Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

193K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]


1.2K 47 15
By AnimeEagleScout


The group had moved further in and another spectral form of the Geochelone Aerio had met them in what appeared to be a farmlands, overgrown and unkept.

"Vitalis Eruptum" the stretch of plants began moving.

Charmcaster, Gwen, Albeta launched up on massive wings, Max and Chromastone floated up as if the air itself was carrying them and Xylene jumped and held out her hand using her Telekinesis to pull herself towards Max.

Only Omnigax and George got tangled.

"Well this is quite the situation?" Ben mocked in a posh accent.

"Quite." George copied it.

"Do you mind my good sir?" Ben asked.

"Oh please my good man." George said.

Ben smirked as his eye lasers had carved through the vines.

"Focus fire, Xylene with Charmcaster, girls recharge the artillery." Omnigax shouted charging his arm beam.

"Sorry Grampa!" Saph-Fire shouted as both her and Albeta had taken deep breaths hitting both Chromastone Max and Ultimate Sugalite.

"A valiant effort but-"

A volley of gem shards and hot plasma had shot him in the head shattering his projection.

Looking over Xylene and Chromastone Max were the ones to blast the head off the projection.

"Shit we've taken that damn projection down how many times?!"

"14." Albeta said.

"We will not give an inch of ground." Max said.


Max reached for his badge and pointed it at her.

"Thank you." Charmcaster said "Every avatar destroyed drains him. With them he can exist anywhere in the realm in seconds. I know that spell can knock you on your ass for a week making it and he can't do anything else repairing them. No telling how fast with the Rune but we are getting closer to the castle."

"The frequency of them has dropped." Albeta said.

"So we march." George said getting nods "Onward!"

Looking around Gwen asked "So about this farm."

"The inhabitants of this world can live off the residual mana in the air but we often had visitors and outlander." Charmcaster said.

"So if this is to take days we can starve?" Sir George asked.

"You can't starve... to death. You can experience all the pain of starving if you don't have some methods to absorb power from the ambient mana which humans can to the point of not dying." Charmcaster said "The stomach cramps, the headache, you know, still happens."

"You ok Xylene?" Max asked.

"I could eat." Xylene said "How about you?"

"Not at all." Max says.

Ben flashed into his Dr Wicked form pulling out a food ration.

"The Blade of Azmuth can grant nourishment from it's stored power and it's gaining more as we slay more beasts." Sir George said "How are you fairing Sir Ben?"

Ben wordlessly flashed into Ultimate Chromastone and took a deep breath as if a wave of relief hit him.

"Thirsty." Ben said "Omnigax is drying out. Didn't know all I had to do to deal with squidface was just drag out the fight."

"That's how I've been dealing with him." Gwen said "I get my ass kicked but eventually I get lucky."

"How did you fair against him?" Xylene asked munching on the ration.

Ben took a deep breath "I left him in pieces."

"Excuse me?" The other Tennyson's and Xylene asked.

Ben showed a hologram of the times he's dealt with Vilgax.

Xylene jaw fell watching just how many times Vilgax's gotten blown up.

"This was the last time he even dared setting foot on earth until he had the combined gear of 10 different worlds champions."

"Shit no wonder I've spent 5 year dealing with him!" Saph-Fire says "why the hell would anything I've done to him be more then a Tuesday?!"

"Come on Gwen I'm sure-" Ben started but Gwen shook her head.

"Ben...I fought Vilgax to get him away from me. Blood makes me..." Gwen shook her head "The longest I've had him off my back was a couple weeks."

"What could possibly drive you into such acts?" Xylene asked.

"This." Trixie said.

"My cousin for this stupid watch." A hologram of Ben said in the Null Void.

Omni was heard dryheaving as Albeta reeled back.

"Jupiter's Beard!" George said.

"Do not think...for a second my family is not worth fighting for." Ben said.

Xylene's eyes widened.

"Ben, how does your arm still even work?" Albeta asked "That...when Trixie said she was ripped off..."

"You didn't show us that." Max said.

"I've got somethings I keep to myself." Ben said.

Charmcaster looked around and used her head to move a rock revealing a pool of water.

After a burst of energy was shot into it checking for 'Hazards' and Ben scanning it revealing it a mineral water and safe to consume.

The group pushed forward. The castle visible in the distance.


On Galvan Prime 2.0 the computer had informed them Gwen's Omnitrix was 'Out of Service Range'.

"Please tell me he isn't messing with my Omnitrix?" Azmuth said.

"Hold on." Grey said as Azmuth Prime worked on it.

The auto dial and viewer mode was bringing up blanks.

"Try calling Ben." Azmuth said.

The ringing had went to answering machine "Hello you've reached KITT Ben's automotive answering machine what is the nature of your call?"

"KITT we can't link up with Gwen's Omnitrix." Grey said.

"Where's Ben/Gwen?" The Azmuth's said.

"Ben is not available to answer at the moment. I can record a message if needed." KITT said.

"Where is my Omnitrix?!" Azmuth shouted.

"Omnitrix is currently on Gwen Tennyson in Ledgerdomain." KITT said "If this is important I can leave a message for-"


"Message saved." KITT said.

Azmuth growled and Azmuth Prime pinched the place between his eyes. "KITT please give me any information what you can within any parameters Ben hasn't installed."

KITT stood still.

"Sending security footage dating 23 Terran hours ago." KITT said.

The video of KITT watching the group walk into the Door to Anywhere and the preparations.

The Azmuth of this dimension had stammered and was close to foaming at the mouth.

"Thank you KITT. Please tell to call when he returns." Azmuth Prime said.

The call ended and Lesser Azmuth shouted "Ascalon?! Damn it I knew I should have taken the damn thing off that back-"

"Finish that sentence." Grey said reaching for the nearest tool "I will listen to my instructions but not the disrespect of my planet."

Lesser Azmuth grit his teeth and took a deep breath. "Explain." Looking at Azmuth Prime.

"Remember when Grey showed us the Forge of Creation?" Azmuth asked "Ledgerdomain was one of the places Aggregor had went to retrieve the map piece."

"An Is it too much a stretch Ben is looking to go back to the Forge?"

"Honestly Ben's energy plan for that is go to one side of the universe as Ultimate Jetray then Hyperspace to the other side then turning into Alien X slingshotting himself towards it." Grey said.

"That would work." Xeno said "Any Celestialsapien can get through the barrier freely."

"Ok...putting a pin in that." Azmuth Prime said marking a note "If he's bringing George and changed the default forms of Gwen and Albeta he's prepared for a fight..."

"You're welcome to jump in, Second Thinker." Lesser Azmuth said.

"Does 'You Failed' and 'Your Helping Means Nothing if Aggregor gets the Map'?" Grey asked "Ben's got nothing in his way, no other alternative, no other obstacles or limitations. He's marching in there with the express purpose of helping. There isn't Aggregor in the way of it."

"Am I to guess there was something that happened in his Timeline during that event?" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"Ben and company Failed to prevent Aggregor from retrieving the pieces." Azmuth Prime said "At the time I was still a little more then willing to speak with Ben longer then I should have due to his Jailbreaking the Omnitrix."

"About that uh about blowing it up?" Grey started.

"A disappointing fate to it but if it kept Vilgax away from it I'd have probably just grabbed a prototype from storage or made a copy had Albedo's not become Ben's chosen Matrix." Azmuth Prime said "Mad I was I wouldn't leave him defenseless."

"Yeah uh I had a question about..." Grey had stopped seeming to weigh the question.

"You may speak Grey. You can't learn if you can't question." Lesser Azmuth said "I am agitated but from recent interaction I needn't remember certain...incidents."

"Eunice." Grey said.

Lesser Azmuth watched his other self seem to age before his eyes.

"Ask your question." Lesser Azmuth said.

"If Machine Spirits exist and they are Sentient and treated as such on Galvan...why were you so insistent on her going into storage like some piece of property? I understand..."

"Because when I scanned it she wasn't a Machine Spirit. Not yet." Azmuth Prime said "I got a notification of her activation and it wasn't till after I had given the order had her charts told me of the Kick."

"The Kick?! A new Machine Spirit being born?" Lesser Azmuth said eyes widened.

"The Unimatrix had been in transit when it fell to earth and found by Ben and activated by Gwendolyn." Azmuth Prime said.

"What were you doing even bothering with that old thing?" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"Just...looking back on it." Azmuth said "Thinking on times...about...options."

"Were you looking for a way to fight Ben if you had to?" Grey asked "I remember your 'Tennyson take it from him'. So we're you-"

"No. At the time the Ultimatrix had a remote shut off I was by no means worried had Ben lashed out." Azmuth Prime said "He had shown an impressive level of restraint and even in my...lest then optimal mindset I didn't see myself threatened."

"And now?" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"He's grown enough to show he doesn't need a leash." Azmuth said "At the very least the thought of what I could do is enough to have him watch himself."

"So it was just springcleaning and-" Grey started and Azmuth finished with "-Thinking about her. If she heard what I've done since Ascalon."

"Ok then back to the question on Eunice." Grey said "When she was showing to be one..."

"Machine AI used in the Matrix's all are programed with obedience in case of a failure in something or are lost. They know by Instinct to return to their creator and if they are under threat." Lesser Azmuth said "A Machine Spirit who experiences the Kick has freewill enough to disobey any order. Even a integrated one."

"So could we estimate when Eunice got The Kick?" Grey asked.

"Who gave her the name Eunice?" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"Herself." Grey said "Her exact response to 'Do you remember your name?' was 'Unit...Enuice?'."

Azmuth Prime took a drawn out exhale. "And please tell me when that interaction occurred?"

"About 5 minutes after the pod opened." Grey said.

"So literally after I called Sunder and was in the teleporter." Azmuth Prime said "We need to schedule Gwen to come here and check on Omni."

"Yes from how Trixie's Behavior is a direct check-in on Omni would be ideal." Lesser Azmuth said "So Gwendolyn opened the containment pod correct?"

"Yes." Grey said.

"We need to look into the effects of Ben and Gwen's biology when I comes to energy." Lesser Azmuth said "Gwen has shown enough to awaken Machine Spirit and we still don't have an exact explanation on how Ben's able to run 2 transformations without the entire thing blowing up."

"And checking up on Trixie." Azmuth Prime said rubbing his face "No telling what Ben resorted to with her."

"I mean If his brain was finally loaded into his Data Cluster he would find something to do with her."

A message was received about a Mechamorph having gotten pregnant and needed the First Thinker's oversight.

[This is where "Week Off part 1" had the Cleo news.]

"Well then." Grey said as the three were moving CLE-0 into the lab.

"Is there anything you can tell would be a risk to the child?" CLE-0 asked as Azmuth Prime was going through his computer.

"The scans say no but pattern recognition says this..." Azmuth gestured to the hologram "needs to be kept under observation until it is laid."

"The first Mechamorph Organic crossbreed." Lesser Azmuth nodded "Well glad I left Xenon for this wonderful event in history."

CLE-0 was looking off till she said "Oh my, I'm hearing many attempts at such a thing having been tried through organic and artificial means and all attempts result in nothing happening."

"Yes, unlike organic tissue the Mechamorphs aren't susceptible to methods used for organic crossbreeding." Azmuth Prime said "Can't wait for you to tell Ben the good news Mrs Tennyson."

"What do you think he will think?" CLE-0 asked.

"Shock, Questioning, Disbelief then ecstatic." Grey said "I suggest not blind siding him from the news. Please remember organics don't process as fast as Nanomachines. Information then feelings."

"Understood." CLE-0 said eating a bar.

"The main concern is your ability to actually process food for the child." Azmuth Prime said "Your body has constructed an efficient one yet is no where equal to a humans cultivated gut biome."

"Hey Azmuth you wouldn't happen to have a uni-trix on hand?" Grey said.

"Top drawer, why do you..." Lesser Azmuth grinned and said "Well that's one way to deal with it."

"Deal with it?" CLE-0's body spiked up but Azmuth Prime explained the biome issue where the child would need it's gut biome completely artificially added after it was born.

"Uh Mrs Tennyson would you please integrate with something for us?" Lesser Azmuth said dragging a cylinder over.

CLE-0 merged her hand into it and said "Oryctini DNA recognized."

The First Thinker's watched as the hologram of the constructed digestive tract CLE-0 had made was now shifting and tweaked to use all of the matter in it to aid growing the little crossbreed.

"Oh my this is interesting." CLE-0 said.

"Yes your body is incorporating the Oryctini's Digestive Tract perfectly." Azmuth Prime said.

"Good thinking Grey." Lesser Azmuth said "Grey."

"Uh..." Grey said.

"Grey what are you..."

"I like this." CLE-0 said.

"Grey. GREY!" Azmuth shouted snapping his fingers.

"Sorry that one caught me off guard." Grey said.

"Yes." Azmuth Prime said "If your reaction is this even with the Galvanic Instinct Ben needs to be watched."

"First Thinker." Someone entered "It would appear a Highbreed has replicated your Omnitrix."

"Explain." Lesser Azmuth said.

"There were a pair of Atasians who appeared to have Matrix's."

The footage of Power Plant proposals to Looma and the Yellow wheel had the three looking to one another.

"Yes this is quite imperative." Azmuth Prime said "Maybe watching it in action fully would be beneficial."

"And everyone who is available for it can make a few notes." Grey said.

"Gather everyone in the auditorium." Lesser Azmuth said "We're watching the full event."

"At once First Thinker."

When the 3 were alone they had actually started laughing. "If the Highbreed are questioned on it *he he*-" Lesser Azmuth started.

"They're too up their own ass to deny they couldn't." Grey laughed holding his sides.

"Oh I gotta see this." Azmuth Prime said as they pulled up the released recording of the tournament.

The whole tower had an impromptu viewing party watching Neon Flower's match.

When the arm got cut off Azmuth and Grey were the only ones to be looking for it when the field was flooded with an icy mist.

The camera cut had conveniently kept a certain crowd out of sight during that moment.

The Galvan's were watching with their note at the ready and anything they could.

"Bio-Matrix?" "Could it be restricted to only a few transformations?" "A 4th and 5th Omnitrix!"

The yellow wheel was enough for Azmuth Prime to know.

Sowing more mystery amongst it.

'Damn it why does my face hurt?' Azmuth thought.

"From the name it could be to correct the Genetic Damages if they are truthful about their species inbreeding." One Galvan suggested.

"What say you first Thinker?" One asked turning to them.

"The Highbreed are indeed on borrowed time." Azmuth Prime said "Of course in my timeline the Omnitrix had randomized the entire Universe's Highbreed through their own Jump gates. Though I question their ability to construct let alone their willingness to using one to Resequence themselves."

"What is the exact consequences of a Resequence?"

"Resequence creates a completely new genome." Lesser Azmuth said "From the ground up using the information stored. A brand new version of that species. Completely able to correct any inbreed. But the Atasians see incorporation of such machines and gene tailoring as impure."

Reinrassig III ship

Reinrassig III, seventh son of the Noble Highbreed House of Di Ralla, direct descendant of the Pure Blooded High Order of Rasecht watch the footage again.

"Neon Flower." He said looking at the blue colored woman.

The second a Highbreed caught wind of not only two of their kind denouncing their people and sullying themselves with the Lessers of the galaxy the Symbol on Neon Flower's chest had been searched for it's meaning.

It was from Vilgaxia where the information of what that symbol ment.

Reinrassig had been the only one left within range of the ball of dirt. The second he saw her his legs went weak.

Perfection incarnate. Beauty given form. Voice an angels symphony.

His orders from the High Breed Council were to find these two. His heart wouldn't let him harm this Goddess.

He wouldn't be able to lay a hand on her but he'd beg for the option.

The dirt ball had become a dead zone. No Highbreed has been able to contact mission info and all jump gates on the planet were destroyed except 1 when the gate was tested from homeworld.

Something was hunting The Highbreed on Dirt ball and Reinrassig was warned he wouldn't be rescued were he to succumb to the same fate but...

Walk through hell for an angel.

'The House of Di Ralla will smile on me for asking.' He thought. Damn his planet, damn his people this woman was perfection incarnate.

Reinrassig III is a Neon Flower simp.

We're at the point where the fights are being available for pay per view in every Prime World.

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