Chapter 19

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Crys gasped for air as she suddenly regained consciousness.

Brandon jumped back a bit, startled by Crys.

Crys sat upright and looked around, horrified. Her eyes settled on Brandon, and after a few seconds of blank staring she started to cry.

Brandon didn't know what to expect next. He stayed frozen in place, still on edge from what just happened.

Crys suddenly lunged forward and enveloped Brandon in a hug. "I'm sorry!" She exclaimed through her tears. "I'm so so sorry! I-I didn't mean to! I- Brandon- Please! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." She sobbed, feeling a crushing sense of guilt.

Brandon was taken aback, shocked by the sudden onslaught of sorrow and the weight of a werewolf put onto his shoulders.

"I-I couldn't control myself!" Crys kept saying through the tears. "I-I wasn't able to do anything! I couldn't think! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I tried to- b-but-" She broke down even more, becoming incomprehensible from how distraught she was.

Brandon took a few more seconds to recover from the shock, then he put his arms around Crys. Whatever was going on, he figured it probably wasn't Crys' fault. He knew her too well. He let her cry. He let her keep apologizing over and over and over again. He just let her get it all out.

Several minutes later, once Crys had worked through most of her emotions, Brandon tried to ask her something.

"What happened?" He asked quietly, still somewhat nervous.

"I-I don't know." Crys mumbled, feeling terrible in every regard. "I w-was just doing whatever I thought of a-all d-day and I couldn't help it. I-I tried to stop myself when I was mean to Em-ma a-and when I was about to fight Connor, b-but I couldn't do it. A-and then I almost- I almost..." She started to tear up again, the guilt of what she almost did weighed on her severely.

"You didn't do it, Crys." Brandon said with certainty.

"I-I had to stop myself." She said in reply. "I saw my hand g-going towards you and I-I had to stop myself. I-I couldn't..." She trailed off again.

"Are you okay?" Brandon asked calmly after a brief period.

Crys just started to cry again. It was a very clear no. "I'm so sorry." She murmured again in guilt after a few minutes.

"Do... Do you think you're able to control yourself again?" Brandon asked, concerned for his well being.

Crys thought for a moment, and by thinking, she realized that the answer was: "Yes." She said quietly.

"Good..." Brandon said, mostly to himself, letting some of his worries go.

"I couldn't control myself all day." Crys murmured again. "I-I tried so hard, but a-any time I tried, I- my head just hurt so much and... and I'm so sorry, Brandon. I'm so sorry."

"I-it's okay, Crys." Brandon said. He was still pretty shaken up, but trying his best. "How did, er, why- why couldn't you control yourself?" He asked, struggling to form the question the right way.

"I-I don't know." Crys said back, horrified. "I-I just woke up today and..." She trailed off.

"What is it?" Brandon asked out of concern.

"Last night, Seinhou, he showed up again. H-he had some sort of gun looking thing with a needle and vial..." Crys started to piece things together. "H-he said he was going to test me." Her voice was hollow. "He did this to me..." She whispered. "He almost made me..." She couldn't say anything else. She was in too much shock to process anything else.

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