Tom Kaulitz

By vixeyyyy

550K 8.9K 18.6K

Kiara has just moved into a new town and its her first day of school. She when she walks into class she meets... More

♡Part 1♡
♡Part 2♡
♡Part 3♡
♡Part 4♡
♡Part 5♡
♡Part 6♡
♡Part 7♡
♡Part 8♡
♡Part 9♡
♡Part 10♡
♡Part 11♡
♡Part 12♡
♡Part 13♡
♡Part 14♡
♡Part 15♡
♡Part 16♡
♡Part 17♡
♡Part 18♡
♡Part 19♡
♡Part 20♡
♡Part 21♡
♡Part 22♡
♡Part 23♡
♡Part 25♡
♡Part 26♡
♡Part 27♡
♡Part 28♡
♡Part 29♡
♡Part 30♡
♡Part 31♡
♡Part 32♡
♡Part 33♡
♡Part 34♡
I quit.
Sequel is official

♡Part 24♡

11.1K 180 672
By vixeyyyy

"I'm gonna use the restroom!" Jayla yells over the music. "Okay!" I yell back still dancing.

After the concert we decided to go to a club. Well not we. Jayla did. She said that it's better since there might be less fans.

Immediately my mind thinks of Tom. I haven't seen him since we got here but I brushed it off since well it's a pretty big place and plus I didn't wanna be clingy.

I walk towards the bar, hoping to find him there. I don't find him but I do find... "Quinn?!" My jaw is on the floor. She turns around. "Oh," she looks at me up and down, "it's you." She rolls her eyes and picks up her glass of god knows what.

"What are you doing here?!" I yell over the music. "Drinking?" She says looking at me like it's obvious. "Oh. Well have you seen Tom?" I say walking a bit closer to her. "Oh, The Tom over there?" She points to the side of the club. I look over.

Toms hands are around another girl's waist and another girl is behind him. They're dancing. Toms hand slips up and grips the girls hip and he pulls her close. He then brings his lips to her neck and begins kissing her?!

My eyes widen. "I thought I'd find you here!" I hear Jayla say. I don't look in her direction. "You know that it's rude to ignore people right?" She says. She's closer to me now. "Hello?" She starts waving a hand in my face.

My eyes are still glued to Tom. I really wish that he could feel my eyes on him right now because he won't stop. "Oh fuck.." Jayla says. She grabs my hand and drags me away. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god." My eyes are wide and I'm trying to process everything.

We're outside now and Jayla is leading us to the back of the club where the tour bus is. "Shit oh shit!" She says. She leads me to the back of the bus and sits me down. "Listen. Do you know who was staring at Tom as well?" Jayla says breathing heavily. I shake my head.

"Kiara?!" I hear Toms voice. I look in the direction of the bus doors. Tom enters the bus. "Kiara!" He runs up to me. "Hey.. hey.. you okay?" He grabs my hands. "Don't touch me." I say, ripping my hands from his.

"Listen I know what you saw was bad but listen Kiara. Do you—" I cut him off before he can finish, "Fuck you Tom." I stand up and walk out the bus.

Bill had convinced me to go on the bus but I could sit with him. Tom and Jayla have been whispering shit together and that only made me more pissed. What was there to talk about?! The whole bus was silent except for them. Georg is passed out drunk on Jaylas lap and Gustav's head is laying on Bills shoulder.

My head is on Bills lap. Bills hands slowly stroke my hair. It kinda calms me down and makes me sleepy. My eyes become heavy and then everything goes dark.

I rub my eyes and sit up. I look around the room. It's Bills room. He exits his bathroom and I pauses when he sees I'm awake. "Oh. You're awake." He walks up to me and sits down on the bed. "Listen.. I'm gonna talk to Tom about last night and let him explain."

He smiles. "I also took off your makeup for you." He winks at me then stands up. I look down at my clothes. Im in a night gown. Probably Jaylas night gown. "Thanks." I say, glancing at the clock.

"It's already two am what are you still doing awake?" I look at him and he shrugs. "The hotel was far from the club and I couldn't sleep." He walks back up to me and hands me a bottle of water. I take it and drink a little bit.

I frown a bit. "What's wrong?" Bill asks raising an eyebrow. "I miss my rat.." I say looking at him. "Rat?" He asks. "Yeah my stuffed rat." I say removing the blanket from my body. Bill smiles. "I'll go get him." Bill says,. He walks out the room.

Bill finally comes back with my rat. "Kiara.." he says staring at me. "Your mom was in the club and she was right behind Tom."


I hope you enjoyed and make sure to please vote :3 !!

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