..I want to wake you up actually but it useless cause you can't jogged with me.." She said pretended to be mad.  

"Uhh Princess Jisoo you know I can't move too fast now.. extra careful.." Fourth said with his cute face.

"Yuck..don't make face like that!" They both laughed and Fourth following Jisoo to her room.

"Why are you following me? I want to take a shower.." Jisoo said while putting  his towel in her shoulder.

"Dad knew it.." Fourth said suddenly and he sat on the bed comfortably.

"Ugh.. Know what?" Jisoo asked confused.

Fourth rubbed his belly while looking at her. Jisoo saw that and she gasped.

"Really? So? What's his reaction? How could he know?" She asked so many question in one time.

Fourth lied his body on the bed and stared at the celling.

"He noticed me I guess.. He was disappointed that I didn't tell him by myself.. He felt that I didn't trust him enough.. But.. He accept it." Then Fourth told Jisoo everything all the conversation between him and his dad.

"But he's right Fourth.. You'll be showing soon.. You have to think for the worst scenario if Gemini is hard to find the proof.. Will you let him still clueless about his own child?" Jisoo explained to him.

Fourth seemed to think about it. He was frowning. "I'll figure it out Ji.."

"Ok.. I'll take a shower first now,, would you please go Khun noo (young master)?"

Fourth chuckled and he left Jisoo's room to give her privacy. He walked down stairs and went to the kitchen. He wanted to make a lemonade. He kind of feel nauseous again right now.

"Morning Fourth.." Baifern greeted him.

"Morning Mom.."

Fourth walked to the fridge and took lemon syrup and ice cubes. Baifern stared at him with concern looks.

"Need help?" She asked.

"Oh.. No need Mom.. I can manage.. I trouble you enough days before.." Fourth said smiling at her.

"It's nothing.. You know I like 'babying' you.." He tapped Fourth shoulder.

"Oh by the way Fourth, I'll accompany Aye to check her pregnancy.. Do you wanna come?" She asked.

Fourth was taken aback, he looked at Baifern face that somehow expecting him to come.

"He'll come with me Mom, we have a meeting with this suppliers.." Gemini suddenly came to the kitchen already dressed up.

He looked at Fourth and raised his eyebrows as if asking him to play along.

"Oh yeah..I forgot.. I'll go get change and take my things first.."

Fourth was about to take the stairs when his dad walked to the kitchen.

"Careful Fourth!!" Nine slightly shout at him.

Fourth stopped his step and turned to his father. Nine realized what his doing and shut his mouth.

"What happen?" Gemini asked them.

"O-oh nothing.. I told Dad I get a little dizzy this morning.. So he just said that.."

"Yes he's right.. Ok let's have breakfast.." Nine dragged Gemini to the dining room.

Baifern saw that. She got suspicious of her husband. She sensed that Nine knew something about Fourth condition but he didn't tell her.


After they had breakfast, they all went separate ways. Aye and Baifern went to the hospital, Jisoo meet up with her friends, Nine had a golf meeting with his collegues and Gemini and Fourth went together to meet with the suppliers.

Actually Gemini didn't all lies, he did have to meet this suppliers but Fourth didn't have to come. He just wanted to have some alone time with him today.

"You tricked them, huh!" Fourth gave a little punch on Gemini's arm.

"You Like it right?" Gemini teased him.

Fourth smiled and he sipped his lemonade that he made earlier in the car.

"You seems to like it so much now?" He asked.

"Like...What?" Fourth turned his head to him.

"That lemonade.."

Fourth straightened his body and glanced at Gemini nervously. "I just like it.. It refreshing.."

Gemini ruffled his hair playfully. "Gem.. I already styled it.. Ugh.. You ruin it again!" He slapped Gemini hand making the later laughed.

Meanwhile at the hospital,  the doctor said that Aye's pregnancy was weak. The fetus growth was under average. She got extra additional vitamins and supplements for the baby

"But Doc.. I can't just bed rest again.. I've work to do and it's very important.." Aye said to the doctor.

"You can do your work, but you have to be extra careful.. Take the medicines routinely and on time.. You have to keep your meal healthy.." The doctor then gave her the prescription.

After Baifern and Aye were done in the hospital, Aye asked her mother to drop her at a restaurant nearby. At first Baifern was hesitate, she wanted to accompany her but Aye insisted that she would go alone to meet her friend.

"You have to be extra careful Aye, call me if you want me to pick you up.." Baifern told her.

"Got it mom.." Aye said. She kissed her mom then she get out of car and entered the restaurant.

She scanned the people in the restaurant and after she found what she was looking for, she smirked at walked to that person.

"Hello father.."


OMG!!! Couple photo... 😍😍😍

Is this FourthGemini???? 💃💃💃😍

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