welcoming Kel-Skarn

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In the dimly lit, intimate chamber of their Mandalore home, Bo and Din found themselves immersed in a delicate dance-a waiting game for the arrival of their fourth child. Amidst the anticipation, they sought solace in light-hearted banter, sharing silly anecdotes about their growing brood. Din gently guided Bo, supporting her as they paced the room and pausing tenderly whenever a contraction rippled through her body.

"Remember when Grogu decided to paint himself and the entire room with blue pudding?" Din grinned, recalling their first son's one of a few antics.

Bo let out a small snort, "And let's not forget the time Kaia decided to give her pet blurrg a makeover with glitter. It took days to clean it all up."

"Those were some unforgettable moments."

"They are our little rebels, alright."

"Imagine the chaos when all four of them start running around together," Din chuckled softly.

"We'll need eyes in the back of our heads, love," Bo let out an amused yet tired huff, "Oh, here comes another bad one..." She closed her eyes, grimacing while catching Din's arms, signaling him to stop moving so she could stand on her ground.

"Just breathe, Bo. You're doing amazing."

Bo, usually strong and stoic, couldn't help but let slip a shuddered hitch. "This one feels tougher, Din," her voice strained. Indeed this birth felt more challenging than their previous ones.

This time the labor was so different from Kaia's which was supposed to be expected much harder since it was Bo's first delivery. Yet it went so very smoothly. There might be the theory that Grogu's power was accidentally involved, but they were not sure. And then it happened again with an even better experience of Aric's, this time Grogu was not even with them at the time, which convinced she and Din albeit jokingly sometimes that these Mandalorian deities above that in charge of propagation must be smiling at them.

But unfortunately not this one.

The hic of contractions were already came a couple of days ago, made her feel uncomfortable and grumpy, tossing and turning between doing her daily tasks as Mand'alore, taking care of her sweet children, and griping at Din. Which Din took like a champ, even in full adoration.

And then the pain started to push ahead since she woke up at today's dawn in a crescendo like a progressive tidal wave if a tidal wave has an aberration to take its sweet time in grinding through everything on its path. It was not going to stop but kept abiding with unique, harsher pain that she had never felt in her previous labors. It crashed right on her lower spine and legs, rendering her breathless and voiceless at some surges.

Din nodded in understanding, recalling the forewarning from the med droid-a prediction of a posterior baby, a birthing process that would test Bo's endurance like never before.

"Do you want something to ease the pain, Bo? I hate seeing you hurting like this," he offered gently while stroking her arms as if to ground her back from the haze of the latest contraction.

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