The tears of thy innocence

By Opossum336

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This is filled with shitty short fics on ships for various fandoms and just regular ocs of mine MORE TO BE AD... More

Jester x David
Abrahim x Yakoov
Abrahim x Yakoov (UNFINISHED)
What a Good Little Dog
Feral pt 2
Can I Borrow That?

Ill be Good

2 0 0
By Opossum336

So it's not the fact that I think Sirius is the victim here, it's the fact that I think that since Sirius has never been shown or taught anything about how to properly apologize he immediately thinks that the only way to show someone your sorry is to just allow them to do whatever they want to him. Like, just let them have their way with him. Because he was always treated so poorly by his parents, whenever he was in trouble or did something that made his mother say "you've hurt me" or something on the lines of that she hurts him as a response. So I just think he has a really fucked up way of saying sorry and that the marauders might not see that until they've already accidentally taken advantage of that.

I've also added the little detail that the teachers would be much harsher with Sirius and even just down right cruel at times as shown around the beginning with Madam Pomfrey. I don't believe this is how she or any of the others would truly react, as it is unprofessional and awful to do such a thing to a child under their care but for the sake of this story it's gonna happen like that...
I also don't think any of these characters would really act like this. But again, it's for the story so we're just gonna roll with it.
Or, the marauders are doing something to Sirius and he starts unconsciously begging and promising to be good like he used to do when his mother would put him under the crucio

Sirius was currently sitting at a table in the empty potions classroom, a thick textbook opened next to a cauldron and multiple piles of ingredients. He was trying to catch up on some missed lessons, and todays catch up work was on potions class...
He had fallen off his broom the other day during a quidditch game. Well, technically he got thrown off his broom after a bludger slammed into the end of his broom and dislodged him. He's shattered a few bones and Madam Pomfrey wasn't exactly in the best of moods with him so the healing... took a wee bit longer than usual.

His shoulders hunched up, nearly touching his ears as he heard the door creak open and a group of students walk in. No problem, they probably just forgot something earlier in the day and stopped by to collect it... just keep your head down, and they'll just ignore you like everyone else.

"Oi, Black, what're you doing in here after hours? You plannin' another prank to make someone a murderer?" One of the kids shouted, lip curling up in a sneak as he walked over to stand I front of the table where Sirius was sitting. Sirius could see the scuffed red and white shoes that belonged to his once best friend, James Potter.

"Hey, that's not nice. I bet he's makin' up another detention. Innit that right Black?" Another boy, Remus Lupin, said in a mocking tone.

Sirius just shook his head, keeping his eyes cast to the floor as he let his shoulders lower just slightly. "No.. I'm just making up some lessons after my little stay in the Infirmary. Didn't have anyone to take notes for me, so it's just taking a few extra minutes..."

"Awe, is the little Black all alone? No more friends to backstab?" One of them mocked. He couldn't really tell, his ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton.

They had began to corner  Sirius wherever they could, hurling insults. They hadn't done anything more yet, but he assumed it wouldn't take long for it to escalate. It never does.

"What, got nothin' to say?" Someone new said, very halfheartedly. Probably wormtail, he always looks somewhat.. guilty whenever they're doing anything to Sirius.

One of the scoffed, shooting a hand out and grabbing his hair. He lifted his head slightly, pulling it up so his eyes were faced to face with James's. "Speak! Say something! You don't deserve to pity yourself after what you did!" He hissed.

Sirius flinched, bringing his hands up to hover around where his exfriends hands were tangled in his hair, eyes squinted. He let out a quiet whimper when his head was dragged up, causing the boy to click his tongue. "Tch, don't be so pathetic.."

James threw him down, watching as his forehead connected with the old wood of the table. The cauldron tilted and spilt as the table rocked when Remus came forward and socked Sirius in the nose. There was a sickening crack and a shrill cry the followed as Sirius fell off his chair and cradled his broken and bloody nose in his palms.

"H-hey guys.. maybe th-this is a bit too far?" Peter squeaked, eyes blown wide as he watched the scene unfold. "Oh shut it wormy. He's just getting what he deserves." James said with a roll of his eyes. Peter backed off, rubbing his hands together nervously as he quietly stepped out of the room.

Sirius was still on the floor, pathetically cupping his nose in his palms as blood trickled through the cracks of his fingers. He whimpered as a foot connected with his side, causing his hand to to knock into his broken nose and elicit another cry from his mouth.

If his ears felt like they were stuff with cotton before, his head was definitely stuffed full of it now. The lack of sleep mixed with dehydration and lack of eating a proper diet for the past few days probably assisted with that.

He closed his eyes, tucking his head down between his knees as he cowered on the floor, blood dripping down and puddling on the floor. His head was dogged with the memories of his mother, of him laying in the floor crying out as she pointed her wand at him, of him muttering pleas about how he'll be good and how he won't do anything to disappoint her.

He flinched as he felt a hand land lightly on his upper back, retracting swiftly as he tried to move away from it. Black, honey, I need you to calm down for me please.. we aren't going to hurt you, I promise." A soft voice sounded from above his head, the hand returning to his back as it began to rub soothing circles between his shoulder blades.

Oh, it was Professor McGonagall. Peter must've gotten a teacher when he had slipped out then.

"Shh.. it's okay, we know you're good. You haven't done anything to disappoint us..." she murmured. God, how could she have let it get this bad? Of course she had seen how the students started avoiding Sirius, how plaids threw wads of paper and and cruel words at him during class and in the corridors. Hell, she even made it a point to ignore it most of the time, she thought it'd be good for the eldest Black to learn a lesson or two. She never believed it would get this far, let alone it being from his own friends. Or, we'll, I suppose you should say 'old' friends.

Sirius continued to mutter pleas and unintelligible murmurs as McGonagall helped him to his feet, letting the boy tuck his head into her shoulder as she wrapped her arm around him to assist him as they walked. She shot a glare at the three boys who all shared looks of shock and guilt as they watched their exfriend huddle in the arms of a teacher because of something they did.

"We will speak of this later." She said, voice stern as she and Sirius slowly walked out of the room.

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