Part 21

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"Hello father.. "

"Aye.. Come sit here.. How are you?" He asked.

"Better.. How are you father?" Aye asked him back.


"Where's Mom Davikah? She didn't come?" She asked.

"No.. She's with her friends in a charity.. Just order what you want ok.." Chan told her.

"So why do you want to meet me so sudden, Aye?" Chan asked her.

"Uhmm.. It's Gemini,. He was so mean to me father.." Aye said frowning.

"That brat!! What did he do to you now?" Chan slammed the table gaining attention towards him.

"Today was supposed to be my pregnancy check, I asked him to accompany me father, but he refused..and you know what more hurts is...he slammed the door in front of my face!!" Aye's eyes welled up with tears..

Chan's face face tensed. "What's his reason then??"

"He had to meet this suppliers..he goes with my brother Fourth-"

"He what???" Chan cut Aye, he was shocked.

"He goes with Fourth to the supplier's office, father.. Fourth is his secretary so-"

"His secretary?? Since when??" Chan was mad now. Aye saw his father in law's angry face with a little bit terrified.

"Y-yes father, since Fourth back in Thailand.. Couples months ago.."

Chan bite his cheek inside his mouth. He guessed that what he was suspecting is real. He really need to know about this Fourth.

"Why you look angry, father?" Aye was confused now. Her purpose to provoked him with Gemini seems useless because it seemed he was already mad about Gemini went together with Fourth. But why he was so angry? It just Fourth.. His brother in law.

"Nothing.. Hmm.. Aye.. Tell me more about your brother, Fourth?" Chan asked her.

"Why do you wanna know?" Aye was curious now. As long as he wanted to provoked him about Gemini, she didn't want anything happen to Fourth, knowing how her father in law is.

"Hmm he seems interesting.." Chan said. "Tell me.. Why he is back to Thailand?"

Aye hesitated at first, but she tell him at the end. "He wanted to live with us again, he missed here.. And as he was graduated, he wanted to work here.."

"Why he became Gem's secretary?"

"Dad assigned him.. Gem's previous secretary had give birth.. And I heard from Dad that she recently resign.. So Fourth was permanently being his secretary.." Aye told him.

Chan really didn't like it. He made a mental note to visit him soon.

After that, they were talking for one hours with Aye kept acted as if she was the 'victim' in their relationship. And when Aye told him what happened one year ago that make them always fight, Chan was furious.

"He never left that side of him I guessed!! I have to teach him a lesson again.."

Aye was smirking. His father in law was wrapped in her fingers.

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