𝐁𝐄𝐆-ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴋᴀɪ

By iiamsimp

4.2K 130 11

During high school, you would always get a love interest. You'll want them to love you back, want them to sho... More

𝐁𝐄𝐆 ᴄᴀsᴛ


158 7 1
By iiamsimp

❝𝑴𝑖𝑔𝒉𝑡 𝑎𝒔 𝑤𝒆𝑙𝑙 𝒄𝑎𝑙𝒍 𝑚𝒆 𝒄𝑢𝑝𝒊𝑑.❞

𝐓𝐇𝐄 sun begin to set, as Tiffany watched Daniel and Robby practice. She was there when Daniel taught him 'wash the windows', or 'wax on, wax off'.

One part Tiffany always enjoyed seeing Sam do, now seeing Robby do it was funnier. Robby came to her about how Mr.LaRusso got him doing all his shitty chores.

The only thing the girl could do was laugh, then told him "It'll pay off soon." And now Tiffany was watching.

Robby and Daniel stood in front of each other getting into a fighting stance. "Show me wash the windows." Daniel says throwing slow punches at Robby, who blocked it.

"Show me wax on, wax off." Daniel said making his punches faster, but Robby continued blocking it.

After a few more slow punches, the hits got faster and Robby continued blocking them. Daniel started to throw kicks towards Robby's way, who successfully blocked them.

They finished with Robby being surprise, and Daniel with a proud smile on his face. "Whoa." Robby managed to get out.

The two males bowed to each other, making Tiffany clap. "Told you Robby, it'll pay off later." She smiled standing up from the floor.

"Actually, you laughed at me then told me that." Robby says matter of factly, now facing Tiffany. "Same thing." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Good job Robby, tomorrow we'll continue." Daniel smiled. "I'll maybe see you tomorrow Tiff." Daniel added giving Tiffany a quick hug before walking away.

"Let's get something to eat, my treat." Tiffany says grabbing onto Robby's hand. "It's okay Tiff, you don't have to."

"You actually did good, if I had money back then I would've took me and Sam out to eat." Tiffany joked pulling Robby.

"Now let's go, I know you're hungry and I know I'm hungry." She said now walking, Robby smiled following after the girl. "I can at least pay—"

"Robby can you like please shut up, this is like one in a lifetime opportunity." Tiffany informs him, Robby held up his free hand in defense. "Okay."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 next day they were now at practice, everyone now had Gi's. Meaning it was official, and now everyone was facing forward in their fighting positions.

Johnny kicked Hawk's leg. "Stabilize your base, Hawk. Keep your balance. Full rotation when you strike." Johnny instructed. "Yes Sensei!" Hawk yelled.

Johnny begin to walk through the rows, until someone flinched. "Did you just flinch virgin?" Johnny asked the boy. Johnny stomped towards another boy, making him flinch.

"Holy shit, we got a room full of flinchers." Johnny says in disbelief. "Yes, Sensei!" The group yelled, except October and Tiffany. Tiffany covered her mouth stifling a laugh.

"Raise your hand if you've ever been punched in the face." Johnny asks. Almost everyone raised their hands except Aisha and Miguel.

Miguel and Aisha both looked towards Tiffany, both quite surprised she didn't. Tiffany of course got into fights, but they never punched her in the face because she never let them get a chance to.

"You too firecracker?" Johnny says turning his head to face the girl, Tiffany just shrugged her shoulders. "Put your hands down." Johnny said.

"All your lives you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense. So, there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you, is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face. Ms. Robinson, line 'em up. Unflinch this group." With that Johnny walked inside his office.

"Aisha walked to the first person in line, holding up her fist then punching them. "Okay, yeah I'm not getting punched in the face. Because I would punch back." Tiffany shook her head walking out the line.

"But Sensei said-" Aisha started before Tiffany cut her off. "Do it look like I give a fuck about what Johnny said?" Tiffany raised an eyebrow pointing to her face.

"Johnny!" Tiffany yelled walking towards his office. "Firecracker, you already got punched in the face?" Johnny asks not looking up from the magazine.

"No, I'm not getting punched in the face." Tiffany scoffed crossing her arms standing next to the door. "Then you can't talk to me until—" Johnny paused flipping through the page, now holding the paper a little bit closer to his face.

"Hey Tiff." Miguel greeted the girl, brushing pass her. "Hey Miguel." The girl greeted him back. "Hey Sensei, I need to ask you something."

"First aids under the counter." Johnny tells him not taking his eyes off the magazine. "No." Miguel shakes his head. Tiffany turned her head hearing the boys grunts after getting punched in the face.

"Well, yeah, we do. There's a lot of blood, but this is about something else." Miguel says, Tiffany shook her head. "Now leave someone bleeding Miguel." Tiffany rolled her eyes walking towards the counter, Miguel eyes following her gulping.

Tiffany squatted down grabbing onto the first aid kit. "Well, there's a girl at school..." Miguel started. "Is she hot?" Johnny asks.

"You sound like a pedophile, you know that?" Tiffany asks Johnny, standing back up walking towards the door. "Wait Miguel, is it Sam?" Tiffany mouthed to the boy as she walked pass him.

Miguel smiled cheekily at the girl, making Tiffany smile giving him a thumbs up before walking out the office to help whatever kid that was bleeding.

"And she's super smart.." Miguel continues. "Hot?" Johnny questions now taking his eyes off his magazine. "Funny and cool."

"Is it Tiffany?" Johnny asks. Miguel became flustered, as his cheeks started to become warm. "Yes, shes hot. Super hot." Miguel started, before shaking his head.

"Wait no— it's not Tiffany, Sensei." Miguel shook his head. "Boo!" Johnny yelled out. "I think you'll really like her. She likes karate, and.. I wanna ask her out, but I just don't know."

"It sucks that it's not Tiffany, but don't know? What's there to think about? She's hot, and all those other things." Johnny says throwing his magazine on the desk.

"Tiffany is like hot, probably hotter than the girl I'm talking about— but this isn't about Tiff. But what if she says no?"

"Never accept defeat, Diaz. There is no 'no'." Johnny stated. "Pretty sure no means no." Miguel tells his Sensei.

"If things are getting physical, no means no, but if you're asking her out. You're a Cobra Kai. All the babes wanna date a Cobra Kai."

Miguel spotted the magazine in Johnny's hand, taking it from him examining it. "Are we entering in this tournament?" He asked.

"I don't think we're ready." Johnny admitted, the two males looked out the door to see Hawk collapsing onto the floor.

"Holy shit, Eli you good?" Tiffany asks getting on her knees next to him. She grabbed both sides of his face, pulling it close to hers. "Smile for me Eli." She tells him, he did what was told.

"You're missing a tooth Eli." Tiffany was quite shock, not expecting Hawk to be his so hard. "I'm good." Hawk groaned.

Tiffany let go of his face, looking down on the ground to find Hawk's missing tooth. "There it is, the tooth fairy might come visit you." Tiffany joked smirk.

"Ha ha, very funny." Hawk rolled his eyes picking up his tooth. Miguel looked at Tiffany in awe, with a smile on his face.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 next day, Tiffany walked inside the dojo with October right behind her. They stopped by a Chinese food place before coming, Tiffany was begging for October to take them there.

October eventually gave in, letting Tiffany get whatever she wanted without paying.

"Tiff, sometimes I wonder how you have a car and never get a ticket. You almost ran someone over, on a side walk."

Tiffany scoffed, putting a hand over her chest. "I don't think I'm that bad, if I was.. I would've been got a ticket."

The two girls continued to go back and forth, whether or not Tiffany was a good drive.

Tiffany eyes traveled towards the trio that was now next to them, they quickly landed onto Miguel. "Hey Miguel." Tiffany greeted him, with a smile.

"Hey Eli, Aisha." She then greeted the other two. "Hey Tiff." Miguel smiled back looking up at her. "Sup Tiff." Hawk also greeted her. "Hey." Was the only thing Aisha had said.

"Come on." Tiffany signaled October that they actually need to get change before Johnny came out, the two begin to walk towards the bathroom until Miguel stopped Tiffany by grabbing her wrist.

"You know you could've just called my name, right?" Tiffany chuckled. "I know but, I have a question." Miguel started scratching the back of his neck. "I wanna take Sam on a date you already know, but do you know any places where I can take her?" Miguel asks.

"Well-" Tiffany was cut off by Johnny yelling into the phone. "Ban? I ban you!" He yelled slamming the phone.

"Answer me later, okay?" Miguel nodded his head at Tiffany before jogging towards Johnny's office.

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders before walking towards the bathroom, knocking on the door a few times. "It's Tiff." She says, the door unlocked then creek opened. Tiffany taking that as a sign to walk in.

𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 practice, Tiffany went to go call Sam. "Sam, please let me drive you and Miguel to whatever place then let me drive y'all back home. I want y'all to tell me all about your date, Miguel is a nice boy." Tiffany ranted standing next to the entrance door outside.

"I don't even know where we're going yet." She heard Sam say chuckling. "I do, so please.." Tiffany pleaded. Sam sighed. "Sure, because you're the one that told me all those nice things about Miguel."

Tiffany started to squeal into the phone, jumping up and down. "Thank you Sam, see you at seven fifty." Tiffany quickly hung up on the phone.

She heard the bell ring, signaling that someone came out the dojo. She turned her head to see Miguel, she squealed once again before running to him.

She smashed her body onto him, wrapping her arms around him. "You could've told me that the date was tonight." Tiffany says jumping up and down.

Miguel was surprised not expecting Tiffany to randomly run up to him. "Date?" He asks. "Oh, date!" He nodded his head, then slowly looked down at Tiffany.

"I'm your ride there and back." Tiffany informs him letting him go. "Wha— I thought Sam was—"

"Nope, you and Sam can sit in the back relax or whatever then I would drive you." She pointed at herself with a smile.

"Seeing Sam go on a date with a nice boy like you, your mom raised you quite good." Tiffany cooed, pinching Miguel's cheek.

Miguel chuckled blushing nervously, he grabbed ahold of Tiffany wrist stopping her from pinching him anymore. "Well thanks Tiff, I'm happy to have a friend like you."

"I know, who else would put up with your dorky personality."

"𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐘, I swear to god I'm going to punch you in your throat." Tiffany says now laying against Daniel's dojo floor. "It wasn't my fault that you tripped on your own foot."

Robby extended his hand towards Tiffany, who took it quickly standing up. "Actually, you distracted me and made trip on my own foot." Tiffany says coming up with an excuse.

"So I distracted you now?" Robby questions with a small smirk on his face. "Yes, and not with that pretty face of yours."

"I have a pretty face too?" Robby asks with a now bigger smirks plastered on his face, Tiffany nodded her head. "You're such a flirt, you know that?"

"I know, it's apart of my nature when I talk to pretty boys." Tiffany responded with a grin. The two moved closer together, chuckling.

"I probably boost your ego, didn't I?" Tiffany asks as Robby grabbed onto her waist. "Maybe just a little bit." He responded.

"How about I take out on Sunday?" He asks with Tiffany arms around his neck. "Sure, what time?" Tiffany smiled, she haven't dated in a while since freshman year. What can go wrong going on one date?

"Seven, text me your address and I'll pick you up." He nodded his head. "Such a gentlemen, picking me up. I'm flattered now." Tiffany says putting a hand on her chest.

"Wait, what time is it?" Tiffany asks pulling away from Robby, running towards her bag. "I don't know, I haven't check the time."

She started pulling out stuff just to find her phone, when she did she quickly powered it on. She let out a relieved breath to see it's only seven forty.

Robby, can we talk later? I gotta pick up Sam." Tiffany says putting everything back in her bag. "Yeah, sure. Looked like you were in a rush anyway."

"Yeah, I told Sam I'll pick her and her date up by eight." She responded closing up her bag, then swinging it onto her shoulder, now putting on her heels.

"You offered up yourself to be a third wheel?" Robby asks. "No, I just wanted to drive them to point A to point B. Because I like the two together, and I wanna see them go further in life."

"Okay, did you set them up?" Robby asks walking towards her. "You're asking a lot of questions Keene."

"I know, but aren't you answering them?" He says crossing his arms, Tiffany only smiled at him before standing up. "Yes I am, so yes I did set the two up. I told Sam how amazing that boy is."

"Look at you playing Cupid." Robby teased the girl. "Yeah whatever, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Tiffany smiled walking away. "Have fun!" Robby yelled out.

"𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐘, we're here." Tiffany announced pulling into the parking lot. "Thank you, Tiff." Sam smiled softly before getting out the car. "Yeah, thanks Tiffany." Miguel gave the girl a small smile before getting out the car.

Tiffany rolled down the windows, seeing the two walking away from the car. "I'll be back in a hour!" She yelled out to the two. Miguel turned around giving her a thumbs up, before looking straight ahead.

Ugh, they look so cute together." Tiffany says swooning over the two. She whipped the imaginary tear off her face, before putting her hands on the stirring wheel. "I hope Miguel don't fuck this up." She mumbled.

"𝐇𝐄𝐘 you two!" Tiffany smiled, pulling up in front of the two teens. "Looks like the date went good." She adds, pointing at the two smiling faces.

"Yeah it did." Sam responded as Miguel opened the door for her, she went inside the car sliding across the seat with Miguel following behind her closing the car door.

"That's a cute octopus, anyways next stop Sam's house!"

𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘 opened her car door following behind Miguel, to say hi to Johnny. Miguel slammed open the dojo door entrance before yelling. "Ooh! Who's the man?"

He walked in the dojo with Tiffany, Johnny came out his office with a wide smile. "I'm the man!" Johnny shouted out. It went silent while Miguel arms was wide open. "Wait, you're the man too?" Johnny asks.

"Tell me you're the man." Johnny yelled. "Yeah!" Miguel says excitedly. "I crushed the date!"

"Then why is Tiffany here?" Johnny asks pointing to the girl. "You took her out?"

"No Sensei, I took out a different girl. Tiff was just our ride." Miguel tells his Sensei with a chuckle. "So I'm the man that made this happened." Tiffany says bumping hips with Miguel.

"Anyways, I crushed the committee meeting!" Johnny exclaimed. "So Cobra Kai's in?" Miguel asked. "Heck yeah, we're in. Cobra Kai's back, baby!" Johnny and Miguel hugged.

"All right, I'm gonna grab a soda for me and Tiff. Do you wanna Banquet?" Miguel asked, going through the mini fridge. "No, no. This calls for a real toast." Johnny ran to the back. He came back out with an alcoholic drink. He poured a cup for Miguel, Tiff and himself.

Miguel smelled it. "Ugh!" He let out a breath. "It might taste and smell nasty, but it'll give you a buzz." Tiffany admitted.

"Drink it, it'll put hair on your balls." Johnny tells Miguel. Tiffany busted out laughing, holding onto the cup. "Damn Miggy, your balls didn't drop yet?" Tiffany joked. Miguel glared at her before rolling his eyes.

"Is that a good thing?" Miguel asks, Tiffany paused before scoffing softly. "Yeah, it's a good thing." Johnny says.

"Okay." Miguel said, breathing in deeply. "To Cobra Kai." Miguel says holding up his cup. "Never accept defeat."

The three clink their cups together, before drinking whatever Johnny has given them. Miguel face scrunched up in disgust, while Tiffany had one eye closed feeling the taste on her tongue.

"Ah!" Johnny nodded his head satisfied with the drink. "I would ask for another drink, but I still need to say hi to Miguel's mother and grandmother."

Tiffany got out her car once more, following Miguel to his apartment. "You and Sam look so cute together." Tiffany admitted smiling.

"You think so?" Miguel asks taking out his keys to unlock the door. "Yep, your much better then that prick Kyler."

"Who isn't better than Kyler?" Miguel joked opening his door. He stepped aside to let Tiffany walk in first, she nodded her head taking the hint as she walked in.

"Hola Tiffany como estas!" Miguel grandmother greeted walking towards Tiffany. "Hola ya-ya, estoy haciendo buena. Cómo estás?"

Miguel's grandmother gave Tiffany a hug. "También lo estoy haciendo bien." She responded, letting go of Tiffany.

"Como fue la cita?" She asks the two teens, who cheeks went slightly pink. "Oh, we didn't go on a date ya-ya. I went with someone else." Miguel informs his grandmother.

"Es una pena." His grandmother says disappointingly before walking away. Tiffany chuckled before turning around to face Miguel.

"Thanks for letting me in to say hi, can you tell Carmen I said hi in the morning?" Tiffany asks walking towards the front door. "Oh, yeah of course. Let me walk you to your car." Miguel insisted.

"Miguel, you don't need to walk me to your car. I'll live." Tiffany smiled reassuringly, Miguel was hesitant but slowly nodding his head with a small smile. "Drive safe, okay?"

"You know I will Miggy." Tiffany says opening the door, closing it behind her as she walked out.

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