You Are The Cause Of My Eupho...

By JK97RaelynFaith

201 28 1

Book 1 "There's no way he has feelings for me, Faith. It's impossible." I wrapped my arms around myself tight... More

Surprise Visitors
Heading To Seoul, South Korea!
Rich And Famous
First Day On The Job
Hotter IRL
Can't Help But Wish It Was Real
The Ellen Show
Special Moments
Mountain Getaway Pt.1
Mountain Getaway Pt.2
Mountain Getaway Pt. 3
Saying Goodbye
Missing You
I'm Fine
Perhaps There's No Such Thing As Moving On
Things Change
Losing You
Confessions & Questions
You Are The Cause Of My Euphoria
Author's Note
Sneak Peak

Public School? Hell No

6 1 0
By JK97RaelynFaith

In a world full of temporary things, you are a perpetual feeling.

Grace's pov

The next day...

All fourteen members of Bangtan Sonyeondan were sitting at a rather long table in a meeting room. Abby and Dari were sitting next to me as we waited in uncertainty because our manager just called a meeting out of the blue this morning.

The door opened and in walked Manager-nim holding some folders. Setting them down on the table and taking a seat, he let out a sigh. "So, how many of you are still currently attending school?" Abby, Dari, and I raised our hands. I took notice of Jungkook holding up his hand as well.

"In high school Jungkook. You are in college." our manager scolded him.

"Okay, so you three are going to be attending public school." Manager said.

Leaning forward, "Uh, I don't think so. I would like to continue my home schooling please."

He looked at me, "Sorry, but there will be no one to watch you. And we really value education, so this is the best that we can do." he said apologetically.

"What grade am I doing though?" I asked.

"You will be doing 10th grade with Dari of course." he said.

"Oh God no. I did Geometry last year. That was hell. I don't intend on going through hell again. I'm already doing all Junior year classes. So I would love it if you put me in the grade that I'm actually in please. I've always intended on graduating a year early and I don't plan on changing that now." I said seriously, not backing down.

Manager sighed, "All right. I'll talk to the principal." He stood up abruptly. Wow, this meeting was short. He walked towards the door, but turned back to me, "Oh and Grace, you'll have Niki as your classmate. And he will show you guys around the school." Wait a minute. I'm going to be Nishimura Riki's classmate? This is so cool!"

"Arraso." Abby, Dari, and I said with a bow. He left and all of us filed out after him. So, I'm starting public school next week, which is literally in two days. Holy shit! We have school in two days! We have to get supplies, books, backpacks, and our uniforms!

"Uh, guys we have a tinsy, weensy problem." I said.

They all stopped, "What?" Namjoon asked.

"We literally have NOTHING for school. No uniforms, supplies, books, or backpacks." I counted the items off with my fingers.

Jin's eyes widened, "We really have hurry then! Give me your sizes! I'll send an email out right away to order them." we quickly did so.

"I'll take these three out shopping for school supplies." Jimin offered.

"Sounds like a plan." Dari said, looking at Abby and I.

"Let's go!" Abby cheered.


*Time skip*

We finished shopping several hours later, and I was already excited for school. I picked super aesthetic items.

Abby and I lugged our stuff into our rooms. I set my stuff down and threw myself onto my bed. I wonder what it's gonna be like. Nobody better try to bully me. They don't know who they're messing with. I pray that both Dari and Abby are accepted. I swear if I see either one of them getting bullied...

I just overall was excited for this whole new experience. I can't wait to meet other kpop stanners! I started organizing my notebooks neatly. I added cute designs and named all my notebooks for all of the classes I'm taking. Once I finished that, I walked out of my room and sat on the balcony to read some fanfics for the rest of the night.


First day of school...

Abby, Dari, and I walked with linked arms towards the large school building called Hanlim Arts High School, a school that many idols have graduated from. We walked across a large courtyard, seeing some basketball hoops on either side.

There were some stares and whispers as we passed by people. I mean, I don't blame them for whispering. It's not everyday you have three foreign students.

"I'm nervous." Abby whispered in English.

"My palms are so sweaty. I'm glad we aren't holding hands." I whispered back.

"Same." Dari added.

"Yah! Grace-daesang!" I let go of their arms to look and see who was calling my name. Finding the source of the voice, I saw Niki run up to us, backpack slung over his shoulder. "Annyeong, daesangs." he said with a bow.

"Annyeong, sunbae." We bowed in reply.

"Manager-nim told me I'm to show you around, so come along. You'll really like this school." Niki smiled cutely, walking ahead of us. The tour took about an hour and a half, and sure enough, we were impressed and instantly fell in love with the school.

After the tour, Niki gave us our locker numbers, "Grace-daesang's locker is next to mine. Come on, I'll show you." he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me away.

I looked back over my shoulder and waved to Dari and Abby. "See you at lunch!" I called out. Niki guided me through the crowd of high school students chattering gaily. He eventually stopped at a long wall lined with lockers.

"This one is mine and this is yours." He said, pointing.

I blushed, realizing he was still holding my hand. He noticed too because he quickly dropped my hand and a pink hue came onto his cheeks. "Ah, arraso. Gamsaminda, Niki-sunbae." I thanked him.

"You can call me oppa." Niki said boldly.

"Jinjja?" I asked, surprised.

"Of course." He replied. I opened my locker, and paused. Turning to Niki, "Um, so I've like never been to public school, so what do I put in my locker and what do I keep in my bag?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Well, our first class is Algebra II, so leave your other textbooks and just bring your notebook, math book, and supplies of course. You'll come back for your next class."

I groaned, "Math first thing in the morning? Ugh."

Niki patted my back, "Yeah, I get it. Math sucks."

"Couldn't agree more. Let's go."

I followed Niki to our classroom, and waited patiently on the side for the teacher. "Good morning, class." a cheerful woman who must be our teacher walked in. Her eyes landed on me and she smiled warmly, "Oh, and you must be our new student from the US."

"Ne." I replied with a bow, smiling shyly.

"Well, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" she asked. "I'm Mrs. Shin by the way."

"Arraso, Shin-seonsaengnim." Taking a deep breath before walking to the front of the classroom. "Annyeonghaseyo jeoneun Grace iminda. Naneun migug-eseo wassgo naneun yeol-ilgob sal-ida. (Hello, my name is Grace. I'm from America and I'm 17 years old.)

"Annyeong." the class chimed in reply.

"Grace, would you like to take a seat beside Niki?" Mrs. Shin asked. I heard the collective gasp among the females when she said this.

"Joh-ayo." I replied with a nod, walking to my seat. Taking a seat next to Niki, I set my bag down and got out my books and pencil case.

"Alright, students. Open your book to page 96 please." Mrs. Shin told us.

Flipping through the pages until I landed on the correct page, I inwardly groaned when I saw the words Imaginary Numbers. Pouting, I opened my notebook and got out a pencil. Math class was extremely boring, at least with imaginary numbers you can use calculators, cause if not, I would've been screwed.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Most of the students scrambled to flee the classroom, rushing out into the hallway. I calmly put my stuff up, and waited for Niki so that we could go to our next class.

"The next one is World History." he groaned. "I hate history." he said passionately.

I gasped dramatically, "How could you not like history? I love history."

He gave me a what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you look, "You love history. Is your brain ok in there?" he asked, knocked on my forehead.

Swatting his hand away with a grimace, "My brain is perfectly fine, Niki-oppa." I said, tilting my chin up at him. "Maybe your brain is the one that needs to get checked."

He started walking away, "Yah! Wait up, Niki-oppa. You can't leave me!" I cried, walking after him. He ignored me, "Wait until PD hears about this!" I threatened, hands on my hips. He stopped then and turned around, an annoyed look on his face. "Fine." he said with a huff.

I caught up to him and we started walking down the hallway. I was having to work even harder to keep up, considering the fact he's almost a foot taller than me and has longer legs. Not to mention the heavy af backpack I have.

Niki seemed to take notice because he stopped. He gestured for me to turn around, which I did, but not before giving him a quizzical look. He gently took my backpack off of me and slung it over his shoulder, resuming walking again. Why does this feel like a high school kdrama?

"Why do we have to learn about history anyways?" Niki asked no one in particular.

"If we don't learn about things that happen in the past, then we're bound to repeat history. World War I and II are perfect examples. It's the sad truth about humanity. So, we must learn because we're cursed to repeat it if we don't." I answered thoughtfully, looking up at him.

He seemed to consider this because he didn't answer immediately. "That makes sense." he looked down at me, "You're really smart. And you have depth to you. So many girls here are shallow and fake af." I let out a giggle at him using an English acronym for cursing. "Jay taught me." he said proudly.

I burst into laughter at that, "What?" Niki asked, confused. "What's so funny?"

"It's funny because I'm not surprised Jay taught you an acronym for cursing. It's rather cute." I replied with a giggle, going on my tiptoes and poking his cheek.

"Yah! Don't touch my cheek! I'm not a baby!" Niki pouted. Says the guy who's the baby of an idol group. His face changed to concern, "Wait, did you say curse word?"

"Yeah." I replied, was I not clear enough?

"Jay just told me it was something you say after something is like, horrible af. He didn't tell me it was a curse word! And I've been saying it all the time!" Niki looked a mixture of embarrassed and mad.

Bursting into another fit of laughter, "Wait, you've just been saying af willy nilly?"

"Yeah." Niki answered, still visibly angry. "I'm so gonna get Jay when I get get home."

Patting him on the shoulder, "If Engenes knew that you were saying that, not having an idea of what you were actually saying, they'd die. You shouldn't be embarrassed, it's actually pretty cute." I said, nudging him a little in the side.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, really?" I replied with a smile. "Now, let's get to history!" I cheered.

Niki let out a laugh before pushing open the door for me, "Ladies first." he said with a wink.

"Wow, such a gentleman." I said with a smile.

Niki entered after me and led me to our seats. He set my bag down beside me and then walked to over to his side. We were about ten minutes early to class, so Niki put his earbuds in and played music. I then heard whispering commence.

I looked over discreetly and saw a small gaggle of girls together, with their attention on a girl in the middle who had way to much makeup on for my liking. And she's Korean, and Korean girls are already drop dead gorgeous, so they literally need little to no makeup.

"Did you see that girl walk in with Niki?" a brown haired girl asked the way to much makeup girl.

"Soo-Young, of course I saw. I was facing the door when they walked in giggling and smiling at each other." makeup girl said rudely. What a bitch.

"Oh, right. Sorry, Yeri." Soo-Young said, face downcast.

Another girl with jet black hair said, "I wonder if they're dating."

The girl beside her agreed, "Yeah, they look super cute."

"No, they don't! And of course they're not dating, Taeyon." Yeri snapped back.

"How do you know?", Taeyon asked.

"B-because I just know." she stuttered in reply.

"I saw her in the school yard with two other girls and when Niki saw them, he ran straight to that girl, and said hi to her first. They must be dating." the jet black haired girl said.

"Oh, hush up with your nonsense, Ha-ri. He's not dating her, he's just waiting to realize that I'm the one for him." she said with a hair flip. I wanted to throw up at her comment. Aish, when did this become a cheesy high school movie.

She looked at me with a glare, and I quickly adverted my eyes, "I'll have to teach her lesson for associating herself with my future boyfriend."

"What will you do if she doesn't stop?" Ha-ri asked.

Yeri gave her look of disgust, "Publicly humiliate her, harass her, beat her up." I tried not to laugh as I looked at Yeri. She isn't scrawny, but I've never seen any Korean girls her age muscular at all. I bet I could lift her up with ease. She doesn't stand a chance against me. "She'll then learn who's the queen of this school." That's it.

I sat up in my chair, "Okay, I just want to let everyone know who is thinking of bullying me or any of my friends. You don't know who you're messing with. Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't kick ass." I started to give them my resume. "I was a gymnast for ten years, quit when I was training for level ten. I can bench press 60 pounds, dead lift 90 pounds, and leg press 150 pounds. So, I can guarantee that, even if you get a hit, you'll hit the ground before you even know what's coming. Trust me, don't fuck with me."

I didn't realize that Niki was watching the whole thing go down. "Also," I paused, looking at Yeri and her group of girls. "I hate bullies, so if I see you bully anyone else, expect me to defend them. While I'm here, you won't get away with bullying for very long. And Yeri, maybe you should think before you speak. You never know who is listening. Also, I don't really know how Niki can be waiting to realize that you are the one for him. It really doesn't make any sense. You sound like the dumb blonde of every high school movie that has ever existed." satisfied for shaking things up a bit in this school on my first day, I got out my books.

Before Yeri could even respond, our teacher walked in. Everybody went to their seats and got their stuff out. Niki leaned over to me, "That was badass." he said, surprisingly in English.

Blushing, "Oh, thanks. Also, good job on your English." I complimented him.

"Gamsaminda." he thanked me before turning his attention to the teacher.

We had two more classes after this one before we finally had lunch. Niki left his usual group of kids he sat with to go sit with Dari, Abby, and I.

"So, how was your day?" I asked them.

"Boring af." Abby said, mixing her food around lazily. I almost choked on my food because I remembered what Niki said.

"Math sucked, as always." Dari said, all of us agreeing. "But we did do World Geography, which I love."

I groaned, "Ugh, I suck at Geography. I once thought that Kentucky was right by Tennessee."

"Same." Abby agreed.

I then heard a familiar voice behind me. Turning slightly to look over my shoulder, I groaned, seeing Yeri and her group of girls who practically worshiped the ground she walked on. And they were sitting right behind us.

"What's wrong?' Dari asked, frowning.

Looking up from my kimchi fried rice and Korean beef, "Oh, those girls are in my class. They're the popular girls." I said mockingly.

"Why does that girl have on so much damn makeup?" Abby asked, looking disgusted.

"I thought the exact same thing." I replied. "I have literally no idea."

Poor Niki was having to sit there through all of this, not really able to eat his food in peace. Between the annoying, shrill chatter of the girls behind us, to Abby, Dari, and I talking about random things. Maybe he's used to it since he has a sister.

"I just ignore them." Niki said blankly.

"I feel like I'm living in every cheesy high school movie ever." Dari said, wrinkling her nose.

"Girl, same." I replied before taking a bite of kimchi.

"We have to learn so many dances in just a few months its not even funny." Dari complained.

"Well, at least we already know some of them. I mean, I already know ON, Butter, PTD, Dynamite, Dope, Boy With Luv, and Mic Drop choreography." I said, blowing on my rice.

"I know all of those except for Mic Drop and Dope." Abby said.

"Same.", Dari added.

"How many do you have to learn?" Niki asked, curious.

"We have to learn Fake Love." I started.

"You have to learn Fake Love?! Wow, that one's really hard. Good luck." Niki butted in.

"Yeah." I replied. "We also have to learn DNA, Fire, Anpanman, I have a duet dance with Jungkook for Euphoria, Dari has a duet with Jimin for Filter, Faith has a duet with Taehyung for Singularity." I paused, "Do you want to know all of them?"

"Yeah, lunch is pretty boring most of the time, so this seems interesting." he answered.

"Arraso. We also have Save Me, Danger, Idol, and Black Swan. And that's it." Niki was speechless.

"Good luck is literally all I can say." Niki stated.

"Hey, guys. What are you talking about." I heard a voice say from behind me, that sounded overly sweet, making me want to vomit.

It was Yeri *sigh* and then she put her hand on my shoulder, "Girl, get yo hand off me." I swatted her hand away.

"Why, Grace. Why would you do that to me?" she said sweetly.

"Yeri, I heard everything you said about Grace and what she said back to you. I'm not dumb." Niki told her, narrowing his eyes.

She seemed taken aback, "Oh, Niki. That was a just a joke, it really meant nothing. Right, girls?" Yeri sent a smile at them, but her eyes were threatening. All of the girls nodded enthusiastically. Damn, she has those girls wrapped around her finger.

"Well, it was a pretty bad joke." Dari said.

"Like it straight up sucked. Jokes are supposed to be funny. If you were trying to be funny by threatening our friend, you need to go back to second grade and relearn what a joke means." Abby shot at her.

"Niki, I never knew you to hang around such rude girls." Yeri said in a sophisticated manner, delicately placing her hand on his shoulder.

"They're not rude." Niki retorted.

"Then why are they talking to me in this manner when I have been nothing but kind to them?" Yeri asked.

"Because we can see through your bullshit." Abby stated bluntly.

"Yeah, We kinda have this thing called discernment. We can sense when people are being fake af, like you are right now." Dari added with sass.

"Well, I-" Yeri started but I cut her off, "Girl, why don't you go back to your table. We are trying to eat in peace and just you being here disturbs it." I couldn't really say that the energy that her spirit was giving off was making my skin crawl. She wouldn't get it, hell it'd probably just go right over her pretty head.

Letting out an annoyed huff, she stomped over to her table and sat down, crossing her arms with a pout.

"Well, that's an immature teenager if I've ever seen one." Dari said with a roll of her eyes, taking a sip of her drink.

"Let's just shake her off. Just shake it off." I said, shaking my body a little; both Abby and Dari did the same.

"Yea, I'm not gonna let a girl like her ruin our first day of school." Abby said sternly.

We finished eating and continued on with our school day. It was a fun, new experience, but I sure was thankful to get the hell out of there when the bell rang. Abby, Dari, and I were going to meet each other at the main gate when school was over. I stood up to stretch quickly and was about to pick it up when Niki swooped down and picked it up instead.

Looking up, our eyes met. "Let me carry it, it's pretty heavy anyways with all the books." Niki said cheerfully.

"O-oh okay." I replied with a stutter, following him.


Abby's pov

Dari and I were waiting at the main gate for Grace so that we can go to HYBE so that we can start learning our dances.

"Hey, look." Dari nudged my side with a smirk on her face, then pointed at Grace...and Niki? Wait a minute. Niki and Grace were walking together, smiling and laughing together, Grace's bag slung over his shoulder. I swear they looked like a couple.

"Looks like we're gonna have to come up with some ship names for those two." I joked.

"I agree. I can't wait to tease her." Dari said, a mischievous twinkle in eyes.

Grace noticed us and grinned wildly, waving, before turning her attention back to Niki. When they reached us, Grace reached out for her backpack, but Niki refuse, "I'll walk you, Gr- I mean guys to your car. Then I'll give you your bag."

"Oh okay." Grace nodded. I couldn't help but take notice of how Niki almost said 'Grace' instead of guys.

It was rather adorable to be honest. Dari and I walked behind Niki and Grace, who were chattering like magpies.

"When you roasted Yeri in front of the whole class, I died. It was so funny." Niki grinned widely.

"I know right! She seemed so shocked to have someone stand up to her." she responded with a giggle.

"And you cussed. I was absolutely shocked. You seemed like a good girl." he said.

She let out a snort, "A good girl? Hah! That's cute."

"Are you saying you're not a good girl." Niki looked down with a smirk.

"Plead the fifth." she turned her head away defiantly.

"Plead the fifth?" he asked, confused.

"It's something you say in US court if you don't want to answer a question. You're wavering your rights to be silent." she explained.

"Ah, geugeon uimiga lol (that makes sense lol)." Niki replied.

"Yeah." she replied, sticking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Ugh! I hate uniforms!" Dari yelled in complaint.

Grace looked back, "Yeah! Like why can't we be our own person and be fashionable?" she flipped her hair haughtily.

"I personally don't care." Niki said simply.

"Well, you don't have to wear skirts that go mid thigh for any perverted guy to look under." Grace retorted.

"Yeah, I guess." he shrugged in response. We arrived at Minji's car, and I slid into the front seat with Dari sliding in the back seat behind me.

Grace slid in beside Dari, "Here you go." Niki handed her backpack to her and waved goodbye before shutting the door. Minji looked up from her phone and looked around.

"Um, I just heard a male voice." Minji looked at us suspiciously.

"Oh, that was just Grace's new boyfriend." Dari snickered.

"What! I-", Grace started in protest.

"Grace has a boyfriend on her first day. Wow, she's a lucky one ain't she?" Minji patted Grace's leg with a smile.

"Um, first of all, I would not just pick up a boyfriend on the first day of school for God's sake. And second, I DON'T HAVE A FREAKING BOYFRIEND!"

"Minji, she really doesn't. She's not even allowed to date until she's 18." I said.

"And out of the house." Dari added.

"Oh, okay. Lol." Minji started to back out of the parking lot.

"Like Niki would ever want to date me." Grace mumbled out.

Minji slammed on her brakes, making us all jerk, "Shit! Minji!" Grace yelped.

"Holy crap! Why on earth did you do that?" I cried.

Minji looked back at Grace, "Did you just say Niki? As in Enhypen Niki?" Grace nodded.

"Wait, so you were joking that Niki and Grace were dating?" Minji asked us.


"Wow, time to come up with ship names." Minji pulled out of the parking lot.

"Oh God." Grace groaned, hitting her head on the window (not hard tho).

"So, how about Joanniki?" Minji suggested.

"Ooh, that's a good one! What about Nishagrace?" Dari offered.

Grace face palmed, "Aish, ya'll are helpless."

"Aren't we all without Jesus?" I teased.

"Girl, I wanna slap you so bad right not." Grace retorted.

"But you still love me though." I grinned like a little girl.

"Yeah, you know I do. That's why I put up with you."

"Ah, I'm so glad we're bandmates. This is gonna be one heck of a journey." Minji sighed thoughtfully.

"It sure will be. I'm super excited for my duet with Jungkook!" Grace squeaked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, me too! I get to ballroom dance with Jimin!" Dari cried.

"I'm glad I don't have duet with Yoongi. That's just not our personality lol." I said.

"Yeah, I agree." Grace replied, looking out the window. We rode the rest of the trip to HYBE in silence, excitedly thinking about the upcoming dance rehearsals.


Tysm for reading! Sarangminda! Remember to vote, comment, and give this book a shout out! 

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