Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

39.9K 319 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

979 11 0
By srosee2000

"Ave, you ready?" Summer asked knocking on the door. Darren had stayed the night so the three of them could just head to the airport.

"Yea, are they here?" Avery asked opening the door then grabbing a couple of things .

"My mom said they landed at 320 so I'm just going off that".

"Okay, let's go then".

They grabbed their bags and locked up before leaving. They'd be in Niagara Falls for almost the entire week. Avery and Summer had asked to have two days plus the weekend to review for the remainder of their midterms.

"Hi, you all ready?" Susanna asked as she and Spencer got off the plane.

"Yea. You guys didn't have to come get us. Niagara is the other way" Summer said hugging them first.

"We wanted to get there together, don't worry about it. Darren, nice to meet you" Spencer said shaking his hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Young. Summer and Avery have told me a lot about you".

"Well they flatter me so I spoil them. Just Spencer, please. You ever been to Niagara Falls?"

"I have not, pretty excited".

"Good, let's get going. Get on the plane, we'll get the bags" Spencer said and the three women went to the stairs.


"We will get the cars and I've called ahead to the Airbnb, we can't check in yet so we'll grab some food" Spencer said when they got off the plane.

"Thank you honey" Susanna said as he started to walk away but stopped.

"Darren, let's go".

"Oh me too sir?"

"Yes" he said then spoke again when they were a few feet away "Susanna and Summer are my world. Over the last few years, Avery has become like a daughter to me as well".

"I understand sir".

"Mhm, so I expect the women in my life to be treated quite well. They shouldn't have to be concerned with things they don't need to be".

"Avery is quite independent sir, and from what I've seen, so is Summer. They don't exactly fit the old fashioned role".

"I never said anything about independence, I love that they're independent. My wife runs a business, I hope my daughter will take on her own challenges in her life and career as well. That's things they want to do. Something like this, getting a trip planned or making sure there's a place to stay and rental cars, my wife has not even asked because it should be done. I don't think that's old fashioned. Get it".

"Yes, I got it".

"Good. You spend a lot of time at the apartment I'm assuming?" Spencer asked and Darren nodded "thought so. Can I ask you something in confidence?"

"Of course".

"Since the breakup, truthfully, how has Summer been? I know it's been some time but still".

"Uh she's been okay. She's been out a few times but I don't think she's moved on".

"Mhm" Spencer nodded and that was it.


"This is great, we get to spend a week in Boston" Joshua groaned playfully as he and Eleanor got in Connor's car.

"You said you wanted to see me and I can't get off work".

"If this is the price I pay to see my best friend, fine".

"I wish you had a girlfriend, I can't third wheel on another trip" Eleanor groaned.

"I technically have a girlfriend".

"I don't mean whatever airhead you picked up this week".

"She's not wrong" Joshua laughed.

"I know you're not, trust me I'm not thrilled about the relationship. It was sex, I accidentally fell asleep at her apartment. I woke up to breakfast and didn't have the heart to tell her. That being said, I told her you were coming into town so I wouldn't see her for a few days, she invited herself for dinner tonight" he said and Joshua and Eleanor groaned together.

"Isn't that just perfect. What's her name?"

"Trina. Or Tina".

"You don't know?" Eleanor asked.

"I have a strong feeling that it's Trina. Like I said it was sex, there was no obligation to remember".

"Right. Back to your old self then".

"Baby, that's harsh" Joshua said.

"Am I wrong? Is this not how you acted after you and Kira broke up?"

"I get it El, you think guilting me into admitting that I want more than this is supposed to flip a switch. Maybe it shouldn't and I'm okay with that. If putting up with a few obnoxious girls and sex means I don't have to navigate the ticking time bombs that have been my relationships, then that's enough".

"Fine, if you say so".

"Anyways. Did you want to pick up food on the way?"

"Yea, why not" Joshua nodded as they continued their drive.


"So why don't we go out tonight" Avery suggested as she and Summer sat in a room.

"Out where?"

"Anywhere with drinks. Your parents already said they're gonna have their own dinner, so we're free".

"I could use a drink, sure".

"Good. We'll have fun, don't worry" Avery said and Summer nodded, she could use it. She'd been thinking about Connor less and less since the breakup but it's not easy to forget when she's seen him with multiple women since. She wanted to have fun this trip, it's not like things were changing back home. That's not to say she hasn't done anything, she just hasn't gone the whole nine yards.

About an hour after Susanna and Spencer left, the three of them got ready and left for a club they found nearby. It was fairly classy too so they decided to just get food there.

They went inside and found a little table to sit at while Darren went to the bar to get drinks and order some food.
"See anything you like?" Avery asked.

"Don't say it like we're shopping for clothes" Summer laughed.

"I'm just saying, all you need is a pretty face and a good body to get laid" Avery laughed and Summer rolled her eyes playfully as she joined in "so?"

"Yea, it's a pretty solid 6/10 average in here".

"Good. Drinks first then we dance".


They had ordered in for dinner and soon after the food arrived, there was a knock on the door. Connor got up to answer while Eleanor offered to take plates to the dining table.

"Hi, I'm Eleanor. This is my fiancé Joshua" Eleanor introduced them "it's nice to meet you".

"You too, I'm Tina. Connor said you guys were coming out, I hope it's not a problem that I'm here for dinner".

"Not at all, Tina, the more the better. Let's sit" Eleanor said, shooting a glare at Connor as Tina passed them.

"So how's this going?" Joshua asked, Connor and Eleanor could hear the slight teasing in his tone but Tina didn't know any better.

"Really good, pretty fun and casual right now but I'd say I'm happy with it" Tina smiled.

"What do you do for work?"

"I'm a photographer, weddings, birthdays, whatever".

"Oh okay, how do you like that?"

"It's good. My parents aren't thrilled but it's a passion of mine".

"Don't take this judgmentally, it's not meant to be, but is this the career you've settled on?" Eleanor asked.

"Yes, it's super fun and creative. I don't have to go back to school, thank god. I just think it's a right fit for me. What do you do for work?" She asked Eleanor.

"Oh, I don't work. I used to be a teacher but now I just tutor which isn't exactly a job, I just love helping kids learn. Um, I don't really need to work because of his career so I don't stress myself out with the red tape of the school system".

"Oh I get it, that's kind of what it's been like with us. You know, dating Connor has taken the stress off of it from my parents".

"Um, what do you mean?" Joshua asked as the three of them shared a confused expression.

"Just that I don't have to stress when my man has money" she laughed and Eleanor gave Connor a look.

"Oh wow, okay. Well if it's passion, don't give it up for any relationship" Eleanor said and she nodded.

"Yea of course not. So you guys are coming from Texas?" Tina asked.


They spent a good portion of the night moving between the bar and the dance floor then at some point Summer had split from them and went her own way. She was currently dancing with a man named Tony . He was tall, brown hair, a matching beard, not too bad. He wasn't anything special, but at this point Summer didn't care, what the hell was she holding out for anyways. That being said, she didn't fight him or oppose when he suggested she followed him to the bathroom. It was that, the car, or home with him and she was never leaving a club with a stranger.

Tony locked the door and turned to her. He grabbed her waist and kissed her slowly.
"I guess I'm lucky running into you" he said kissing her neck as his hands moved along her curves and ass.

"I don't want small talk".

"Good, I didn't have any" he smirked before turning her to face the mirror. He unzipped her dress just enough to pull it down over her boobs.
She moved her ass against his covered erection while his hands squeezed her boobs and he pulled at her hardening nipples.

"Mhm baby" Tony moaned as she turned and grabbed his dick. She moved her hand along the length and he leaned forward with his lips not even an inch from hers but he could only focus on her hands.
She stopped when he was completely hard then he opened the condom to put on.

Tony pulled her dress up to her waist and let her take her underwear off then lifted her into his arms, her back against the wall.
He licked his fingers and Summer moaned lowly. She reached between them guiding his dick to her until he penetrated her slowly.

"Oh fuck, feel good baby?" Tony asked as he started moving.

"Mhm, fuck me" Summer moaned. Was it bad? Not at all. Was it the best? No, but it had been so long since she last had sex so it would do for tonight.

"God, you're so fucking hot" he moaned kissing her chest. Her arms wrapped his shoulders and she moaned in his ear as he moved.

They continued for a while, before Summer reached between them to rub her clit. She knew she was close and she wasn't interested in prolonging an orgasm.

"D-don't stop, fuck. Just like that" she breathed out, her chest moving up and down. Tony obliged and continued until she pushed her head back into the wall and her back arched.

"Oh shit. Mhm baby, it's coming" he groaned before shooting his cum into the condom.

When he finished he pulled out and set her legs down slowly. Summer let him kiss her once before moving towards the mirror. She wet a napkin and cleaned off best she could for right now before fixing her dress.

"Want me to walk you back?" Tony asked.

"I can find my way. I appreciate it though".

"Sure. It was nice meeting you Summer".

"Likewise" she smiled before he left the restroom and she locked it behind him. She spent another five minutes cleaning up and reapplying some makeup before leaving herself.

She went to the bar, coming into sight of Darren and Avery who danced.
"Can I get a gin and tonic please?" She asked the bartender.

"Of course. One second".


Dinner had ended a couple of hours ago so after cleaning up, the four of them just sat and talked until they called it a night. Tina had asked to stay and since he could get to work a little later than usual, he told her she could. That way he could tell her she had to leave at a certain time.

"Good night" Joshua said as he and Eleanor started towards the guest room.


"What did you think about Tina?" Eleanor asked.

"I think she's just a fling, just like the last few have been. I love that you care about him, but you can't be angry that's he's trying to move on".

"He's not moving on babe, you can't move on from someone you still have feelings for. Especially feelings that he won't address".

"He did say you told him you thought he was in love".

"He is in love. You're not gonna say anything?"

"When he's in his relationship mindset, I encourage him to not be a dick to his girlfriends and do all the boyfriend duties and stuff. When he's not in that mindset, there's nothing I can do. I know this is his way of coping and distancing himself from it and it works for him".

"Yea until he finds someone he does have feelings for or even gets back with Summer, then he'll just spiral again if that ends. That's not what I would call working, I would call that a cycle".

"So what do you want me to say El, 'hey man, you know the student you have feelings for and can't date. Yea, you should spend more time dwelling on that and leave the rest of these hoes alone'. I don't think that would do any good".

"You're mocking me, but fine Joshua" Eleanor said, rolling her eyes and turning over.

"I'm not trying to mock you and I'm not trying to sound like I know better. I'm just saying that I think he does better when he's not in his head. We learned that with Kira".

"Okay, you're probably right".

"I'm not asking you to leave it alone either, just maybe try to ease up" he said and she turned around and kissed him.

"Good night baby" she said.

"Good night".


"Good morning, you all look pretty hungover" Spencer laughed as they got downstairs.

"Yet for some reason, you're still yelling" Summer groaned sitting next to him before he kissed her head.

"I know. So I'll let you rest for a few hours but we'll go to the waterfall today if you're up for it?"

"Yea, sounds fun" Avery said and they nodded.


"How was your night otherwise?" Susanna asked.


"And you made sure to have food with your alcohol, yes" she laughed.

"Yes mom, we ate dinner. What time do you guys wanna leave?" Summer asked.

"A few hours, no rush. I ordered in for breakfast so the foods in the kitchen".

"Thank you" Summer said then the three of them went to grab food.


"I liked your friends" Tina said as Connor opened her car door for her and they stood outside.

"Oh yea?"


"Look, Tina".


"I like hanging out with you, I just don't want to feel like I'm leading you on".

"What do you mean?" She asked with a red face.

"You invited yourself to dinner and then last night you were all "my man" and shit and talking way ahead of our uh relationship timeline and I just learned your name last night. I know that's on me and I'm a dick for that but I'm just not ready for a relationship".

"You're not ready for a relationship?" She asked through tears "what the hell have we been doing for the last week Connor?"

"Hanging out and sex. I'm sorry I let it get that far without any intentions of actually making this work".

"Did your friends say something? Why are you doing this?"

"No they didn't, this is on me. I just can't bring myself to give you what you're looking for and it's not you, you're a great woman and you're amazing to be around-".

"Don't give me that bullshit Connor" she sobbed while turning on the car and wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry Tina".

"Fuck you" she shouted, speeding off and making him jump out of the way. He barely watched her drive away before going back upstairs.

"Hey, I'm starting breakfast, pancakes. How many do you-?" Eleanor started asking but he just continued to his room.

"I'm not saying anything. I knew we shouldn't have pushed him" Joshua said.

"So it's my fault".

"Baby, I never said that. I don't even know what's wrong with him right now, I'm just saying. He'll cool off in a coupe of hours. Meanwhile, I'll help you with breakfast" he said kissing her cheek and grabbing a bowl for eggs.


Summer had taken a step away from Avery and Darren to check her phone. They had been there about an hour now. They took pictures and got some snacks too. Spencer and Susanna went a different way as to not crowd them so much, but they all agreed to meet for dinner.

"Quite the view" a man said, almost making her jump.

"Oh yea, it's very beautiful".

"I wasn't talking about the waterfall. James" he said holding out his hand.


"Well it's nice to meet you Summer, sorry if I startled you".

"No need to apologize, I got too caught up in my phone anyways. Wouldn't want to miss out on an attractive view" she smiled.
James was very attractive. His black buzz cut matched his nicely shaped facial hair and he had a small cut in his left eyebrow. He wore a tshirt which showed a minimal amount of tattoos, but they were nice. His jeans did great justice to his legs, clinging to them in all the right places.

"You have a beautiful smile".

"Thank you".

"Of course. So what are you doing here? Family vacation, girls trip, couples trip?"

"Just here with family and friends. Kind of wandered off to give my friend and her boyfriend some space".

"So you're on third wheel duties?" He asked with a small laugh.

"I guess so. What about you James?"

"My sister is having a destination wedding in two days. Tomorrow is the bachelor and bachelorette parties so today everyone decided we'd come here. And I mean everyone".

"Don't let me hold you up then".

"Trust me, I don't mind being held up here. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Philly, but I'm in Boston for a masters program".

"What are you studying?" James asked.

"Computer science. The plan is to be a software analyst".

"Wildly impressive, good luck".

"Thank you".

"Where do you go?"


"You got into the MIT graduate program. Scratch that last one, that is wildly impressive. Who knew I'd run into a genius".

"Stop it" she blushed and rolled her eyes.

"That's a big deal. How is the program going?"

"Good. Not too much left, just trying not to get burnt out".

"That's understandable".

"Mhm. What about you?" Summer asked.

"I run an accounting business for law firms on the east coast but I'm based in South Carolina".

"Oh wow. Law firms exclusively?"

"Yes ma'am. It's a very wide pool of clients and by keeping it all under the same umbrella of work, it's easier for my employees to keep up. Now I do group my employees to work on certain specialties which further allows things to run smoothly. They call me anal retentive, but I think it's makes the job easier and if and when we expand- sorry I'm rambling".

"Please don't apologize. I haven't had an intelligent conversation with a man in a while" she said and they laughed.

"Well I'm happy to help".

"What do you mean by expand, do you plan to just grow or open different locations?"

"Hopefully new locations, but we're fine now so I'm not rushing it".

"That's understandable, very impressive".

"Thank you. So how long are you here, Summer?"

"Three more days. Well, I leave Wednesday morning".

"And since your friend and her boyfriend are occupied with each other, what are your plans for dinner?"

"We're meeting up with my parents for dinner. Are you asking me to dinner?"

"I was, yes".

"Well I can't tonight, but can I rain check for breakfast".

"I would like that. I'll text you" James said holding out his phone for Summer to input her number.

"Okay. Bye James".

"Bye Summer, enjoy the rest of your day" he said and she smiled before he walked off.

"What the fuck was that?" Avery asked as she reached them.

"He asked me out".


"No, well yes, but we have the dinner so we're gonna get breakfast".

"Wow, Summer having a vacation fling".

"Shut up. It's just some fun".

"Uh huh" Avery nodded as she smirked at Summer.


Summer didn't mention anything about James at dinner with her parents. After talking about it some more, Avery and Darren agreed to go to make sure there wasn't anything strange, then they'd go their separate ways until Summer needed to be picked up.

They left the house and headed about ten minutes away to the restaurant James and Summer agreed on. They walked in together and after Summer spotted James at the table, Avery and Darren took another table.

"Hi, glad you showed up" James said as she sat across from him.

"Well I'm glad you texted. Good morning by the way".

"Good morning".

"So what's on the agenda for the bachelor activities?" Summer asked.

"I can't even tell you. The grooms brother planned all that, but I know there's alcohol in the plan so I haven't cared past that. What do you think about that for priorities?" He laughed.

"I don't blame you. Do you and him get along, the groom?"

"Yea we do, they've been together since he was 19 and she was 18 so it's been about seven years".

"That's cute. Well congratulations to your family".

"Thank you. So your friend, you must be real close for her and her partner to be on a family vacation with you".

"We are close, we've only know each other about six years now, but we've been best friends for all six of them".

"That's really nice. Does she live in Boston too?"

"Yea, we're both at MIT".

"Oh okay. So your friend and your parents are here, no siblings I'm assuming".

"Nope. An only child".

"Damn, so you wouldn't understand an eight kid household huh?" He laughed.

"You have seven siblings?"

"Yes, I'm the second oldest, then my sister that's currently getting married".

"Holy shit".

"You're telling me. It was a shit show growing up".

"I'm sure it was fun though, are you all close?"

"Yea, obviously I'm a little bit closer with the older ones of us, but we all get along pretty well for siblings" he said and Summer nodded.


"Holy shit" Joshua breathed out as he laid down beside Eleanor.

"Good morning to you too".

"Sorry, I couldn't help it beautiful" he smiled then kissed her cheek before getting up. He reached out his hand to help her out of bed. They threw on some clothes and went across the hall to the bathroom.

"Did he say anything last night?" Eleanor asked.

"Well he broke up with Tina. He also said that he's not upset at you and you don't have to walk on eggshells around him".

"I think you were right and I just don't want to push him anymore than I already have. Plus you came here to see him and I don't want to be the reason the trip is so tense" she said as Joshua wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"Trust me, you won't be. I think he got in his head, per usual, and just needed to cool off".

"You think so?"

"Yes, I'm sure he's good" Joshua said and she nodded then they continued their shower.

"Oh hey, you didn't have to cook" Eleanor said as she got into the main area. The TV was on and Connor moved around the kitchen, putting food into plates.

"No problem, I was up early".

"Figured. Um, so I talked to Josh and-".

"El, we're good, I promise. So I'm gonna go into the office around noon, y'all can take the car if you want to do anything and we can meet up for dinner or something tonight".

"Sounds good" Eleanor said and he nodded before Joshua joined them.


"Anywhere to be now?" James asked after the waiter brought his card back.

"Um, I don't think so".

"Is it too forward of me to ask you to come back to my hotel room?"

"I don't think it is, I definitely wouldn't mind".

"Good, let's go" he said standing up.
Summer texted Avery when they got to his car and sent her the address too. There was only a few days they would see each other so they didn't waste much time when they got there.

Summer laid back on the bed as he leaned over her and kissed her neck, her hands roaming around his back and into his hair.
James stood and took off his shirt and jeans while Summer did the same without getting off the bed. After she took off her bra, he bent down to kiss between her breasts and down her torso.

He hooked his fingers in her underwear and pulled them down her legs. She moaned as his tongue pressed against her clit then he licked down her pussy.

"God damn, baby. Give me a second" he said standing up and going into the bathroom. He came out a couple of minutes later without the underwear and wearing a condom. Summer moved onto the bed more and he followed, sitting between her legs.
Her legs rested over his thighs as he stroked himself a few times then slid into her, moaning loudly.

"Oh fuck, you feel so good" he groaned as he moved inside of her.

"Faster" she told him.

Summer squeezed his arms as his hands supported his weight on the bed by her waist. He moved steadily for a while until she pulled him down and turned them over.
James held her waist as she moved her hips, back and forth and up and down. Their moans filled the room and they knew they would be finishing soon.

"Oh- don't stop. I'm gonna cum" James moaned squeezing her hips.

"Mhm, I make you feel good huh?"

"Fuck, please baby".

"I know, I'm so close" she said bending down to kiss his neck. He groaned loudly as he began filling up the condom. His arms wrapped her back tightly until she finished too.

She moved to lay down and pulled the blanket over her chest after he got up.

"Want anything from room service?" James asked putting on his underwear and sitting on the bed.

"No thanks, I just texted my friend if that's alright".

"It is, I'm glad I got to see you again Summer".

"Me too" she smiled.

"So um, would it be okay if it texted you after this?"

"Sure, I would like that".

"Oh yea?"

"Mhm" she nodded as he bent down to kiss her then she got up to get dressed. About fifteen minutes later, Avery and Darren reached the hotel so she left.

"How was it?" Avery asked.

"It was fun, he's a nice guy".

"And? Sex?" Avery whispered.

"Pretty good. He asked if he could text me after this?"

"Like relationship type text".

"I honestly have no idea. I told him he could".

"So you'd do long distance?" Darren asked, pointing out the one issue.

"Hm, I don't know if I would".

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know. Maybe I was just trying to get my mind off something".

"Something like Connor?" He asked before Avery hit his arm.

"Duh Connor, babe. But you're not supposed to say it".

"No it's fine, if it's that obvious then I'm not doing a very good job of getting over him. I hate this" Summer groaned.

"Maybe James would be good. I mean you said you like talking to him, he was sweet and polite, interesting and you had good conversation. Plus you had a good time today. Don't rush into anything but don't hold back because of Connor" Avery said and she nodded.


"Thank you for the trip dad" Summer said hugging him first as they all got off the plane.

"You're welcome sweetheart, you enjoyed yourself right?"

"Yes, I really needed that".

"Well I'm glad".

"Thank you" Avery said hugging Spencer after Susanna.

"Of course, I'm glad you both could join us. And it was nice to meet you Darren" he said shaking his hand.

"Likewise, thank you for inviting me".

"Are you guys going straight home?" Summer asked.

"Yes, that's the plan. We'll call you when we get in" Susanna said.


"Don't burn yourself out with studying. Avery honey, when you know your graduation date, please let us know so we can take off of work" Spencer said.

"I will, thank you".

"Mhm. Drive safe" he said then they all said their final goodbyes and Summer, Avery, and Darren left.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Susanna asked.

"Yes, it would be better for everyone I think. Hold the plane for an hour please" he told the pilot who nodded.


"Come in" Connor said as there was a knock on his office door. He still opted to come in for office hours despite the break in classes, he could get some of his own work done with the time.


"Um, Mr. Young. How can I help you?"

"Please, spare me the formalities. Spencer".

"Of course".

"You have time to talk about Summer, Connor?"

"I can't talk to parents about students sir".

"You know I'm not here to talk about her performance in your course".

"Of course not. You also didn't need to come here to scold me again, I understood your concern" Connor said.

"I'm glad you did but this isn't concern, I want to give you a chance to help me understand. How did this all start? And please don't sugar coat things for me".

"I um, I kissed her".

"You kissed her. Why?"

"I was attracted to her, I wasn't thinking straight. She came here to talk to me one day and I overstepped".

"Then what?"

"That attraction never went away, I gave her my number to do with it whatever she wanted. Then she reached out to me and we started talking from there".

"Okay, did you ever discuss the fact that you were her professor?"

"Not really, we silently agreed to make it a point to keep the two very separate".


"Meaning outside of me helping her with studying, because it's my career, we didn't talk about grades or tests. I tried my best to never make it feel like our relationship gave her a one up in the classroom".

"That's good. Why did you prefer to keep it that way? I mean, it's not like you didn't see her in your classroom".

"Well I didn't want her to think our relationship was somehow tied to our professional relationship, like I would hold it over her head if something went wrong between us. I asked about it one time and she told me she didn't feel that way, so I guess for my own guilty conscience, I never brought it up again" Connor explained.

"You didn't fight me very hard when I did".

"I felt guilty, kind of like you had pointed something out to her that I tried to avoid and I didn't want her to resent me for it".

"My wife and I have had plenty of talks about it, mostly about how I've always known my daughter to be headstrong, confident, calculated, and most of all smart and self sufficient. I have to believe that what I saw prior to me finding out the other side of your relationship, how happy she was, was true".

"She made me happy, Spencer".

"I don't think I can just flip a switch on my stance, but I have to allow my daughter to choose this for herself. I want you to think about what you want, if it's not my daughter then fine, we go about our lives and you can be easy knowing that I don't hate you" Spencer laughed "but if it is then you need to talk to her. Summer is the best thing to ever happen to me and I want her to be happy. If that's you, then I'm okay with that. I can't imagine that she doesn't get everything she deserves because I flew off at the mouth. You've shown me that you know how to treat her and you will respect her. Do not choose today, really think about it, because if you choose her and you hurt her, we will have another conversation. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Thank you for talking with me".

"I think it took some weight off of both of us. Also I'm sorry for hitting you".

"Oh, water under the bridge Spencer" Connor said with a small smile as he stood up to shake his hand. Spencer returned the smile before leaving the office and going back to the car.

"So?" Susanna asked.

"Maybe I should've talked with him in the first place".

"Don't tell me you like him" she laughed.

"I never said that. I just think our daughter deserves to be happy and maybe she was right and he is that person to make it happen".

"Okay then. I called and ordered lunch, we'll pick it up on the way back to the airport" Susanna said before Spencer pulled off.

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