Part 9

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I hate it! Why did this always happen to me?? What's wrong with me?? It hurt a lot.

He kept calling my name from outside. It was embarrassing. He was the one who started it and he was the one who pushed me away.

What he did was opening my scar again. I thought he would be different. But the fact, he was the same.

I was fourteen when I found out that I was gay. I always attracted to a boy rather than a girl. But living in Seoul wasn't the same as lived in Thailand. In Seoul a gay or lesbian wasn't really accepted by the social life.

Most of them said that being a gay or lesbian would bring disgrace to the society. You would be ostracized or worst being exiled. Especially if you lived in the village that is thick with its culture.

And I was one of them. I lived with my grandparents in the suburban area. The society there still upholds its cultural values.

I never told my grandparents that I was a gay that time. But I guessed they knew it and they knew I was a bearer. It happen accidentally. When I was in grade 10 there was a medical check up in my school, and the doctor found that I had a womb. A male bearer.

Fortunately, the school doctor was so fond of me and he didn't reported me to the principal. But she did tell my grandparents about this.

My grandparents were both happy and worried. They were scared that if someone knew about this, it will danger me. So they told me to be careful. They explained to me that my body was different from the others. I had a womb so I had my reproductive organ. That I could be pregnant.

That things were scare me to the core at first. I felt different and somehow I felt like I lived in another universe. I was more aware of my surroundings. I was easily scared if someone approached me. But actually I was a popular boy at my school. Because of my visual and my brain.

And that lasted until the beginning of my senior year. There was a new student in my class. A girl. Beautiful like a princess. Jisoo was here name. Everybody adored her of her personality. She was a humble and polite girl.

And one day I had an assignment that have to be paired with our classmate. And Jisoo was my partner. From there we were inseparable. It was really easy to talk to her. Everybody in our school thought that we were dating.

I introduced Jisoo to Aye when she was visiting me. And the three of us was like a chaotic trio if were together. Until one day, I felt that Jisoo was more attentive to Aye. The looked on her face was different when she talked to Aye. I caught her kissing Aye's picture in her phone. I confronted her that time. And she confessed to me that she liked girls. She liked Aye.

That shocked me,  because I knew that Aye already had a boyfriend. I told her about this and she was heartbroken. After that, I confessed to her that I was a gay too. She was surprised but looked so happy. We kept it a secret cause we both knew what would happen if someone knew about this, we would be expelled from the school. So we had each other back and never denied the rumor that we're dating.

Jisoo and I went to the same university and the same field. We even lived together in the university dorm. Jisoo pleaded to the university staff that she wanted to be my dorm mate. At first they  refused and told her that boy and girl have a separate dorm. But she begged them and said that I was her cousin. Off course they didn't believe her. And finally she used her card and bribed them with money and her father reputation. Her father was an influential people of the government.

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