reflecting light

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Din's fingers gently traced the soft, delicate cheeks of their ginger newborn, as he marveled at the blue eyes staring back at him, curiosity shining in them. He couldn't help but wonder if those eyes would remain as they were or transform over time. The baby gurgled and wiggled in response to his father's touch, seeking the comfort of their warm skin contact.

Bo, ever captivated by Din's tender demeanor around their children, melted into a puddle of adoration as she watched Din interact with their little one. His knight, always gentle and loving. She cherished these moments of tenderness. And she was also intrigued by the baby's doe blue eyes. 

"You know, Din, some of my younger cousins had blue eyes like Kel's. And interestingly, about half of them eventually turned green, just like mine," she traced Kel's eyebrows gently, smoothening the babe's frown, "But who knows, maybe Kel will keep those beautiful blue eyes. Just like my sister Satine did."

A hint of sadness tinged Bo's voice whenever she mentioned her sister, but Din leaned in closer, providing a comforting presence.  He knew that Satine held a special place in Bo's heart, and her absence was still keenly felt.

"It could stay that way, Bo. Those blue eyes suit him. Either way, he is absolutely going to be your little clone."

Bo chuckled softly, feeling grateful that Kel seemed to have inherited her traits this time around.

"Well, I must admit, your genes had already their fair share of fun with Kaia and Aric. It's about time I have my own special shadow."

Their attention shifted as Kel grew fussy, a telltale sign that feeding time was approaching. Bo expertly positioned him for nursing, and they both marveled at how eagerly and ravenously he latched on.

"Looks like someone's got quite the appetite. Just like his siblings, always eager for a good meal."

Din's gaze shifted from their newborn to Bo, a tender smile on his lips, "Our little ravenous one. Grogu is going to have a competitor." This one definitely has a zest that reminded them of his oldest brother. 

She hummed. Reminding their first son always brought warm feelings to Bo. Such a special soul, with a very special attachment to her heart. And whenever she held each of her newborns the first time they came to this world, she couldn't help but whisper a small prayer in her mind that all their siblings inherit a bit of the wisdom and kindness that Grogu possesses. And she never failed to voice that to Din. 

Din nodded in agreement. His eyes filled with warmth and fondness, as always was whenever Bo mentioned Grogu in such an affectionate way. "They're lucky to have him as their big brother." 

Grogu might have his own particular connection with him, and he might be Din's kid first, but he couldn't deny there was an extraordinary, sacred bond between his first child and Bo. Their song could be entirely another book altogether that is mutually exclusive to only both of them,  as mother and son. Din gladly acknowledged that. 

And as Din's thoughts drifted back to Grogu, he wondered how their eldest son would react when he woke up the next morning to discover that his baby brother had been born. 

He had shown an increased possessiveness and attentiveness during Bo's recent pregnancy more than previous ones as if he were communicating with Kel on an unspoken level. Din couldn't help but speculate if there was a trace of Force sensitivity in Kel that pulled in Grogu's interest in a special way.

Bo sensed Din's pensive state, his gaze focused on the soft red tuft atop their baby's head. She reached out to touch his cheek gently with her free hand, offering a reassurance gesture, as she understood the weight of his silent musings.

"It's alright, Din. Whatever their paths may be, it'll be alright. We'll figure it out together. They're all our children, and we'll give them the best of everything, just as we always have," she reiterated. "Just as you had done for Grogu."

A smile spread across Din's face as he let go of his speculations about the future. For now, he was content to simply be with his love and their new baby.

As they sat together, content in each other's company, their thoughts turned to the practicalities of introducing Kaia and Aric to their new baby brother. They knew it would be a challenge to explain that Kel was not a toy or a plaything but a precious sibling to be cherished. Laughter filled the room as they brainstormed strategies, fully aware of the excitement and rambunctiousness of their five and four-year-olds, as well as Grogu's mischievous nature.

Amidst the laughter and giggles, as they envisioned the adventure ahead, Kel gurgled happily, seemingly unfazed by the lively discussion. He continued to nurse, blissfully unaware of the excitement that awaited him in the days and years to come. 

Nightly Holo Calls of Djarin-Kryze Clan: and other recorded snippetsWhere stories live. Discover now