how it all began (with a touch of dramatis personae)

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While working to rebuild Mandalore, Din and Bo-Katan's relationship grows stronger. They spend countless hours strategizing, bonding over shared experiences, and training together. As they get to know each other on a deeper level, a sense of trust and understanding develops. Bo-Katan confides in Din about her struggles with the weight of her past and her doubts about her own leadership. Din, in turn, opens up about his own challenges, from his search for a purpose beyond the bounty hunter life to his evolving role as a father figure to the Child.

As their connection deepens, Din may have started to see Bo as his princess and someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. While Din may have seen Bo as his princess, Bo would have seen Din as her hero and protector. She would have found comfort and solace in his presence, knowing that she had someone who would always have her back. 

Logistics may have posed a challenge to their relationship, given their busy schedules and responsibilities. They likely relied on holo calls and messages to communicate when they couldn't meet in person. However, they both understood the importance of their work, and they found ways to make time for each other when they could. Perhaps Din would visit Bo on Mandalore when he was on a mission in the sector, or Bo would visit Din and Grogu on Nevarro when she had a break from her duties as regent.

Din and Grogu's hut on Nevarro became a place where they could spend time together and get away from their busy lives. They have cooked meals together, played games, and just enjoyed each other's company. This may have been a turning point in their relationship, as they started to see each other as potential partners in a domestic setting.


One evening on Nevarro, after a long day of training and battling Imps, Din returned to the small hut he shared with Grogu. He was exhausted, covered in dust and sweat, but his heart lightened as he entered the home that had become their sanctuary. The soft glow of the evening sun bathed the room, casting a warm and comforting atmosphere.

As he entered, he found Bo sitting at a small table, engrossed in paperwork and documents. She looked up with a smile, setting aside her work to greet him. Din couldn't help but notice how radiant she looked, her hair cascading around her face, and the way her eyes sparkled when she saw him.

"Rough day?" Bo asked, her voice filled with concern as she noticed the weariness in Din's eyes.

Din nodded, sinking into a chair across from her. "It was. But seeing you here makes everything better," he replied, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Bo reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad you're home. I missed you."

The simplicity and sincerity of her words touched Din's heart. He had become accustomed to the solitude of his solitary missions, but being with Bo and Grogu had opened his eyes to the beauty of companionship.

As they sat there, hand in hand, the weight of their shared experiences and unspoken feelings hung in the air. They both felt a deep connection and an understanding that surpassed words. At that moment, they realized they were meant for each other, and that their paths had converged for a reason.

In the following days, their domesticity flourished. They shared meals together, cooked side by side, and laughed over simple joys. They found solace in each other's arms, comforting and supporting one another through the challenges they faced.

Nightly Holo Calls of Djarin-Kryze Clan: and other recorded snippetsWhere stories live. Discover now