Chapter 2

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Minor anxieties riddled everyone, though that was to be expected since it was just two days away until the start of school.

Crys had decided to go out for some fresh air, and to let Brandon have some peace and quiet for the first time since the skirmish earlier that summer. She hated the feeling of leaving her friend alone, but she knew she had to try and quit worrying so much somehow, so she decided the best way was to just go for a quiet walk and meet Tomas for some lunch.

Tomas made his way to the picnic bench that Crys was sitting at in the park. He had a paper bag in one hand that had his lunch in it. "Hey, Crys." Tomas said as he got closer to the table.

Crys looked back behind her and got up. "Hi, Tomas." She said warmly. "Thanks for joining me."

"No problem." Tomas said back as he sat down at the picnic table, sitting just across from Crys.

Crys sat back down. "I didn't realize it was going to be this nice out today." She said.

"It turned out to be the perfect day for this." Tomas replied.

"Yeah, a nice breeze, some clouds, not too hot, it's just perfect... so, what'd you bring for lunch?"

"Oh, I have a ham sandwich." Tomas replied, opening up his lunch. "And a few chips as well. What about you?"

"Well, I had a burrito, but I kinda ate it already... oops." Crys gave a small chuckle. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."

"That sort of ruins the idea of this being a picnic, don't you think?" Tomas teased.

"Well, I still have some grapes to eat." Crys said back with some wit.

Tomas shrugged. "I don't really mind. I'm just giving you a hard time."

Crys shook her head a little. "Of course." She said fondly.

"So, how have things been?" Tomas asked.

"Things have been pretty good." Crys replied. "I know we haven't hung out in a week or two, but things are going fine. Brandon's still okay. We're just a bit nervous about school starting up again. What about you and Emma?"

"We're good. Em wanted to make sure you were okay still after... well, you know, but she didn't want to be a burden or anything, so she didn't come with me."

"She wouldn't have been a burden at all. I would've loved to see her."

"Her words, not mine." Tomas said. "I should have specified that. Regardless, she felt like she would have been an awkward third wheel."

"Not at all. I know she's not the best at socializing, but I still like hanging out with her."

"I'll let her know you said that." Tomas said. He paused for a second as he ate some of his lunch. "You know, I don't know why you even want to talk with me of all people. I'm not the best at socializing either. I mean, you, Brandon, and Em are the only real friends I have, or had. Everyone else was just because I was one of the popular kids and my mother made me be 'friends' with them."

"I like talking with you." Crys replied. "It doesn't matter if you're not the best at socializing. You're still my friend. Besides, it's not like you completely fail at having a conversation."

"That's true." Tomas commented

Crys smiled.

"It's nice hanging out with you. I feel like I can talk about anything around you." Tomas continued.

Crys gave a little chuckle. "I mean, yeah. You know the things we've talked about on top of the Techno-Corp. Tower."

Tomas smiled a little. "Still, I wish I was better with people. Before I met you and Brandon, my mother basically drilled me into knowing what to say and how to act, so even if it looked like I was great with people I was just parroting what my mother told me to do."

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