Chapter 22

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Crys startled awake and sat upright in bed. She took a moment to breathe and regain her composure as she stared down at her bed. Once she got over the startle, she looked up only to have her heart drop. Seinhou was back. It had only been two days since she and Brandon had had their chat on the rooftop of Techno Corp., and now it was back to this. She glared at Seinhou, silently wishing he would just disappear.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, did I startle you?" Seinhou said in an almost mocking tone, clearly just trying to be cruel.

"What now?" Crys muttered, not dignifying Seinhou's cruelty with any acknowledgement.

"Well, putting our little back and forth to the side for tonight, I need you to tell me about two little problems of yours." Seinhou said bluntly yet threateningly.

"What, too stupid to figure out my entire life? Maybe you did just screw up the dosage of that drug you gave me after all." Crys said back with an aggressive sass.

Seinhow scowled and ever so slightly raised his weapon just to remind Crys who was in charge. "Unfortunately, the two things I need information about are solely your own fault. Any and all information gathered by your guardian angel is locked up tight, and will most likely stay with him to his grave. That leaves you as my only other source." He said with just a tinge of anger to his tone.

Crys scoffed. "You know I won't talk." She remarked.

"Well, if I do recall correctly, one of your human friends was taken captive by one of your mistakes, so perhaps I should just ask her." Seinhou threatened.

Crys tried to put two and two together, but her tired state left her struggling. "No one else knows anything!" She exclaimed, getting defensive.

"Even your boyfriend?" Seinhou followed up, menacingly.

"I leave him out of everything I can." Crys snarled.

"I suppose he wasn't involved with that cult, nor the robot..." Seinhou pondered aloud.

"That's what you want to know about?" Crys asked, almost dumbfounded. "The Mecha-Werewolf and The Pack?"

"Near-sentient computers and lycanthrope cults are not to be trifled with." Seinhou said firmly.

"Let's put it this way," Crys said, getting snooty, "The Pack were all delusional and I beat up their leader to shut them up, and as for that stupid robot, it framed me then I exposed it on TV and stopped it. Happy? Can I go back to bed now?" She didn't much care about keeping those facts secret. They weren't all that important to her, and there wasn't much to say about them either... and she really did want to go back to sleep.

Seinhou was taken by surprise. It took him a moment to register Crys' sudden candor. "Why so open?" He asked carefully.

"To get you to leave me alone!" Crys shouted. "There's nothing interesting about any of that stuff so just go away!" She continued, getting audibly angry.

"Has there been any activity from the former cult?"


"Where is the robot?"

"I don't know!"

"What did you do with it?"

"I got rid of it!"

"It's gone, that's all I know! It's gone for good, now quit!"

Seinhou sat back in the chair and clenched his jaw. He was getting nowhere and he knew it. He couldn't quite figure out if Crys was being truthful or difficult. "Why are you being so open?" He asked again, much harsher than the last time.

Crys grunted with frustration. "Just leave me alone!" She snapped back in fury.

"Perhaps your boyfriend will be more cooperative!" Seinhou threatened again, continuing his harsh tone.

"Leave him out of this! You're just frustrated that you and your fancy organization don't know anything and can't figure out anything either! You act so high and mighty, but you can't do anything! You-" Crys would have kept going, but she was overcome with exhaustion and passed out mid-sentence. If she was still conscious, she would have been proud to see just how frustrated Seinhou looked. She had gotten under his skin and broken his composure, but of course, she wouldn't never get the satisfaction of knowing that.

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