
By Gray_With_An_A

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Serran is a nineteen year old human who lives in the lower levels of Coruscant. He has been living down there... More

Chapter 1: Crassitt's Arena
Chapter 2: Meera
Chapter 3: We Meet Again
Chapter 4: Nova Burst
Chapter 5: The Valley of the Dark Lords
Chapter 6: Korriban
Chapter 7: Ilum
Chapter 8: A Master and A Padawan
Chapter 9: Bounty
Chapter 10: Jedi Shadow
Chapter 11: A Master of Death
Chapter 12: Kill or Be Killed
Chapter 13: The Unforseen
Chapter 14: Imprisoned
Chapter 15: Terror on Chandrila
Chapter 16: A Trooper Gone Rogue
Chapter 17: Pirates
Chapter 18: Spice Bounties
Chapter 19: Teth
Chapter 20: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 1

Chapter 21: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 2

60 4 1
By Gray_With_An_A

Serran stood in the hole he had exploded. Standing before him was Meera with her green lightsaber out and ready to block any attacks he would throw at her. She was covered in dust from the explosion. "It's been a while, Meera." He said with bitterness, raising his lightsaber to the position Meera had hers.

"It has been, Serran," Meera answered just as bitterly. She never expected Serran to turn up here, especially since there was a huge bounty put on his head. But why come here? He would only be in danger here on Coruscant, but he actively came here and even infiltrated the Jedi temple. "What are you doing here?" She asked, needing answers. She could feel only hatred in his heart.

"To kill you, obviously. What did you think I was doing here?" He mocked. He carefully examined the room without moving. It looked like an entrance to another room. He could feel just how much of the force was here, though. It was almost more powerful than Darth Bane's tomb on Korriban. So many secrets of the force lay here, forgotten by the past generations and forced to be consumed by the light.

"But to come to Coruscant? Have you gone mad?" Meera demanded. She realized that she was letting her anger show. She couldn't let Serran use that against her.

"I was growing impatient. You didn't come after me so I thought that I should come after you instead." Serran explained. He could see Meera's anger starting to show and how she couldn't control her emotions. He fed on that anger, that hatred, that desire to end his life, and used it to fuel himself and give himself strength. He breathed in and then sighed deeply.

"I wasn't allowed to hunt you down and end your chaos. But to instead hunt me down? The darkside has corrupted your mind." Meera said to Serran. It hurt to see her former friend so corrupted by the darkside. He had been completely transformed from a loud, passionate, courageous boy to a bloodthirsty Sith. "Please, come back to the light. The council could understand what you've been through, and you would have a second chance." Meera pleaded, trying to go back to the past when everything was fine.

"Darkness is the natural state of the universe." He started, "Light is an invading force that must be neutralized. I will never go back to the Jedi." He spat. He finished feeding on all the anger and hatred he felt towards Meera and the order, and in one breath, he attacked.

He swung his red blade up and across, aiming for Meera's neck. She blocked the attack with her green lightsaber. Serran stepped back and switched to a backhanded technique. He slashed the lightsaber quickly, aiming only for Meera's vitals. She blocked the attacks quickly but couldn't find an opening to go on the offensive.

Serran swiftly brought his lightsaber up and then moved forward, violently swinging down the red blade. Meera pushed her lightsaber above her head and blocked the lethal attack.

They both kept their blades in that position as they locked eyes. Meera's aqua eyes stared fearfully into Serran's. Her friend was dead. Gone. Lost to the depths of darkness. All that remained of him was the slightly older body of her former friend, but instead of his light brown eyes, he had piercing, hate filled yellow-orange eyes of the Sith. "What happened to you?"

"Just die already." Serran spat. He jumped back and revealed the lightsaber he had stolen from a jedi and ignited its blue blade. He wanted this fight to end quickly. Meera quickly changed her form to form three, the most defense based form of the rest.

Serran lunged at Meera with both sabers in hand and swung them over each other in an attempt to cut her in half. Meera was only able to block one of the sabers. The other blade pierced her stomach. Fortunately for her, the wound was shallow. Still, though, it would hinder her ability to end this fight.

Serran jumped back and smiled. He was enjoying this. Just watching the person he despised most be in pain fueled him more. He jumped up onto a large piece of debris, jumped up into a front flip, and fell toward Meera with both lightsabers in hand aimed at her head. Meera looked up and saw this. She reached her hand up and threw Serran up onto the ceiling with the force. He landed on the ground below.

Meera took the opportunity to go on the offensive. She reached out her hand and used the force to throw Serran at a wall. Serran deflected this with a force push of his own. He then threw both of his lightsabers high in the air. Without wasting a second, purple lightning shot out from his fingertips and hit Meera. Her limbs locked up for a moment, and then the lightning stopped. Serran caught his lightsabers.

On the ground, Meera could barely move. She drew on the force to give her back her strength and to make her stand back up. As she propped herself back up, she saw Serran only centimeters away from killing her. In only a split second, she used the force to fling Serran all the way across the room and at a wall.

Serran picked himself up. They both stood in the same spots they started this fight in. Serran wiped the blood coming from a cut on his lip off with the sleeve of his robe. At that moment, the two of them ran at each other. Serran raised both his sabers up and prepared to slice right through Meera's torso. Meera brought up her green lightsaber and prepared to block the attack. Slipping past her opponents view was her empty hand using the force to bring the lightsaber from the dead Jedi in the room into her open hand. She immediately ignited its green blade and thrust it into Serran's torso. The blade barely missed his vitals.

He coughed multiple times but didn't let her get another chance to hit him. The both of them sped up their attacks and blocks, exchanging the lights of their blades, green, blue, and red. Each attack weakened the other but they still fought, desperately trying to end the other. Serran jumped back as he saw Meera extinguish one of her green lightsabers and reach her hand out. He extinguished his blue lightsaber and reached his hand out aswell.

Instead of using one of Meera's force attacks, he summoned his deadly force lightning. Bolts of pure dark side energy zapped across the room and headed toward the Zeltron. She brought up her lightsaber just in time. With her lightsaber absorbing the immense power of the lightning, she focused purely on the force and the force alone. Now was her only time to do it.

Visions of their past friendship started to flood her mind as she was reminded of what she had to do. She had to kill Serran. He, the friend that she used to have and love, the person she once looked up to, the person she had trained along side with for so many years, needed to die by her hand. "The boy I used to know is gone, killed by the man who looks just like him, but now... I know what I must do. I must kill you." She spoke.

Taking one of her hands off her lightsaber hilt, she reached out and stopped the lightning all at once with just the force. Serran stopped shooting the lightning at her and instead glared at her. He needed to end all of this once and for all and kill her. "This boy you speak of never existed. Never will. I have always and will always be exactly who I am: a Sith." He declared.

"No, you're wrong. The light side has been with you always and it will continue to do so. I know it." Meera said, trying for the last time to bring Serran back to the light. She felt it wouldn't work but she had to try.

"Ugh, all this talk of bringing me back to the light just makes me want to kill you even more!" Serran shouted. He held up his lightsaber and with one swing of his arm, he threw it at Meera, guiding where it went with the force.

She hadn't expected him to use the move she had spent years on perfecting against her. Because of her hesitation, the blade went through her forearm and sliced it clean off. Coming back to her senses and realizing what had just happened, she dropped her lightsaber and used her remaining hand to take control of Serran's lightsaber with the force. As soon as she gained control of it, using everything she could, she launched its burning blade into Serran.

Serran felt the crimson red blade of his own lightsaber pierce through his flesh, muscle, and bone. The blade had gone straight through his heart. In a matter of minutes, he would be dead. "No... NO! This- not now! Not-!" Blood erupted from his mouth and he coughed uncontrollably. Meera picked up and extinguished her lightsaber and walked toward Serran who had fallen down against a wall and now extinguished his lightsaber.

She stood over him, her gaze fixed on his burnt, bleeding wound. She wanted to help him, her body urged her to but she couldn't. She couldn't help save the man who killed so many Jedi and so, so many innocent people. As much as she wanted her friend back, she couldn't save him. The friend she once knew was gone. Dead. Killed by the corruption of the dark side.

"I'm... sorry," she said quietly. As she turned to leave, she heard the disgusting sound of chuckling mixed with the gurgling of blood. She looked back at Serran.

"You're... turning to the dark side. I... can feel... it." Serran said quietly.


"Don't try... to deny it. You... can feel... it too." He gasped. He didn't have long.

Meera sighed. "Goodbye, Serran. I wish things could have stayed like they used to be." Then, she finally left, leaving a trail of blood droplets from her arm where she stepped.

Finally, he was alone, slumped down on the ground with nothing but excruciating pain. He had failed. Failed miserably. Everything he had dreamed of achieving was gone, turned into nothing but a hurtful memory of his failure. He was the last Sith that he knew of anyway. When he would eventually die, the Sith would be extinct, just like the Jedi wanted them to be.

"This... is the end, huh? I swear... that one day-" The world around him became blurred as he coughed up more blood, the taste of iron filling his mouth. "One day, the Jedi... will fall... to the hands... of a Sith... Lord." And just like that, he was gone. Serran had died. The last of the Sith had died by the hands of the Jedi. In time, though, the Sith would rise again, and this time, they wouldn't go down as easily.

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