spring is here again | skz |...

由 wheretofind_asa

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Persephone, goddess of spring, so bright and energetic Hades, god of the underworld, lacking exactly that... 更多



602 33 11
由 wheretofind_asa

Minho quickly fell asleep next to Felix, snoring silently.

Felix absolutely, seriously wasn't staring.

He wasn't.

Even though Minho's face was unusually peaceful and relaxed.

And handsome.

And the shadows danced over his skin and his lips were parted slightly, showing his front teeth.

Felix did not stare. At all.

As Minho woke up with a long yawn and stretch, he found Felix sitting on his other side, back against the tree trunk.

The freckled god was making flower crowns.

Minho blinked the sleep out of his eyes.

'I slept'

'Yep. For several hours.'

'I didn't have any nightmares'

The older couldn't quite believe it himself. Felix looked at him and smiled a little.

'The sunlight does you wonders'

Minho didn't think it was the sunlight though.

'Yeah' he said, gaze caught up in Felix's face.

He was so pretty.

Minho felt alarmingly comfortable around him.

For a while neither of them said anything.

Felix working with his flowers and Minho watching him.

'What did you do the whole time? Flower crowns?'

'Nope, this one's my first. I grew plants and watched you sleep, what else?' the younger mocked.

You're attractive when you sleep.

Minho shook his head. Bad thoughts.

'Nice' he mumbled, careful not to show any of what was going on in his mind.


Why did his heart leap everytime Felix said his name like that?


'I've been thinking, too. The ban'

He sighed. Here they went again.

'What about it?'

'Doesn't it mean you're a prisoner here as well as I am?'

Minho stopped dead. That... that wasn't the question he expected.

'Yeah', he said after a moment. 'Yeah, it kinda is like that.'

Felix nodded slowly.

'I've never considered it like this before. So you're just as screwed as I am'

'The difference is just that for me, this is home'

'And for me not'

The younger smiled sadly.


There was a silence, both gazing at each other.


Felix voice was more silent, lower. His dark honey eyes stared into the other's soul.

'Yes' A swallow. 'Princess'

'What... what exactly did you dream? I- I mean what did we do?'

Minho let out a surprised laugh.

'Why would you want to know that?'

'I'm interested' The blonde shrugged.
'Don't you think I have kind of a right to know?'

Minho didn't say anything.

He would absolutely not tell Felix about anything in that dream.


The older sighed. Or maybe he would.

'Well... you were just sitting in my lap and kept annoying me'


Minho physically flinched back from the blunt question.

'What the hell?! No. Shirtless towards the end. But everything was kinda blurred...'

Minho hesitated a second. Swallowed.

'Your freckles were always sharp though'

His eyes meeting Felix's again.

The younger nodded. He didn't let any other reaction be seen.

'And what else happened?'

Minho pulled up his shoulders. 'Nothing'

At Felix's doubting gaze he added: 'We didn't even kiss'

His blonde eyebrows shot up. 'We didn't?'


The younger giggled. 'Holy shit, you're really living like a monk'

Minho chuckled silently. He loved the sound of Felix's laughter too much to care wether it was at his charge.

After a few seconds he decided to explain a little further.

'I can't.. I'm incapable of messing around, of... doing anything with anyone since Hyunjin. I don't let myself'



The sunlight had become more orange, the sun in the mortal world was setting.



'What would you dream about?' Minho asked quietly.

The other looked away.

'I- I don't wanna think about it'

'Would we kiss?'

His face turned back, they stared at each other, gazes burning dangerously.

Felix's eyes tracked over his face, up and down, calculating.

'I don't wanna know, Minho, I really don't'

'Afraid?' he mocked.

'Yeah' Felix hissed, surprising him. 'And what about it?'

A slow smile tapped on Minho's lips.


He shrugged. 'I'll stop nagging you'

With that, he stood up, stretching once more, and started to make his way to the stone path.

'Thanks for the sleep, princess'

Felix was left behind, speechless.

'I don't know what I should do or think or... I don't know! Help me please'

Felix dramatically threw himself in Jisung's boney arms.

The skeleton held him confused.

'What the fuck are you talking about, babe?'

The god groaned.

'I don't even know'

'Felix, what the hell?'

'I'm.. I'm just confused'

Jisung slowly connected the points. Not that there were that many possibilities.

'...because of Minho?'

'No!' Felix looked up, frowning. 'I mean. I guess?'

He sighed and shook his head to himself.

Both of them started walking down the hall, towards Persephone's garden.

'Maybe listening to him moaning my name did something to me'

Jisung leaned back. 'Bro! Tmi'

'Don't you dare to bro-zone me, baby. And chill down, that's nothing.'

Felix sighed again.

'Maybe I really need to drink that tea too'

The skeleton gave him a doubtful stare.

'Are you okay?'

'I don't know, Jisung, I don't fucking know!'

He aggressively drove his hand through his hair. Stopped.

'He asked me wether I would dream about us kissing'

Jisung stared at him.

'Wow. Wow. I wouldn't have thought him to be so direct-'

'Right!? I was so surprised!'

'And what did you say?'

Felix shrugged.

'I dodged the question, of course. But the problem is - Jisung, would I like to kiss him? I don't think so, because, shit, he's a narcissistic asshole and I hate him, but, but other than that...' The god's shoulder's sacked down. 'He does have pretty lips'

He grabbed his own head, finger tangling in his hair.

'Oh my god, I spend too much time holed up here. I'm starting to hallucinate!'

Jisung chuckled warmly at his desperation.

'I think it's called Stockholm syndrome'

'Shut up, asshole, you're not helping'

Before being able to say something else, Felix overheard a faint melody coming out of some hallway to their right.

He halted, Jisung walking into him.

'What's that?'


'Don't you hear that?'

They fell silent, listening to the music.

Felix peeked into the hallway. It looked like everything else here, posh and dark.

'That's so scary'

The skeleton listened a moment longer then shook their head.

'It's not. That's... that gotta be Minho'

'What? Minho plays piano?'

Jisung cackled.

'No. Changbin does. Minho... well, let's see if we can find him'

And the skeleton vanished into the hallway. Curiosity drove Felix to follow him into the darkness.

'Good lord I haven't been down here for ages' Jisung mumbled.

The music got louder with each step they were taking.


They had stopped in front of a door. It looked like every other to Felix, but he could hear that the melody was coming from this room.

'Quiet, so we don't disturb them'

With that, Jisung turned the door knob and opened the door a crack, just wide enough for them to peak in.

Felix didn't know what he had been expecting.

It certainly wasn't a bright, huge room, empty except for heavy curtains and a black piano in one corner.

It even more certainly wasn't Minho, shirtless, in the middle of the room, passionately dancing to the melody.

His body was moving with the rhythm as if he was a part of it.

He had pinned his half long hair up, sweat running down his temples.

His black shirt had been thrown in one corner dismissively.

Minho didn't notice Felix and Jisung in the door, too caught up in his dance.

His onlookers meanwhile were mesmerized by his moving figure.

'I didn't know he could dance' Felix whispered captivated.

'He hasn't done it in centuries'

They stared a little longer.

After some time, the melody reached its end.

Minho practically collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

'That was better already. You start to loosen up', Changbin's voice called.

The skeleton had played the piano and now made their way over to Minho.

The god needed a moment before he was able to answer.

'I'm so out of practice. I won't be able to walk tomorrow'

'You missed this'

Short silence.


'Wanna do another round?'

'Fuck yeah'

Felix had never witnessed Minho this energetic, passionately. This elegant.

It did things to him that it shouldn't.

Upon first laying eyes on Minho's dancing figure he had subconsciously made a decision.

He wanted to know.

No, he needed to know.

But he wouldn't drink his own tea.

No, Felix had a better plan.



I'm just obsessed with a more or less random song because at one point the lyrics go like 'hit me harder so I can see the stars' and omg it's giving some quality kinky enemies-to-lovers vibe and I'm here for it



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