Imperfect Life: Arc 7

By CMGeee

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School is back in session and a new threat looms over Crys and her friends... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

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By CMGeee

School was only a few measly days away. Summer was finally drawing to a close.

Brandon and Crys were out shopping with Brandon's parents for last minute school supplies, though they had ditched Brandon's parents and went off to look around at the other, more interesting, shops in the little shopping area.

"I can't believe it's already junior year." Crys said as she and Brandon walked side by side at a contemplative pace.

"I can't believe it's already been a year." Brandon tacked on, just as casual as Crys.

"I hope this year isn't as terrible as last year." Crys said, her tone souring.

"Yeah," Brandon responded, "I really hope we don't have to deal with so much stuff this time around..." He sighed as he recalled a few of the more notable things that had occurred to them both. "Specifically the life threatening stuff. I'd like that to not happen again."

"Or you being taken." Crys said. She still felt quite uneasy about what had happened earlier that summer. She wasn't as horrified by now, given that she had had some time to settle, but she was still somewhat unnerved by the whole experience. It left an itch at the back of her mind that kept telling her that it could all happen again.

"That's not going to happen, Crys." Brandon said calmly, hoping to comfort his friend.

"I know, I know. We've been over it before." Crys murmured.

Brandon rolled his eyes. "More than a few times." He said, trying to be patient.

"Look, I'm just worried, okay? I know you said it's not gonna happen again, but what if it does? What if some new big bad goes after us? After you to get to me? I-I don't want anything bad to happen... or for you to disappear again..." Crys explained herself, letting some of her anxiety creep into her voice.

"I know." Brandon said, understanding. "I'm still here, aren't I? I promise I'm not gonna go without saying goodbye, you know that. I mean, I doubt this year's going to go perfectly. I'm sure those popular jerks are going to give us a hard time, and I mean, I don't think anyone would go after you. It's not like there's any big bad villain-y people around."

"Someone could always pop up." Crys said.

"I doubt it." Brandon replied. "Who else even knows you exist other than the people here?"

Crys took a second to think it over. "Yeah, I suppose that makes sense." She said, sounding a little less anxious. Just working through the vagues, even if just a small bit, helped quell her fear. "Still, I don't want something to happen to you again."

"I'll be fine, Crys. Like I said a million times before, that evil me is gone. He's trapped again and can't get out. I'd know if he disappeared, too, so we could prepare." Brandon said.

"It doesn't have to be him. I just mean in general." Crys replied.

Brandon gave a small grin. He was glad that Crys cared so deeply about him, though her seemingly constant worry as of late annoyed him a bit. "I'll be fine." He said again reassuringly.

Crys took a deep breath. "Alright." She said, just letting her worry go for the time being. She knew she'd just keep circling around and around if she didn't stop herself.

"Still though, junior year." Brandon changed the subject.

"Yeah, I know." Crys replied, a bit more chipper. "So, you think you'll go to the dance with me this year?" She said while nudging Brandon's arm.

Brandon looked at Crys and pulled his arm in closer so she'd quit nudging it. She had a teasing grin plastered on her face. "Bit early to think about that." He said.

"It'll take me all year to convince you." Crys joked.

Brandon shook his head and laughed a little. "Yeah, yeah." He said.

A little bout of silence crept back into their conversation. The two friends kept walking around. It was a nice day for it, too. A tad warm, though Brandon didn't seem to mind, still wearing his characteristic jacket. Crys, on the other hand, was just wearing her typical getup, minus her hoodie. A slight breeze would pass by every once in a while. It was just lovely.

"What do you think Emma and Tomas are up to?" Brandon asked, killing the quiet.

"Who knows." Crys replied. "Probably working on some invention or experiment or something."

"Who would've guessed?" Brandon replied sarcastically.

"I can't believe Tomas is into that kind of stuff. I just took him to be a sport-y type of guy."

"I mean, he likes video games and stuff."

"Yeah, but chemistry?"

"Emma's his girlfriend, I guess it just rubbed off on him."

Crys gave a little nod of agreement. Another little moment of quiet passed before Crys spoke up again. "Of course the two of them are going to ace their classes this year."

"Why wouldn't they? Emma's already said she could easily transfer into college if she wanted to." Brandon replied.

"You know, it's nice having smart friends." Crys said.

"Why?" Brandon asked, not disagreeing, but just curious to hear Crys' reasoning.

"Because they help me understand my homework." Crys said with a little chuckle.

"Y'know, we should all go hang out sometime soon. Maybe go watch a movie or go to that arcade ice-skating rink place." Brandon said.

"That could be fun." Crys said with a smidgen of excitement creeping into her tone. "Though I don't mind just hanging out with you." She added on, teasingly.

Brandon blushed a little. "Come on, Crys." He said sheepishly.

Crys chuckled. "It's just too easy." She smiled. "I do mean it, though." She tacked on.

"Please, I believe you." Brandon replied. "I mean, you put up with me all the time, and heck, you're even living with me until your parents come back. I really don't think you mind just hanging out with me."

Crys laughed a little again. "Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I like you... that and you're just fun to be around."

Brandon gave a little laugh of his own and shook his head. He was having fun. They both were.

Some more quiet set in. Neither of them minded it much.

"We should probably head back and check in with my parents." Brandon spoke up.

"Probably a good idea." Crys replied. "It's still kinda weird that they're not really your parents."

Brandon shrugged. "I mean, yeah. I just don't think about it much."

"I try not to." Crys said. "It's confusing and makes my head hurt."

"Then don't think about it."

Crys rolled her eyes and shook her head a little. She grabbed Brandon's hand. "Come on," she said, "let's go." She started walking back towards where Brandon's parents were, dragging Brandon along with her. She didn't let go of his hand as they walked together.

The rest of their shopping day went by smoothly. It wasn't a particularly heavy day out. It was still summer vacation, after all.

Later on that night, everyone was in their respective bedrooms. It was a bit late by this point, and everyone should have been asleep... of course, Brandon and Crys weren't asleep just yet, though.

It was a full moon out, which meant Crys was stuck in her werewolf form. She was pacing about her room thinking to herself. She had a bad feeling in her gut, and it kept her from getting any semblance of sleep. She quietly debated with herself for a handful of minutes before giving up and just walking over to Brandon's room. She peaked her head in through the door, and thankfully, Brandon was still awake and sitting on his bed. "Psst." Crys said to get her friend's attention.

Brandon heard Crys' noise and turned to look at her. He just saw her head rounding the corner in the doorway. It was kinda cute, in a way. "Hi." He said.

Crys walked in now that Brandon knew she was there. She made her way over to his bed and sat on it.

"I was going to go to sleep in just a few minutes." Brandon said. He shut his laptop and put it on the nightstand next to his bed. "What's up?"

"I..." Crys hesitated for a moment, "I just have a bad feeling."

"Again?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah." Crys replied quietly.

"I'm going to be okay, Crys. We've been over this." Brandon said.

"I know, I know..." Crys defended herself. "I just..." She quieted again, and a small tremble entered her voice. "If I was there, maybe it wouldn't've happened. I-I should have been there."

"Crys..." Brandon replied with sympathy.

"And I know we've been over this. I know it wouldn't have done a thing, but I-I just... I should have been there for you." Crys continued.

"Please, don't feel bad about it, Crys." Brandon said. "It's been over a month."

Crys sighed. She wanted to just forget about it. She really did. She hated worrying so much, but she couldn't help it. "I just feel so much... guilt over it." She said.

"It wasn't your fault."

"I should have done better."

"You did your best, and that's all that matters."

"I don't want anything to happen to you again."

"I can't promise that."

"I know..."

The two friends went quiet. Neither of them really knew what to say.

"Well," Brandon spoke up, "I'm here now." He gave a faint smile. "And if it makes you feel better, you can sleep here tonight."

Crys smiled. It did make her feel better. "Thanks." She said. She took a moment to think before continuing. "I uh... I'm sorry if I worry too much. I um..."

"You're just concerned." Brandon said for her. "I understand. Maybe after we get back into the school routine things will go back to normal."

Crys took a deep breath. "Yeah. I hope so." She gave Brandon one more smile, then laid down next to him once he got himself situated under the blankets.

The two of them then fell asleep, with Crys having one arm draped over Brandon. They both felt safe and at ease. Neither of them had to say how much they cared for one another.

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