The Silent Killer - Completed

By nattilou9

3.9K 102 8

Aoife and Daniel have the perfect life. They are married, have a daughter named Ciara and a son on his way. B... More

Daniel - picture>>>>>
Dr Amelia Peters - picture>>>>
Aoife - picture of Ciara>>>>
Dr Amelia Peters
Dr Amelia Peters
Jason - picture>>>>
Dr Amelia Peters
Dr Amelia Peters
Daniel - picture of Harry >>>>>>

Aoife - picture>>>>

283 8 0
By nattilou9

I remember the first day I saw Daniel. I was in the library at university with Sophie trying to find out about some disease we had to diagnose for Dr Fitz. He had given us a list of symptoms and an imaginary patient's background which we were to use to give them a diagnosis. Sounds pretty simple but, as per usual, Dr Fitz decided to make us work for it.

We read book after book after book and failed to come to a conclusion. Nothing made sense. Most of the symptoms would lead to a diagnosis but then there would be that one which told us no, that diagnosis is not possible if they have that. Getting more and more frustrated I went for a walk leaving Sophie to read over all we had found out already.

As I left the library I noticed a tall, handsome man standing reading a book. You may be saying 'well it's a library what else are you going to find people doing' but there was something striking about this man. His shaggy brown hair sat perfectly and his lean, muscular figure showed his love of sport. I felt myself stare then darted off down the corridor towards an exit at the end.

As I stepped outside all I could think was 'why the hell did I not go over and say hi? How stupid can you get? There he was standing right there in front of you and what do you do? Walk away! Seriously? Have you got no common sense at all!'. I paced back and forth along path beside the river trying to decide if I should march back in there and talk to him. "Yes." I said. 

He wasn't there anymore. I walked round and round the library trying to find him but he was gone. Probably never to be seen again. I blew it. Looking back now I realise how stupid I was to think I could possibly march up to someone I had never met and introduce myself. I had only just seen the guy. I had no clue as to what he was like or why he was there. 

As we sat in the library day after day for 2 weeks we never got any closer to a diagnosis. There is a reason for this though. I wasn't really concentrating that hard as every time I heard something move I looked up hoping to see him. But he was never there. Only some first years getting panicked over their first assignment now and again. It seemed like I had never seen him. Maybe I hadn't and it was all just a dream. My head was all over the place at the time so maybe I imagined him. 

With no diagnosis Sophie and I made out way to Dr Fitz lab to see if any other group had come up with a diagnosis. A few had but he soon shot them down as they hadn't noticed another symptom that meant the diagnosis was wrong. Turns out it was as simple as the person was a hypochondriac. We should have noticed this as the patient's notes all said 'Patient claims to have...' so there was no actual evidence that proved she was ill.

Just as I had forgotten about Daniel there he was sitting across the room in the canteen. Surely I wasn't imagining him again. He caught me looking at him and smiled. That smile was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. You could see the happiness in his eyes. Then I started to wonder why he was so happy. Was his wife pregnant? Had they just got married? I hadn't thought about him having a partner. I smiled back and carried on eating my lunch every now and again glancing over at him.

Another few weeks passed and there was no sign of Daniel. As the work started to get harder and more often my social life suddenly stopped. Of course Sophie being the party animal she was out most nights which left me home alone. I didn't mind though as it meant I could get more work done because if she was here we would just sit and watch films and gossip. What else do girls do? 

Finally as the last lecture of the year ended I made my way back to my locker to gather all my stuff before heading home to study for the upcoming exams. From afar I could see something on the door of the locker. A yellow post-it. Panicking I thought I had done something wrong and Dr Fitz was out to get me but as I moved closer to it I didn't recognise the handwriting. 'Phone Me :D 07426853154'. Looking round the corridor was filled with a crowd of people. It could have been anyone. I placed the note carefully in my pocket and headed home with Sophie. I hadn't told her about Daniel but I think she knew I was always looking for someone. So when we arrived home I blurted it out. She looked at me with that 'how stupid do you think I am' face. She knew exactly what was going on. I told her about the post-it and how I didn't know who it was. She urged me to phone it and find out. So later that night we did. I punched in the numbers and pressed call.



"You found the note then?" 

"Yes I did." 

"Who am I kidding? I knew that. I watched you take it and put it in your pocket." 

I turned sharply looking at Sophie who was sitting next to me with her ear to the phone. 

"I looked around and I couldn't see you." 

"I'm good at hiding. Maybe you weren't looking in the right place. Come to the Rainforest Cafe tomorrow at one. I'll be there waiting." 

"Ok sure." 

"Can't wait to see you. Bye." 


As soon as I hung up the phone I jumped up screaming. He spoke to me. I am meeting him tomorrow. What am I going to wear? How will I wear my hair? Should I go for the casual look in case we go a walk or heels? I tried on nearly every outfit in my wardrobe asking Sophie for advice. Finally we came to a decision. Jeans, shirt, tailored jacket and heels. That's casual but pretty isn't it?

I barely slept so I was ready about 2 hours early. As I sat on the couch flicking through the channels time seemed to slow down. The clock was ticking away which didn't help. Every second seemed twice as long.

Finally it was time to go. I jumped in the car and drove to the cafe. I walked in and scanned the room. He isn't here. I looked at my watch. 1.03pm. Where is he? He wouldn't turn up late surely.


I jumped and spun round to find him standing behind me. 

"Hi. I thought you had changed your mind."

 "Nah. I told you I was good at hiding. I waited outside to watch you walk in." He said with that smile beaming across his face. 

Smiling back I said "Hmmm. So what's the plans?" 

"Well" He said "How about a coffee and then maybe dinner later?" 

"That sounds nice."

We sat in the cafe talking away. He told me all about what he was studying and I did the same. He paid for the coffee and a cake which was nice of him and off we went for a walk. Maybe the heels were a bad decision. I managed though. We walked through the park casually chatting about our lives. We sat in the summer house in the centre of the park where he admitted he had been looking out for me too. Turns out we were only both in on a Monday and because of all the holidays we had managed to only see each other twice. He said that he had seen me staring at him in the library that day. He was too scared to come after me or talk to me but when he saw me smile back in the canteen this disappeared.

We went for dinner at The Ivy. A beautiful restaurant not far from the park. It was amazing. Like the rest of the day we chatted and there was a little flirting going on. He paid and walked me back to my car.

"Thanks for today." I said, my face beaming. 

"Let's do it again." 

"Yeah. I would love that."

He reached forward, placed his hand on my hips and gently kissed me. Pulling away slowly he said. "I'll call you". As he walked away into the dark night I stood like statue unable to move in awe at what just happened. Snapping out of it I got in my car and drove home. Sophie was still up and before I could even step inside she was pressing me for details. I explained all and we screeched with joy, jumping up and down like teenage girls who had just seen their celebrity crush.

Our relationship bloomed from there on. We had lunches out and cinema trips. Long country walks and trips to places I had never been before. It was magical. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and before we knew it we had been an item for a year. Yes we had had some arguments but someone we always managed to get past them. As his graduation was creeping up we grew closer and closer. I had met his parents and he had met mine and everything was going great.

A year later it was my turn to graduate. I stood there accepting my certificate with a smile beaming across my face. I turned round catching his eye in the audience. There he was. The man of my dreams sitting there as handsome as ever cheering me on. As the ceremony finished we headed to the reception where we were able to see our families for the first time since we received our certificate. He came straight up to me and pulled me close. As I stood there in his arms I felt so safe. Protected from any harm that will ever come my way. To this day I still feel that in his arms. But it turns out even being in the arms of your true love can't keep you protected from everything. When you are hurt and scared it helps. But it will never take the pain fully away. As I woke up from the anaesthetic I squeezed his hand. He was always the strong one of us. I was the weak one. The one who needed taking care of, not physically but emotionally. Now the roles have reversed. I need taken care of physically. I am so weak and lifeless that I can see the fear in his eyes. He needs to be reassured emotionally now and I will do my best to make this happen. He kisses my forehead and whispers to me that everything will be ok. As I reach round and touch my tummy I feel Harry moving. Al though I am in complete agony my boy is still with us. Going strong with only 2 months to go. We can do this I thought. If the surgery went well, we will get through this.

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