Nightly Holo Calls of Djarin...

Af pockedbook

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After the Battle of Mandalore and the fall of the Empire, Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze find themselves facin... Mere

how it all began (with a touch of dramatis personae)
oh, Kaia
we are not jealous, well, but sometimes...
about Kaia-Vosk
first son and first daughter
little hours
Aric-Xar, the first of his name
reflecting light
here comes the sun

welcoming Kel-Skarn

105 1 2
Af pockedbook

In the dimly lit, intimate chamber of their Mandalore home, Bo and Din found themselves immersed in a delicate dance-a waiting game for the arrival of their fourth child. Amidst the anticipation, they sought solace in light-hearted banter, sharing silly anecdotes about their growing brood. Din gently guided Bo, supporting her as they paced the room and pausing tenderly whenever a contraction rippled through her body.

"Remember when Grogu decided to paint himself and the entire room with blue pudding?" Din grinned, recalling their first son's one of a few antics.

Bo let out a small snort, "And let's not forget the time Kaia decided to give her pet blurrg a makeover with glitter. It took days to clean it all up."

"Those were some unforgettable moments."

"They are our little rebels, alright."

"Imagine the chaos when all four of them start running around together," Din chuckled softly.

"We'll need eyes in the back of our heads, love," Bo let out an amused yet tired huff, "Oh, here comes another bad one..." She closed her eyes, grimacing while catching Din's arms, signaling him to stop moving so she could stand on her ground.

"Just breathe, Bo. You're doing amazing."

Bo, usually strong and stoic, couldn't help but let slip a shuddered hitch. "This one feels tougher, Din," her voice strained. Indeed this birth felt more challenging than their previous ones.

This time the labor was so different from Kaia's which was supposed to be expected much harder since it was Bo's first delivery. Yet it went so very smoothly. There might be the theory that Grogu's power was accidentally involved, but they were not sure. And then it happened again with an even better experience of Aric's, this time Grogu was not even with them at the time, which convinced she and Din albeit jokingly sometimes that these Mandalorian deities above that in charge of propagation must be smiling at them.

But unfortunately not this one.

The hic of contractions were already came a couple of days ago, made her feel uncomfortable and grumpy, tossing and turning between doing her daily tasks as Mand'alore, taking care of her sweet children, and griping at Din. Which Din took like a champ, even in full adoration.

And then the pain started to push ahead since she woke up at today's dawn in a crescendo like a progressive tidal wave if a tidal wave has an aberration to take its sweet time in grinding through everything on its path. It was not going to stop but kept abiding with unique, harsher pain that she had never felt in her previous labors. It crashed right on her lower spine and legs, rendering her breathless and voiceless at some surges.

Din nodded in understanding, recalling the forewarning from the med droid-a prediction of a posterior baby, a birthing process that would test Bo's endurance like never before.

"Do you want something to ease the pain, Bo? I hate seeing you hurting like this," he offered gently while stroking her arms as if to ground her back from the haze of the latest contraction.

But Bo, with unwavering determination, shook her head against his shoulder and leaned further into his embrace. "No, Din. Just you. Only you. We've done this before, and we can do it again." It was a pleading, to believe in her, that their combined strength was enough to weather this storm. And to give her a semblance of control at her most vulnerable time.

Din nodded and took a breath to calm his clenched heart which always happens whenever seeing Bo in pain. But the two previous births of their children made him understand that Bo was the one doing the calls. So he would support her through whatever she wanted. So he whispered his okay and kissed her forehead in affirmation.

Bo felt her partner's trepidation, as subtle as he wanted to cover it. A flash of guilt passed through her mind amidst the waves of pain while they continued to sway together. So she mentioned one thing that would never fail to make his mind ease.

"Well, I'm sure nothing could beat Aric's grand entrance, anyway," she started, reminiscing about the chaotic birth of their son Aric in the cramped confines of the Gauntlet cockpit, with Din as the sole witness and catcher of their newborn. Bo and Din shared a look at each other, and both of them started letting out a small snort, which then developed into a bubble of husky laughter.

"I never thought I'd be catching my own kid in a cockpit, in the middle of space of all places," he snickered, always could not hide his wonder and joy, with a touch of amusement and disbelief, whenever recalled that one incredible moment.

Bo wheezed a little, "We've always had a flair for the dramatic, haven't we?" It was a testament to their resilience, finding humor amidst the chaos.

It was sure a lifetime wondrous moment of her life. Not that she wanted to repeat all the chaos, panic, and distress of being stranded in space while her baby suddenly wanted out without much warning in advance. Both she and Din were always thankful for all deities that their last son was healthy and turned out to be one of the most placid and happiest babies they had ever seen.

With each contraction, Bo's body worked tirelessly, the arduous process unfolding slowly. Din became her anchor, his touch a soothing balm, his voice a gentle melody guiding her through the storm. They moved in harmony, navigating the ebb and flow of labor together. Bo, her voice marked with determination, reminded Din that they were seasoned veterans in this dance of birthing, and though the journey was meant to be easier, they were prepared for whatever lay ahead.

One particularly intense contraction brought Bo to her knees, panting and gripping onto Din for support. He reassured her with tender words, a steady presence amid the storm. His encouragement echoed through the room, urging her to let go and surrender to the pain, assuring her that she was not alone.

"You're doing incredible, Bo. Just a little longer, and our baby will be in our arms," he whispered against her ear, rubbing her hard as a rock belly mound to ease the ache even for a little.

Bo nodded, "The pressure is just... incredible..." her voice strained. "Need the water to break soon."

The labor continued, a symphony of groans, huffs, and puffs intermingled with moments of tears and swaying. They knelt together, their connection unbreakable, as the intensity grew. And then, in a rush of relief and primal instinct, Bo let out a small, paused 'oh--' followed by a sound of trickled water. Bo's water finally broke, marking the undeniable progression toward their baby's arrival.

"And there it goes," Din smiled. He could feel Bo sag in relief, and he was grateful for that small moment as he gently wiped the sweat from her forehead and neck. A small reprieve, he knew, before it got harder exponentially soon.

She acknowledged the gesture and groaned before finding respite in the knowledge that the birth was progressing as it should. "I can feel it, Din. We're so close," she gritted her teeth while gripping Din with a power that surely will leave a temporary mark.

Din kept supporting her, his voice steady, following her lead. "You've got this. I'm right here with you. Just take it one contraction at a time." His hands kneaded her lower back in soothing circles.

But still, the contractions persisted, testing Bo's resolve. She felt the urge to push, seeking Din's unwavering support. She started breathing heavily, "I need to push, Din. I need to stand."

Din quickly adjusted his position in supporting her, "Here, it's alright, it's okay, just follow what your body tells you, Bo." With his arms firmly wrapped around her, they embraced the upright position, allowing gravity to aid their efforts.

Together, they pushed through the pain, their collective strength propelling them forward. And in a moment of breathtaking triumph, their baby's head started to emerge. Din looked in awe, "I can see the head, Bo! Keep pushing, you're almost there!"

The pain was incredible, like shearing her body into two, yet hearing that Bo let out a relieved yet strained laugh between panting and continuing to push just as her body told her. Nearly there.

Din's hands, steady and sure, caught their precious child, and in that instant, awe washed over him as he beheld the miracle of new life.

The room filled with a mixture of relief, joy, and exhaustion as their son took his first breaths in the arms of his loving parents. Their voices intertwined in laughter and marvel as they gazed at their newest addition-a red-headed cherub, a reflection of Bo's captivating beauty.

"Look at what we've created, Bo," Din whispered in awe.

Bo touched the little fingers gently, gazing lovingly as she saw the baby was cooing after shushing his previous cries. She smoothed his baby tuft, voice filled with wonder, "Our red-haired baby, just like we hoped for. Our beautiful Kel."

Din's heart swelled as he sighed with devotion and gratitude so abundance. He pressed a gentle kiss to Bo's forehead, "You've brought us another incredible blessing, Bo. I'm so grateful for you." Then he stooped as to kiss his baby's head, "Welcome to our world, little Kel Skarn."

Their family had grown once again, and they basked in the wonder of their beautiful children. As they gazed at their precious son, Kel, with his tufts of red hair and bright eyes that shone with tranquility and a hint of inquisitiveness, they knew their hearts were forever entwined in a love that transcended words.

In that sacred space, Bo and Din found solace, their souls intertwined with the miracle of life. Their love, unyielding and fierce, would guide them through the journey of parenthood, filling their days with laughter, tears, and infinite moments of pure, unadulterated joy. And as they reveled in the magic of their growing family, they knew that their love story, crafted in the stars, would forever be written in the laughter and love of their children.


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