.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft...

By ReineStorme

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When Grian's parents divorced, he was sent to a high school in Japan. After learning of his mother's death, G... More

Hybrid Descriptions
Character Profiles (Mains/Love interests only])
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
🏳️‍🌈 HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (Finally)

Chapter Six

572 25 25
By ReineStorme

HI so yes, this is an actual chapter! I don't really have any important messages other than, I will be doing a Q&A *jazz hands* sO iF yOu hAvE aNy qUeStIoNs (or requests) cOmMent :DD

ENJOY [Warning; References/suggestions of suicide] (I know I said no triggers but this one is a little more intense(?) I think(????)

[Word count: 2078] (I hope this will satisfy you until I have Seven done :)

Grian looked around the gym. It was roughly the same size as the one at Yandere. Scar led Grian over to a section of the court where other people were sitting. The elf sat, Grian took a seat next to him. Scar's wings shrank and folded away. Shortly after all of the students gathered, two teachers came out and looked at everyone. One teacher with black hair and purple eyes spoke to the students.

"Hello students, my name is Mrs. Selena Heartwood but refer to me as Mrs. Selena. Today we will continue our parkour training, this time as a friendly race. Everyone will stand in two relatively equal lines, the student across from you in the other line is the one you will be racing. After it is finished, the winners will move onto a more difficult course and it will go on that way until we have one winner," One of the teachers announced. She snapped her fingers and a parkour course appeared around the gym.

The other teacher, a blonde with red eyes, walked forward, "I am Mrs. Kaitlyn Heartwood but call me Mrs. Kaitlyn or Mrs. K. The course you see is much simpler for the first round but it will get progressively harder." She looked to the other teacher who snapped, showing a much more difficult course.

Mrs. Kaitlyn thanked her partner and clapped her hands, "Everyone please get into two lines so we can begin. Remember hybrids, you are not allowed to use your powers to aid you in the parkour."

Grian got into one of the lines behind Scar. Mrs. Selena walked up to the avian and studied him closely, "You're new," she finally said, Grian nodded and the coach continued, "Since you haven't been here for the teaching and training of parkour, you don't have to race." She explained.

Grian shook his head, "I'd like to at least try the first one." It's much easier than what Rowan would have done...

Mrs. Selena shrugged, "Suit yourself."

Grian watches as people tried, failed, and succeeded in the course and soon he was watching Scar jump and run through the parkour with ease. Grian stepped forward and glanced at the person beside him that he'd be racing. The person smiled, "Good luck new guy, you might need it later." Grian only nodded.

Mrs. Kaitlyn looked at the avian and cleared her throat, "You won't be able to use your wings on this course."

Grian glanced at her and nodded, folding his wings away.

The teacher gave the count down and they were off. For Grian, the parkour was simple and he saved energy for the next levels, still beating his opponent.

"You did well!" the guy smiled, "Good luck with Bryce though. He's the 'jock'." the kid shrugged and walked over to the wall, sitting next to the other students who lost.

"Hey, Gri!" Scar called, jogging over, False not far behind him, "Good job!"

"Uh, thanks, I didn't know False was in this class," Grian responded, joining one of the new lines.

"Yep! I'm gonna kick so many people's asses on this course!" False grinned.

"Whose Bryce?" Grian asked as False stared down her opponent.

"Oh," Scar rolled his eyes, "He's one of Henry and Micheal's friends. He's a real bastard." Scar pointed to a boy not far ahead of them in line with dark green hair.

Grian watched Bryce complete the course easily, mocking his opponent once he won. A sore winner... Grian thought, Fan-fucking-tastic...

Grian, Scar, False, Bryce, and a few other students were promoted to the next round. The thirty-two contestants were now eight. Grian looked over at his opponent. He was in a line with Scar, False, and Bryce. Presuming they all won the next course, Grian would be up against False, Scar, or Bryce. Grian studied the green-haired boy. An invisible tendril of magic floated through the air, one Grian didn't notice, wrapping around Bryce. A wizard? Grian shook his head, How in the name of the void did I figure that out? Could it be that- "Next!" Mrs. Katlyn called and Grian jumped slightly.

The avian took a deep breath and stole a glance at the girl he would be racing. "Go!"

Grian jumped up and over the obstacles, careful to not use his full strength, not yet anyway. He reached the end just before his opponent. He gave the girl he raced a quick bow before lining up. As he thought, Bryce, Scar, False, and himself were the last ones. The course shifted, and more of it became suspended in the air.

"Don't worry," Mrs. Selena assured the semi-finalists, "There is a safety net in case one of you were to fall."

A faint net shimmered below the floating course. "Tch, I know I won't need that net of yours, as for the others well," Bryce laughed, "They might need it."

Now what does that bastard mean by that? False glared at the green-haired boy in front of him in line. She glanced to her left to see the avian.

"Good luck," She said, brushing her hair out of her face with a grin.

"I'd save it for yourself," Grian joked quietly and False chuckled. He definitely belongs with us. Thanks for finding him Scar.

Grian watched as Bryce and Scar jumped through the course. Scar was nearing the end just before Bryce when he slipped. Wait, he didn't slip. Grian watched as traces of blue magic fizzled away. He looked to False who was wide-eyed with confusion. She didn't see the magic... Scar fell into the net gasping for air. Bryce ended the course and looked at the elf.

"Aw, and you were so close too!" He jeered, "A shame you lost your footing..."

Grian ran over and helped Scar up. "Oh go away!" He snapped, glaring at Bryce, "Winner or not the least you could do is learn respect, or maybe you're just too closed-minded."

"It's fine, Grian," Scar smiled uneasily, "I'll cheer you on!"

Grian frowned but didn't argue. "I'll look forward to racing you, avian," Bryce whispered, walking away.

"But how can you guarantee-" Grian began but he was interrupted by the teacher.

"Time for the last round of the semi-finals!" Mrs. Katlyn called and Grian ran up beside False.

"Three... Two... One..." Mrs. Selena began to count down, "GO!"

Grian and False shot off, almost equally matched. As they neared the mid-way point, Grian caught a faint glimmer of blue magic slip around False's ankle. He glanced behind him a caught Bryce flick his wrist. In response, False tripped. Grian's eyes faintly glowed gold and False floated an inch farther, close enough for her to grab the next part of the course but far enough so that no one would know he interfered. Grian kept moving as False regained her composure. Grian made the last jump and turned to watch False finish as well.

"G-good job," She grinned weakly.

"Are you okay?" Grian asked.

"I-I'm just a little shaken that's all. I don't usually trip and I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to grab the bar," She shrugged.

"You did well," Grian smiled.

"Kick his ass for me," False said, playfully punching Grian in the shoulder. He winced slightly and smiled.

"Sure thing," The avian responded.

Grian took his place next to Bryce and glanced at the wizard. Cheating bastard. He grimaced.

"The final round!" Mrs. Selena called, her purple eyes glowing with excitement, the students cheered, "Bryce against Grian. Best of luck to you both."

Loud cheers and shouts echoed through the gym and Grian winced. "You'll need all the luck you can get to beat me birdy," Bryce sneered.

"On your marks!" Mrs. Katlyn called.

"Get set!" Mrs. Selena shouted, pulling a whistle up to her lips.

"GO!" The red-eyed gym teacher shouted as a shrill whistle echoed throughout the gym.

"Run like your worst nightmare is chasing you!" One of the students shouted as the contestants took off.

As if on command, Grian could hear his voice.

"Run run as fast as you can~" It jeered. And just like that, Grian was back. Back in the school, back in Japan. A familiar pain crept up his side where the blade had been nestled in his wing. He glanced down and saw the white rabbit waiting for him if he were to fall.

Scar watched as Grian's eyes widened in... fear? The avian began running faster and faster, moving through the obstacles without a second thought. "Something's wrong..." Scar muttered to himself. False looked at him.

"What do you-" The blonde began but Scar's head shot up and False immediately looked in the direction the vexling was staring.

She saw it this time and so did Scar, a faint glimmer of blue magic shot out beneath Grian.The avian tripped. Scar jumped up. "HE'S USING MAGIC!" The elf pointed to Bryce and everyone looked up.

Grian saw the magic hit him. He tripped. "Looks like there is nowhere to go but down~" The voice returned. No... you're mistaken. Grian shot back.

He reached out, and much to everyone's surprise, and to most's relief, he grabbed the base of the platform and spun himself around, pulling himself back up, he jumped of the edge of the floating mat and grabbed onto the next obstacle, continuing on with more speed. Not today satan. He smiled as the voice fell silent.

Bryce froze, a red ring of magic pulled him from the course. Grian landed safely on the other side, winning the race.

"You little-" Mrs. Katlyn growled but a pale hand on her shoulder stopped her. Mrs. Selena stared at the wizard.

"It seems we have a cheater in our class," She mused, "I could leave to be punished by Katlyn-" astonished gasps filled the room. Mrs. Katlyn was rumored to be a demon and punishment served by her was worse than death. "-but seeing as you were fine until this point, I will be generous and you will serve cleaning duty for the rest of the year."

Bryce was sent off and Mrs. Katlyn turned to Grian, "For a new kid you certainly know parkour, maybe there are some things you could share one day but for now, we will congratulate you on winning. By the way everyone, there was a reward."

The gasps returned as Mrs. Selena pulled out an envelope, no, three envelopes. She handed the one with a golden seal to Grian and turned to the audience.

"Normally the second-place reward would go to the winner's opponent but seeing as he was a cheater, the reward will go to False, Scar gaining the third-place reward." Scar and False ran up to Grian and claimed their prize.

"Actually," Grian piped up, "Byrce also meddled in their races as well causing Scar to fall and False to trip."

"YES! I KNEW I DIDN'T TRIP!" False shouted, grinning wildly. Scar's jaw dropped.

Anger flashed over Mrs. Selena's face but she only said, "That will be dealt with. Please enjoy your prize money."

Grian stopped examining the envelope and stared at the teacher. "Prize money?" He repeated.

Mrs. Katlyn nodded, "Two hundred euros for the winner, one fifty for second place, and one hundred for third." Scar grinned and False pumped a fist in the air.

"That's a lot of money..." Grian muttered, inspecting the envelope once more. Do I even deserve that much? False and Scar could have won as well if Bryce hadn't interfered... I doubt I was that good at it anyway...

Mrs. Selena shrugged, "It was a hard course."

"Bu-" Grian began before- RINGGGGGG

"Alright, kids! Off to fifth period!" Mrs. Katlyn shouted, clapping her hands as she ushered the children out of the gym.

Grian pulled out his schedule and sighed. "History..." he groaned.

"Hey! History isn't that bad," Scar remarked with a smile, "It's better than math!"

Grian shrugged, "I suppose so."

Scar grabbed Grian's arm and hurried off in the direction of their next class. Grian could only stare at where Scar's hand wrapped around his arm.

Why is he holding me?! I-I can easily walk by myself! Grian bit his lip as he felt his cheeks warm. YOU BARELY KNOW HIM! This could all be another trap! Remember what happened with Taurtis and him? That might happen again...

Grian hated the voices in his head. They seemed to always be at war with each other. Sometimes, he wished for a way to permanently silence them.

Sometimes, it was just too loud.

Don't forget about the Q&A for those of you who have questions/requests. And I will see you next chapter byeeeee.

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