The tears of thy innocence

By Opossum336

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This is filled with shitty short fics on ships for various fandoms and just regular ocs of mine MORE TO BE AD... More

Jester x David
Abrahim x Yakoov
Abrahim x Yakoov (UNFINISHED)
What a Good Little Dog
Ill be Good
Can I Borrow That?

Feral pt 2

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By Opossum336

Part two to Feral
I thought this idea was fun. I dunno.
Keith gets auctioned off and the paladins try to buy him but a Galra outbids them and makes Keith his pet.
I also added Galra politics🙂

Random website I got the translations from:

cat - gal'stara

The paladins had decided it best to wait a bit longer before moving in for a rescue mission. Whether it be for Keith or some random Galra that just so happened to be the unlucky one of its race, who knows.

"Alright guys, we've been informed of an auction taking place at the arena in about 2 days. The plan is; we're going to attend under the guise of the same aliens as last time. If we see that halfbreed, we're going to... well, buy him and bring him here for questioning." Shiro explained, hesitant to say the word 'buy' as if he weren't sure that this halfbreed was truly his brother.

Two days later Hunk, Shiro, Lance, and now Pidge are all sitting inside the Galran fighting arena, watching as different aliens are being forced out and shown off to the crowd as they bid on them. There are a surprising amount of Galra being shown off...

"Next, we have Vex; a Galra-human half breed who took down the previous champion!

"Bidding starts at ———!" The announcer called, voice speeding up as aliens began inserting bid prices into their hand tablets that connected to a big screen hanging from the ceiling, displaying the current highest bid.

Frantically the paladins began putting in their own bids, slowly but surely climbing in price until others began dropping out. Shiro was sweating as he noticed a final bidder applying higher and higher bids. "I-I can't match it. We can't afford higher..." Shiro mumbled, looking up helplessly as the announcer called for any last bids before announcing that the halfbreed was sold to.. another Galra whom was announced as Lord Avicce of the Black Court.

Keith hissed and spit as he was dragged from the dusty arena, clawed hands flailing at the guards that held his bonds. An older Galra stood beside a golden cage, laden with pillows and a jewel studded collar in the middle.

"Lord Avicce, we present you with Vex, the current champion of the ring." One of the soldiers said, standing to attention as he spoke with the galran lord. Keith snapped his teeth at a hand that tried to caress his face, a swift slap following after. "Hm.. such a pretty little thing you are, aren't you jewel?" The man purred, hovering his hand just out of reach of Keith's teeth. "It seems I will be needing to instill some manors into you, hm?"

Keith let out a primal growl, glaring at Lord Avicce. "I will never allow you to cage me! You won't be able to break me in as your fighter, I will win nothing for you!" Lord Avicce chuckled, running a knuckle down the far edge of Keith's cheek. "Oh my dear jewel, I don't intend to put you in a fighting ring, oh no.. you are much too beautiful for brawls. No... I will make you my pretty little pet." His face split into a sickening grin, pointed yellow teeth reflecting in Keith's bright yellow tinged eyes.

He nodded to the soldiers and they stepped forward, throwing Keith into the golden cage. "Please put the collar on darling."

Keith sat up, blinking blearily as he glanced around at his surroundings. He must've fallen asleep.
He was still sitting on the plush pillows inside the golden cage, collar now tightly fastened on his neck. He was currently looking out at what seemed to be a very lavish sitting room. A large wooden couch with a dark maroon silk covering sat in the middle, facing what looked to be a marble fireplace. There was something... off about the fireplace, but he wasn't exactly sure.

He flinched as he felt rather than heard the heavy, unshoed paws of a Galra muffled on the plush carpet. "Ah, you've awakened little jewel. I was wondering when you would join me." Lord Avicce  grinned as he walked into the large room.

Keith growled, backing up until his back sat against the cold bars of the cage. Lord Avicce crouched down, poking two clawed fingers between the bars of the cage. Keith snapped at them, gnashing his teeth twice more when the Galra yanked his hand away. "Don't fucking touch me!" He snarled.

"Now now, is that any way to speak to your master? What a bad girl..." He chided, standing up and walking out of the room. 'Wait a minute, did he say bad "girl"?'

When Lord Avicce walked back into the room, he was holding a bundle of brightly coloured cloth. He crouched back down, giving Keith a little smirk when he hissed. He stuck his thumb into a pad on one of the bars of the cage that he must've overlooked in his initial panic from being thrown around. There was a click and six of the bars opened, another coming out of a concealed hole and running through the top of them to keep them from falling.

"Here you are love, please put these on." He said, setting the clothing at the edge inside the cage. "If you prefer, of course, I can always help you out a little." He purred, flashing his yellow toothed grin. Keith bared his teeth, making no move to grab the clothes.

"Fine then, have it your way..." Lord Avicce gave Keith a moment to grab the clothes himself before he advanced into the cage and grabbed Keith by the arm. The lords large pawed hands wrapped tightly around his upper arm, fully enveloping the small appendage, making him look small and delicate in comparison. Keith snarled, swinging his free arm out to slash at the lord before being grabbed by the wrist and yanked out, face coming flush with the lords chest. He whimpered, pathetically wriggling his wrist in a feeble attempt to get free.

"Now now, you've chosen this, don't start crying darling. Though I'm sure your eyes would look stunning all glassy and bright, filled with tears..." Lord Avicce trailed off, a rough purr emanating from his chest as his eyes glossed over with an emotion Keith refused to look at long enough to recognize.

Avicce snapped out of it, shaking his head and putting a hitch in his purring as he dragged Keith off his chest. He brought Keith's wrists together and wrapped both together with his right hand before reaching into his pocket with his free hand and pulling out a leather ball muzzle. Keith froze when he saw it, eyes blowing wide. "Don't even think about it-" He said, cut off by the gag being roughly shoved between his teeth and snapped into place behind his head. The lord ran his thumb over Keith's lower lip, brushing away a drop of saliva that had began to run down his chin.

"There we go my love, now you can't snap those pretty teeth at me while I help you dress~" The lord said, releasing Keith's wrists to pull a red Lacey shirt over his head and down his arms. The shirt was cropped to above his bellybutton, nearly see through silky cloth giving no coverage for his nipples and sparse scars over his chest and back. The sleeves go to right below his elbows, thick golden cuffs studded with a stone that looked like Jade kept the sleeves from riding up his arms. The pants were a similar design, though the silk wasn't see through this time. The cloth ran over his pale legs, skin tight as it was half yanked over his thighs. The pants stopped right below his knees, similar thick golden cuffs holding them in place. A rather short, golden coloured skirt was pulled up over the pants, causing Keith's stomach to turn as he began connecting the dots.
A delicate crown made up of golden and silver wires intertwined in intricate looping patterns holding different coloured stones and jewels in its confines was set gently upon his head. Lord Avicce used his claws to pull some of Keith's long black hair through tiny loops and tangle it in the crown. I suppose that should hold it in place then.

"How beautiful, my jewel. You're absolutely stunning  in this outfit, like shining gems." The man keened, running his soft skinned hand down the center of Keith's back, claws dragging delicately over the bare skin. His other hand trailed down Keith's arm, coming to rest at his wrist that sat limply on his shivering knee. He gently grabbed the wrist, pulling it over and against his other wrist. The silver brackets he slipped over Keith's hands clicked together when they came in contact and refused to allow him to drag the apart.

A few minutes later, Avicce lifted a very shell shocked Keith into his arms and walked towards the couch, settling down and laying Keith in his lap. He dragged his clawed fingers over Keith's arms, eliciting a small whimper from the little half breed. The lord chuckled, reaching over to a side table and grabbing a box. He let the box fall beside his leg on the plush sofa as he reached his hand around to unclip the ball gag. When he picked the box up again and opened the lid, he grabbed out a small pill and slipped it between Keith's lips. "Swallow that please love, it'll make you feel so good." Keith shook his head, shutting his teeth tightly against the pill. Avicce clucked his tongue, grabbing the back of Keith's hair and yanking it back. When Keith yelped, he shoved the pill into his mouth and used his large hand to cover his mouth and nose, forcing him to swallow.

Keith struggled for a minute before nearly passing out from the lack of oxygen which effectively forced his hand in swallowing the pill. It just barely slipped through the sharp points of his teeth, sliding sickeningly down his dry throat. He gaged as a thick, sickly sweet powder coated his tongue and esophagus. The lord cooed, petting the soft fur of Keith's cheek as if that would do anything to help before reaching over once again to the table and picking up an intricately beautiful brush that looked to be made like a traditional horse hair brush from earths 1800 centuries. Or, well, at least he thought that's what it was. He was never really good at history.

As the brush was gently pulled through his fur, carefully untangling the knots and tangles he began to feel tired, thoughts becoming sluggish as his movements were hindered and reduced to slight twitches.

That pill. It must've been some kind of sedative.

Keith let out a soft whimper, doing his best to drag his tail up and over to curl around his wrist. The intent became fruitless as the appendage that normally seemed to have a mind of its own as it never stopped moving stayed still, hanging limply from over the side of the larger galrans leg.
"My sweet jewel, you must be getting so tired. Why don't you let me take you off to bed, yes? We can have so much fun tonight when the rest of the pill starts taking affect~" his voice went from sweet and gentle to a slutry, deep octave as he ran his hand suggestively over Keith's right buttocks. Keith could do nothing but let his eyes wander around, his brain very slowly processing what was being said. Much to slowly.

When he awoke once again, a weak whimper was dragged from his throat. His hands were no longer cuffed together by those awful silver bands but he had no real intent to move anyways. His body ached something terrible.

He shuffled up a bit, the whole of his upper body leaned against a plush pillow beneath him. He glances around, taking in his surroundings. The room was large, much like everything else in this mansion. Despite the lavish wardrobe and giant bed the room was starkly empty, only a few small chairs beside a desk and a bedside table took up any room.

He took a glance down at himself, feeling his heart speed up as he saw the bruises and bite marks that littered his chest. His bare chest. Where had that awful shirt gone?! It didn't really cover anything but it was at least something! His throat tightened as he heard the distinct footsteps of his captor. Lord Avicce walked into the room, still in the same outfit as he saw him last. The galran looked Keith up and down, giving him a predatory grin.
"You were quite good last night, gal'stara."

Keith looked around again, slowly dragging his eyes over every inch of the room to see if there was any possible escape route. There were none. The only way out was currently behind a very large, very horny Galra.
Fuck how was he going to get out of this...

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